06-09-2013, 09:22 PM
This weekend I had the opportunity to train with two of the firearms industry's best instructors, Wayne Dobbs and Darryl Bolke of Hardwired Tactical Shooting. I have taken a few classes over the last few years and found the information to be the most relevant and useful for real world encounters with bad guys intent on harming me or my family. These guys pack a lot of information and training into two days. Their focus is to deliver surgical hits within the first 2 seconds of a gunfight. As stated this weekend, the first person to deliver (quality) shots first usually wins. They also addressed the consequences of what happens if a poorly placed round hits an innocent bystander or an unintended target. They have given us some great drills to practice regularly to keep our skills sharp. I feel many of these drills can effectively be run using a SIRT gun, a laserlyte target, and a shot timer. I highly recommend training with these guys if you ever have an opportunity. I plan on taking their class at minimum once a year if possible.