View Full Version : Zimmerman video

06-09-2013, 10:19 PM

I don't think this will ever be allowed in court but clearly the defense is taking this trial to the court of public opinion..

06-10-2013, 06:44 AM
The defense (edit: Prosecution, not the defense) team is clearly making this a racial issue trial. They had Travon's mother and the defense lawyer on "The View" on Friday. The subject was, Travon was a such a nice boy and wouldn't hurt anyone. :rolleyes: Travon's mother spent 5 minutes on national tv telling everyone all the good stuff about Travon. They were being interviewed and were clearly trying to influence the outcome of the trial on National TV. I think it was in poor taste to have the View show just before the trial is starting. I think Zimmerman was "Sucker Punched" to get the broken nose and cut to the back of his head. If they had shown all the injuries on the day of the shooting there may not have ever been a trial.

06-10-2013, 08:45 AM
thanks for posting to my thread. I think this will be an interesting trial on several levels. Race relations being one.

06-10-2013, 08:44 PM
There is no way Zimmerman can get a fair trial with these kind of stories all over the net right when the jury is being selected.


Trayvon's Mom and Dad are going for the "gold" at the end of the Trial by suing for wrongful death.

06-10-2013, 10:19 PM
Honestly, I find this whole mess tough to follow. It's been messed up from the start. I just hope I don't flinch thinking of this mess if my time ever comes to pull the trigger.

06-11-2013, 06:56 AM
I just read that Crayon was suspended from school and going to see his father at the time of the altercation.
No one seems to be divulging what he was suspended for.
But I'm guessing it had nothing to do with Skittles.

Sounds like Crayon may have had skinned knuckles too.
Probably from working hard on his homework right?

The 911 call lasted 38 seconds before a single shot was fired.
A witness described it as Crayon straddling Zimmerman.
And striking him MMA style.

How many tax dollars are going to be spent attempting to convict an innocent man?

06-11-2013, 07:27 AM
Looks like another OJ Simpson trial coming up. There probably will be threats of riots, looting and burning buildings if Zimmerman is not convicted. :rolleyes:

06-11-2013, 09:26 AM
I fully expect that there will be riots, looting & burning and such. All I have to say to these animals is bring it on and be careful for what you wish for....you just might get it!
The man wasn't originally charged with anything, it was only later on that due to outside forces got involved and the police chief stepped down that they charged him. This was a clear case of self defense if there ever was one.
The only thing Zimmerman is guilty of is that he should have not followed the perp and just walked away early on in the conflict. One should never give up your vail of innocence, thus giving the bad guy a chance to discredit your actions.

06-11-2013, 11:11 AM
The only reason he was charged, was so the family could drag him through civil court. They can't do that unless charges are filed. Plus the DA has political ambitions. It's going to be a circus, that's for sure, and there will be rioting and looting, if he's acquitted. Jesse and Rev Al will make sure of that. If the kid would have just went home instead of confronting Z, none of this would have happened, but he had to try and be a bad ass gangsta, and now he's dead.

06-11-2013, 04:16 PM
Sorry, I don't get it
You start a thread with "video" in the title
Then there's a link, followed by this statement : "I don't think this will ever be allowed in court..."

So where is this video:confused:
Have you seen it?
How can we comment on it:o:behindsofa:
just askin'

06-11-2013, 07:48 PM
Sorry, I don't get it
You start a thread with "video" in the title
Then there's a link, followed by this statement : "I don't think this will ever be allowed in court..."

So where is this video:confused:
Have you seen it?
How can we comment on it:o:behindsofa:
just askin'

hmm did you read the article?

06-12-2013, 07:15 AM
The defense team is clearly making this a racial issue trial. They had Travon's mother and the defense lawyer on "The View" on Friday. The subject was, Travon was a such a nice boy and wouldn't hurt anyone. :rolleyes: Travon's mother spent 5 minutes on national tv telling everyone all the good stuff about Travon. They were being interviewed and were clearly trying to influence the outcome of the trial on National TV. I think it was in poor taste to have the View show just before the trial is starting. I think Zimmerman was "Sucker Punched" to get the broken nose and cut to the back of his head. If they had shown all the injuries on the day of the shooting there may not have ever been a trial.

I think that you meant to say that the prosecution is trying to make this a racial case. The defense's case is self defense. While the video may go to past conduct it has no direct bearing on the case in question which is why the judge ruled it out of evidence. The only gray area is whether or not Zimmerman initiated the the incident. If he broke off the pursuit and was subsequently attacked he'll be found not guilty. If it can be proven that he instigated the attack he'll probably be found guilty of manslaughter. At least that's my take.

06-12-2013, 07:51 AM
Well there were only Black supporters there. No Sharpton, no Jesse; I think they lost their appetite for this as they don't see a slam dunk!:target: