View Full Version : PM9 vs CM9

06-15-2013, 11:22 PM
Need your feedback. Considering buying a pm9 or cm9. I'm familiar with the differences ie barrel, fit and finish etc. In terms of aesthetics the pm is more appealing. Outside of cost and ability to shoot cast bullets through the conventional cm9 barrel, does the cm have any advantages over the pm? Is one more reliable than the other? I've read very positive reviews on the cm9.

06-16-2013, 12:49 AM

I will repeat one more time


semper vulgare. Just sayin

06-16-2013, 03:57 AM
Barney, I have a CM9. I also have several Glocks for which I have purchased after market barrels with conventional rifling, to shoot lead bullets. I much prefer the conventional rifling to the poly as I shoot a lot of lead reloads and I like the versatility to shoot any bullet type through my pistol.

If you never plan on shooting lead bullets, or only shooting a few from time to time, I don't think it would matter either way which gun you bought concerning the type of rifling in the barrel.

I am very happy with my CM9. Let us know which one you chose.

06-16-2013, 06:27 AM
You can get the same look by cercoating your slide and save some money ... buy the CM9. Of course, if you're obsessive like me ... you won't be happy until you actually do the cercoating.

06-16-2013, 08:28 AM
Any differences in reliability?

06-16-2013, 09:04 AM
Same basic gun, few feature differences, same reliability. If you have the money I would buy the PM9 only because some people are haunted by the fact they did not but the most expensive product in the lineup. If that is you, console yourself with the fact you got an extra mag, slightly different barrel, different sights and won't have to send your gun off for aftermarket coatings. Maybe the best option is to look for a used PM9 and you have laid out the same cash as a new CM9. Either way you can't go wrong. BMW M3 vs. BMW M5. Both will get the job done, and both will get you a lot of tickets.

06-16-2013, 09:39 AM
I had a PM9(till my wife got her carry permit)and replaced it with a CM9. PM9 is not worth the higher price to me. CM9 was not being made when I bought the PM9 or I would have bought it.

06-16-2013, 09:45 AM
Fwiw....I have shot many hundreds of cast bullets through my PM45s. No issues. Every few magazines just shoot one or two jacketed bullets to keep it spiffy inside the bore.

06-16-2013, 09:59 AM
I bought a used PM9 at new CM9 price when I wanted either and couldn't find a new one. It is my favorite gun. I am thinking of getting into hand loading to shoot IDPA and 3 gun. Does the poly barrel on a PM9 have problems with moly (black) bullets?

06-16-2013, 11:36 AM
There is another advantage to the CM9 - if you don't like it or get a lemon, you will lose less on resale since you paid less to start with.
I know that sounds dumb, but I had an MK-9 that had a PSL problem I could never cure, and I paid a lot for that gun with nite sights and all. Lost a ton of money on it. So when I could have bought a PM40 or CM40, I went with the CM. That way, I could not lost that much - paid $439 new for the gun, could probably sell for $250, so not so bad.

The other thing is, these are pocket guns. If you are going to carry on your belt, buy a Glock. They always work and have no drama.

I don't need fancy sights or anything else on a pocket gun. Just a gun that works. No laser, no nonsense. A pocket gun is a close in personal defense weapon. No shots at 50 yards, no +P .40 rounds. Nada. It is a belly gun, to be used when someone is standing right in front of you.

If you want something to take on 6 heavily armed opponents shooting AK47's, buy a Glock 19 with a 15 round mag. And learn to run like hell.

06-16-2013, 12:38 PM
For me, the biggest disadvantage the CM has is that the front sight does not have a dovetail cut like the PM. This really limits you if you like to have night sights.

06-16-2013, 01:05 PM
I recently bought the PM9. Price difference at the time was $190 but considering an additional magazine would cost $35 that narrows it..

For me, pride of ownership, I never sell a gun and didn't want to chance remorse of not buying the PM9 were factors. If money is tight go with the CM9 if not go with the PM9. Buy it and forget it, glad I went with the PM9 no regrets whatsoever, love it big time.

06-16-2013, 01:52 PM
I recently bought the PM9. Price difference at the time was $190 but considering an additional magazine would cost $35 that narrows it..

For me, pride of ownership, I never sell a gun and didn't want to chance remorse of not buying the PM9 were factors. If money is tight go with the CM9 if not go with the PM9. Buy it and forget it, glad I went with the PM9 no regrets whatsoever, love it big time.

I couldn't have said it any better myself.
The CM9 was not out at the time when I bought my PM9. If it had been...I would have still purchased the PM9. ;)
Also, I wanted an all black pistol with night sights, you don't have that option from Kahr with the CM9.
I also favor the dovetail FS of the PM9 over the CM9 setup.

06-16-2013, 02:38 PM
I recently bought the PM9. Price difference at the time was $190 but considering an additional magazine would cost $35 that narrows it..

For me, pride of ownership, I never sell a gun and didn't want to chance remorse of not buying the PM9 were factors. If money is tight go with the CM9 if not go with the PM9. Buy it and forget it, glad I went with the PM9 no regrets whatsoever, love it big time.

the night sight companies are getting on board really fast with nirte sights for kahr. XS now offers them. which IMO sw a big plus. Kahr offers one or two nite sights for the c series. A year or so back there was no nite sigthts for the c series. today one can find about any night site made..

if u want a dlc finished kahr is is not gonna be a c series YETS. I do predict down the road it will be offered just like the P series models are. If kahr gets enough pressure from owners they will offer it.... WHY NOT.?? The c series is a price point gun by kahr, so it is ot gonna come with some fo the P sereis bells and whistles or even offered YET.

06-16-2013, 03:10 PM
This is all great input! Any difference in length?

06-16-2013, 06:44 PM
This is all great input! Any difference in length?

Not really...

3.0" for the CM9
3.1" for the PM9

06-16-2013, 06:47 PM
Any differences in reliability?


06-16-2013, 07:02 PM
Any differences in reliability?

I suggest you read the various threads on the subject and make your own determination on that one.
Pay attention to how many of each fail and in what manner and how many have to be sent back to Kahr for repair.

06-16-2013, 07:10 PM
If you have the extra jingle in your pockets to buy the PM9 then by all means buy the PM9. If you do not the CM9 is also a very nice pistol. Having a PM9 with the factory Tru Dot night sites as my EDC for the last three and a half years without a single failure of any kind, I prefer the PM9. I like the Polygonal barrel as it's the easiest barrel to maintain buy far. The Diamond Black finish on the slide of the black model PM9 is outstanding. Even after three and half years of CC it still looks 99%. Black only comes on the PM9 not the CM9. These pictures were taken about three months ago. The pistol was not cleaned up for the picture, it was just taken out of the holster, when the pic was taken.



Jules Winnfield
06-16-2013, 09:39 PM
I shoot noticeably better with the PM9 than the CM9. I rented the CM9 at my local gun range of choice and shot respectably with it at SD distances. Shortly thereafter I purchased my PM9 and shot consistently in the 9 & 10 rings. I'm therefore inclined to believe that the polygonal rifling does indeed make a difference in accuracy.

Stock PM9 except for aftermarket Meprolight Tru Dots

First range outing with PM9

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

06-16-2013, 11:58 PM
The sights might make a difference. The rifling will not show a difference hand held at self defense distances.

06-17-2013, 05:44 AM
The dove tail sights on the front end are the difference aside from the barrel. I'm enjoying the CM and don't think the PM would have brought me anything more than extra wallet soreness.

06-17-2013, 05:55 AM
Good shootin' with your PM9. I doubt that the difference in the rifling had anything to do with your accuracy at normal SD distances but if you feel like the polygonal rifling helped you...that's all that counts.
The sights make a big difference.
Good choice on the PM9.

06-17-2013, 05:59 AM
IMO the barrel is more of a sales pitch more than anything else. I seriously doubt if one could ever notice any accuracy differenct. Probably more guns sold with standard rifling than Polygonal barrels. Either barrel in my PMJ9 and I would have cared less.

My view on the pinned sights like the c series kahrs over the dovetailed sights like on the P series is that at least it is a breeze for the owner to instal the front sight in the c sereis, where as normaly one needs a smitty or a good pusher to get that front sight out of the dovetailed slides. Kahrs sights are very tight in the first place. Each to his own, I realize that. It is less expensive for kahr to do the pinned sight than the dovetailed version but I don't see a weakness in the pinned sight..

06-17-2013, 06:18 AM
An old shooter once quoted me an old saying when talking about the price of firearms. At that time it was in regard to a Colt .45 ACP 1911 vs. an Ed Brown .45 ACP.

"If ya can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch"

IMO, this would apply to the CM vs. PM constant comparison. ;)

06-17-2013, 06:48 AM
There are also sayings like "Some guy's have small ______s and have to compensate where they can."

May not apply to you all but that big-dogs saying is horse ****.

06-17-2013, 08:16 AM
Jules .... Could have been the gun, but wast cuz of the rifling.

06-17-2013, 08:57 AM
There are also sayings like "Some guy's have small ______s and have to compensate where they can."

May not apply to you all but that big-dogs saying is horse ****.

Now you don't really believe that... :D

The CM9 is the "economy" version of the PM9.
I never went for the "economy" version of anything, you always get less or go without.
Ya get what ya pay for. ;)

06-17-2013, 09:03 AM
I hear that, but I'm a man with a limited budget that likes to do many things, including showing the big dogs up with my economically priced goods. I always felt an increased sense of pleasure out shooting, driving, riding, and so on with my good deals.

If the CM is what you can afford, go for it. It will protect you just as well as the PM. Maybe you dont get poly barrels and front dovetails but you get a SOLID ccw.

06-17-2013, 01:57 PM
Not really...

3.0" for the CM9
3.1" for the PM9

the cm and pm today are all 3.1"
bbl. their webb page still shows the old style PM9's even. I could be wrong on this to but Jay had told me sometime back that the barrels are all the same length except the rifling.

06-17-2013, 02:02 PM
the cm and pm today are all 3.1"
bbl. their webb page still shows the old style PM9's even. I could be wrong on this to but Jay had told me sometime back that the barrels are all the same length except the rifling.

I stand corrected! :D

I was using the info on the Kahr Arms web site. I guess it's outdated.

06-17-2013, 02:07 PM
way outdated. and IMO no excuse for that either. I would not want to look atthe PM9 they list on their site and not expect to get that exact gun either. Same way with therir spec info. not rocket science to correct and do it right. Just sayin

\was not really tryin to correct u either and if one looks at their webbsite it lists it the way u posted... I have wrote to kahr a long time ago about these out of date stuff on their site but it goes nadda.

06-18-2013, 11:09 PM
Thank you for all the feedback! I went with the PM9. I got it brand new at a really great price! I have another question. I took it apart, cleaned and lubed. I noticed that I can chamber a round racking the slide vs pressing the slide release, which is good, as I am a lefty. I noticed that after I chamber a round and eject it the shell casing is scratched - usually a vertical scratch. I don't see this with a glock or a sig. Is this peculiar to Kahr? I assume the tolerances are much tighter and the gun has never been shot, so this might be the reason. I don't think this is a problem, just seems very unusual.


06-19-2013, 05:36 AM
Thank you for all the feedback! I went with the PM9. I got it brand new at a really great price! I have another question. I took it apart, cleaned and lubed. I noticed that I can chamber a round racking the slide vs pressing the slide release, which is good, as I am a lefty. I noticed that after I chamber a round and eject it the shell casing is scratched - usually a vertical scratch. I don't see this with a glock or a sig. Is this peculiar to Kahr? I assume the tolerances are much tighter and the gun has never been shot, so this might be the reason. I don't think this is a problem, just seems very unusual.


Good choice on the PM9.
You will enjoy your pistol.
Are you able to post a photo of the scratch on the casing?

06-19-2013, 06:15 AM
Thank you for all the feedback! I went with the PM9. I got it brand new at a really great price! I have another question. I took it apart, cleaned and lubed. I noticed that I can chamber a round racking the slide vs pressing the slide release, which is good, as I am a lefty. I noticed that after I chamber a round and eject it the shell casing is scratched - usually a vertical scratch. I don't see this with a glock or a sig. Is this peculiar to Kahr? I assume the tolerances are much tighter and the gun has never been shot, so this might be the reason. I don't think this is a problem, just seems very unusual.


probably sumpin wrong with the glock or sig,they need to go back to the maker. Just shoot the fokker and enjoy the gun. all guns are not all alike, Just sayin

06-19-2013, 02:22 PM
see attached photo


06-22-2013, 07:50 AM
see attached photo


I have seen this pic. in another thread (somewhere), the response that i remember was to look at the magazine and check for burrs where the casing slides out. first place to look at least imho.

06-23-2013, 03:12 PM
it is caused by the sharp mag lips.