View Full Version : P380 for Wife?

06-17-2013, 07:09 PM
Wife currently has a Sig P238 which she likes very much. However, it also has a 1911-style thumb safety which she worries she won't remember or be able to swipe off under stress.
She tried my CM9's trigger and likes it a lot. I told her about the P380 and she likes the idea of a .380 that doesn't need an external safety.
However, I've read some of the P380 problems and have to ask can I count on a P380 to be reliable once past the break-in period? :confused:

06-17-2013, 07:49 PM
I'd have her rack the slide a few times before picking the P380. My wife likes the gun, but has a lot of difficulty with the slide.

I don't think that reliability will be a issue.

06-17-2013, 07:53 PM
I'd have her rack the slide a few times before picking the P380. My wife likes the gun, but has a lot of difficulty with the slide.
I don't think that reliability will be a issue.

We went w/the P238 in the first place 'cause she could no longer rack the slide on her 9mm (kidney cancer, now in full remission).
She has no problems w/the P238's slide and racking the slide on a P380 would be a 'must-do' test before actually buying.
Haven't tried it myself but is it really that difficult? Thx...

06-17-2013, 08:18 PM
There's not much to hang onto and it is stiff. Like them all it would get better and better and there's different strategies she could use to make it work.

Personally I'd step up to the 9, PM or CM, they are stiff too and would require a trial to make sure it's a good fit.

Closer to real bullets and slightly more margin for error.

The 380 will work, a member here knows that for certain but things have to be going well for you or her.

06-18-2013, 07:32 AM
We went w/the P238 in the first place 'cause she could no longer rack the slide on her 9mm (kidney cancer, now in full remission).
She has no problems w/the P238's slide and racking the slide on a P380 would be a 'must-do' test before actually buying.
Haven't tried it myself but is it really that difficult? Thx...

she won't be abletorack trhe side on the P380. ain't gonna happen. definitely a MUST TEST before buying. Not a fan of the P238 but it is a single action, she will shoot it better also and she has to build some confidence witht he safety part. If a woman/man cannot with ease rack the slide on any semi,then IMO that gun is not for them. Its not a disgrace either. IMO kahrs are the tightest and hardest semi's of any semi I have ever owned...

06-18-2013, 08:06 AM
I am well versed with and have shot both the Sig 238 as well as the P380. All the previous comments are valid. I do believe that your wife will shoot the Sig better due to the single action, longer sight radius and the fine sights. They are both fine firearms, just make sure she can handle the necessary manual of arms necessary to operate the pistol before jumpng ship.
Yes you can and may run into a few minor feeding problems with the P380, but nothing that a proper break in and magazine follower modification won't fix. Good luck on your quest.

06-18-2013, 11:26 AM
There seems to be a greater spring resistance on the pocket pistols compared to the larger guns. My wife cannot rack the slide on my P380 or my Kel-Tec P3AT...

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06-18-2013, 01:04 PM
ANDi ALSO THINK SIZE HAS ALOT TO TO DO with it also. just not much to get a good hold on either. when the ruger lcp first came out it came with a 9#recoil spring set up, since then Ithink they have upped it some to get better return to battery. KT's were also in that rang ealso and then wolffs came out with the 12 and 13# springs for the KT's and many liked up alot so many even put them in the Ruger lcp as it was a copy anyhow. But goin from 9# to 13# may not seem like much to us men but to a woman it can be a deal breaker.:Amflag2: just sayin

06-19-2013, 04:38 AM
Tried it last night and she was able (just barely) to work the slide on the P380 so we picked it up for her and a CW9 for myself. A little cleaning/prep work and it's off to the range!

06-19-2013, 02:25 PM
I think you made a good choice. My wife loves to shoot my P380 but I can't convince her to get her CHL. I think your wife will like it a lot.

06-19-2013, 03:14 PM
Tried it last night and she was able (just barely) to work the slide on the P380 so we picked it up for her and a CW9 for myself. A little cleaning/prep work and it's off to the range!

Out of the box, my P380 (S/N RD02##) was very stiff and difficult to rack the slide. A couple of hundred rounds later, it is very smooth and racking the slide is quite easy. Probably a combination of the recoil springs settling in and the slide runners smoothing out.

Just my experience, YMMV.