View Full Version : PM9 Front Pocket Carry

04-20-2010, 07:01 PM
If you carry your PM9 in the front pocket, would you mind telling me what holster you use? I'm trying to find one that will conceal very well. Additionally, if you could provide a picture, that'd be great too.

04-20-2010, 07:15 PM
This is what I use for my PM9, it's an Uncle Mike's #3. About $12.:smash:

04-20-2010, 07:19 PM
Uncle Mikes or Don Hume leather pocket holster. Both work great.

04-20-2010, 07:29 PM
Galco Pocket Protector. $24.95

04-20-2010, 07:37 PM
Go leather for sure. I've had a lot of holsters over the years and I can positively say it's well worth it to buy a quality hand crafted leather holster over something mass produced like the Galco's. I do have some Galco products but my Tucker, Milt Sparks, Meco, Huml stuff it MUCH better quality.

04-23-2010, 03:26 PM
This is what I use for my PM9, it's an Uncle Mike's #3. About $12.:smash:

kAHRSEYE is there a reason you went with the #3 instead of the #4?

Uncle Mikes site says #4.

Im going to get one and was wondering.

04-23-2010, 03:29 PM
If you carry your PM9 in the front pocket, would you mind telling me what holster you use? I'm trying to find one that will conceal very well. Additionally, if you could provide a picture, that'd be great too.

is what I have use dthe past 3 years. Have a few of the good leather ones also,but Ijust keep grabbing the desantic. Rides better, conforms better and much faster than any leather pocket holster I ever own, and oh yes about 5X lowe rin price.

Covers the entire trigger area which I like also. Not a fast draw rig and being in my front jeans pocket even slows it down more but I can carry it 24/7 and that is what is important. BG doesn't know I am carrying and neither does anyone elsel.

As u can see every one has their preference..:7:

04-24-2010, 08:51 AM
Ry, I thought that bulge was the gummy bears. And why do hate the gummy worms? They work ok I thought.

04-24-2010, 09:45 AM
kAHRSEYE is there a reason you went with the #3 instead of the #4?

Uncle Mikes site says #4.

Im going to get one and was wondering.

It just seemed to fit fine so I bought the #3. I think anything larger would be too big.

04-24-2010, 10:46 AM
PM45 and CW9 here. I use an Uncle Mike's # 4 or a suede pocket holster of unknown origin for both in front pants or inside jacket pockets.

04-28-2010, 02:50 PM
We make Pocket Rigs with and without a spare magazine pouch and now offer both models for Crimson Trace "equipped" PM 9/40 as well.

05-02-2010, 06:03 AM
Mine is in a FIST K5 w/ultrasuede 90% of the time.

05-05-2010, 03:42 PM
My CW9 with CT Laserguard fits a Desantis Gunhide E2 perfect. It will also fit an Uncle Mikes #4, but a little loose. I use the #4 for my Glock 27, perfect fit.

05-05-2010, 08:23 PM
I had been using a Desantis SuperFly which works well enough, but is quite bulky. I also have the Uncle Mike's #3 which is "ok", but sometimes does not stay in pocket depending on the pants and pocket material. Also I don't really care for it's flexibility.

I just today received a newly ordered Aholster kydex pocket holster, and I like it. The PM9 fits in it firmly but can be drawn easily without pulling the holster out due to hook and point at bottom and top. What I find most notable is getting a full combat grip because the underside of the trigger-guard is open and unimpeded. It also mostly covers/protects the mag release which is exposed to bumping for a lefty like me.

Obviously this is still a very new holster for me so only time will tell, but it seems quite functional and I plan to take it with me to Vermont camping this summer.


05-05-2010, 09:29 PM
I pocket carry mine everyday with the 6round mag in a Desantis Nemesis (paid $24 at the lgs), but I do like that Stellar Rigs holster with the extra mag carrier. Might have to try that one next.

05-06-2010, 06:22 AM
Blackhawk #4 pocket holster works great with the PM9 and will easily work with the Pm9 and a LG437 laser attached.

05-06-2010, 09:26 AM
Mine is in a FIST K5 w/ultrasuede 90% of the time.

Mine is only kydex.

05-13-2010, 01:31 PM
If you carry your PM9 in the front pocket, would you mind telling me what holster you use? I'm trying to find one that will conceal very well. Additionally, if you could provide a picture, that'd be great too.

I have tried four different pocket holsters for my PM9 and none of them have been satisfactory to me.

The four are a Galco PH460 Horsehide holster, an Uncle Mike's Sidekick #3, a DeSantis Nemesis, and a Kahr ambidextrous pocket holster. All four protect the trigger, hold the gun upright, and seem fairly durable. But when I draw the gun from my pocket none of the four stay in the pocket. This is true with at least two types of pants and shorts that I wear the most. The Galco will stay in the pocket if I can hook the holster on the bottom edge of the pocket as I draw the gun; catching the hook on the pocket is a hit-or-miss thing.

This tendency of these holsters to come out with the gun is IMO a very big deal, because it makes drawing the gun from a pocket with these holsters a two-hand task. In a defensive situation we may only have one hand available to draw the gun. The other hand may be disabled, fending off an attack, holding a flashlight, herding a loved one, etc.

Interestingly, my S&W 642 and 649 j-frame revolvers draw just fine from these same pockets when carried in a DeSantis Nemesis or in an out-of-production Bianchi synthetic pocket holster. These holsters with those guns always remain in the pocket when I draw the gun.

I originally bought the PM9 almost five years ago as a higher-capacity replacement for the 5-shot j-frame gun. The j-frame for me is a backup to my IWB-carried Glock 34. Thus far, because of the holster issue, the j-frame is still my pocket gun.

05-13-2010, 02:01 PM
not to sure any front pocket holster is going to be a fast draw type rig. It is their to protect the gun from AD, by covering the trigger area. to try to draw out of jeans, I just dont think any holster will make u happy . I have tried them all (darn near) from leather to what ever and I still end up with my Desantis. It certainly is not a fast draw holster and I accept that for the safety it gives me and the total ease of concealability. waist band would be the best for sure but I just don't want to dress to carry waist band. If speed is what yopur looking for then more than likely pocket carry is not the answer. I guess I don't feel that is a total detorant over mayb enot carrying at all. Alot also depends on how tight my jeans are to in ease of getting it in and out...

05-23-2010, 10:51 AM
I have used a Mika pocket holster for years with a snubbie. I love it...I have just started using it for the PM9, same holster, works great.
I disagree on pocket carry not being a fast presentation, It is much faster than IWB for me....you can casually have your hand on the gun, if you perceive something that makes you nervous, and no one thinks anything about it. If you do that with IWB it screams gun to everyone. I think pocket carry has a distinct advantage.

05-23-2010, 11:23 AM
I have used a Mika pocket holster for years with a snubbie. I love it...I have just started using it for the PM9, same holster, works great.
I disagree on pocket carry not being a fast presentation, It is much faster than IWB for me....you can casually have your hand on the gun, if you perceive something that makes you nervous, and no one thinks anything about it. If you do that with IWB it screams gun to everyone. I think pocket carry has a distinct advantage.

I hadn't considered that theory, the casual hand on the gun deal but it definitely sounds viable for sure. Pocket carry doens't work for me since sitting and lying down are my only modes but for vertical types it would work. Same as a gun in a coat pocket, can be in your hand and aimed at whatever is making you nervous and they never know.
I apply pretty much the same thinking to my ankle rig. I figure I'll go into the fetal please don't hurt me I'm just a derelict mode which puts the ankle rig in easy reach. With just about any pants other than jeans or unmodigied sweath pants it's pretty quick to access and no longer be a frightened little derelict but a large sheep dog on wheels with big teeth. SURPRISE BAD GUY!

05-23-2010, 11:56 AM
That's why I carry IWB behind my billfold, and multi-tool the reach looks like I'm going to hand money over then guess what it's not.

05-23-2010, 02:22 PM
I have tried four different pocket holsters for my PM9 and none of them have been satisfactory to me.

The four are a Galco PH460 Horsehide holster, an Uncle Mike's Sidekick #3, a DeSantis Nemesis, and a Kahr ambidextrous pocket holster. All four protect the trigger, hold the gun upright, and seem fairly durable. But when I draw the gun from my pocket none of the four stay in the pocket. This is true with at least two types of pants and shorts that I wear the most. The Galco will stay in the pocket if I can hook the holster on the bottom edge of the pocket as I draw the gun; catching the hook on the pocket is a hit-or-miss thing.

This tendency of these holsters to come out with the gun is IMO a very big deal, because it makes drawing the gun from a pocket with these holsters a two-hand task. In a defensive situation we may only have one hand available to draw the gun. The other hand may be disabled, fending off an attack, holding a flashlight, herding a loved one, etc.

Interestingly, my S&W 642 and 649 j-frame revolvers draw just fine from these same pockets when carried in a DeSantis Nemesis or in an out-of-production Bianchi synthetic pocket holster. These holsters with those guns always remain in the pocket when I draw the gun.

I originally bought the PM9 almost five years ago as a higher-capacity replacement for the 5-shot j-frame gun. The j-frame for me is a backup to my IWB-carried Glock 34. Thus far, because of the holster issue, the j-frame is still my pocket gun.

I don't think my Uncle Mike's #4 has ever come out with my CW9 or PM45. However, for an inside jacket pocket, I have a leather holster I got sometime ago. It's really suppose to work like a paddle holster, but instead of a paddle, it has a stiff leather fold over strap with a magnet at the bottom. there is a corresponding magnet at the bottom edge of the holster, and when the two come together, this thing ain't moving. Being a right handed paddle design, it works perfectly as a cross draw inside pocket holster, and holds the pistol up where you can grab it.

05-23-2010, 04:14 PM
I have used a Mika pocket holster for years with a snubbie. I love it...I have just started using it for the PM9, same holster, works great.
I disagree on pocket carry not being a fast presentation, It is much faster than IWB for me....you can casually have your hand on the gun, if you perceive something that makes you nervous, and no one thinks anything about it. If you do that with IWB it screams gun to everyone. I think pocket carry has a distinct advantage.

scenario, u are definitely right. NO hand in the pocket it is slower by far. I have pocket carried for 48 years and it doesn't get any faster either with my J frame or my PM9.

but the element of surprise I feel is on my side. I feel if a BG knows your carrying, then the element of surprise is now on his side. And again we can IMO get overly paranoid about all of this to.

Carry what ever u can carry MOST OF THE TIME, otherwise one trip out the door without your defense weapon, could be ur last. I guess thats why all these years I have chosen pocket carry because I just won't dress to carry and pocket carry although maybe slower at times is still better than the gun sitting on the vanity while one goes to wal mart for something..

and as wehave all read so many times, everyone has their own method of how they carry, and to me it doesn't matter if you carry it stuck up ur a-s,JUST MAKE SURE YOUR CARRYING!!!

07-11-2010, 05:46 PM
FIST pocket kydex. Perfect.

07-13-2011, 12:00 AM
First time poster but I believe I can offer some insight. I have pocket carried exclusively for the past two years and have a great system. I use a desantis sof tuck. I cant the clip all the way back and clip it outside my pants pocket. This cant forces the grip forward concealing it under my t-shirt and offers great comfort and retention. It also provides a very fast draw. This system works great for any un tucked shirt. If you need to tuck for some reason, just shove the whole holster in your pocket. I've definitely found a good belt helps any kind of carry and I use a wilderness tactical five stitch.:D

07-13-2011, 01:51 AM
Most of the time I use a Blackhawk #3 when I pocket carry.The gun draws easily and the holster stays put.

07-13-2011, 03:00 AM
Uncle Mikes #3 is what I use with my PM9.

The Uncle Mikes and the Blackhawk brand look almost identical (I wonder if they are made by the same factory?)

I just ordered a Blackhawk #4 to use with the PM9 and a laser, even though the Uncle Mikes #3 would probably work as well with the laser, I decided to try the Blackhawk brand.

Occasioanlly my holster will come out with the gun, so I just swipe it quickly off the gun as I bring the gun up to eye level. Still very fast.

07-13-2011, 07:05 AM
If you carry your PM9 in the front pocket, would you mind telling me what holster you use? I'm trying to find one that will conceal very well. Additionally, if you could provide a picture, that'd be great too.

I can verify that the Blackhawk #4 pocket holster (looks similar to Uncle Mikes #4) will fit a Kahr PM-9 with or without the LaserGuard LG-437 from Crimmson Trace. No modifications required. Perfect snug fit. Price: $10 - $12.

07-13-2011, 07:31 AM
Blackhawk #3 I think it is.

07-13-2011, 09:23 AM
I hadn't considered that theory, the casual hand on the gun deal but it definitely sounds viable for sure. Pocket carry doens't work for me since sitting and lying down are my only modes but for vertical types it would work. Same as a gun in a coat pocket, can be in your hand and aimed at whatever is making you nervous and they never know.

I apply pretty much the same thinking to my ankle rig. I figure I'll go into the fetal please don't hurt me I'm just a derelict mode which puts the ankle rig in easy reach. With just about any pants other than jeans or unmodigied sweath pants it's pretty quick to access and no longer be a frightened little derelict but a large sheep dog on wheels with big teeth. SURPRISE BAD GUY!


Everyone has your problem when they are seated and buckled up in a car. Try getting a gun out of your pocket then! I still walk some, but use the electric scooter in the grocery store. But I found a solution for when I'm seated. I went to a huge indoors, air conditioned flea market along I-85 north of Atlanta a few years ago, and I found a nice quality, perfectly sized nylon fanny pack for just $3! It has four zippered pockets, a cell phone pocket with Velcro flap to the right of the main body, and an adjustable nylon belt. Out front is a thin little zippered compartment that is perfect for my change purse. The first full size compartment is just thick enough for my wallet. Behind that is a thicker compartment that fits my CM9 perfectly. Finally, there is a wide, flat compartment hidden next to the belt line for large, flat items such as money or checks. With the cell phone pocket to the right, the main body rides a little to the left, positioning it ideally for my left hand draw. The zippers are very high quality and very smooth operating. It is all black in color. It is the best $3 investment I ever made! Packs of this quality start around $20 and go up from there. Talk about accessible and discreet carry, even when buckled in the car? This is it! I'll have to get some pictures made of it.

This pack is SO convenient! You can have your wallet, change purse, check book, a pen, a comb, your cell phone, AND your gun right there in your lap! Shop around and see what you can find. Look at flea markets or dollar stores. The perfect fanny pack will be in the last place you look!

07-13-2011, 10:39 AM
For my CM9, I bought an MD-1 Holster from here: http://stickyholsters.com/

07-13-2011, 10:58 AM
For my CM9, I bought an MD-1 Holster from here: http://stickyholsters.com/

Yeah, that looks just like the Remora (http://www.remoraholsters.net/main.sc) holster.

07-14-2011, 03:32 PM
I also use the Uncle Mike's #3. I think the #4 was to large. In order to draw the CM9 I have to grip the pistol and flick the #3 off the Kahr, it works great! I have a 9-mm pistol in my pocket that is just a slightly bigger lump than my P32. Plus with the Kahr trigger I can hit targets from 10 to 60 feet.

-- Richard

07-14-2011, 04:46 PM
#3 works for me. certainly not a fast draw area but my PM9 is with me 24/7, so it is a hell of alot faster than trying to get to my glove box or home to the vanity drawer to grab my K9. I think the key to carrying a PM9 in a desantis in the front pocket is to be aware of the situation and if in doubt insert hand in pocket where gun is at and just be ready. situational awareness is #1.

I just put 150 flawless rounds through my POS PM9 today, a disgusting gun to say the least. Damn thing just goes bang every time, Now if I could only hit what I am aiming at, I might decide to keep this POS

07-14-2011, 07:11 PM
Well since I have not ordered a quality leather or kydex holster for my fairly recently aquired PM9 I bought the Uncle Mike's #4 because it was cheap for right away use and I had read on several forums it was the fit for the PM9.
Even in semi tight jeans the pistol can be drawn without the holster coming out.
But I still would prefer a purposely built quality leather or kydex holster for it.

07-14-2011, 08:05 PM
I have a Nemesis and a Blackhawk #4 for my PM9. Both work pretty well. I also just picked up a Remora but haven't used it yet.
I'm thinking of ordering a Hedley pocket holster. I have Hedley holsters for other guns and they are as good as it gets in terms of leather pocket holsters.
Unfortunately R.J. Hedley is no longer with us but he passed on his skills to his daughter who continues the business.


07-15-2011, 02:38 AM
The Uncle Mikes #3 for my PM9 before I installed the C.T. Laser. Now I use the #4 because with the laser the #3 was just a tad too tight.

07-15-2011, 12:42 PM
When I wear shorts or pants and know I will be sitting for any length of time I wear a shirt out and carry in a pancake holster. This works well for the CW9 or CM9. The CM9's shorter grip hides well in a pancake holster. I like to carry in front of the hip, left side! Lefty's have an advantage in a car. Our strong side is not hindered by the seat belt!

-- richard :cool:

07-15-2011, 01:00 PM
Nice to have an advantage in SOMETHING! :cool: You can also have your gun easily accessible in your door pocket. It's a little more awkward addressing a threat to your left, though, when buckled in the car. You might have to go ambidextrous and press that weak hand into service.

Don't you hate it, though, when holster sellers act like you don't exist?

07-15-2011, 07:29 PM
Yes I have wanted to buy certain holsters only to find they don't have the model in a left version. That should not be a surprise because left handed people either learn to operate ambidextrous or do without. It doesn't seem to be a big a problem as it use to be.

-- Richard

07-31-2011, 07:05 AM
Uncle Mike's #3 for me too.

07-31-2011, 11:02 AM
My MK40 is nearly identical size to a PM9.
I prefer my DeSantis Super Fly.
The additional flap can move back a little to cover the rear night sights.
And think it eliminates printing.

A less expensive rout is a Nemesis.
Interestingly, I prefer the Nemesis for my S&W 342 ti 38?!?.
Seems like it's easier to access and draw the little revolver
with it's Eagle Secret Service grips.

Selection of holsters, much like the guns we slip in them,
tends to be a very personal choice.

07-31-2011, 05:56 PM
I have been using cheap, cheap nylon w/PM40. Works. Have to replace every 9 to 12 months, seems to get soft and holster comes out with piece in draw.

07-31-2011, 06:37 PM
For pocket carry I use a DeSantis Nemisis. I always carry my spare mag in my support side pocket. It doesn't make sense to have it in the same pocket as the pistol. If you ever need it then you need to switch the pistol to your other hand to get it out. Too much switching things around costs you time and maybe your life.

07-31-2011, 07:10 PM
For pocket carry I use a DeSantis Nemisis. I always carry my spare mag in my support side pocket. It doesn't make sense to have it in the same pocket as the pistol. If you ever need it then you need to switch the pistol to your other hand to get it out. Too much switching things around costs you time and maybe your life.

+1 on that.
I carry two extended mags, in DeSantis Mag Packers, in a cargo pocket on the other leg.
The packer keeps the mag in perfect position to draw and reload.

les strat
07-31-2011, 07:17 PM
kAHRSEYE is there a reason you went with the #3 instead of the #4?

Uncle Mikes site says #4.

Im going to get one and was wondering.

The #3 UM or Blackhawk (same thing basically), will fit fine. They are tight at first but loosen up fast. With a CT on, I'd probably get a #4 as my #3 is just a little tighter than I'd like.

As for the "go leather" comment above, leather holds moisture, but the BH's and UM's repel moisture. A good thing when you live down south where I live.

Dirt doc
07-31-2011, 07:25 PM
I have both a #3 and a #4 Uncle Mike's. The #3 works better. My Pm9 slides around too muck in the #4.

08-03-2011, 03:05 PM
For the PM9 W/CT Nemesis or Superfly? And if so, why?

09-04-2011, 10:53 AM
Just an interesting note to this thread. I use an Uncle Mikes #3 with a PM9/MK9 front pocket. As others have mentioned there is a tendency for the holster to come out with the handgun.

The issue seems to be that the trigger guard sits very deep into the holster, and a bit snug. I mashed approx. 3/8" inch of lint free rag/paper/cotton jammed into the bottom of the #3. This allows just enough more grab on the grip, and just enough less penetration of the trigger guard, that the gun easily draws without friction, leaving the holster in the pocket every time. Very fast, easy, clean draw.

I like this much better than the larger #4, or the #1 which does not give you a full trigger cover. Also, since my PM9 is a Black Rose, it still cover almost the entire slide ... protecting the mirror finish that I paid a fortune for is very important to me!! :D

09-04-2011, 11:13 AM
Just an interesting note to this thread. I use an Uncle Mikes #3 with a PM9/MK9 front pocket. As others have mentioned there is a tendency for the holster to come out with the handgun.

The issue seems to be that the trigger guard sits very deep into the holster, and a bit snug. I mashed approx. 3/8" inch of lint free rag/paper/cotton jammed into the bottom of the #3. This allows just enough more grab on the grip, and just enough less penetration of the trigger guard, that the gun easily draws without friction, leaving the holster in the pocket every time. Very fast, easy, clean draw.

I like this much better than the larger #4, or the #1 which does not give you a full trigger cover. Also, since my PM9 is a Black Rose, it still cover almost the entire slide ... protecting the mirror finish that I paid a fortune for is very important to me!! :D

Since this thread started almost a year and a half ago. I have a completely different collection of guns now. I said then that I used an Uncle Mikes #4 for a CW9 and PM45. I now use the same holster for a PM9 and LCP.

09-04-2011, 11:41 AM
PM45, PM9... both in front pocket (not at the same time).

No holster. Don't do that with a Glock!

Dunno bout everybody else, but in Wrangler jeans, they seem to want to sit butt toward the opening of the pocket, muzzle outward/downward pointing - which suits me just fine. Don't do that unless you plan on cleaning your pistol often, and at least before you shoot it at the range. Pocket debris does get into things... lint, fuzz, grit... gotta get that outta the works to keep the pistol functioning well. A rather dry pistol also helps, you're carrying not shooting, so dryer is ok. It holds/attracts less pocket queeb so just makes sense.

09-04-2011, 12:11 PM
PM45, PM9... both in front pocket (not at the same time).

No holster. Don't do that with a Glock!

Dunno bout everybody else, but in Wrangler jeans, they seem to want to sit butt toward the opening of the pocket, muzzle outward/downward pointing - which suits me just fine. Don't do that unless you plan on cleaning your pistol often, and at least before you shoot it at the range. Pocket debris does get into things... lint, fuzz, grit... gotta get that outta the works to keep the pistol functioning well. A rather dry pistol also helps, you're carrying not shooting, so dryer is ok. It holds/attracts less pocket queeb so just makes sense.

You're right. :) I find that the pistol stays oriented properly. And when I am seated, my CM9 sits on top of my thigh and doesn't want to fall down to the side of my skinny leg. (I used to have a .25 pocket pistol that would fall down there, even in a Desantis Nemesis holster. Not good.) Plus, without the added bulk of a holster, the printing is much less.

09-05-2011, 07:25 AM
Another vote for the Galco Pocket Protector...I cut that metal crap off the top though.

09-05-2011, 07:56 AM
I carry my Kahr PM9 in a Desantis Nemesis pocket holster. Works fine for me.

Matthew L.
09-26-2011, 08:38 AM
I pocket both my PM9 and P380 in a Desantis Super Fly and they work great.

09-26-2011, 08:46 AM
CM9 in aholster kydex pocket for everything but thin dress pants. It moves around in thin pants.

Remora 2A ART (from my Keltek P32 with CT) fits perfectly for dress pants pocket or IWB appendix carry.

I like something that I can grab, pocket and GO!

Carried my G26 like this but had to carry a brick in my other front pocket for balance!

Good forum!!!

09-26-2011, 12:24 PM
FWIW, I have a Blackhawk #3 for my Ruger SP101, and recently bought the Remora "3-in-1" 4L series (ankle, IWB, pocket) for my PM9. Really wanted the Remora to work, but it looks like it's time to send it back. Here's why:

1. Ankle option beats up the bone in my shin & ankle, regardless of the way I strap it. Seems they've skimped too much on padding for the pocket option and left out some necessary straps for additional ankle support.
2. IWB option is "okay" but doesn't hold up to the reviews about comfort level. Honestly, unless I carry behind the small of my back, carrying IWB makes my waist line too tight for my current wardrobe using ANY brand. Okay, so my waist line may be part to blame!
3. Pocket option of the Remora seems too bulky, though the sticky material definitely keeps it in the pocket during a draw. Perhaps the better of the 3 options.

I may try the Blackhawk #3 for the PM9 to see how it fits and feels. Sounds like several of you like that option.

In the meantime, I'd still like to find a good, comfortable ankle system that will not slide around, up or down, and carve out a PM9-shaped cavity in my bone! Suggestions welcome, but I'm on a tight budget....

09-26-2011, 12:53 PM
My PM9 rides either in a Desantis or a Hidden Holster depending on wardrobe.

09-27-2011, 05:00 PM
I bought two new sub-compacts and had to go looking for new holsters.
In the past I have bought expensive holsters and not liked them.
So I decided to start cheap and work up instead of starting expensive.

I have a new KAHR PM9 and a new GLOCK 26.
I bought the Desantis Nemisis for the KAHR and it was just OK – it would come out with the pistol unless I hooked it on the corner of my pocket. Just not sticky enough to stay put. I was unable to thumb it off in the pocket. Plus when I walked it flopped with every stride, even worse in a cargo pocket.
Next – I decided to try the Smart Carry. I liked it – a lot. It fit BOTH pistols, so no need for two holsters and more money, didn’t need a high priced belt (even though I own one), I didn’t have the IWB feeling of like I have a gun stuck to my side. It felt can I say, centrally located! Zippo printing and very fast to deploy.
It’s quality made in the USA by an ex marine named Charlie.
http://www.smartcarry.com/products.html (http://www.smartcarry.com/products.html)
He has two models – standard and a bigger model to carry more stuff.

I was going to next get the Silent Thunder for each pistol – now, I’m going to wait. If any probs come up I will let you know. I had one and Charlie is easy to get to. The male Velcro was attaching to my shirt. No probs – he sent me female velco to cover it.

09-27-2011, 06:57 PM
I bought two new sub-compacts and had to go looking for new holsters.
In the past I have bought expensive holsters and not liked them.
So I decided to start cheap and work up instead of starting expensive.

I have a new KAHR PM9 and a new GLOCK 26.
I bought the Desantis Nemisis for the KAHR and it was just OK – it would come out with the pistol unless I hooked it on the corner of my pocket. Just not sticky enough to stay put. I was unable to thumb it off in the pocket. Plus when I walked it flopped with every stride, even worse in a cargo pocket.
Next – I decided to try the Smart Carry. I liked it – a lot. It fit BOTH pistols, so no need for two holsters and more money, didn’t need a high priced belt (even though I own one), I didn’t have the IWB feeling of like I have a gun stuck to my side. It felt can I say, centrally located! Zippo printing and very fast to deploy.
It’s quality made in the USA by an ex marine named Charlie.
http://www.smartcarry.com/products.html (http://www.smartcarry.com/products.html)
He has two models – standard and a bigger model to carry more stuff.

I was going to next get the Silent Thunder for each pistol – now, I’m going to wait. If any probs come up I will let you know. I had one and Charlie is easy to get to. The male Velcro was attaching to my shirt. No probs – he sent me female velco to cover it.

I have a Smartcarry, medium size with a mag pouch. Got it for a CW9 I used to own, so my CM9 should fit OK. I bought it when I was thinner. I have been dieting for 6 months, lost 20 lbs, but my waist is still 43" and my Smartcarry maxes out at about 40". :(

A great holster, though. I am still wanting to thin down and get back to wearing it. I wear jeans all the time. So, I'm thinking that, once I lose some more weight, I can wear my loose jeans without a belt but with suspenders. This would make quick access with the Smartcarry effortless. Maybe I can figure out a way to extend the Velcro belt. :o

11-11-2011, 08:45 AM
One of my all time favorite movie lines was when Mae West said, " Say tall dark and handsome, is that a gun you're carrying in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me? :)

11-11-2011, 11:34 AM
Drawing from pocket carry is a learned art. Pocket holsters really need to have a "hook" preferably on the leading edge and trailing edgeof the holster. There should also be a place where your thumb can push off the holster to start the draw. When drawing, your hand motion needs to drop the gun downward so the hook catches on the bottom edge of the pocket thus keeping the holster in your pocket but allowing the gun to be presented. ex. below
http://kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?t=9258 (http://kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?t=9258)


11-11-2011, 11:39 AM
I just came across this one and it looks interesting.

Called the "Recluse" and calling itself "The Perfect Pocket Holster". See it at http://www.recluseholster.com/.

11-11-2011, 11:50 AM
I used a pocket holster from Tennessee Holster Company. This small company is run (and run well) by a husband a wife team. I've bought belts and holsters from them and all of them are superb in function and reliability.

here's a link to the holster I'm talking about: http://shop.tennesseeholstercompany.com/Gun-Holsters_c5.htm

here's a link to some photos of my PM9 in the holster: http://photobucket.com/PM9Pocket


11-11-2011, 04:27 PM
I bought the Nemisis and tried it in my cargo pocket - it's just too heavy and flops around with every stride. I tried it in my front pocket and it's just OK.
Then I bought the Smart Carry. I like it, a LOT.
It's not the fastest draw, but to me none of the pocket carry options are fast. IWB/OWB are the fastest. Like all holsters you need to practise and then it's fairly fast.
You never have to worry about printing (never really could understand this concern - no one looks at you that closely). It doesn't flop with every step/it has another pouch for a spare mag or other stuff/no expensive belt required/fits both my G26 and K-PM9/built by a US Marine/cheap-but not cheaply made.
I really can't say enough about this holster.
Try it - you'll like it.
$5 off for military/PD/FD

11-11-2011, 05:02 PM
I just came across this one and it looks interesting.

Called the "Recluse" and calling itself "The Perfect Pocket Holster". See it at http://www.recluseholster.com/.
Not to knock that product but I have issues with two parts of that system.
1. Getting my fingers between the leather and the gun in order to to draw.
2. Open triggers in my pocket are never allowed. Looks like a problem waiting to happen. Regardless of the built in trigger protector.

11-11-2011, 05:18 PM
The recluse is especially good as a back pocket holster (the square one) I had to knock the bottom 2 corners off to keep it from wearing out my pants - I too worried about the trigger, etc so I carried it for a while without a round in the chamber - After a few weeks I realized that it is perfectly safe if you do not try to re-holster in your pocket.

11-11-2011, 05:24 PM
I have my Nemesis for the CW9 and Don Hume, also.

I like the Nemesis, but selling it because I now have CT Laserguard on my gun

I like the Don Hume IWB leather holster, but selling it for the same reason. It is for southpaws.

If you are interested, here is the link on ebay:


11-11-2011, 09:37 PM
I have the Recluse for my LCP and PM9. It works well. I really don't see a safety issue. The trigger is well protected.

11-12-2011, 06:22 AM
I really don't see a safety issue. The trigger is well protected.

I am with you on this. I haven't tried it, only watched the demo video after I came across it, but it looks like it has a well thought out design and implementation.

For my cargo shorts and pants with bigger pockets, I don't know why this wouldn't work with my CM9.