View Full Version : I'm putting up the flag
06-21-2013, 08:15 AM
With the fourth of July right around the corner
I thought this might be appropriate. Turn on your sound. (
06-21-2013, 10:20 AM
Thanks Popeye!!!...
06-21-2013, 10:23 AM
Nice... unless you have one of those naz!-like homeowners' associations or city councils!
06-21-2013, 10:40 AM
Inspired me. Thanks. I put up my flag too. Why? Because it's Friday, and I'm 100 yards from Quantico Marine Base and it's a special place. And... because I can. Amen.
06-21-2013, 02:50 PM
One of those guys from the homeowner's association stopped by my place for a friendly little chat the other day. Seemed someone was upset about me flying "Old Glory". While he was over I showed him my 1911 A-1. Funny thing is he hasn't come back. I guess that the issue has been resolved. :)
Our HOA wouldn't even dare think about objecting....this is an ex-frontier town with history. Big as it's become, its history still counts.
I have two small flags fixed in a holder by our front door. Permanent and appropriately lighted by the porch light after dusk. Neighbor across the street has a larger one hung on his half house width frontal porch....also under light.
06-21-2013, 04:09 PM
One of those guys from the homeowner's association stopped by my place for a friendly little chat the other day. Seemed someone was upset about me flying "Old Glory". While he was over I showed him my 1911 A-1. Funny thing is he hasn't come back. I guess that the issue has been resolved. :)
Whoever complained should take a moment to remember exactly which fookin' country we're in.
06-21-2013, 04:39 PM
I think I might just go out and get me a flag to put up ... thanks for the reminder.
06-21-2013, 05:07 PM
I put up my flag every opportunity I get
06-21-2013, 05:40 PM
This won't be a popular reply....
On Nov. 12, 2008 my flag was respectfully lowered, properly folded, and put away after flying at my home for over 30 years. It was eventually replaced with a Gadsden flag. Why?
Because that flag no longer stands for the Constitutional Republic that I saluted and fought for. It stands for a malevolent, crushing, overbearing, snooping, corrupt group of power hungry politicians that do not respect the rule of law or the people that elected them and sent them to REPRESENT them.
I could say more....but this is enough.
06-21-2013, 05:51 PM
This won't be a popular reply....
On Nov. 12, 2008 my flag was respectfully lowered, properly folded, and put away after flying at my home for over 30 years. It was eventually replaced with a Gadsden flag. Why?
Because that flag no longer stands for the Constitutional Republic that I saluted and fought for. It stands for a malevolent, crushing, overbearing, snooping, corrupt group of power hungry politicians that do not respect the rule of law or the people that elected them and sent them to REPRESENT them.
I could say more....but this is enough.
The flag stands for what you believe that it stands for. No one else, you.
06-21-2013, 06:04 PM
No Muggsy....It use to stand for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and those values that made it the best, most freedom loving, nation in the world.
Look around you recognize anything that resembles the nation or foundling fathers left us?
It all depends on "what the meaning of is, is"
06-21-2013, 06:40 PM
MD_Vet, though I'm not necessarily there yet ... I understand perfectly.
06-21-2013, 06:43 PM
I loved that video. It will be part of an opening ceremony tomorrow at a Scout leader training I am running. While I am disappointed with what our country is becoming, I still get all misty eyed at the flag. God Bless America!
06-22-2013, 09:27 AM
I don't pretty much don't care what anyone thinks. The flag I've always flown is the AMERICAN flag. It's flown on my homes 24/7/ 365 since
1976, not just Saturday. The year I bought my first home. If people want to give up there beliefs in old glory, and what it stands for that's on them, but remember that makes you part of the problem not the solution. However it will be a cold day in hell before anyone will take it down off my home, friend or foe or some silly assed HOA which my area does not have, and I live in for a reason. I'd welcome some 1960/70's draft dodger tell me I can't fly the American flag and POW flag on my home. I gave my word and signed the dotted line once in 1965 to defend our flag and country against all enemies foreign and domestic and what it stands for with my life, and as far as I'm concerned there is no expiration date on my word or my signature. I might be getting older but there is still that American sprit that burns inside me that I'll fight to the death for. So if any neighbor or passerby is offended by my flags and wants to discuss taking it down all I can say is come on over.
06-26-2013, 04:48 AM
This won't be a popular reply....
On Nov. 12, 2008 my flag was respectfully lowered, properly folded, and put away after flying at my home for over 30 years. It was eventually replaced with a Gadsden flag. Why?
Because that flag no longer stands for the Constitutional Republic that I saluted and fought for. It stands for a malevolent, crushing, overbearing, snooping, corrupt group of power hungry politicians that do not respect the rule of law or the people that elected them and sent them to REPRESENT them.
I could say more....but this is enough.
Sir I understand what you are saying.
However if you bother to really think about it the US of A was lost long before you were born. Shays rebellion comes to mind, among other things. The War of 1812 and the response of the State Militias and why they gave such. Missouri Compromise. The so called Civil War. Bonus Army. Tuskeegee. Viet Nam. President Clinton and the impeachment. Just to name a few.
My American flag flies 24/7/365, weather permitting.
It is lit from dusk to dawn each day.
It comes down if we go away for any length of time but other than that, 24/7.
I may not agree with the current administration or the way they run things but I am an American and proud to say so and show it.
There are many homes in the community in which I live that fly the flag the same as I do.
06-26-2013, 09:03 AM
To me the American flag stands for American freedom. It doesn't stand for the American government currently in power. If MD_Vet believes that it stands for the government in power then that's what it stand for to him. He has the right to lower his flag even if some might believe him to be a fool for doing so. Regardless of the government in power this is still America.
06-26-2013, 04:48 PM
I can see both sides, too. In my own weird way of seeing things, if I take down my flag I'm admitting defeat. NOT!
06-26-2013, 05:45 PM
I fly ours all the time on my covered porch with a light on it and I also make sure the colors are raised and lowered properly every Sunday at Church....I can see some folks point of wanting to stow their flag after November 2nd 2008 and at the time I felt the same way but the last time I checked MY Flag it still had Red and White Stripes and a Blue Field with 50 Stars there not an Obummer symbol like he defaced our flag with during his campaign....
To me when I look at our flag I see all those boys lying dead on the beach at Normandy and all those before them and since who gave their all to save an unappreciative world from tyranny and to keep America Free so I can still fly my flag and so long as it still has Stars and Stripes and not an ugly Obama symbol it's still my Countries flag and it gives me hope that we still are a Great Nation and that we will survive this temporary dark time...
06-26-2013, 06:44 PM
5 X 8 Flagis on mygaragedoor 24/7,has been for the 15 years I have lived here.When it gets tatered about every 2 years, up goes a new one. I seem to be theonly personin my subdividssion who shows the flag PERIOD.
oh yes, fokk um to..:Amflag2:
To me when I look at our flag I see all those boys lying dead on the beach at Normandy and all those before them and since who gave their all to save an unappreciative world from tyranny and to keep America Free so I can still........
X2...and having lived in those times and witnessed my parents generation's sacrifices of WWII as well as the just fight for Korea I have little to zero respect for those who choose to just fold up the Stars and Stripes, in protest or for whatever reason, and turn their backs to our sometimes struggling Nation.
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