View Full Version : what's YOUR gun buying process?

06-22-2013, 10:07 AM
Just curious...

I'm pretty anal --- get something in my head then do a bunch of internet research -- then go out searching for it and come home with something else. I'm not complaining. I feel I've found some good stuff at what I think were bargains. But I really cannot remember actually ever buying the exact gun I set out for... example: the Kahr I originally wanted was a K9. I now have 2 Kahrs that I'm very happy with -- but no K9. Yet, in hindsight, I'm happier with the way things worked out.

Please tell me I'm not alone or.... :crazy:

06-22-2013, 10:25 AM
On the front end, I'm pretty much the same. Difference is, if I do come home with something it's almost always what I set out after....plus something else. :40:

06-22-2013, 10:28 AM
On the front end, I'm pretty much the same. Difference is, if I do come home with something it's almost what I set out after....plus something else. :40:

Good thinkin'. I might want to try that. Kind of a two-fer thing... More is better. Thanks.

06-22-2013, 11:26 AM
Just curious...

I'm pretty anal --- get something in my head then do a bunch of internet research -- then go out searching for it and come home with something else. I'm not complaining. I feel I've found some good stuff at what I think were bargains. But I really cannot remember actually ever buying the exact gun I set out for... example: the Kahr I originally wanted was a K9. I now have 2 Kahrs that I'm very happy with -- but no K9. Yet, in hindsight, I'm happier with the way things worked out.

Please tell me I'm not alone or.... :crazy:

I set out looking for a glock 30s at a gun show, walked around all 600? tables, not a single one, then at the last set of tables, i found a cw45, $400, and now i`m kahr:crazy:.(and lovin`it)
cw45,pm45, and soon p45, just because...

Longitude Zero
06-22-2013, 02:28 PM
Extensive research...shopping and all of the time I come home with exactely what I went after. If I see somehting interesting I start the research process all over. I NEVER buy anything without extensive research NEVER.

06-22-2013, 02:34 PM
Extensive research...shopping and all of the time I come home with exactely what I went after. If I see somehting interesting I start the research process all over. I NEVER buy anything without extensive research NEVER.

I will do impulse buys, as I mentioned/implied. I won't buy anything I don't fully understand, though. I've stumbled on more than a couple "oh, crap, I've always wanted one of those" guns over the years.....which then followed me home.

06-22-2013, 03:33 PM
I own one gun which I've owned for less than 3 months. A friend had showed me his selection of handguns, and from that I decided that a small Kahr (CM9) is what I wanted; but I did do a lot of research on pricing before I purchased it. I bought it from someone here on KahrTalk.com in another state. It was a good deal even with shipping and FFL transfer fee as guns are not cheap here in Connecticut.

06-22-2013, 03:53 PM
I am totally an impulse buyer. My CW9 came up for sale via private party at a great price, and I jumped on it.

06-22-2013, 04:11 PM
I went to a gunshow looking for a 1911 and left with a CW9 so..........

06-22-2013, 04:20 PM
With the exception of a wretchedly inaccurate Ruger P85, I never sell a weapon after I buy it. So I spend what is probably a ridiculous amount of time researching before I buy. After reading/watching reviews and forum feedback, then I get a feel for whatever I'm shopping for - usually I'll have 3 or 4 guns that I'll be considering - in hand, dry fire for trigger, etc. I may make a few trips before I ultimately pick something...

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06-22-2013, 05:31 PM
unqualified to answer ...paid my dues on buying long ago... these days, I look at things through very narrow perspective....

the threads an interesting one though!!

06-22-2013, 05:53 PM
I walk around with the desire and inspirational lust for about thirty or so firearms. My buying is a combination of both a patient wait for the perfect deal and impulse. I fully believe one needs to "strike while the iron is hot" regardless of what guns are on my current wish list. Studious information gathering and patience are fine but if a deal falls into my lap... I'll buy.

A few of my purposeful academic buys;
HK P2000sk
My first P7
Walther TPH .22lr
Walther TPH .25acp
Walther PP
Walther PPK/S .22lr
Daewoo DP52
Kahr TP9
Kahr T9
Beretta 70s for $425

A few impulse buys that were just too good to pass up;
Kahr K9 elite with NS and CT laser for under $600
HK USP for $400
second P7 for $550
Sig P232SL with Nills for $450
Sig P232 blue for $315
Sig P232 RT for $400
FN 5.7 for $700
S&W K22 for $350
Who could resist any of these? ;)

Every gun has a story. Some came by careful shopping, some at any price out of lust and some dumb-lucked into my world at the right time. Sometimes life is good.

06-22-2013, 06:49 PM
To put it in a timeline, say starting Jan1:
Jan 1: Get the notion that I want to buy a new gun.
Jan 15: Finally have reasons in order and approach the wife.
Jan 21: Wife thinks it's a good idea.
Jan 21: Start thinking about what gun.
Feb 15: After many hours every day reading reviews and visiting forums, have narrowed choice to 6 brands.
March 15: After many hours making new friends on the branded forums and narrowed my choice to 2 brands.
Apr 15: Have decided on the brand and narrowed choice to 3 models.
May 15: Have reasoned all my criteria and made the logical choice on the model.
Jun 15: Finally found one in a LGS to hold but is $100 more than the internet.
Jul 15: New model came out and my choice is even cheaper on the Internet. But newer model looks pretty good.
Aug 15: Heard bad things about new model so I order my original choice on line.
Sep 15: Gun arrives at Dross store. I rush down and pay for it and do paperwork.
Sep 28: CA wait period is over and I go to pick up gun. Tough guys in store laugh at my choice and make me feel like I made a mistake.
Oct 15: I finally get up the nerve to take it into the public at the range. Everybody tells me I made a great choice and I feel good.
Oct 15: At range I can barely hit the back wall. I must be doing something wrong.
Oct 16: I attack the forum raging about the POS I bought and demand to know what's wrong with it!
Oct 16: After the forum war calms down a bit I discover I should have read the manual. I slink away.
Oct 21: I go back to range and discover I can now hit the back wall most of the time.
Nov 15: Given my great experience Oct 21, I now regret not getting a .45 so I can stop charging elephants and rhinos.
Dec 15: Am depressed and thinking about selling my puny 9mm.
Jan 1: Decided to get a new gun.

06-22-2013, 09:08 PM
I wrote the book on impulse buying. I fall in love with most anything that shoots.
I do try hard to research and like Ripley stated I usually have a list to prowl for plus some. Sometimes I find it and when I hold it I realize I didn't want it that bad. Usually due to lack of funds, sometimes just not what I thought.

I recall I wanted a HK USP soooooo bad when they first came out, took me a long time to finally get my hands on one. The minute it hit my hand the search was over, it wasn't me, didn't feel right at all, just not a good fit.
Incredible gun, just not for me.

06-22-2013, 09:16 PM
I wrote the book on impulse buying. I fall in love with most anything that shoots.
I do try hard to research and like Ripley stated I usually have a list to prowl for plus some. Sometimes I find it and when I hold it I realize I didn't want it that bad. Usually due to lack of funds, sometimes just not what I thought.

I recall I wanted a HK USP soooooo bad when they first came out, took me a long time to finally get my hands on one. The minute it hit my hand the search was over, it wasn't me, didn't feel right at all, just not a good fit.
Incredible gun, just not for me.

If your book is available on video, I'd buy it ... just an impulse ... just sayin'

06-22-2013, 09:31 PM
If your book is available on video, I'd buy it ... just an impulse ... just sayin'

Who told you about my book. I try not to flash that around too much, kind of humble and maybe sad. Printed 6000 copies and so far in 7 years only sold 3.:confused:

Still better than my first book. Just say NO! That didn't pan out, that other fella beat me to it, course he got divorced right after it got released and his X got all the loot.

Sometimes life just ain't fair.

One of the last rest stops we hit, there was a lady panhandling. Had a sign that her husband left her with 2 kids and one on the way, please help. Most of the rest stops had pan handlers.

So last gas stop a fella pulls up in the next lane, says he don't got the right card and he's on empty and only needs a gallon to get where he's gotta go.
I told him I'd help but my wife left me with 2 kids and one on the way, he said he was sorry about my plight, I told him, me too and gave him 3 bucks and drove away. He's probably still there wonder what just happened.

06-22-2013, 09:50 PM
I set out looking for a glock 30s at a gun show, walked around all 600? tables, not a single one, then at the last set of tables, i found a cw45, $400, and now i`m kahr:crazy:.(and lovin`it)
cw45,pm45, and soon p45, just because...

That's what I'm talkin' about :) The deal in front of you is better than the deal you can't find...(?)

06-22-2013, 10:32 PM
I research a lot of guns in general, and hold many at different stores. Then I kinda know which ones I would like to add to the collection as opportunity arises. So basically it is research that sets me up for impulse buys! :D

Just the other day I was looking for ammo, and had some cash in my pocket, so a Remington 870 12ga 28" was the impulse buy that day. Along with an 18.5" barrel too.

06-23-2013, 02:15 AM
The way I see it is that I give someone a handful of dirty wrinkled up paper, and I get a new gun. How cool is that?

06-23-2013, 07:18 AM
See gun, like gun, buy gun. :)

It ain't rocket science.

06-23-2013, 08:53 AM
See gun, like gun, buy gun. :)

It ain't rocket science.

+1 ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑

06-23-2013, 09:14 AM
I don't "collect guns" but I do a lot of impulse buying. That's not TOO painful as most are between $500 to $600... sometimes I get some really good deals. I do a lot of online shopping... AND buying... ammo and magazines and parts and accessories... so it does add up... especially since our "great-in-his-eyes" leader started revealing more of his true colors.

I do sell or get rid of stuff that I don't use... guns and ammo, though. I've owned quite a few guns and my arsenal has increased the last few years, but I'm trimming the herd a bit since we could use the money on the house and I don't like having so many that I feel bad that I don't shoot them very often.

Most of my purchases the last two years have been purposefully oriented at possible limits on types and capacities... and towards greater firepower in case we do get into some kind of SHTF scenario... a little prepping for defense.

I still want a .308 NATO semi-auto rifle and magazines and ammo for serious defense... and am still considering a companion-type pistol-caliber carbine. That's a moving target since there are so many choices and variables... caliber... mated pistol... AND availability and prices. I've seen better deals and lower prices coming so some of the urgency is gone there, but it's still something that interests me. IF I ever can make up my mind, I may get one... or two... or three new guns!:rolleyes: BUT... I need to sell a few more of the ones that I'm not "using".


Longitude Zero
06-23-2013, 09:16 AM
I will do impulse buys, as I mentioned/implied. I won't buy anything I don't fully understand, though. I've stumbled on more than a couple "oh, crap, I've always wanted one of those" guns over the years.....which then followed me home.

I wish I was that lucky. I have made impulse buys but all but one came back to bite me in the keister.

06-23-2013, 09:46 AM
I do not collect guns so every firearm I own has to have a specific function. Thus I've releived myself from throwing money away on guns that I'll just look at or hardly shoot. My process is if I see a gun I want then I have to sell something in order to get it, and with my current lineup I don't see that happening any time soon.

06-23-2013, 12:54 PM
The way I see it is that I give someone a handful of dirty wrinkled up paper, and I get a new gun. How cool is that?


06-23-2013, 01:21 PM
I do not collect guns so every firearm I own has to have a specific function. Thus I've releived myself from throwing money away on guns that I'll just look at or hardly shoot. My process is if I see a gun I want then I have to sell something in order to get it, and with my current lineup I don't see that happening any time soon.

Understand that. I've recently made the decision to go revenue neutral as well. Have too many guns and at my age just adding more to the pile for no real reason seems pretty dumb. Retiring in a few months, for the third and final time, and able to get back into serious shooting. Made me realize what I really need is maybe a dozen or so quality shooters plus my few niche/collector guns and to get rid of the rest. In handguns that mostly means 1911s, J & K Frames, and SA revolvers......back to my roots. Kahrs for edc/console.

My gun bucket wish list is pretty short.....Wilson Combat lw carry 1911 in .45 ACP. And maybe one in 9mm as well.

06-23-2013, 02:31 PM
In every life time there should be at least one Wilson me thinks. Mine hasn't come along yet, I held a couple. But life ain't over yet.......

06-23-2013, 03:21 PM
In every life time there should be at least one Wilson me thinks. Mine hasn't come along yet, I held a couple. But life ain't over yet.......

I'm a lot further along than you are. My lurking concern with a Wilson order is that they're pushing two years out on delivery. I may well be dead by then. I'll need a beneficiary to feel comfortable gun won't fall into wrong hands. Wife's out of the question. Her hands are all wrong. And I don't trust the dog kids after that six month ago incident with them, the squirrel, our neighbors, and the 10/22.

06-23-2013, 04:42 PM
I'm a lot further along than you are. My lurking concern with a Wilson order is that they're pushing two years out on delivery. I may well be dead by then. I'll need a beneficiary to feel comfortable gun won't fall into wrong hands. Wife's out of the question. Her hands are all wrong. And I don't trust the dog kids after that six month ago incident with them, the squirrel, our neighbors, and the 10/22.

Well I'm certainly available for adoption on a moments notice! How shall I address you. Dad, pappa, Father, your royal highness, kimosabe, you name it, I'll use it.
I didn't realize they were so far out. Has to be some in stock some place.
Shall I start a hunt dad?

06-23-2013, 04:56 PM
I do not collect guns so every firearm I own has to have a specific function. Thus I've releived myself from throwing money away on guns that I'll just look at or hardly shoot. My process is if I see a gun I want then I have to sell something in order to get it, and with my current lineup I don't see that happening any time soon.

I'm right there with you on the functionality. My low fixed income necessitates it. But I still have some needs unfulfilled. All I have is four pistols, no long guns - yet. I want a tactical shotgun. I've been looking at the Weatherby SA-459 semi-auto in 20 gauge. And I want a Henry 22 Lever Gun. Maybe a 22 pistol for plinking, also. I haven't committed to an AR or other tactical rifle, yet, but I also might look at a 9 mm carbine. And a lever gun in a higher caliber is a possibility. I am not a hunter, so bolt action rifles don't interest me.

06-23-2013, 04:57 PM
Just curious...

I'm pretty anal --- get something in my head then do a bunch of internet research -- then go out searching for it and come home with something else. I'm not complaining. I feel I've found some good stuff at what I think were bargains. But I really cannot remember actually ever buying the exact gun I set out for... example: the Kahr I originally wanted was a K9. I now have 2 Kahrs that I'm very happy with -- but no K9. Yet, in hindsight, I'm happier with the way things worked out.

Please tell me I'm not alone or.... :crazy:

I generally start with like.
Then I research reliability, accuracy, durability...
Finally I'll rent one if I can. Or at least handle one at a gun show.
Then figure out what options I want and best pricing.

Over the years I too have come across guns I wasn't looking for. But couldn't pass up.
$350 S&W 629-2 Mountain Gun
$550 Sig P239 357 Sig
$500 S&W 65-3 357 3" Heavy Barrel

Trolling the LGS used case can be dangerous.

06-24-2013, 12:08 PM
I tend to collect them, because something newer & better always comes along that I will like..... and personally don't really believe in selling guns.

06-24-2013, 04:02 PM
Kind of like Barth, I research and decide, but never say no to a great deal. It has worked out for me and I don't have too many guns.

Only missing a couple of the "unicorns" for the heard...:rolleyes:

06-24-2013, 04:19 PM
Well I'm certainly available for adoption on a moments notice! How shall I address you. Dad, pappa, Father, your royal highness, kimosabe, you name it, I'll use it.
I didn't realize they were so far out. Has to be some in stock some place.
Shall I start a hunt dad?

You can be my uncle.....and just call me DA. Short for Dumb Ass....that's worked well for the family since I was six.

The now close to year old buying frenzy has pushed Wilson's order fill time way out. There is stock out there but for me it's kinda like buying a new Ford or Chevy truck....except worse. I want what I want with the options I want and unless it's 98% I don't want to settle. The only non-issue be sights. Easily changed and I like gold bead front. And grips of, course.

I have the Gun Broker Wilson Combat thread up for daily review. And the Wilson thread on the 1911 forum. Still having a job for a bit longer, I can't afford the time for more concentrated search. Problem is....longer I wait for the right one to show up, the longer I wait in line when it doesn't.

06-24-2013, 04:49 PM
Funny thing DA, I was just pondering a 10-8 Gold Bead or might be brass bead front sight for my beloved Cbob. It looks good to me. A wider U shaped notch rear with a Gold/Brass Bead front. I think my eyes would like that very much.

I admire your effort to get what you really want. Do Uncles qualify for the Will?

I hope your feeling healthy and chipper of course, long enough to get this bad boy delivered. I do so hate Vultures that circle around looking for handouts after a passing (sort of like Obummers people) but if it's official that's different right?

06-24-2013, 05:01 PM
Of course Uncles qualify. This is Colorado not California, nor New York.

Old eyes like gold/brass beads....and beads never dim out like trits. Got a bunch of dead ns, I do,

06-25-2013, 08:13 AM
I will do both...get some hair up my butt about wanting something and either get that exact item, or sometimes end up getting something a little different. I do a good bit of research on what I want with regards to reading reviews, experiences etc. Sometimes I buy online, sometimes in person.

For instance...I bought my CW9 sight unseen without even handling one first.
I had also gotten a wild hair for some reason that I wanted to buy a HD/zombie apocalypse shotty. Was going to get a Mossberg Maverick 88, but ended up getting a Pardner Pump instead.

Sometimes you just don't know...

MW surveyor
06-25-2013, 10:02 AM
Research the heck out of it, then go looking.

Will however impulse buy if it is something I think I would like and also seems to be a good deal.

06-26-2013, 12:18 AM
I have to have purpose behind a new gun, and I then do a lot of research mostly lurking in forums to see what others think. Also talk to whoever's behind the counter for perspective as well. Once I know which gun I want that will fulfill my specific need I search for a good deal. Example-decided I wanted to conceal carry, decided a cm9 or pm9 would reliably fit the bill, then found a gently used pm9 for $500.

I wish I had the disposable income to impulse buy guns, although at least I have a supportive wife!

06-27-2013, 03:54 PM
I wish I had the disposable income to impulse buy guns, although at least I have a supportive wife!

You've got the better of the two. :yo:

06-27-2013, 04:40 PM
I impulse buy more than I like to admit to but so far it's worked out ok....I went into a LGS to buy a Walther PPK/s but he had just sold the last one but he said have you ever looked at a Kahr and I said what's that?...I had never seen or looked at one and knew nothing about them....For some reason I thought a Kahr was a cheap off brand pistol and had never paid any attention to them...

He showed me a CW40 and it was love at first sight...I could see it was a well made gun and bought it on the spot....I promptly bent the slide lock spring when I cleaned it without reading the manual (stupid) and thats how I found Kahrtalk and I think it was Wynntrout who told me how to fix it....I traded the CW40 for my current PM40 DLC which I like better since I pocket carry....

Now my PM40 goes everywhere in my pocket and Kahrtalk is my second home so thats one impulse buy that went right....One very bad impulse buy was years ago I saw a AMT backup .45 which at that time was a small stainless SA pistol like a mini 1911 and the one I had looked really nice but was basically a one shot pistol, you shot it the piddled around for 10 minutes to get it unjammed....That gun was expensive and a TOTAL POS and I regretted ever laying eyes and bucks on the counter for it but that was before the internet was available to do research about guns...

06-27-2013, 05:21 PM
"Now my PM40 goes everywhere in my pocket and Kahrtalk is my second home so thats one impulse buy that went right...."

And we wouldn't be the same without ya, that was a lucky day for all of us.

06-27-2013, 07:06 PM
Only bought 1 gun on impulse. I bought a G19 while passing through the LGS looking for ammo. Now when the PM9 is too small and the G34 is too bit, the G19 is just right.

06-27-2013, 07:12 PM
Just curious...

I'm pretty anal --- get something in my head then do a bunch of internet research -- then go out searching for it and come home with something else. I'm not complaining. I feel I've found some good stuff at what I think were bargains. But I really cannot remember actually ever buying the exact gun I set out for... example: the Kahr I originally wanted was a K9. I now have 2 Kahrs that I'm very happy with -- but no K9. Yet, in hindsight, I'm happier with the way things worked out.

Please tell me I'm not alone or.... :crazy:

Same here. You can look on the internet all you want but its always different when you hold them in your hand. I'm pretty sure I have it backwards. I should go play with all the guns then do the research. :confused:

06-27-2013, 07:42 PM
Same here. You can look on the internet all you want but its always different when you hold them in your hand. I'm pretty sure I have it backwards. I should go play with all the guns then do the research. :confused:

There be truth in that. I decided I really wanted a Sig P938. Until I actually met one.

06-27-2013, 09:05 PM
You know...I don't regret any of the firearms I've purchased. My only regrets are a couple that got away while I was "sleeping on it". I guess I got room to be a little more impulsive. I'm gonna be sleepless tonight thinking about one I saw this afternoon... Winchester model 1890. You know where to find me in the morning. :blushing:

06-27-2013, 09:07 PM
You know...I don't regret any of the firearms I've purchased. My only regrets are a couple that got away while I was "sleeping on it". I guess I got room to be a little more impulsive. I'm gonna be sleepless tonight thinking about one I saw this afternoon... Winchester model 1890. You know where to find me in the morning. :blushing:

Which caliber? I have the 22 WRM or is it WMR, not magnum but bigger than long rifle.

06-27-2013, 09:25 PM
Didn't look close enough. Came home and started checking the interwebs and said "oh sh*t". I'm hoping 22 short or lr. Wrf is available but for how long? Actually I just hope it's still there. Then I gotta check it over real close and try to determine why he's not asking more money....

06-27-2013, 09:40 PM
The vast majority of them were 22 shorts, used as Gallery guns at carnivals and such. Most are in pretty poor shape from being banged around, loaded and unloaded and general abuse.

The 22 longs weren't as plentiful, not sure how many were made, lots for sure.

The WMR is more of a rare find. Mine is decent, bore isn't great but overall not bad. I've seen the ammo off and on.

Right now a 22 short would be very nice. Most places that don't have any 22 still have shorts.

06-28-2013, 01:23 PM
See it. Like it. Buy it. I try to keep things simple.

06-28-2013, 04:50 PM
in my case: see it, gotta have it, (sometimes agonize over it), buy it anyways... Anything but simple for me :D

Winchester model 90 .22wrf. It's a shooter not a collector which justifies the (low) price but I did find some ammo today and it shoots great. I'm thrilled. Not sure about the date of manufacture. Ser# puts it at 1908 but the model (90 vs 1890) makes it post 1919. It's old either way.

06-28-2013, 04:55 PM
which caliber? I have the 22 wrm or is it wmr, not magnum but bigger than long rifle.

.22 wrf

06-28-2013, 05:04 PM
Right now a 22 short would be very nice. Most places that don't have any 22 still have shorts.

I love .22 Short. Besides my .22LR arms that will fire them, I have two guns that are short/CB only. A 40 year old Beretta Minx that's the handiest plinker I've ever owned and a NAA mini that's about the size of your big toe.

06-28-2013, 07:02 PM
:cool: agreed --- 22 short would have been cool

06-28-2013, 07:17 PM
:cool: agreed --- 22 short would have been cool

In that gun, oh yeah!!! Irrespective of cartridge, great find!

06-28-2013, 08:01 PM
And a take down model to boot. Very nice catch.

06-28-2013, 10:11 PM
Mostly I just browse and when I see something I like for the right price I get it. There have been times tho when I was looking for something in particular and when I found it for a price I could live with I got it.

06-28-2013, 10:22 PM
Ok. I'm going out on a limb. I have every gun I like and need. I don't need another. I'm satisfied.

This now means next gun show I'm bringing something new home. I guess that means I'm impulsive, although my last impulse buy i'm very satisfied with.

06-29-2013, 05:23 AM
I own one gun which I've owned for less than 3 months. A friend had showed me his selection of handguns, and from that I decided that a small Kahr (CM9) is what I wanted; but I did do a lot of research on pricing before I purchased it. I bought it from someone here on KahrTalk.com in another state. It was a good deal even with shipping and FFL transfer fee as guns are not cheap here in Connecticut.

Just to add to what I wrote previously ... I bought my second gun ever on GunBroker yesterday. Same basic scenario as described above ... I did a lot of research on pricing over a 4 month period on Armslist, GunBroker & Guns America, and finally decided to make a purchase. I'm probably going to do a little refurbishing to it, but I think that by the time I'm done with everything I'll be very pleased with my decision.

06-29-2013, 07:19 AM
Just to add to what I wrote previously ... I bought my second gun ever on GunBroker yesterday. Same basic scenario as described above ... I did a lot of research on pricing over a 4 month period on Armslist, GunBroker & Guns America, and finally decided to make a purchase. I'm probably going to do a little refurbishing to it, but I think that by the time I'm done with everything I'll be very pleased with my decision.

Congrats. I'm bettin' you'll be pleased too. You struck a cord mentioning that you will be refurbishing a bit...tinkering is FUN!

Pics when it arrives?

06-29-2013, 03:04 PM
Ok. I'm going out on a limb. I have every gun I like and need. I don't need another. I'm satisfied.

This now means next gun show I'm bringing something new home. I guess that means I'm impulsive, although my last impulse buy i'm very satisfied with.

Our next, Denver, gun show is today/tomorrow. I'm not going. "Last Chance To Buy High Cap Mags Before The Ban Goes Into Effect On July 1st" is the main promo tag line this time around. Crowd density gonna be too sucky to deal with.

06-29-2013, 07:54 PM
My gun buying process is the same as sex

3 months of begging followed by 3 minutes of actual action.


07-03-2013, 11:58 AM
Dare I say it, buyer's remorse is, IMHO, a bi-atch! Frankly, I'm about as anal as they come when it comes to purchasing anything more than a couple of hundred dollars! (Just ask the car salesman who sold us our last vehicle; i.e., all I can say is that he earned his commission THAT day!)

Anyway, I've always hated buyer's remorse, but, with the advent of the internet and 'meta-search engines', I've gotten even worse - or better - depending on your viewpoint!

FWIW, I spent almost a month month all by itself just researching the pro's 'n cons of the BEST calibre of weapon; i.e., 9mm vs .40S&W vs. .45ACP! And, even tho' I HAVE fired each of these over the span of my life, I STILL went ahead and rented a 'diverse' assortment of pistols at local indoor ranges to refresh my assessment of these cartridges - esp. from the stand-point of recoil vs. effectiveness!

Having decided that, for me, recent advances in 9mm designs MORE than adequately address any/all 'stopping power deficiencies', I went ahead to analyze (with the accent on anal!) which particular 9mm SA was my personal BEST option.

Please believe me when I say that I spent another two (2!) months pouring over the merits (or lack thereof) several small 9mm 'favorites' ...

... which necessitated still more trips to the rental range! ...

FWIW, after awhile I narrowed my search down to the following 'short list' ...

► - BOBERG XR9 (FTF issues [like Kahr!] + way too expensive)
► - CZ RAMI (nice, but still slightly too big for me!)
► - KAHR PM9 - (FIT MY HAND & MY POCKET, but NOT my Wallet!)
► - KIMBER SOLO (also nice, w/right size - but troubling reports that include poor svc + TOO $$$)
► - ROHRBAUGH R9 ('Shoot little/carry a lot' & change recoil spring every 200 Rounds - say WHUT?)
► - RUGER LC9 (long, rough, trigger pull turned me off!)
► - S&W M&P Shield (nice, but also too 'clunky' for me!)
► - SPRINGFIELD XDS (another chunky, clunky, monkey!)
► - WALTHER PPS (too big for pocket carry + worried about shift away from S&W svc/support!)

So, even tho' the Kahr PM9 DID have a few bumps in its development and I DID read about some 'FTF issues', I ALSO felt that the PM9's trigger pull is THE closest to my EDC S&W 640 Revolver! PLUS I learned that Kahr, for the most part, has THE best reputation for after-the-sale service and support! (So does Ruger, but I digress!)

Anyway, after firing a little Kahr PM9 several times at the rental range, I came to accept the fact that I was going to have to pay a bit more for something that REALLY 'fit' me! So I DID!

07-03-2013, 12:17 PM
My gun buying process is the same as sex

3 months of begging followed by 3 minutes of actual action.


So... you've greatly increased your "stamina" then? ;)

07-03-2013, 02:45 PM
Always think about baseball. Works wonders :Amflag2:

07-03-2013, 03:02 PM
Pelosi works for me...:p

07-03-2013, 03:20 PM
Dare I say it, buyer's remorse is, IMHO, a bi-atch! Frankly, I'm about as anal as they come when it comes to purchasing anything more than a couple of hundred dollars! (Just ask the car salesman who sold us our last vehicle; i.e., all I can say is that he earned his commission THAT day!)

Anyway, I've always hated buyer's remorse, but, with the advent of the internet and 'meta-search engines', I've gotten even worse - or better - depending on your viewpoint!

FWIW, I spent almost a month month all by itself just researching the pro's 'n cons of the BEST calibre of weapon; i.e., 9mm vs .40S&W vs. .45ACP! And, even tho' I HAVE fired each of these over the span of my life, I STILL went ahead and rented a 'diverse' assortment of pistols at local indoor ranges to refresh my assessment of these cartridges - esp. from the stand-point of recoil vs. effectiveness!

Having decided that, for me, recent advances in 9mm designs MORE than adequately address any/all 'stopping power deficiencies', I went ahead to analyze (with the accent on anal!) which particular 9mm SA was my personal BEST option.

Please believe me when I say that I spent another two (2!) months pouring over the merits (or lack thereof) several small 9mm 'favorites' ...

... which necessitated still more trips to the rental range! ...

FWIW, after awhile I narrowed my search down to the following 'short list' ...

► - BOBERG XR9 (FTF issues [like Kahr!] + way too expensive)
► - CZ RAMI (nice, but still slightly too big for me!)
► - KAHR PM9 - (FIT MY HAND & MY POCKET, but NOT my Wallet!)
► - KIMBER SOLO (also nice, w/right size - but troubling reports that include poor svc + TOO $$$)
► - ROHRBAUGH R9 ('Shoot little/carry a lot' & change recoil spring every 200 Rounds - say WHUT?)
► - RUGER LC9 (long, rough, trigger pull turned me off!)
► - S&W M&P Shield (nice, but also too 'clunky' for me!)
► - SPRINGFIELD XDS (another chunky, clunky, monkey!)
► - WALTHER PPS (too big for pocket carry + worried about shift away from S&W svc/support!)

So, even tho' the Kahr PM9 DID have a few bumps in its development and I DID read about some 'FTF issues', I ALSO felt that the PM9's trigger pull is THE closest to my EDC S&W 640 Revolver! PLUS I learned that Kahr, for the most part, has THE best reputation for after-the-sale service and support! (So does Ruger, but I digress!)

Anyway, after firing a little Kahr PM9 several times at the rental range, I came to accept the fact that I was going to have to pay a bit more for something that REALLY 'fit' me! So I DID!

Sounds like you need a CM9

07-03-2013, 03:31 PM
Many times I will specifically look for a gun and do purchase it once I find it but a lot of times I will stumble across a great deal and I immediately snatch it up! I use some of the stuff I don't really have a desire to own but was to good of a deal to pass up on later trades. I will buy any gun that is a good deal but then again it's probably why I am broke all the time LOL

07-03-2013, 04:08 PM
Pelosi works for me...:p

I understand that. Her face ain't nothin' special, but.....

07-11-2013, 01:11 AM
Sounds like you need a CM9

Thanks! FYI, I did check out a CM9, but I really wanted the hammer-forged barrel w/polygonal rifling.

Besides, my LGS make me a deal on a BNIB DLC PM9 that was too good to refuse!