View Full Version : Happy happy happy (New P380)

06-22-2013, 05:17 PM
Hi all!

I got a decent deal a new P380 at the local gun show today, so I jumped on it. These suckers have been impossible to find in my area.

I love my CM9, but needed the .380 because I find myself needing the smaller gun more often than not.

I can't wait to take it to the range. I gave it a thorough cleaning today, and did all the "prep" work. The mag follower on the 6 round and 7 round mags "caught" on the mag release so I smoothed them out a little in just the right spot and they glide smoothly now. (Did the same thing to my CM9 followers before firing it for the first time and it has NEVER had an issue).

The barrel looks really good and the feed ramp has a mirror shine on it.

Boy howdy, I'm excited. Here's a pic of the new addition:


06-22-2013, 06:02 PM
My cw45 has a mirror shine feed ramp too, I hope you have a good time at the range with it!

06-22-2013, 08:54 PM
My P380 is the one gun that I'm never without. It's my constant companion.

06-27-2013, 10:02 PM
Congrats, just make sure you lube the snot out of it the first time and get it through its minimum 200-round break-in period before using it as your carry piece. Once they limber up they're great guns, but they can be a bit fussy when tight and new.

07-02-2013, 09:22 PM
I"m really happy with my new P380 as well. Love the night sites, it's just small enough and light enough for summer carry in shorts etc as compared to my PM9. I love the advantage of the 9mm cartridge but I can't say enough about the comfort and fit of this little gun in a pocket holster.:59: