View Full Version : Zimmerman trial

06-24-2013, 05:59 PM
What is the best 2 or 3 sources for what is going on in the Zimmerman trial?

06-24-2013, 06:33 PM
MSNBC, NAACP, Jesse Jackson.

06-24-2013, 06:34 PM
Greta usually covers trial goings on pretty well.

06-24-2013, 06:47 PM
Not a trial, witch hunt is more like it.

06-24-2013, 07:16 PM

06-24-2013, 07:47 PM
It should be an interesting case. It isn't Zimmerman who is on trial. The prosecutor is putting "Stand Your Ground" on trial. If there is just one juror with his or her head on straight, Zimmerman will walk. This isn't about "Stand Your Ground". It's about the right to self defense.

06-25-2013, 06:22 AM
Thanks for the suggestions.

It will be interesting IF this trial has any/some effect on guns laws across the country.

06-25-2013, 10:04 AM
Yes you are.

Longitude Zero
06-25-2013, 10:18 AM
Thanks for the suggestions.

It will be interesting IF this trial has any/some effect on guns laws across the country.

It won't. If this had any legs to do so it would have already happened.

06-25-2013, 10:29 AM
I respectfully disagree. I think this case can have impact to our lives in ways we cannot imagine.

06-25-2013, 01:56 PM
I respectfully disagree. I think this case can have impact to our lives in ways we cannot imagine.

The outcome of this case will have no effect on me. I plan to continue as though nothing happened. I'd rather be judged by twelve than carried by six.

06-25-2013, 03:48 PM
I respectfully disagree. I think this case can have impact to our lives in ways we cannot imagine.

I agree. Zimmerman should have listen to the 911 dispatcher, and never started a foot pursuit. I think Zimmerman laid his hands on the young man; young man defends himself; starts to get the best of zimmerman... His higher duty of carrying a firearm was swallowed by the fasad of being the neighborhood watch captain with special privileges and powers that did not truely exist. In my opinion, he should not be able to claim self defense, looking at it from a reasonable person standpoint.

06-25-2013, 04:10 PM
That's why reasonable person is so hard to define when everyone has different ideas.

I thinking as a reasonable person think 180 opposite of yours. I think he was doing his job, I think he was watching and not actively pursuing to apprehend. Word I heard was he lost sight and was returning to his car when he was attacked.
Dispatch did not order (and they don't have the power to do so)him not to pursue, they said he did not have to.)

No matter to me. Crayons folks are gonna be well off, Zimmerman is already screwed and will be forever. Sharpton and Jessee and company will get their moment in the spotlight, and me, well 3 hours till quitting time and tomorrows another day.

06-25-2013, 04:20 PM
There are a hundred different theories as to what happened, I suggest we let the court sort it out. Go to any Zimmerman trial coverage article that allows comments, and the comments are the pretty close to the same as they were right after the killing. Basically there are 2 sides, either you think Zimmerman was a racist out stalking this young black man, (while imagining the 12 year old boy shown in the photos so frequently), and gunned him down, or you think Z was doing his job as neighborhood watchman, and acted in self defense after Martin attacked him. The trial should sort that all out for us and we can stop fantasizing about what happened. Only thing that concerns me, is the looting and rioting that will occur if he is found innocent, since the MSM and the race baiters have whipped some people up to a frenzy over it. I wasn't there, didn't see it, so I have no idea how it went down. I will say I think the reason he was charged with 2nd degree murder was that they were hoping he would plea bargain to manslaughter or something. Oh, and the family cannot sue unless charges are filed.

06-25-2013, 04:29 PM
Another good question is, are the news media outlets going to stand united in giving unbiased coverage of the Zimmerman trail? No matter our view points, whether we agree or disagree, non-firearms people (for lack of a better term) will forever see gun owners that are permitted to carry as a plague. "Guns are evil" will be the chant of the day.

06-25-2013, 04:42 PM
This whole dog and pony show is what it is because of "political correctness".

Anyone factor in the fact that Z was released the night of the incident, the Police Chief resigned rather than charge Z, and that Z was not charged until an all out race baiting assault was launched by rev al, jesse, maxine, and bo Et al?

Dang! All this time, I thought one was presumed innocent until proven guilty.

06-25-2013, 04:44 PM
There are a hundred different theories as to what happened, I suggest we let the court sort it out..........

Normally, I'd agree with that. In this case however...high profile and highly politically, racially, and emotionally charged....I have no faith in our justice and courts system to sort and decide based on fact.

06-25-2013, 04:55 PM
I will agree this was a case where two total idiots ran into each other in the perfect storm and if Zimmerman had of stayed in his car I wouldn't be posting about this but he did get out and try to follow Martin while talking to 911 but lost sight of him then Martin popped around a corner and sucker punched Zimmerman and got on top of him and started to use Zimmerman's head to dribble with on the sidewalk....When Zimmerman couldn't get up and knew he might become unconscious if the beating continued he reached for his pistol, Martin saw what he was doing and reached for it too but unfortunately for Trayvon, Mr. Zimmerman was faster and shot Trayvon to keep him from getting the gun and using it on him....

Was Zimmerman a wanna be cop?......................................Probably
Was Trayvon up to no good?............................................ Probably not
Was Zimmerman stupid to follow Trayvon on foot?.................Yes
Was Trayvon stupid to sucker punch Zimmerman?..................Yes
Was Zimmerman afraid for his life when Trayvon was on top of
him bouncing his head on the sidewalk?...............................Absolutely
Was Zimmerman within his rights pulling his gun?...................Absolutely
Was Trayvon unwise to keep trying to fight with an armed
man and try to take his gun from him?.................................Obviously
Will he ever try that stunt again?........................................Nope
Should Zimmerman be charged with 2nd degree murder?..........No Way
Should Zimmerman be charged with anything?.......................Stupidity
Will Zimmerman be charged and do some time?......................Likely

Just MHO and the outcome won't affect me one bit unless Zimmerman is found not guilty of anything then the forthcoming riots may become an issue...

06-25-2013, 05:00 PM
Good synopsis...

06-25-2013, 05:06 PM
Just for the record I could care less. Justice is not and will not be served here and never will be. Hopefully no innocents will be harmed during the riots and no doubt looting to follow regardless of the outcome.

Hopefully all participants of said rioting and looting will be taken out with fun fire from drones, every last one of them.

1 hour and 55 minutes till Miller Time.

06-26-2013, 11:50 AM
I agree. Zimmerman should have listen to the 911 dispatcher, and never started a foot pursuit. I think Zimmerman laid his hands on the young man; young man defends himself; starts to get the best of zimmerman... His higher duty of carrying a firearm was swallowed by the fasad of being the neighborhood watch captain with special privileges and powers that did not truely exist. In my opinion, he should not be able to claim self defense, looking at it from a reasonable person standpoint.

The dispatcher never told Zimmerman to stop following Martin. When Zimmerman told the dispatcher that he was following Martin the exact words of the dispatcher were, "You don't have to do that." When the dispatched said, "You don't have to do that." in a sworn statement Zimmerman stated that the did stop following Martin and started to return to his truck. It was then that he was confronted and attacked by Martin. There are no witnesses to contradict that statement. When Martin confronted Zimmerman he asked if Zimmerman had a problem. When Zimmerman said, "No" Martin said, Well you do now and punched him in the face knocking him to the ground. Martin then jumped on Zimmerman and started banging his head on the pavement. Zimmerman fearing for his life pulled his gun and shot Martin one time. A fractured nose and lacerations to the back of his head substantiate Zimmerman's statement to police.

06-27-2013, 12:02 AM
The dispatcher never told Zimmerman to stop following Martin. When Zimmerman told the dispatcher that he was following Martin the exact words of the dispatcher were, "You don't have to do that." When the dispatched said, "You don't have to do that." in a sworn statement Zimmerman stated that the did stop following Martin and started to return to his truck. It was then that he was confronted and attacked by Martin. There are no witnesses to contradict that statement. When Martin confronted Zimmerman he asked if Zimmerman had a problem. When Zimmerman said, "No" Martin said, Well you do now and punched him in the fact knocking him to the ground. Martin then jumped on Zimmerman and started banging his head on the pavement. Zimmerman fearing for his life pulled his gun and shot Martin one time. A fractured nose and lacerations to the back of his head substantiate Zimmerman's statement to police.

I don't get where people think he started to pursue or chase Trayvon AFTER he was told he didn't need to follow him. In my opinion pursue or chase means to follow someone with the intent of catching them and that is not what I got from the initial reports at all. Seemed to me he was following Trayvon at distance so that he could inform LEO of where Trayvon had gone. Pretty much exactly what the stucco guys did and they got praised for their actions...

The fact that he was neighborhood watch capitan really has nothing to do with the case. He was not "on duty" at the time and really has no more "duty" to respond than any other citizen unlike a LEO who does have a duty to respond while "off duty".

George has been called a "wannabe" by some. Seems to me that if indeed George was a "wannabe" he would have taken to the offer of joining the Citizens Patrol complete with uniform and patrol vehicle. Interesting that his desire to be an actual LEO are the same as one of the actual LEO witnesses.

06-27-2013, 06:21 AM
I don't think justice will be served in this case.
But I do wonder how this case will affect the gun laws.......

06-27-2013, 06:09 PM
At one time I wanted to be a LEO. Unfortunately at the time I couldn't make the minimum height and weight requirements. I was big enough to serve six years in the military, but not big enough to serve as a LEO. Ten years later they started hiring women as LEOs who were 50 pounds lighter and four inches shorter than I was. Go figure. I wasn't going for the sex change operation just to be a cop. :)

06-27-2013, 06:15 PM
At one time I wanted to be a LEO. Unfortunately at the time I couldn't make the minimum height and weight requirements. I was big enough to serve six years in the military, but not big enough to serve as a LEO. Ten years later they started hiring women as LEOs who were 50 pounds lighter and four inches shorter than I was. Go figure. I wasn't going for the sex change operation just to be a cop. :)

That's exactly what happened with me too. I barely made the height requirement but the guy told me they lowered the standards for woman and minorities but they weren't hiring short guys.

He told me if it was up to him he'd hire me but it wasn't. So two careers up in smoke, Rodeo Clown and Cop. In ways knowing what I know now which granted still ain't very much I'm glad I didn't get in

06-27-2013, 06:17 PM
At one time I wanted to be a LEO. Unfortunately at the time I couldn't make the minimum height and weight requirements. I was big enough to serve six years in the military, but not big enough to serve as a LEO. Ten years later they started hiring women as LEOs who were 50 pounds lighter and four inches shorter than I was. Go figure. I wasn't going for the sex change operation just to be a cop. :)

Now that there just shows a serious lack of professional dedication. :75:

06-27-2013, 06:25 PM
I agree. I was totally on board with the whole sex change thing myself, I always wanted huge knockers and great legs.

06-27-2013, 06:26 PM
That's exactly what happened with me too. I barely made the height requirement but the guy told me they lowered the standards for woman and minorities but they weren't hiring short guys.

He told me if it was up to him he'd hire me but it wasn't. So two careers up in smoke, Rodeo Clown and Cop. In ways knowing what I know now which granted still ain't very much I'm glad I didn't get in

I heard when u tried out for rodeo clown, u were afraid of the dark and would not dive inside of a barrel:Amflag2:

06-27-2013, 06:56 PM

06-27-2013, 07:22 PM
I agree. I was totally on board with the whole sex change thing myself, I always wanted huge knockers and great legs.

I had those once. But she wasn't nearly as functionally good as she looked so we parted ways.

06-28-2013, 02:28 PM
I agree. I was totally on board with the whole sex change thing myself, I always wanted huge knockers and great legs.

Me too, that's why I married Mrs. Muggsy. I think the sex change would have been far less painful. :)