View Full Version : Powder Score

mr surveyor
06-24-2013, 06:17 PM
woohoo (who woulda ever thought this would be cause for excitement) ... today I had to make a trip to the neighboring "big town" and have some mylar prints made at the print shop, and decided to drive a couple miles out of the way home to check out one of the local pawn/gun/reloading shops to see what may be on the shelf. I had about a half dozen "alternative" powders in mind, knowing they haven't had Unique,2400 or any of the AA pistol powders in several months, so when I got into the back room and started scanning the shelves for the "alternatives" on my list, there were none. Then I casually looked in the slot for Unique (that's been unicorn dust around here since last December), and lo and behold there sat 2 (TWO) one pound cans of UNIQUE. It cost me $29.95 plus tax to get my one per day per customer can of powder (50% increase over last year), but I can once again load my light .38 spl and .45 acp rounds without fear of running out of powder before running out of lead.

ain't it amazing how the simple things in life can be so exciting

06-24-2013, 07:34 PM
Does make one appreciate stuff more when it's gone. But far better when it's back even if you have to pay a little more.

Simple pleasures is good.

06-25-2013, 05:10 PM
Great Mr. Surveyor. Things do seem to be coming back slowly.
We are part of a local ammo club and we were able to buy 5 boxes of winchester primers;
3 small pistol and 3 large pistol. They were $38.50 each, which now a-days isn't too bad.

mr surveyor
06-25-2013, 08:01 PM

one of my local ffl buddies still has probably 50k large pistol primers (from the 100k buy of Sellior and Bellot primers in January). As far as I know, he's still letting them go for $34 OTD. Unfortunately we couldn't get the small pistol primers or rifle primers in that order.

At least all of my brass (with exception of a few loose rounds in a few boxes) is cleaned/resized/flared and primed, AND I still have about 2k of both large and small pistol primers. The only rifle I load for is .30-30, and I have exactly enough LR primers for the 170 or so Sierra bullets and rifle powder for that project.

That one can of Unique for the purposes intended will just about balance out my remaining powder needs for the revolver/pistol bullets and primers I have left "in stock".

I really need to go to the range pretty soon to empty some of my brass so I will have something to reload:D


06-25-2013, 10:13 PM
Great Mr. Surveyor. Things do seem to be coming back slowly.
We are part of a local ammo club and we were able to buy 5 boxes of winchester primers;
3 small pistol and 3 large pistol. They were $38.50 each, which now a-days isn't too bad.

I've never been good with numbers but something isn't working out for me here.

06-25-2013, 11:25 PM
Yea, finding components is a bit difficult even when ya know where to look, still trying to find some Universal again

Great Mr. Surveyor. Things do seem to be coming back slowly.
We are part of a local ammo club and we were able to buy 5 boxes of winchester primers;
3 small pistol and 3 large pistol. They were $38.50 each, which now a-days isn't too bad.

Thats not too bad, I am fortunate enough to go to a little in a basement style reloading shop where SP primers are still only 32, though that's before tax

I just wish I had been wise enough to stock components before I got the press

I've never been good with numbers but something isn't working out for me here.

Yea, I agree... Maybe he had ment to put 2 and 3 or maybe he ment 6 boxes

I could be wrong but I thought 3+3=6... Or is it 33 :der:

06-26-2013, 04:55 AM
I've never been good with numbers but something isn't working out for me here.

My bad!!!!!!! We bought 3 small and 2 large.
I should never do two things at once.
I was listening to Fox and typing at the same time.

No worries though, when actually reloading we insure there are no distrations
and all our attention is focused on what we are doing.

06-26-2013, 05:03 AM
Thanks, Mr Surveyor but we are in good shape with large pp.
We are a little uncomfortable storing large quantities of primers.
Maybe we are too careful, but I thought you weren't suppose to store more than 8 thousand total unless you were a dealer.

06-26-2013, 08:59 AM
"Yea, I agree... Maybe he had ment to put 2 and 3 or maybe he ment 6 boxes

I could be wrong but I thought 3+3=6... Or is it 33" :der:[/QUOTE]

I got 33 a couple times when I worked it. Might of "ment' 2 and 3, but that would be a whole new problem. Hope I don't have to show my work. I copied Billy's paper.

06-26-2013, 10:50 AM

08-19-2013, 03:08 PM
Yes Mr Surveyor, things seem to be coming back...very slowly. I picked up 10 lbs of powder and a few thousand primers recently, but bullets are slow to find. I have had an order in for 8 months and still waiting. Bulk 22 ammo is still a rare item. I was recently told (by a dealer) that distributers are telling dealers that bullets will be cut back to 10% availability this hunting season (from the last hunting season), leaving 90% of buyers without. It will also effect muzzleloading bullets (sabots). I don't know how true this is, but it seems to be going that way from what I've seen. Things are still a mess. I share and can appreciate your excitement on your recent purchase. Good for you.

08-20-2013, 06:35 AM
I agree things are starting to come back, but it's certainly not in the order I was expecting. For example, considering that there are only eight (?) basic categories of primers (SP, LP, SR, LR + the magnums), I would have thought primers would hit the shelves faster than powder. However, primers started to make a comeback, but then faded away again. I went to the trouble of ordering Winchester 296 from the BassPro website about 7 or 10 days ago. I went to pick up my three bottles at the Customer Service desk and then walked over to the reloading section. I found several more bottles of W296, plus about 6 to 8 different types of powders (none that I use). The primers shelves were nearly bare and the projectiles shelves were mostly empty, except for 7mm.

One thing's for sure: it has given me time to re-organize my reloading supplies and take inventory. Now I know that I have more brass than anything and probably enough to not need to worry about scrounging through the grass at the range. I'm fairly well set on primers but my powder levels are frighteningly low and I need to work on that. So, I'm keeping my eyes open for Blue Dot, IMR-4895, Varget and H110/Win296.