View Full Version : Zimmerman is screwed

06-25-2013, 05:02 PM
when your defense attorney opens up with a knock knock joke your screwed. The man's life is at stake. Are you kidding me?

Did you see the look of Z's attorney when the prosecution said his last few words to the jury(".... because he wanted to...")? His mouth was agape. He was thinking how is he gonna thwart this and then comes up with a joke?

Opening round went to prosecution. They better get their act together if Z is going to have a chance


06-25-2013, 05:12 PM
Yep, if you are the pitcher in a baseball game and your first pitch beans the batter in the head the rest of the game usually doesn't go so swell for your team....Real dumb move to use a very stupid joke that insults the jury as the opening statement....Too bad Zimmerman's gotten so chubby, those horizontal stripes really do make you look fatter....

06-25-2013, 05:17 PM
when your defense attorney opens up with a knock knock joke your screwed. The man's life is at stake. Are you kidding me?

Did you see the look of Z's attorney when the prosecution said his last few words to the jury(".... because he wanted to...")? His moth was agape. He was in thinking how is he gonna thwart this and then comes up with a joke?

Opening round went to prosecution. They better get their act together if Z is going to have a chance


Not gonna happen. Zimmerman's toast. At least he'll be able to cite incompetent representation at appeal.

06-25-2013, 06:26 PM
poor move on his attorneys part and also n the prosecution into to. the foul language wasnot good either. Zimmerman will be OK in this trial. Last resort if the trial seems to be going sounth is that zimmerman can take the stand. I don't see the judge allowing the prosecution to bring into thecase the past phone calls of their choosing either, as I think wthis owuld opent he door for zimmermans attorney to bring in the cell phone photos of the doper and his bad looking photos also..

06-25-2013, 06:36 PM
If I'm a defense attorney and my client is guilty I want a not very intelligent jury. I may be abel to feed them BS and make them believe it. If my client is innocent I want an intelligent jury. They can usually sort through the BS and get find the truth. I believe Zimmermans jury is fairly intelligent.

06-25-2013, 06:45 PM
agree, by next week they will have forgot allabout the opening remakrs as stupidf as they were on both sides. the facts will clear zimmerman.

06-25-2013, 07:01 PM
agree, by next week they will have forgot allabout the opening remakrs as stupidf as they were on both sides. the facts will clear zimmerman.

Maybe, but when you hit the wall or blow an engine in practice and have to start at the rear of the field you need to be good to come out on top. My impression of Z's attorney is that he's not all that great. Could be wrong of course. We'll see.

06-25-2013, 07:05 PM
He's no slouch attorney. He will be OK..

06-25-2013, 07:23 PM
I agree with Jocko, the joke was dumb, but the prosecutor's moves were dumber.

06-25-2013, 07:52 PM
One benefit for Zimmerman about the opening knock, knock joke. If the jury finds him guilty, he will have a clear cut motion to ask for a new trial because of an inefficient Lawyer. ;)

06-25-2013, 09:15 PM
the opening statement by the prosecutor with the profanity was excellent in my opinion. It got the jury's attention quickly. Also, since it was Z's words used on the 911 call, it made Z look like a monster.

I do not think it will be easy to recover from this for Z. Not impossible but they have some work to do.

06-26-2013, 09:10 AM
agree, by next week they will have forgot allabout the opening remakrs as stupidf as they were on both sides. the facts will clear zimmerman.

+1 Were readin' this case with the same glasses, Jocko. No jury in it's right mind is going to jeopardize their own right to self defense. The prosecutor seems to be able to read minds. He claims to know what Zimmerman was thinking. Zimmerman will walk. It's his word against a dead man's word and the dead man ain't talkin. The evidence so far is in Zimmerman's favor. He wasn't even initially charged with a crime by the police.

06-26-2013, 10:09 AM
I personally see a conviction, if only due to the fact he didn't return to his truck when the dispatcher said he didn't need to be following him. To me, this implies he kept looking, in which case he becomes the aggressor.

Plain and simple, self defense no longer applies if you are the aggressor and you suddenly find yourself in over your head.

06-26-2013, 10:16 AM
glock 23: ur opinion. he broke no laws by following him,. It might imply that to you but I don't see it that way. Gonna take more than that to convict on a 2nd degree murder charge. Mansalughter might have gotten an easier conmviction but 2nd degree,IMO not gonna happen.That fact that the prosecutor and police felt there was no charges to befiled are in Z's favor. By the phootos of Z's head and nose, I would have to say that Trevor was the agressor.

06-26-2013, 10:41 AM
Regarding the fight that ended with a gunshot, I would agree that Trayvon was more than likely the aggressor.

And I'm not saying that Zimmerman broke any laws by following Trayvon.

Trayvon ran. Zimmerman followed. That makes him the legal aggressor in the situation, and removes Zimmerman's legal right to use deadly force in self defense of that situation.

06-26-2013, 10:53 AM
We keep thinking about how a normal trial would be and not this circus....By now it wouldn't matter if Zimmerman chased Trayvon down to give him a Bible and to say how cool he thought his hoodie looked on him and then Trayvon pulled his own gun and shot himself it would still be the same, It's a hate crime, White man kills Black child and Racism inc headed up by Jesse and Al will fan the flames in order to keep their useless carcasses in the limelight....Justice isn't even on the menu at this party...

The parents are in this for the money, nothing else...No matter what happens Zimmerman is screwed....

06-26-2013, 10:56 AM
unjless u were there, u don't know that, ur feeding off alot of comments that cannot be proven. because I follow anyone does not meran I am the agressor. This is not proaboably a dumb fokkng jury either. I just think it is gonna take some hard facts besies this agressor stuff. Both lawyers are gonna plead that part and if u look at the photos of who looked like he got the hell beat out of them then trevor would be the agressor,. becuase I follow u, doe snot give u the right to beat me over it. might be a dumb thing on my part but again I broke no laws,. remember the police did not think acrime was committed either, until ovomit stepped in, people are gonna read into that what ever they want. I would callit blacks covering their asses. Ovomit would have never stepped in had it be a reverse of a black man shootingh a young white boy. everyone knows that. the cuntry knows that..

06-26-2013, 10:57 AM
We keep thinking about how a normal trial would be and not this circus....By now it wouldn' matter if Zimmerman chased Trayvon down to give him a Bible and to say how cool he thought his hoodie looked on him and then Trayvon pulled his own gun and shot himself it would still be the same, It's a hate crime, White man kills Black child and Racism inc headed up by Jesse and Al will fan the flames in order to keep their useless carcasses in the limelight....Justice isn't even on the menu at this party...

The parents are in this for the money, nothing else...No matter what happens Zimmerman is screwed....

but maybe better to be screwed than HUNG. Just sayin. Maybe we are under estimating these 6 white women on the jury to...

06-26-2013, 11:22 AM
I personally see a conviction, if only due to the fact he didn't return to his truck when the dispatcher said he didn't need to be following him. To me, this implies he kept looking, in which case he becomes the aggressor.

Plain and simple, self defense no longer applies if you are the aggressor and you suddenly find yourself in over your head.

I agree Zimmerman made a conscious decision to not take the dispatchers advice. Many could view this as and act of aggression on his part. For me the bottom line is if he would have taken the dispatchers advice none of this would have happened. However Zimmerman was a cop wanna be crime fighter with a gun and playing stupid games. Only problem is with playing stupid games you win stupid prizes. I do not feel sorry for him nor do I care the outcome of the trial in the least, He was told to back off and didn't.

Longitude Zero
06-26-2013, 11:25 AM
The parents are in this for the money, nothing else...No matter what happens Zimmerman is screwed....

From the criminal standpoint I do not see a conviction in his future. However a ruinous civil suit very well could be. Even if he is acquitted he has no protection from the civil side of the law.

06-26-2013, 11:35 AM
My last entry as a participant in this thread.

I look at some of these entries as a recommendation to not do your job if it might hurt or offend someone.
Purse speculation on my part but the way I see it Z was following, observing, not actively trying to apprehend or take Crayon into custody.
He was a neighborhood watch member watching the neighborhood. Does this make him a cop wanna be. Sometimes yes, sometimes no, lots of professions are filled with cop wanna be's. I think as children most wanna be cops, myself I wanted to be a Rodeo Clown and to this day wish I had pursued that more diligently.

I'm sure Z was not authorized to be armed as a neighborhood watchman. If I was a neighborhood watchman I would not adhere to that rule either, no way no how.

This is not a justice trial and a few have mentioned. It's a dog and pony show, and a platform for Crayons parents to end up with a lot of money, not sure where it will come from since I'm sure Z is already in debt up to his ears.

I guess in summary I see Z as a dedicated neighborhood watchman trying to do his job.

That is all for me here. I'll be under my rock but I will be watching. Keep it civil, keep it impersonal and may you all have a pleasant day and a better tomorrow.

06-26-2013, 11:37 AM
First, the the 911 dispatcher didn't tell Zimmerman not to follow Travon Martin.. The dispatchers exact word were, "You don't have to do that." when Zimmerman told him that he was following Travon Martin. Second, when the dispatcher said those words, in Zimmerman's sworn statement he said that he did stop following Martin. He further stated that he was returning to his truck when he was approached and attacked by Travon Martin. There are no witnesses to refute that statement. The prosecution is trying to make a racist out of a man who tutored minority children. It ain't gonna fly.

06-26-2013, 11:41 AM
hell heis brokewill remain broke the rest of his life a civil suit wouold get nuttin. The housing peopl,e already paid over amillion to the Martin family in a civil suit (out of court settlement). They sure in hell ain't gonna get anything from Z. And even at that a civi9l suit means nuttin, u still gotta prove ur case one way or the utter..

No doubt Popeye he is paying the price for his stupidity asnd wanna be cop sh!t to. but again that doesnt make it right that he b e covnicted of 2nd degree murder. I guess I do care about the out come for had it not been white on black ovomit would have never stepped in on this and made it a national hang the white man trial. WTf they are killin every damn day blacks in chicago, young kids to, drive by, but it is also black on black so your just not gonna see ovomit ahd holder and sharpie getting involved in that scenario. I'm voting on sensible white female jury.

06-26-2013, 11:46 AM
Help me out here. If acquitted, isn't Z immune from civil litigation? Isn't that the meat of the Stand your Ground statute? Not certain how it is in FL.

06-26-2013, 11:49 AM
My last entry as a participant in this thread.

I look at some of these entries as a recommendation to not do your job if it might hurt or offend someone.
Purse speculation on my part but the way I see it Z was following, observing, not actively trying to apprehend or take Crayon into custody.
He was a neighborhood watch member watching the neighborhood. Does this make him a cop wanna be. Sometimes yes, sometimes no, lots of professions are filled with cop wanna be's. I think as children most wanna be cops, myself I wanted to be a Rodeo Clown and to this day wish I had pursued that more diligently.

I'm sure Z was not authorized to be armed as a neighborhood watchman. If I was a neighborhood watchman I would not adhere to that rule either, no way no how.

This is not a justice trial and a few have mentioned. It's a dog and pony show, and a platform for Crayons parents to end up with a lot of money, not sure where it will come from since I'm sure Z is already in debt up to his ears.

I guess in summary I see Z as a dedicated neighborhood watchman trying to do his job.

That is all for me here. I'll be under my rock but I will be watching. Keep it civil, keep it impersonal and may you all have a pleasant day and a better tomorrow.

crap colonel, u don't need the rodeo part, u know that. and my bet is ur gonna post again to and as bad as I hate to agree with a damn clown, ur points are all on target. alot of speculation on our part and scenario's but we weren't there, and crayon is dead and buried. He has no story to tell, his attorneys can try to talk for him. Z was there and is srtill alive and I do feel if the case seems to be going south, that Z will testify. He doesn't look or seem like a total idiot as far as hyper etc. Jurors are gonn a look at him all thorught he trial, he is very presentable IMO. I think any moneys gotten by his family has already been gotten, as his attorneys will have first dibs on any excess money and then if a civil suit comes and they again have to win it and again have to pay attorneys to win it for them to, then crayons family will get sumpin. Were not suin phil mICKELSON HERE FOLKS, WE ARE SUIN A DEAD AS BROKE MAN, WHO WAS MORE THAN LIKELy DEAD ASS BROKE BEFORE THIS EVER HAPPEND. u AIN'T GONNA GET BLOOD OUT OF A TURNIP...

Ask OJ victims. They can't even touch his NFL retirement money..:Amflag2:

06-26-2013, 12:12 PM
The parents and the jurors are all thinking about book and movie deals after it's all over...Zimmerman if he does manage to get off will be doing good to get a landscaping crew job and his new Ramen Noodle diet will help him knock those pounds he gained the last year and a half right off....

06-26-2013, 12:53 PM
wellhe might go to work for kewltek as their PR an witha slogan. OUR GUNS WORK WHEN NEEDED. Just sayin

06-26-2013, 01:16 PM
One reporter was saying that Z didn't get beat up that bad. He said he's seen fights and that those involved usually get hurt much worse than Z did!!
Well, how many times do you have to let the guy beat your head into the ground? Do you have to wait until your skull is fractured? .......sorry too LATE!

During mag 40 Masaad talked about discrepancy of force as being one element allowing the use of deadly force. Fore instance at 5' 5'' 112 lb I could use deadly force sooner than
a 6'4" former Seal with a handgun. However, during the course of an encounter a large
healthy man could transition into a situation where discrepancy of force would became a factor, when it was irrelevant earlier on (I know that is wordy, sorry). For instance if the person attacked ended up on the ground and being stompt or punched. He said being punched etc. is very different when you are on the ground. The ground doesn't allow you to absorb the punch or stomp, your body takes the full brunt of the strike.
Z made some bad choices, but this trial is political. The incident was forced into the court, even though the police didn't see a reason to charge Z initially.

It's interesting that the New York Post (I think or maybe it was the Wall Street Journal)
called Z a white hispanic. That's a FIRST!

06-26-2013, 01:50 PM
I agree Zimmerman made a conscious decision to not take the dispatchers advice. Many could view this as and act of aggression on his part. For me the bottom line is if he would have taken the dispatchers advice none of this would have happened. However Zimmerman was a cop wanna be crime fighter with a gun and playing stupid games. Only problem is with playing stupid games you win stupid prizes. I do not feel sorry for him nor do I care the outcome of the trial in the least, He was told to back off and didn't.


Zimmerman went looking for trouble that night and got more than he bargained for. By not listening to what he was told to do, he became the aggressor, he put himself in a position that he had to use his weapon.

06-26-2013, 02:03 PM
"It's interesting that the New York Post (I think or maybe it was the Wall Street Journal)
called Z a white hispanic. That's a FIRST! "

I had to go to ethniticty class and that's what that call em.

They are white, but they are hispanic ethniticity.

What started was a national reporting system they wanted me to do. Once of the questions was Hispanic / Non Hispanic. Only two options.

Told them I couldn't do it, that doesn't work for me. What is that saying. Most crime perps are Hispanic, or most crime perps are non hispanic.
Are they already outnumbering everyone else so White, Black, no longer matters.

They gave up and I didn't have to do those reports.

Longitude Zero
06-26-2013, 02:08 PM
Help me out here. If acquitted, isn't Z immune from civil litigation? Isn't that the meat of the Stand your Ground statute? Not certain how it is in FL.

IIRC If he had availed himself of SYG BEFORE the trial started maybe. Once the trial starts the SYG civil immunity goes out the window. Here in OK if the prosecuting attorney determines the shooting was justified civil liability is no more. If however the prosecuting attorney takes you to trial even if you are declared not guilty the lawsuit can and will be filed.

In almost all states to get civil immunity the prosecuter MUST NOT charge you at all. Being declared not guilty is not the same as innocent and it does not help you on the civil side of the law.

You can be declared not guilty on the criminal side and still loose the civil case as the burden of prooof for civil cases is MUCH LOWER than is require in criminal cases.

06-26-2013, 02:13 PM
This pretty much say it all about what is expected from a member of a neighborhood crime watch. If you don't want to read the whole thing just read the last paragraph(Warning)

06-26-2013, 02:24 PM
Martins girl friend to whom he was talking at the time of the incident just testified that Martin described Zimmerman as looking like a "nasty a$$ *******" when she asked him to describe the man who was following him. Of course, she must have been mistaken because as we all know blacks can't possibly be racist.

06-26-2013, 02:45 PM
get alife muggs, onbly whites are racists. is this not the gal that did not even go to th funeral of crayon???

06-26-2013, 03:00 PM
Help me out here. If acquitted, isn't Z immune from civil litigation? Isn't that the meat of the Stand your Ground statute? Not certain how it is in FL.

It would be in Texas. No civil suit if acquitted (or no-billed either).

06-26-2013, 03:18 PM
Well Bawaana so what do the people in charge consider Hispanics?
I'm confused.

So what is politically correct (like I really care)?

Also, does anyone know what channel the trial is on?

06-26-2013, 03:22 PM
Thats right, Thats why we have the NAAWP and the Congressional White Caucus, Miss White America pageant, White History Month, White Entertainment Channel, United White College Fund and...........What? Whats that?... We don't have any of those things?...... your sure......Oh Well Never Mind....:rolleyes:

KKK IS STILL alive and well.:Amflag2:

06-26-2013, 03:25 PM
Lord I apologize about that last post and be with the starving pygmies down in New Guinea....

06-26-2013, 03:33 PM
unjless u were there, u don't know that, ur feeding off alot of comments that cannot be proven. because I follow anyone does not meran I am the agressor.
Whose comments am I feeding off of? Everything I've said is based off of Zimmerman's sworn statements, listening to the 911 call, and my degree in Criminal Justice.

Whether Trayvon was up to no good or not, no one will ever know. Zimmerman thought he was suspicious or on drugs because he was out walking in the rain.

Now look at it from the other side... you're Trayvon, walking in the rain, at night, and someone is following you in their car. It's not a cop car. He has no clue who's in the car or why they're following him. He's not doing anything wrong as far as anyone knows. So he runs.

Right then, Zimmerman got out and started to chase him... and right then, according to the law, he became the aggressor. It simply does not matter that he was breaking no laws by following... he is still legally considered to be the aggressor of the whole situation.

He followed for about 15 seconds...and he lost him... and the dispatcher says he doesn't need to follow. He agrees, and you can hear that he's not running anymore.

2 more minutes go by before that call ends, yet he's not back in his car that he ran away from for 15 seconds. He's still out in the rain, "not" looking for Trayvon.

I'm not saying that his life wasn't in danger, or even that he thought his life was in danger. I'm saying that the second he got out of his car and started chasing, for no other reason than his own suspicions, he lost his legal right to defend himself with the justifiable use of deadly force.

06-26-2013, 03:40 PM
guess were just gonna have to sit back and see how this turns out.

06-26-2013, 04:03 PM
This pretty much say it all about what is expected from a member of a neighborhood crime watch. If you don't want to read the whole thing just read the last paragraph(Warning)

Right on the money, Popeye. A neighborhood watch is good neighbors being good neighbors. They aren't wanna be cops. The organizations usually form after crimes like break-ins increase in an area. It's honest law abiding people looking out for one another. The fact that Zimmerman was armed is irrelevant. As a CC license holder it was his right to be armed.

06-26-2013, 05:13 PM
wellI think I am gonna join the colonel on this thread and take a back seat . I have over voiced my thoughts and I certainly don't want to make anyone here mad as we all have our opinions. this trial will not last long either, so pull up a seat..

06-26-2013, 05:24 PM
I cut and pasted the last paragraph:
Membership in a Neighborhood Watch program does not mean taking personal action when a crime is observed. It means observing suspicious activity and reporting it to the police so they will be able to take appropriate action. The National Crime Prevention Council states that Neighborhood Watch group members are not vigilantes.

OK say I was outside and I hear a noise. I go and investigate (are we all good so far?)
I see a guy breaking into the house next door and he sees me looking at him. (still good?)
I then call 911 on my cell and start walking back to my home. (still good?)
The guy intercepts me before I get to my front door and starts beating me(still ok?)
I then pull my 1911 with custom Bawanna grips and drill him. Am I a vigilante? How is this scenario different than what Zimmerman claims happened?
Since when does it become a crime to observe someone? Since when does the same action become so egregious that beating the observer is justified?

06-26-2013, 05:32 PM
Love the part about the bawanna grips, outside of that I don't give a damn.

Aww heck, you tricked me, I wasn't gonna post here no mo....................got me again.

06-26-2013, 05:50 PM
Don't matter, the media has already tried and convicted Zimmer and the rest is just a reality show with Nancy Grace cheer leading the prosecution.

06-26-2013, 05:51 PM
some more....



06-26-2013, 05:52 PM
I cut and pasted the last paragraph:
Membership in a Neighborhood Watch program does not mean taking personal action when a crime is observed. It means observing suspicious activity and reporting it to the police so they will be able to take appropriate action. The National Crime Prevention Council states that Neighborhood Watch group members are not vigilantes.

OK say I was outside and I hear a noise. I go and investigate (are we all good so far?)
I see a guy breaking into the house next door and he sees me looking at him. (still good?)
I then call 911 on my cell and start walking back to my home. (still good?)
The guy intercepts me before I get to my front door and starts beating me(still ok?)
I then pull my 1911 with custom Bawanna grips and drill him. Am I a vigilante? How is this scenario different than what Zimmerman claims happened?
Since when does it become a crime to observe someone? Since when does the same action become so egregious that beating the observer is justified?
1. Zimmerman did not see Trayvon committing a crime.
2. Zimmerman was not simply observing... he was following/chasing.

06-26-2013, 07:25 PM
And that warrants a beating. Broken nose lacerations to the back of the head. I don't think so.

06-26-2013, 07:37 PM
And that warrants a beating. Broken nose lacerations to the back of the head. I don't think so.
There is exactly 1 person on this planet that knows the events that caused the physical encounter to happen, and he's on trial for murder.

Bottom line is he should never have gotten out of his car. That one decision could cost him the rest of his life.

06-26-2013, 07:42 PM
hindsight is always 20-20. don;'t u think Z knows that??? I am sure he or crayon had no clue as to the ultimate ending of that event either or both would have never done either.

06-26-2013, 07:50 PM
I think Z just wanted to kill someone he perceived of as bad. I know the feeling. He just isn't/wasn't very good at it.

06-26-2013, 07:54 PM
but lets remember 99.995%all thought OJ was guilty. so don'tcross Z out..

06-26-2013, 08:10 PM
but lets remember 99.995%all thought OJ was guilty. so don'tcross Z out..

They gotta find Z a glove that doesn't fit for that to work. :rolleyes:

06-27-2013, 12:26 AM
This pretty much say it all about what is expected from a member of a neighborhood crime watch. If you don't want to read the whole thing just read the last paragraph(Warning)

Why should I read this? I did by the way.

The FACT is that while Mr Zimmerman was apparently the neighborhood watch captain that FACT has no bearing on the case since he was not acting in any sort of official capacity at the time. He was simply a citizen on his way out shopping according to the initial report.

People keep on saying that he was neighborhood watch and they they are not supposed to be armed while on duty. Funny thing is that they never complete the statement with the FACT that he was not "on duty" at the time.

People call Mr Zimmerman a "wannabe" yet we fould out in court that he was offered a place in the Citizen Patrol class and didn't take it. Seems to me a "wannabe" would jump on that in a second.

Ya gotta love this particular section in my opinion.

Membership in a Neighborhood Watch program does not mean taking personal action when a crime is observed. It means observing suspicious activity and reporting it to the police so they will be able to take appropriate action. The National Crime Prevention Council states that Neighborhood Watch group members are not vigilantes."

Read more: http://www.ehow.com/facts_6748006_neighborhood-watch-meaning.html#ixzz2XOLr8tGC

Especially in light of the FACT that he was not doing anything in the vigilante vein even tho many people want to make that the issue. Notice how they do not say that George Zimmerman was FOLLOWING Trayvon Martin but they claim that he was pursuing him. In my opinion PURSUE is far different than FOLLOW. When you FOLLOW you are doing exactly as that warning claims you are supposed to be doing ("It means observing suspicious activity and reporting it to the police so they will be able to take appropriate action."). When you PURSUE someone then you are doing exactly what it says you are not supposed to be doing.

The 911 tape seems to show that George Zimmerman was doing exactly as he should have done. He was observing and reporting.


06-27-2013, 06:07 AM
Was just coming back from the store and was not in any official capacity on duty. Is that what your trying to tell me? Then he just should have done what he was supposed to do, report it to police and go home. or ignore it completely. He chose to break the law ignore there advice take it to another level and follow him, even though knowing full well he was armed and it was illegal to do so. Stand your ground or neighborhood crime watch does not mean follow someone with a gun till it ends up in someone's death. Over What?? Because Z with his infinite knowledge though he was on drugs.
Please tell me your not testifying for Z at the trial. A lawyer would have a ball with that nonsense.

I'm not looking at any of this in a pro gun or anti gun matter, Z doesn't stand for anything I believe in. He is not a responsible gun owner in the least. As far as I'm concerned Martin wasn't the only punk roaming the streets that night.

I'm done.

06-27-2013, 07:43 AM
My last entry as a participant in this thread.

I look at some of these entries as a recommendation to not do your job if it might hurt or offend someone.
Purse speculation on my part but the way I see it Z was following, observing, not actively trying to apprehend or take Crayon into custody.
He was a neighborhood watch member watching the neighborhood. Does this make him a cop wanna be. Sometimes yes, sometimes no, lots of professions are filled with cop wanna be's. I think as children most wanna be cops, myself I wanted to be a Rodeo Clown and to this day wish I had pursued that more diligently.

I'm sure Z was not authorized to be armed as a neighborhood watchman. If I was a neighborhood watchman I would not adhere to that rule either, no way no how.

This is not a justice trial and a few have mentioned. It's a dog and pony show, and a platform for Crayons parents to end up with a lot of money, not sure where it will come from since I'm sure Z is already in debt up to his ears.

I guess in summary I see Z as a dedicated neighborhood watchman trying to do his job.

That is all for me here. I'll be under my rock but I will be watching. Keep it civil, keep it impersonal and may you all have a pleasant day and a better tomorrow.

It's funny Bawanna, but I've always pictured you as a rodeo clown. :)

06-27-2013, 07:48 AM
Was just coming back from the store and was not in any official capacity on duty. Is that what your trying to tell me? Then he just should have done what he was supposed to do, report it to police and go home. or ignore it completely. He chose to break the law ignore there advice take it to another level and follow him, even though knowing full well he was armed and it was illegal to do so. Stand your ground or neighborhood crime watch does not mean follow someone with a gun till it ends up in someone's death. Over What?? Because Z with his infinite knowledge though he was on drugs.
Please tell me your not testifying for Z at the trial. A lawyer would have a ball with that nonsense.

I'm not looking at any of this in a pro gun or anti gun matter, Z doesn't stand for anything I believe in. He is not a responsible gun owner in the least. As far as I'm concerned Martin wasn't the only punk roaming the streets that night.

I'm done.

Word of warning, Popeye. Don't have anyone on the jury, if you are ever accused of committing a crime, who will find you guilty before all of the facts are presented. Remember, it's supposed to be innocent until proven guilty.

06-27-2013, 08:30 AM
I don't foresee this jury having a favorable opinion of Crayon's "girlfriend's" testimony. Seemed like she needed a ghetto-to-English translator for the jury. I couldn't understand half of what she murmured and what I did understand made her seem like a useless witness. Would I dismiss 100% of what she said as lies or stupidity? I don't know, and I'm glad I'm not on the jury!

06-27-2013, 09:34 AM
They gotta find Z a glove that doesn't fit for that to work. :rolleyes:

they could in this case just pull out the gun which was a kel tek and show the juryt that most of the time it just doesn't work, so itr could not havew been Z that did it . Just sayin. Hell Judgeheto would proabaly allow that in court even.:Amflag2:

06-27-2013, 09:49 AM
Many thanks to Jocko for giving me my first good laugh of the day! :D

Wait, that same approach could get a lot of gang members off charges given how many Jennings, Brycos, High Points, etc., that they use. Better not let that suggestion get out.

06-27-2013, 10:58 AM
Many thanks to Jocko for giving me my first good laugh of the day! :D

Wait, that same approach could get a lot of gang members off charges given how many Jennings, Brycos, High Points, etc., that they use. Better not let that suggestion get out....or CW45s... :o :rolleyes: :D

So Miss Star Witness is functionally illiterate as well as a liar. http://abcnews.go.com/US/george-zimmerman-witness-cantt-read-letter-wrote-shooting/story?id=19504826#.UcxfyPnVDCc

06-27-2013, 12:53 PM
+1 for the defense on this day. Not a good witness

06-27-2013, 01:33 PM
Grandpa always said you could tell a lot about a persons character by what kind of friends they hung around with....Looks like he was right...

06-27-2013, 02:50 PM
grandpa always said you could tell a lot about a persons character by what kind of friends they hung around with....looks like he was right...


06-27-2013, 06:25 PM
I think Z just wanted to kill someone he perceived of as bad. I know the feeling. He just isn't/wasn't very good at it.

If Zimmerman just wanted to kill someone he perceived as bad he wouldn't have dialed 911 to report a suspicious person to the police. He would have shot first and then called the police. If he just wanted to shoot someone who he perceived as bad he wouldn't have waited until his nose had been broken and his scalp lacerated. If Travon was in fear of the "creepy ass kracker" he wouldn't have confronted him. He would have run like hell for home. Travon is dead. If Zimmerman just wanted to kill someone who he perceived as bad he did a very good job of it. One shot, one kill.

06-27-2013, 07:33 PM
Look deep into his eyes. Does he seem really bright? No plan or thought beyond the next three or four seconds and with a wannabe attitude. Like driving arrogantly 10 feet in front of your car on the DC beltway. Upside down in a ditch wondering what happened when it was all supposed to be on the other guy.

Like I said...He just isn't/wasn't very good at it.

06-27-2013, 08:19 PM
Many thanks to Jocko for giving me my first good laugh of the day! :D

Wait, that same approach could get a lot of gang members off charges given how many Jennings, Brycos, High Points, etc., that they use. Better not let that suggestion get out.

Jocko is on his game today for sure.

06-28-2013, 06:30 PM
Zimmerman +2
He might win this despite his attorney's knock knock joke


06-28-2013, 06:49 PM
If Zimmerman just wanted to kill someone he perceived as bad he wouldn't have dialed 911 to report a suspicious person to the police. He would have shot first and then called the police. If he just wanted to shoot someone who he perceived as bad he wouldn't have waited until his nose had been broken and his scalp lacerated. If Travon was in fear of the "creepy ass kracker" he wouldn't have confronted him. He would have run like hell for home. Travon is dead. If Zimmerman just wanted to kill someone who he perceived as bad he did a very good job of it. One shot, one kill.

with a fokking kel tek:Amflag2:

06-29-2013, 02:14 PM
Jocko, I carried a KelTec P3AT as a back-up before I acquired my P380. The sights were terrible and likewise the trigger, but it did always go bang when the trigger was pulled. My old man used to tell me that it wasn't the gun, but the man behind the gun who determined the outcome of a gun fight. If it's all that you can afford a KelTec serves the purpose well.

06-30-2013, 11:49 AM
I've found that it's hard to miss with a contact shot.

06-30-2013, 12:42 PM
Jocko, I carried a KelTec P3AT as a back-up before I acquired my P380. The sights were terrible and likewise the trigger, but it did always go bang when the trigger was pulled. My old man used to tell me that it wasn't the gun, but the man behind the gun who determined the outcome of a gun fight. If it's all that you can afford a KelTec serves the purpose well.

my 3 kel tek wereOk to after 16 times back. POS guns back when I owned them. I could never trust um. Maybe better today, after Ruger stold their thunder with their lcp which was a copy but seemed to work. IJMO ur ol man could have been wrong with that statement to..

06-30-2013, 06:16 PM
my 3 kel tek wereOk to after 16 times back. POS guns back when I owned them. I could never trust um. Maybe better today, after Ruger stold their thunder with their lcp which was a copy but seemed to work. IJMO ur ol man could have been wrong with that statement to..

I had a friend with one of the early Kel Tec's.
We called it a Click Tec due to all the light primer strikes.
Plus FTF and/or FTE with every mag.
It was a total POS and was disposed of in short order.

If I was on a really tight defensive handgun budget?
I'd go revolver.

Actually, many years ago, in a previous life.
Low on cash, just being issued my very first carry permit.
I bought a used S&W 629 4" for $350.
My very first handgun.

06-30-2013, 09:41 PM
Actually, many years ago, in a previous life.
Low on cash, just being issued my very first carry permit.
I bought a used S&W 629 4" for $350.
My very first handgun.

You bought anything since then? :rolleyes:

06-30-2013, 10:46 PM
You bought anything since then? :rolleyes:
that's funny

07-01-2013, 10:33 AM
I guess Z is very happy to see his KT worked just fine while he was getting his brave wanna be butt pummeled.:D

07-01-2013, 11:33 AM
Hell if Z gets off, maybe kel tek can use him in an add that shows him in camo and his trusty PF9 and the slogan. " One shot, One kill". u thinketh

07-01-2013, 11:41 AM
I guess Z is very happy to see his KT worked just fine while he was getting his brave wanna be butt pummeled.:D

Some day you may be on the receiving end of an ass whuppin'. If you are forced to shoot, I hope that those responding to your actions don't see you in the same light as you see Zimmerman. I hope that they see you as innocent until proven to be a wannabe.

07-01-2013, 11:48 AM
my 3 kel tek wereOk to after 16 times back. POS guns back when I owned them. I could never trust um. Maybe better today, after Ruger stold their thunder with their lcp which was a copy but seemed to work. IJMO ur ol man could have been wrong with that statement to..

Every new gun on the market has its share of problems. If I had a nickel for every complaint that I've ever seen on the Kahr Talk website, I could afford to buy Barth's barrel collection! One of the best deer hunters that I've ever known was a guy named Hutchinson who owned an old Savage model 99. It was the only gun he ever owned. He got his buck every year with one shot. It ain't the gun, it's the man behind the gun. Just sayin.

07-01-2013, 12:05 PM
I have several guns that have been flawless out of the box. I like my P40 very much but our relationship was very rocky from the start. Kahrs are not cheap and I think my gun should have been much more lovable from the start than it was. I came very close to giving up on my P40, but the support here empowered me to keep trying to find the love. I am glad I eventually did.

07-01-2013, 12:08 PM
We're all about finding the love here. Cept maybe Jocko, he can be a grumpy old goat from time to time but I think deep down inside, way deep, he knows love too.

07-01-2013, 01:10 PM
Some day you may be on the receiving end of an ass whuppin'. If you are forced to shoot, I hope that those responding to your actions don't see you in the same light as you see Zimmerman. I hope that they see you as innocent until proven to be a wannabe.

You could be right, but it won't be because I went out of my way looking for one. My Penna. License to carry clearly states for SD. It is a last defense measure for when all sane actions and thinking fails. It does not imply in anyway shape or form that I can play crime fighter and I can follow someone for no real reason to the point of an altercation, and then when I'm getting my butt handed to me I can claim I was just standing my ground. Sorry Muggsy but there is nothing there for me to look at Z and his actions,as any sort of responsible gun owner.
As I've said before he's a punk wannabe. He and his reckless actions in no way will help our cause as responsible gun owners. So lets just say we agree to disagree.

07-01-2013, 01:12 PM
well none of us was there and crayon is dead, Z is still here, if push comes toshove he will testify but there is so much testimony in the recordes books now that I think they will never put him on the stand. It is very easy to pre judge Z. sure today he would never had done that sh!t but. Crayon wasno child either. He has been in and out of troble, not like he was the preachers son. Not sayin he shoul,d have died but again I was not thgere and if you start to pound me in the ground I will defend myself tothe best of my ability. For some reason Popeye I sense u think Za should hang. I hope I am wrong but I totally disagree. If ovomit had never gotten involved in this case it would have been on page 5 the next day and dead in the water a week later. that is what is making this a national case, ovomit, not what Z did, IMO. I don't want to loose any internet frieds over this eithert for we all have kand should have our opinion and my opinion from day one is that they will not convict him of 2nd deree murder. The state got to greedy thanks to Holder ad ovomit with the charges. I heard todaty even that crayons parents asked for mansalaughtrer charges over 2nd degree murder but again holder and ovomit want to hand Z, not realy try him in a court of law.

today should be about the 19 heroes that died in the fire out west. screw this trial but rest assured after tomorrow those fire fithers will behistory andit willbe back on the ol Z's ass. bawanna I am indeed a fokkinggrouchy ol man, but ovomit has made me that way and the fact that he is black doesn't help my any either....

No doubt had crayon been 35 years old this would have been on page 9 or if he looked like Hernadez.. no dopubt IMO Z is not a responsible gun owner popeye but crayon is certainly not a responsible person either U just don't pund someones ass because he is or u think he is following you. Would we have looked at this any different if it was an undercover cop doin what Z did and crayon doin what he did. Pullin out a badge I am not sure gives them any more right than what some are saying Z had no right to do, which basically he did have that right. to my knowledge he broke no law..:Amflag2:

07-01-2013, 01:15 PM
Hell if Z gets off, maybe kel tek can use him in an add that shows him in camo and his trusty PF9 and the slogan. " One shot, One kill". u thinketh

At the rate he's going there going to need a wide angle lens. :D

07-01-2013, 01:17 PM
lock me up in my home for a year and ol jocko would have to sell his Harleys as I could not get my leg over the seat...

07-01-2013, 02:03 PM
For some reason Popeye I sense u think Za should hang.

Jocko/Muggsy Think what you want, but the truth is if he would have stopped following Martin when told to do so, none of this would have happened. Z's crime fighter wannabe actions were reckless and totally uncalled for. Z alone chose to take it to the next level. Certainly nothing last resort as the use of a gun should be. What Martin may or may not have done in the past has no bearing on the night in question. I'm sure Martin is no choir boy, most teens aren't and neither was I at that age.
However I'm not going to side with Z just because he's a A Hole gun owner and is not Black.
This case has done nothing favorable for stand your ground laws or for gun owners in general. If anything it has hurt them.

07-01-2013, 02:21 PM
hindsight is 20-20 and as I said we were not there.. The word "IF" always seems to come up in alot of scenario's to..

I bet the Japs hated what happened at Pearl to==AFTER.
Thatis the only reason this casei s National.It is a crime of white on black, put it any utter way and we would not even be discussing it. So IMO it is all about race,not as much about justice or STAND UR GROUND.If u can't admti to that then ur lookin through blinders of some sort.:Amflag2:

07-01-2013, 02:43 PM
Glad you mentioned the race card and I totally agree Jocko when it comes to Zimmerman it was all about race long before that bullet was ever fired.
As far as him being the size of an Orca out of water that's also his problem. I exercise in my house almost everyday to maintain my weight. I just can't muster up any sympathy for Zimmerman as he recklessly chose to make his bed now he has to sleep in it.

07-01-2013, 02:49 PM
not exactly what I said but I get ur point and that may indeed be true, u wanna call any white on black a racial event. That in itself is not right IMO. We have no African Americaqns in my town at all. and for sure if I seen one walking my neighbor hood at nite it would make me think.call it raciswt but it is whatit is. again NO LAW BROKEN.

07-01-2013, 03:16 PM
For some reason Popeye I sense u think Za should hang.

Jocko/Muggsy Think what you want, but the truth is if he would have stopped following Martin when told to do so, none of this would have happened. Z's crime fighter wannabe actions were reckless and totally uncalled for. Z alone chose to take it to the next level. Certainly nothing last resort as the use of a gun should be. What Martin may or may not have done in the past has no bearing on the night in question. I'm sure Martin is no choir boy, most teens aren't and neither was I at that age.
However I'm not going to side with Z just because he's a A Hole gun owner and is not Black.
This case has done nothing favorable for stand your ground laws or for gun owners in general. If anything it has hurt them.

What evidence do you see that shows Mr Zimmerman did not in fact stop following Mr Martin after he was told by the dispatcher that they did not need him to do so?

07-01-2013, 03:18 PM
Glad you mentioned the race card and I totally agree Jocko when it comes to Zimmerman it was all about race long before that bullet was ever fired.
As far as him being the size of an Orca out of water that's also his problem. I exercise in my house almost everyday to maintain my weight. I just can't muster up any sympathy for Zimmerman as he recklessly chose to make his bed now he has to sleep in it.

How was it all about race before a shot was fired? Mr Zimmerman did not mention race until asked by the dispatcher. From the evidence presented there is nothing that shows that he knew the race of Mr Martin when he called the police. Perhaps you know of some evidence that I do not...

07-01-2013, 03:19 PM
not exactly what I said but I get ur point and that may indeed be true, u wanna call any white on black a racial event. That in itself is not right IMO. We have no African Americaqns in my town at all. and for sure if I seen one walking my neighbor hood at nite it would make me think.call it raciswt but it is whatit is. again NO LAW BROKEN.

Mr Martin wasn't simply walking in the rain according to what Mr Zimmerman reported to the police.

07-01-2013, 03:28 PM
Gentlemen you can put any racial spin you want on it. As Jocko has said we were not there. So lets go with that. I'm going to be sticking with my original thoughts on Z. He's a wanna be punk.

07-01-2013, 03:41 PM
My original thought was to close this one after about the 3rd post.

I'm torn between closing or moving to the politics area but I feel obligated to look there from time to time although I try not to as much as possible.

The safety is off, the close switch is exposed, I shall ponder this a bit. Don't want to do anything rash. I got a rep ya know?

07-01-2013, 03:43 PM
Aww heck, that's long enough, this horse is rode down and we're not accomplishing a thing here.

Say Law V. I think that's French for catch ya on the flip side but I got nothing to back that up with.

07-01-2013, 03:47 PM
wel lhow about: " fokkit Dano,close it". Just sayin

07-01-2013, 03:50 PM
You bought anything since then? :rolleyes:

About seven guns in the last 10 or 11 months.
A few more before that.

I may have a problem...

07-01-2013, 04:05 PM
ok, now I have seen about it all. I see on the news today where JAMIE FOXX (black) actor wore to a BET awards festival (have no clue what the fokk that is either. but anyway the pr!ck wore a white T-shirt with a picutre of crayon in his hoodie. Now if that is not sayin hang the white man, for he has to be guilty. WOW. Where are the Z shirts with his head bashed in??? Oh thats right, it would ot be PC.

07-01-2013, 04:15 PM
Now the state is bringing up the fact that his kel tec had a round in the chamber and didnt have a safety. Big fokking deal!! My LCP and Kahr both loaded without external safety's. Not illegal.

07-01-2013, 04:45 PM
I will be willing to place a wager with anyone here that Zimmerman will be found not guilty of Murder II right now (PM me if you want to take that action). No matter what evidence or witnesses that the prosecution has introduced has been contradicted. This is a murder trial and all the prosecution has is a case of "he said/she said." Reasonable doubt all the way!!! Not to mention the fact that this should not even be in trial. If it wasn't for the fact that this was initially portrayed as a racially motivated shooting, no charges would have been brought. White on white, black on black, this would never had made it past the local news. That said, the mainstream, liberal media created this situation and should be held culpable when the non-guilty verdict leads to riots.

07-01-2013, 04:55 PM
I'll not wager against that, I agree completely with your view.

I just wanna see a picture of your Bill Wilson Carry. I try to focus on important things in life, not media shark eating frenzies and pony shows.

Z's life is over thanks to the media and the poser in chief.

07-01-2013, 05:08 PM
no bets on my part.they will not convict Z. Hell I live in a smal lass town of 5K and we have a police force of trained officers and mostly of reserve officers, also the same thing for our county sheriff's dept. Our local cops are paid around 32K ayear. These guys are wanna be cops, they are starving to make alivin and raise any kind of a family. What do u caLL the Reserve officers who wear the same unifrom and carry the same guns? U fokk an egg, they are wannabe's CallZ wha tu want but he is no different,he had no trainin, but neither do i utter than I can clear a jam in my PMJ9 but Ihave no LEO state training.

2nd degre murder is not jay walkin. they might have gotten a reckless mansalughter which would have been little or no time but ovomit and holder and Jesse and AL baby wanted him hanged so they went with a charge that they just won't be able to make it stick. Hell look at Zimmerman, and look at Hernadez. who is the thug??? Z's life is basically ruined but he should not be hung for this based on race and that is all this is about. When u have guys like Jamie foxx wearing a t-shirt at some major awards program with crayons hoodie photo on it, ur telling me anyhow, "please don't confuse me wiht the facts sir". Whitey killed one of ours and that is the end of the story. Screw those people.

07-01-2013, 05:15 PM
Every new gun on the market has its share of problems. If I had a nickel for every complaint that I've ever seen on the Kahr Talk website, I could afford to buy Barth's barrel collection! One of the best deer hunters that I've ever known was a guy named Hutchinson who owned an old Savage model 99. It was the only gun he ever owned. He got his buck every year with one shot. It ain't the gun, it's the man behind the gun. Just sayin.

The only semi auto pistol I've ever owned and shot past a few rounds that never, ever had a malfunction is a Beretta Minx....now at 35+ years and I have no idea of how many Ks of rounds of .22 short

I just wanna see a picture of your Bill Wilson Carry. I try to focus on important things in life.........

Z's life is over thanks to the media and the poser in chief.

a....me, too

b....Well, if he gets past the trial and the riots and assassination attempts it could be his life is just beginning. Lookit what kinda guy we be talkin' about here.

07-01-2013, 06:02 PM
I wonder if Jamie Foxx can wear a crayon T-Shirt on a major awards show and get away with it, could have Paula Dean wore a Z T-shirt on the Matt Lowe show and got away with it.

07-01-2013, 07:52 PM
There may be a price to pay by the media and prosecutor....see here...


07-01-2013, 08:25 PM
I hope they get a huge payday from NBC. With their doctored tapes and skewed reporting, they really went all out to try and frame Z. All for increased ratings.
I don't trust the Media any farther than I can throw them. I get most of my news from places like The Blaze, Bob Livingstons Personal Liberty Digest, WND, and several other conservative groups.
I found an interesting video, from a black minister, Rev. Manning, who calls Trayvon the son of Satan's son, over the remark Obama made that if he had a son he'd look like Trayvon. He calls out the race baiters, and makes some pretty good points.
He's one of the few black people that are looking at the facts, and not just jumping on the racial bandwagon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHfPtkwGJfU He says their can be no meaningful dialogue between whites and blacks, until whites get over their fear of being labeled racists, just because they don't agree with a black person.

07-02-2013, 06:31 AM
Don't feel you need to close it or me Bawanna I'm done with it. I've learned more than I ever wanted to know from it.;)

07-02-2013, 06:41 AM
[QUOTE=ltxi;250003]The only semi auto pistol I've ever owned and shot past a few rounds that never, ever had a malfunction is a Beretta Minx....now at 35+ years and I have no idea of how many Ks of rounds of .22 short

That may be true for your minx, but I'm betting that doesn't hold true for every minx ever made.

07-02-2013, 06:49 AM
You could be right, but it won't be because I went out of my way looking for one. My Penna. License to carry clearly states for SD. It is a last defense measure for when all sane actions and thinking fails. It does not imply in anyway shape or form that I can play crime fighter and I can follow someone for no real reason to the point of an altercation, and then when I'm getting my butt handed to me I can claim I was just standing my ground. Sorry Muggsy but there is nothing there for me to look at Z and his actions,as any sort of responsible gun owner.
As I've said before he's a punk wannabe. He and his reckless actions in no way will help our cause as responsible gun owners. So lets just say we agree to disagree.

I'll grant that Zimmerman may have been a cop wannbe, if you'll grant that Travon was a punk wannabe. If you've followed the trial Zimmerman did exactly what the police dispatcher told him to do. The only thing that Zimmerman did on his own was to call the police to report a suspicious person in his neighborhood. Travon attacked Zimmerman. Zimmerman did not attack Travon. Travon is dead and the world is a better place. There's one less punk in it.

07-02-2013, 06:52 AM
Where can I get a Z tee shirt?

07-02-2013, 07:01 AM
After watching some of the testimony so far, I have to wonder, on what did the prosecutor base his charges? Looks like Zimmerman has been "Nifonged". An overzealous, politically ambitious prosecutor is a very dangerous position when his power and authority is misused.

07-02-2013, 01:36 PM
Where can I get a Z tee shirt?

For real! I'd wear a justice for George shirt!

07-02-2013, 01:48 PM
For real! I'd wear a justice for George shirt!

You better hope it comes with a kevlar liner.

07-02-2013, 03:26 PM
After watching some of the testimony so far, I have to wonder, on what did the prosecutor base his charges? Looks like Zimmerman has been "Nifonged". An overzealous, politically ambitious prosecutor is a very dangerous position when his power and authority is misused.

crayons parents even wanted mansalughter charges filed but so so much pressure was put on the state to charge him with 2nd degree, from ovomit and holder and then pr!cks like Jesse and Sharpie, that they just caved......None of those 4 giave a rats ass about us white ass crackers..:Amflag2:

07-02-2013, 04:37 PM
It's really all about the $$$$$$$$$

07-02-2013, 04:49 PM
The pressure to prosecute Z was strictly political. It was February 2012. We have an election coming up in November 2012. We have to appear to be for the 'po minority who was maliciously killed. We can't let the creepy assed ******* get off scott-free. We needs dem votes.

Now that the election has been bought and paid for, you will not see any interference by 16 Pennsylvania Avenue. It he's acquitted, it's going to be oh well, that's our flawed justice system. Because after all, our constitution is essentially a flawed document.

The whole thing is a sham and it's ruined the life of George Zimmerman. The prosecution can't even mount a credible case. I truly don't think the State/District attorney's hearts are even in this. They know this is a sham. This is going to be a slam dunk. Expect the jury to be out a very short time.

Now, what happens when he's set free will tell you what is next in store. If there are riots and the National Guard gets involved, Governor Scott being an (R) will suddenly be under huge pressure. This could well be the catalyst that triggers martial law in Sanford and wherever else they go berserk. Keep your powder dry boys.

07-02-2013, 04:55 PM
I think they should notify Russian security to be on alert. This could be a major event.

Maybe the UN could send some help too. Lord knows we aren't powerful enough ourselves anymore to police ourselves.

Besides you gotta love a pretty baby blue hat and/or helmet.

07-02-2013, 05:05 PM
Today the prosecution accused Zimmerman of wanting to be a police officer. Four years ago Zimmerman filled out an application to become a police officer. Six years ago he applied to go on a police ride along. Zimmerman was taking a law school course. Since when is wanting to be an officer of the law a crime? Isn't the prosecutor an officer of the law? Didn't the prosecutor also attend law school? The prosecutor says that it goes to what was in Zimmerman's mind when he shot Trayvon. Is the prosecutor now a mind reader, too? Who knows what evil lurks in the minds of men? The Shadow knows, but not the prosecutor,and certainly not the jury. What would be going through your mind if someone was pounding your head into the concrete? I know what would be going through mine. The only thing that I don't understand is why this judge is allowing this case to continue. She's wasting tax payers money.

07-02-2013, 05:15 PM
I think they should notify Russian security to be on alert. This could be a major event.

Maybe the UN could send some help too. Lord knows we aren't powerful enough ourselves anymore to police ourselves.

Besides you gotta love a pretty baby blue hat and/or helmet.

well said

07-02-2013, 05:21 PM
Today the prosecution accused Zimmerman of wanting to be a police officer. Four years ago Zimmerman filled out an application to become a police officer. Six years ago he applied to go on a police ride along. Zimmerman was taking a law school course. Since when is wanting to be an officer of the law a crime? Isn't the prosecutor an officer of the law? Didn't the prosecutor also attend law school? The prosecutor says that it goes to what was in Zimmerman's mind when he shot Trayvon. Is the prosecutor now a mind reader, too? Who knows what evil lurks in the minds of men? The Shadow knows, but not the prosecutor,and certainly not the jury. What would be going through your mind if someone was pounding your head into the concrete? I know what would be going through mine. The only thing that I don't understand is why this judge is allowing this case to continue. She's wasting tax payers money.

Yes the defense has to point out that being a cop does not give you carte blanch to kill without consequence so what conclusion are they trying to make with that line of questioning. Also, as you said, since when is wanting to be a cop a bad thing? Used to be kids wanted to be a ball player, firefighter, or cop. Now it is thug and gangster. I don't get using the wannabe cop line of questioning as a means of prosecution.

07-02-2013, 05:27 PM
Or Rodeo Clown, don't forget Rodeo Clown.

07-02-2013, 05:29 PM
........... I don't get using the wannabe cop line of questioning as a means of prosecution.

I do. If you really mean wannabe as opposed to Want To Be. I think the ploy is obvious.

07-02-2013, 05:36 PM
colonel as long as ur here, wewillnever forget what a rodel clown is; Just sayin

07-02-2013, 06:15 PM
Thank you. I think.:confused:

07-02-2013, 06:42 PM
I'll grant that Zimmerman may have been a cop wannbe, if you'll grant that Travon was a punk wannabe. If you've followed the trial Zimmerman did exactly what the police dispatcher told him to do. The only thing that Zimmerman did on his own was to call the police to report a suspicious person in his neighborhood. Travon attacked Zimmerman. Zimmerman did not attack Travon. Travon is dead and the world is a better place. There's one less punk in it.

I hate to be htat cold when it comes to the death of a human life, especially that of a kid, but I DO completely agree with the statements above. All the evidence supports that it was a text book self defense shooting and Trayvon was a thug who would have only gotten older and hurt more people. Now, we have once less up and coming criminal to have to worry about. In regards to Jamie Foxx or any other Tayvon supporters, IMO, they are either racist, meaning anti-white like Jamie Foxx or anti-gun, anti-American and/or Anti-U.S. Constitution.

07-02-2013, 06:48 PM
There may be a price to pay by the media and prosecutor....see here...


That was from December 2012. I think that some things have changed, although I would love to see a huge legal payout to the Zimmerman defense fund and watch the liberal media be held accountable for the BS that they get away with.

07-02-2013, 07:26 PM
I do. If you really mean wannabe as opposed to Want To Be. I think the ploy is obvious.

your edification would be welcomed.

07-02-2013, 08:11 PM
I don't know how else to phrase it better other than "I'd like to pursue a career in LE/be a police officer" is different than too hard to work at/rejected/chest puffin' ego trip wannabe. Irrespective of Z's reality, if I were prosecutor I'd play up the latter notion. Right or not that's how this all works.

07-02-2013, 08:38 PM
You can get some George Zimmerman shirts here: http://georgezimmerman.spreadshirt.com/men-s-heavyweight-t-shirt-D1P22T109

I don't think it'd be worth all the hassle you'd get to wear it though. I can just imagine complete strangers coming up to hassle you over it.

There is a Creepy Ass ******* shirt I might wear though.

07-02-2013, 08:46 PM
You can get some George Zimmerman shirts here: http://georgezimmerman.spreadshirt.com/men-s-heavyweight-t-shirt-D1P22T109

I don't think it'd be worth all the hassle you'd get to wear it though. I can just imagine complete strangers coming up to hassle you over it.

There is a Creepy Ass ******* shirt I might wear though.

as a ccw holder, I wouldn't wear one. Screams "I carry"

07-02-2013, 08:46 PM
I don't know how else to phrase it better other than "I'd like to pursue a career in LE/be a police officer" is different than too hard to work at/rejected/chest puffin' ego trip wannabe. Irrespective of Z's reality, if I were prosecutor I'd play up the latter notion. Right or not that's how this all works.

got it. thanks

07-02-2013, 10:26 PM
not sure if this was posted yet.


07-02-2013, 10:28 PM
not sure if this was posted yet.


I posted it a time ago but I think it is very much worth another link to it here.

07-03-2013, 11:51 AM
All I can say is that it's a hellava thing to be judged by people who aren't smart enough to get out of jury duty!

07-03-2013, 01:21 PM
I wonder why Zimmerman's parents were excluded from court, (because they're on the witness list), but Martin's parents are allowed in? She, Martin's mother, is supposed to testify later in the prosecution phase. What gives there??

07-03-2013, 01:43 PM
what the hell is crayon;'s mom gonna say thgat is any different than Z's parents. Bpoth are gonna say what fine young men they were etc. Jury will pass right over that. Prosecution is just wasting alot of time and money with his pro zimmerman witnesses he is coming up with, Hell we haven'
t seen the defense's people yet but I sure in hell bet ur not gonna have anyone on there that says Z was s dufus and a hot head and hated blacks etc. They j7ust ouytta get up there and thank the prosecutio for such a fine job and tellthe judge the defense rests. Hell when they pll out that kel tek and try to tellthe people it had no safety, that is when Ol jocko will take the stand ad say, well I owned 3 of them, they needed no safety for they mostly only went bang one time.,, course in Z's case "one shot one kill". Works in afganistan and nam... Just sayin

His best friend even testifed that Zwas so surprised that crayon died, . He actually was more surprised that the kel tek went bang. He just couldn't saqy it that way..:Amflag2:

07-03-2013, 02:10 PM
Tyme49, I've always enjoyed jury duty. I find it interesting to see our courts in action. I'd love to be on the Z-trial jury, other than the fact that they will probably be targets if they vote not-guilty.

07-03-2013, 02:23 PM
I wonder why Zimmerman's parents were excluded from court, (because they're on the witness list), but Martin's parents are allowed in? She, Martin's mother, is supposed to testify later in the prosecution phase. What gives there??

Witnesses who are immediate family members of the victim are exempt from the exclusion.

07-03-2013, 02:50 PM
In other words, If you be Barry O's baby mama you can do any d@mn thing you want!!!!

07-03-2013, 03:06 PM
Witnesses who are immediate family members of the victim are exempt from the exclusion.

take DNS. I am nto convinced crayon's parents are the real ones. I need to know more. I ain't from missouri but I live close vby.:Amflag2:

07-04-2013, 02:46 PM
I thought Trayvon was trespassing ..... did he have a legal right to be where he was when he was shot ?

07-04-2013, 05:17 PM
He was on the public right of way, from what I understand.

07-04-2013, 05:24 PM
can't beieve that "gun" expert they had on. the damn woman said the magazine was full and there was a live round in the chamber. Oh fokking my. His ass is sure in trouble now. that has to show just how helpless the prosectution has for a case..

07-04-2013, 05:37 PM
I thought Trayvon was trespassing ..... did he have a legal right to be where he was when he was shot ?


07-04-2013, 08:15 PM
I kept looking around and found he was there visiting his father who lived in the gated subdivision and he had keys to the gate and his fathers home.

07-05-2013, 10:21 AM
can't beieve that "gun" expert they had on. the damn woman said the magazine was full and there was a live round in the chamber. ..

I think she did a great job if you take her entire testimony as a whole instead of a few misspoken words brought on by a series of rapid fire question from some lawyer on national TV. The fact that she is a women has nothing to do with her knowledge of pistols. She was speaking from the knowledge that's in her head not body parts from between her legs. I think she did and outstanding job explaining the differences between Single action and double action pistols, and internal and external safeties and there uses even though the lawyers were hanging on her every word trying to make her look like she didn't know what she was talking about.
I'm not going to judge her in any sort of negative manner while I'm sitting on my sofa with my feet up looking over my big toe while she is on national TV being grilled by a handful of pro and con lawyers who each have there own agenda. Kudos to her for a non partial and honest testimony.

07-05-2013, 10:37 AM
I did not listen to her entire testimony, so u might be right. I did nothear her explain how a semi auto actually works so the jury could understand why a round wasin thechamber yet and the magazine loaded. She might have done that but I missed that part if she did..

No big deal, Z is gonna walk.

07-05-2013, 07:40 PM
can you guys explain what her testimony is for? This isn't an AD case nor was it ever mentioned as a possibility

07-05-2013, 08:03 PM
can you guys explain what her testimony is for? This isn't an AD case nor was it ever mentioned as a possibility

Yes....legal dancing.

07-05-2013, 09:24 PM
The prosecution is going to try and say that with a bullet in the chamber and a full mag, that Z was surely out to kill someone. And if their wasn't a bullet in the chamber little Trayvon would still be alive. (and Z might be dead).
I just hope the expert made it plain that this is the way MOST people carry their semi-autos.
It's hard to stomach all the libtard racist crap coming out on twitter. Idiots saying I'll kill Z for $20.00, or let's lynch the bastard, or I'm going to kill the racist scum, and crap like that. The media really did a good job of getting the nut jobs all stirred up. Hope they are proud of themselves. Gives me some good ideas for some posters with messages for potential rioters.

07-05-2013, 09:26 PM
can you guys explain what her testimony is for? This isn't an AD case nor was it ever mentioned as a possibility

They are trying to show that Mr Z is a cop wannabe and a vigilante and was out to shoot someone. According to them there is no reason to have a round in the chamber or a firearm that doesn't have a safety and they do not see a stiff trigger pull as a sort of safety in any event.

He had a round IN THE CHAMBER for gosh sake!! And the magazine was completely full to boot. Only the police should do that.

Never mind that he actually wanted to be a police officer and took some college credit courses in the vein or that he actually applied to become an officer. Oh yeah they also tried to make out like there was something wrong with him is why he was denied but it turned out that it was a credit rating thing.

Funny thing tho, one of the police officers the prosecution put on the stand actually wanted to be a police office and took nearly identical courses and applied for the job.. Never mind that Mr Z declined the offer to go into the Citizen Patrol deal complete with uniform and automobile.

07-05-2013, 09:48 PM
wow this is what it has come down too? Z is a free man. I thinking it more and more from the bits that I am getting. But anything can happen.

side note:

we need this type of draw then to eliminate the criticism of one in the chamber: I guess one could get as fast as a standard holster draw.


07-15-2013, 06:51 PM

If you shoot some one, even if justified it might mean taking a **** storm
of emotional, legal and financial toll on you. At least George Z will be OK
financially because people contributed; due to the nature he will cash
REST OF HIS LIFE. (For the record GZ should not have followed, but it
was not illegal. Also I am not going to take a bullet or shoot some one,
for people that are not on my tax return as dependents.)

Second you may be sued, and have to hide from their gang.

Be careful what you put on-line, because it may come back to haunt you.

Unfortunately punks, gang bangers and punks don't watch news, read or
think. Because if they did, they would think twice about victimizing
another person, aka a deterrent. Sadly they will not learn.

Last don't bring fists to a gun fight...... Kahr CM9 in my pocket.

PS I just saw a clip of defense attorneys' on of all places "The View", you
know that gaggle of harpies and liberal tongue wagers. Well Whoopee
Goldberg was asked, "If you black can you never be suspicious?" Ha-ha!
Whoopee is not stupid and said something un-related, "I'd be pissed if I
was followed" and got big applause.

PSS Never forget: Murders of Channon Christian and Christopher (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murders_of_Channon_Christian_and_Christopher_Newso m) Newsom
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murders_of_Channon_Christian_and_Christopher_Newso m
Did not make the news..... As a white person I have to come to the
realization people hate me, for my race.

PSSS Do you think, with the $million$ the parents got, GZ will be
successfully sued, given the fact GZ can bring up stand your
ground law and Trayvon's record as a young juvenile delinquent,
wood-be criminal, street fighter and dope user?

PSSSS I am shopping for a lawyer to have on retainer, just in case.
Remember DON'T TALK.... get a lawyer.....

07-15-2013, 06:57 PM
one of the juors the Prosecutors tried but did not succeed in getting that juror dismissed either, was asked if she had a ccw permit and she said yes. So for me she understood what self defense meant to.

07-16-2013, 09:35 PM
when your defense attorney opens up with a knock knock joke your screwed. The man's life is at stake. Are you kidding me?

Did you see the look of Z's attorney when the prosecution said his last few words to the jury(".... because he wanted to...")? His mouth was agape. He was thinking how is he gonna thwart this and then comes up with a joke?

Opening round went to prosecution. They better get their act together if Z is going to have a chance


Never judge a defense attorney by his opening statement. If I ever get arrested for shooting someone I want Zimmerman's attorneys.

07-16-2013, 10:51 PM
Never judge a defense attorney by his opening statement. If I ever get arrested for shooting someone I want Zimmerman's attorneys.

The opening statement was buffoonery and the fact that a retard who doesn't offend the jury could have defended Z given the overwhelming circumstances of innocence doesn't negate that fact.

No, I gave it more thought.. The opening statement thing aside. The D made it look so easy that one would think it was open shut case. So yeah, kudos to them.

07-17-2013, 10:30 AM
It was an open/shut case. Shouldn't have been a case at all.

07-17-2013, 10:34 AM
It was an open/shut case. Shouldn't have been a case at all.

Yes agreed but the D got off to a rocky start then hit their stride and mowed through the P's case. They never made it racial and they didn't make it a SYG case. They knew what they had to do and stuck to the plan. When the judge went crazy, they didn't get rocked either. The case seemed to be well executed on their part IMHO. I have to give em that.

07-17-2013, 10:56 AM
More than anything, the prosectors seems totally out of touch with the case. Almost like they were ordred (which we know is true) to take this case and charge 2nd degree. Not sure wewill ever know either but maybe their hearts were not in this caseeither, for maybe they felt it was self defense. Loosk to me like they might now be payiing the price to for hiding some of the information from the defense. Sure looks to me like a good case for civil rights violations towards Z to. I hope they sue NBC for 100 million on thedoctoring the911 tape,which IMO was a big part in people deciding before the trial ever came that Z was certainly a racists.

course this fourmIMO is just checked full of white ass krackers, so whatdo I know.

07-17-2013, 11:25 AM
https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQQ9JqwvhPZRBMSkv6fhcqjUv6NJShFs 7uLLSno6K8rIEMiZZDN

07-17-2013, 12:06 PM
Now that's funny, Tinman does it again....:cheer2: