View Full Version : Carrying CW9 24/7

06-27-2013, 09:00 AM
I never thought I would not be carrying my G19 in my Crossbreed Suoertuck but it's now in retirement since I bought this CW9. I have been carrying this CW9 everywhere in a Unckle Mike's IWB holster and forget she's even with me, I even carry in house sometimes. I will be ordering a better holster but can't decide yet who makes good kahr holsters. These guns carry so well, I can't believe all this time I never tried one!

06-27-2013, 09:59 AM
Good choice of pistols. Waaay to many good holsters out there today But if you prefer a iwb kinda like a cross breed lot at this- http://www.comp-tac.com/product_info.php?products_id=114&osCsid=um1vs42poas09k6044eljnvkj4
I have an open bottom holster or "slide" version on mine and carry at a 2:00 position. Plus the larger and smaller 9 and 40 cals fits it , not sure about the 45 as its a little wider but they do have tension adjustment. You know you will have to buy a couple more kahrs!! No body can have just one. Body is changeable if you wish to ever cc the glock again.

Looks like like the crossbreed but lower cost and more adjustable?? - Old Faithfull holsters kits for 40 bucks, you bolt it together. Ever bit as good as a breed and the body is changeable. .

06-27-2013, 10:14 AM
Like you, I recently retired - or migrated from a university professorship to a consulting practice. My urban attire changed from lab coats to the higher end of business casual and, more often than before, suits. I mention this because I can easily make my own holsters and have learned that a good approach is to consider what you wear and where you want the gun to be. Then, look at holsters in terms of how they hold the gun in your best location under the clothes you wear most often. Think about being seated, driving and doing everything else that is usually in your life. The other specific suggestion I offer is from military experience long ago. When a fight starts, things go crazy wrong. The holster should hold the gun in place until you want it, and that may be after rolling around in the dirt and other rough adventures. I absolutely do not trust gravity or friction for retention. Every IWB holster I make, including the one for my CW9, has a thumb snap. Good luck with whatever you decide.

Pulpit Pistol
06-27-2013, 11:43 AM
I have been carrying my CW9 in a Galco IWB holster. It is outstanding at 4 O'Clock.

06-27-2013, 12:44 PM
I went with an inexpensive Sof-Tuck by DeSantis. The cant is very adjustable and can be worn in a variety of positions. Around back, small of back, on the side. Not bad for under $30.0

06-27-2013, 03:20 PM
CW9 - Foxx Hybrid Holster at 4 o'clock.


06-27-2013, 04:14 PM
I'd try an N82 Tactical Professional holster for IWB carry. You won't beat it for comfort.http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/06/28/yquryhyt.jpg

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06-27-2013, 04:20 PM
I'd try an N82 Tactical Professional holster for IWB carry. You won't beat it for comfort.http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/06/28/yquryhyt.jpg

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OMG that looks awesome! I am going to Google this now and place a order and give her a try, thanks dude!

06-27-2013, 04:49 PM
Hope you enjoy it. It's been my everyday carry for just over a year now.

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06-28-2013, 05:48 PM
Don't get in too much of a hurry. You haven't hear from everybody! :) The best holster I have found for forget-it-is-there comfort 24/7 with my CM9 is the PJ IWB Holster (http://pjholster.com/?page_id=37). There are so, so many members here that will concur. Paul is a great guy and a real gun lover, and he performs magic with kydex - making the holster incredibly comfortable to where you can't tell it is there whether sitting, standing or moving about. It is like the mass of the gun disappears, becoming one with your body. I carry mine with a 15° cant just behind my hip - the sweet spot. I prefer the one linked above with the over the belt clip. I normally wear the above under a loose shirt.

06-30-2013, 09:22 PM
Here's a Kydex my son made for me. He put extra leather on it with the idea we'd trim excess later but it's so comfortable, I'm leaving it as is. The gun does not rub you raw as some do. The loops are such that the holster won't get loose and fall on the cement as another IWB holster did. This one stays in place , easy to reholster, most comfortable one I have ever owned. Pictured is my Glock 26 but plan to have him make me one for my Kahr CW9.
http://i931.photobucket.com/albums/ad154/vanpeltrk/bowser/0401130756b.jpg (http://s931.photobucket.com/user/vanpeltrk/media/bowser/0401130756b.jpg.html)

06-30-2013, 10:55 PM
I have a kydex holster made by cooks holsters for my CW9. I have several leather and hybrid holsters, but 100% kydex works best for me; adds no width to gun, super light and easy to put on or take off. Also smooth on skin.

07-02-2013, 09:41 AM
rvanpelt, how easy is it to reholster the G26 with that holster?

The reason I am asking is that I tried a FOXx hybrid holster for my Walther PPQ (a gun of similar thickness and squareness at the muzzle), and I found that the curve of my hip bone pushed the leather backing into the space where the gun should go, making the gun catch on the rim of the kydex half shell and go no further, even if I tried pushing in on the leather. I think the reason is that the kydex half shell was too shallow, and your holster seems to be the same way.

Garrett has a bit of a warning on the page where they display their Silent Thunder Fusion holster, saying that the holster is not very easy to reholster the gun. Strange thing is, though, that I haven't seen any forum posts where people admit to reholstering problems with hybrid holsters. Am I the only one? :confused:

07-02-2013, 10:44 AM
We're always in search of the unicorn holster, so like everybody else I've got a drawer full of holsters. My favorite for 6 o'clock carry is the N8^2 (Nate & Nate) Tactical. My girl took my first N8^2 Tactical holster to use for her Walther, so I bought another one. My favorite for IWB is the PJ holster like JFootin recommended. The Galco M7X is convenient and easy to use but my favorite all-around is a Mitch Rosen 5JR-EXP.