View Full Version : Going with an AO M1 carbine

06-29-2013, 02:41 PM
Hi All--

New here--I should be picking up a new AO M1 next week sometime at my FFL. I decided I wanted a shooter first, then maybe pick up an original some other time. It's been great reading in this forum and on the web and seeing that most of the range reports and reviews of the AO M1's are positive.

My rifle is from Davidson's, so beside the OEM warranty I have the Davidson's guarantee. Because I live here in occupied Konnecticut (where I belong to a gun rights group that is suing the government over the recent stupid gun laws), I am getting a ten-round magazine. But I'll pick up a couple more magazines to go with it.

To be honest, I wanted a good spare HD rifle before the state gets around to banning every semi-auto or something. This way I at least have a good chance of being grandfathered in should that happen.

I'll post some pics and a range report once the rifle arrives and I've had a chance to test it out.


06-29-2013, 02:49 PM
Good for you Jeff, I think you'll enjoy the M1 immensely. I have an original that I was reluctant to shoot but I'm going to, ran into a guy at the range a few weeks back and his shot so well and looked like so much fun, I gotta do it.

We'll sit on pins and needles anxiously awaiting your range report.

06-29-2013, 04:13 PM
Hi Bwanna, thanks for the reply. Yep, I'm definitely looking forward to it. I have a mini-14 that I like a lot and shoot relatively well (most rifles are more accurate than I am). The mini has a little 1-3X Weaver scope mounted on it, and it's a pretty solid 2" circle out to 100 yards. But I don't need a rifle to shoot that far for HD. And the AO is lighter, perhaps a bit faster handling.

Also though, I have two boys and one of them is turning ten. Once I get him through basic .22 training, the AO carbine might make a nice little rifle for him.

Anyway, it's great to find this forum!


06-30-2013, 07:50 PM
Welcome Jeff. You are gonna love it. I just picked up a used one and it's already everyone's favorite. Can't go to the range without someone saying: "bring the carbine". No complaints --- it's a blast to shoot. I was concerned about finding ammo but haven't had an issue so far. In fact, it's no more expensive to shoot than my handguns. It's an easy shooter and will make a good rifle for your boys --- if you are willing to give it up.;)

06-30-2013, 09:23 PM
Thanks for the welcome. I should have some more news from the FFL's involved by tomorrow. As usual, neither one of them wants to be the first to send the other one credentials lol. Are you using the original iron sights? I'm going to try those first of course. But I'm thinking a ghost ring or a low-profile reflex sight might be nice eventually.

I've been able to find ammo relatively cheaply around the web--for now, anyway. My main worry is that when Connecticut's new ammo laws go into effect in October some online dealers won't sell to us, although it won't be illegal for them to do so. Finding .30 carbine in a gun shop might be tough. But we'll see how it all shakes out.

07-01-2013, 05:24 AM
You might be pleasantly surprised by the iron sights. We've been pretty lucky with ammo so far. Even 22lr is in stock. Heck, I found 35rem at Walmart. I'm hoping were thru the frenzy. Gun cases are full and lgs are discounting again. That's how I lucked upon this little M1. Enjoy!

07-01-2013, 09:36 AM
Yup, I too have noticed that it seems to be easing a bit. I keep track of auctions on gunbroker and use ammoseek to check prices. The gougers on GB aren't getting their former high prices--many auctions are ending without a sale.

Captain O
08-09-2016, 05:03 PM
You're going to love it! I'll have my new AO AOM 130 by mid-September. I know that some samples are prone to feeding problems, but I'm buying one anyway. Why? Because an AO M1 Carbine that runs well shoots accurately and can be used for a multitude of purposes. (That includes using the 110-grain JSP for game the size of Deer at ranges between 50 and 75 yards, where permitted). Just remember the limitations of the cartridge and plan your game harvest accordingly. (Make certain that either one or two well-placed rounds). Remember: Patience is a virtue, and a properly-placed round trumps a volley of fire.

I want to use the rifle/cartridge for HD/PD, small and medium game.