View Full Version : new to site, have a ftf second round issue

07-01-2013, 05:24 PM
hello, looking for help and or advice. have an early thompson A/O-Kahr m1. its had hundreds of rounds thru it without failures. developed a ftf condition, replaced pin, still, no click. replaced trigger, sear block and spring, filed sear on pin, the thing will dry fire properly all day long. with live ammo, 1st round is chambered, fires correctly, ejects, and rechambers, however, no sear release on second round. any help you gentleman or ladies, can provide will be very useful. have had this unit for years, and getting a little frustrated because she wont fire. lol

07-01-2013, 05:28 PM
I don't recall anyone presenting issues with the AO M1's prior to now.

Several members here have them of course, I have nothing to help you.

Certainly a call or email to Kahr is in order before you get too frustrated. They may have a simple something to look for or may require you send it back.

I've just not been in one enough to offer any constructive help.

07-01-2013, 05:33 PM
well, thank you for the reply, just didn't want to go to the extent of shipping the dang thing. I just think, there is something I am over looking.

07-01-2013, 05:38 PM
We can sure try to self diagnose and Kahr can help with that too.

What's changed from when it ran flawlessly till acting up now. Anything new, different ammo, what happened when you first had a problem.

We got some wicked smart guys here that can really figure stuff out. Just don't give up, that's the main thing.

In your shoes I'd probably try to find a schematic and slowly and carefully start breaking it down to see if anything is broke, bent or out of place.

07-01-2013, 05:45 PM
hmmm, started after I installed the e-z pull kit. would fire 5-6 rounds, then ftf. eject cartridge, and rechamber, 3-4 rounds. eventually, nothing. pin, seemed to be locked in sear block, and would not release upon pulling trigger. thus, new pin, lower frame componants ( from Kahr ), installed my factory springs, and still no pin release. after I filed the sear on the firing pin, then I had trigger action. I see absolutely no other wear on receiver, bolt, or lower frame. I should not have screwed with it. now I have a 1 shot wonder. lol

07-01-2013, 05:51 PM
oh, the componants in lower frame are all new, lightly polished, and in perspective position.

07-01-2013, 05:52 PM
Hmmm, now we're getting someplace. I wasn't aware there was an ez pull kit for the M1, know of them for the Thompsons and although I heard several people with good luck with them was advised quite vigorously not to install one in mine.

Let the gang ponder this a spell. Nothing is a permanent change when installing the ez pull, so if one put all the original springs etc back in it should be ok but that didn't work for you.

So something has changed....................................

07-01-2013, 06:08 PM
well, my gun is an Auto ord. .45 M1 semi machine gun. spring kit thru, tommygunrunner.

no, putting my factory springs back in, along with new factory internals did not fix the issue, only got me partially there. now it goes "bang" once. lol

07-01-2013, 06:37 PM
am mechanically inclined, have had this disassembled completely, more times than I can count. this is the first time in almost 20yrs, new components have had to be installed. not quite sure what caused this condition, however, one way or another I will rectify the issue. I know the trigger was reworked many years ago, ie. coils cut from springs etc. and still functioned normally. my concern, if it dry fires perfectly, why do I only get one active round, then nothing. I really do not want to file the sear on the pin any further until I have a grasp on whats happening internally. I think I am over looking an issue, that is why I am looking for different insight. you know, we all have blinders on when working on our own projects. lol

07-01-2013, 07:08 PM
... my concern, if it dry fires perfectly, why do I only get one active round, then nothing. ...
Could it be ammo related? Have you checked the OAL of the ammo? Perhaps eject that first round after chambering it and compare it's OAL to those left in the magazine. My reasoning here is that overly long ammo (or chamber problem; IE leading) might be preventing the bolt from going completely into battery. Manually chambering a round might cause enough bullet set back that the bolt closes fully, but subsequent rounds don't feed with enough force to do so..

07-01-2013, 07:34 PM
greg, thanks, but same ammo I have been usin for years. pmc 280gr. has never failed me.

ok, initially when the condition occurred, had no dry fire at all. sear was locked into sear block, would not release. replace pin, same. replace lower frame internals, same, filed sear on pin, now we have trigger release action. took to range, one round, nothing after. remove clip, eject bullet, reinstall clip, one round, then no trigger action.