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07-02-2013, 12:28 PM

07-02-2013, 01:50 PM
Don't interfere with police acting in the line of duty. It could be harmful to your dog's health.

07-02-2013, 02:03 PM
Overzealous and reprimands in order. Rotty's are scary large dogs and very intimidating but generally no mean tempered. Very protective as this one obviously was.

Tase it, take a bite for the team but don't shoot the dog just cause it's owner is an idiot.

Technically the officer was probably justified shooting it but still upsetting.

Longitude Zero
07-02-2013, 02:36 PM
Idiot owner for sure. Sadly the dog was shot being very protective of its owner. Who knows maybe the owner willfully failed to properly secure his dog in the hopes to provoke a scene? We shall never know. Like I have always taught the bad thing about video is you cannot see what is does not show. Many times what the video does not show is more valuable than what it does.

In my neck of the woods TASER a dog is fatal in over 75% of the cases so a TASER is 50/50 at best on a good day.

07-02-2013, 02:40 PM
The bite force of a Rotty is capable of fracturing bones. The officer should have risked being permanently disabled and/or maimed, because some idiot doesn't understand that you don't cross police lines and interfere with an officers in the line of duty? Sorry, but the idiot set himself up for what happened to his dog. He should have secured the animal properly and stayed out of the way of the police.

07-02-2013, 03:29 PM
Idiot owner for sure. Sadly the dog was shot being very protective of its owner. Who knows maybe the owner willfully failed to properly secure his dog in the hopes to provoke a scene? We shall never know. Like I have always taught the bad thing about video is you cannot see what is does not show. Many times what the video does not show is more valuable than what it does.

In my neck of the woods TASER a dog is fatal in over 75% of the cases so a TASER is 50/50 at best on a good day.

Had no idea the lethality of tasers on dogs.
I agree with with your reply BUT based on ONLY what I did see which is not 100% of the story, that poor pouch didn't need to die and die so slowly.

07-02-2013, 03:35 PM
If I am a cop (which I am not) and I am assisting on an arrest (don't know the circumstances) and some very large black dog comes after me aggressively I am taking it out. Period end of statement. I don't care if Rotties are not generally aggressive. He's being aggressive at me right now. I am not going to get into a rasselin contest.

07-02-2013, 03:36 PM
Dog dying slowly for being a dog, that's sad.

Now the owner dying slowly on camera, that would be entertaining.

Only cause he's an idiot and lord I apologize and all the starving pigmies wherever they may be.

07-02-2013, 03:40 PM
"In my neck of the woods TASER a dog is fatal in over 75% of the cases so a TASER is 50/50 at best on a good day. "

I never heard of this. We fortunately don't tase dogs very often but I don't recall a single fatality of a dog hit.

The boys tase bad guys frequently. It's a good tool most of the time. 20 years from now or probably even less, it will probably be the only option.
We'll be wearing funny British hats, with sticks and tasers.

Course the bad guys will still have guns.

07-02-2013, 04:13 PM
"In my neck of the woods TASER a dog is fatal in over 75% of the cases so a TASER is 50/50 at best on a good day. "

I never heard of this. We fortunately don't tase dogs very often but I don't recall a single fatality of a dog hit.

The boys tase bad guys frequently. It's a good tool most of the time. 20 years from now or probably even less, it will probably be the only option.
We'll be wearing funny British hats, with sticks and tasers.

Course the bad guys will still have guns.

For crying out loud, Bawanna, 200 pound men have died from being tased! Granted that most dogs are nicer than the people who own them and it's terrible to see any dog killed while trying to protect his idiot owner, but I have a rule that says that no dog bites me. I'm sorry, but I like my body parts the way that God made them. Such as they are.

07-02-2013, 04:25 PM
Overzealous and reprimands in order. Rotty's are scary large dogs and very intimidating but generally no mean tempered. Very protective as this one obviously was.

Tase it, take a bite for the team but don't shoot the dog just cause it's owner is an idiot.

Technically the officer was probably justified shooting it but still upsetting.

who had 3rotties,came home one evening from work andin the pen was one dead rottie and the utter onewith blood all over it. They have been pen mates for years he said and they never fought, but they did that day and one was dead. He took the bloody winner dog out back and shot it . He said it could never be trusted. He was a city animal control officer.

Rotties are very very powerful dogs. Oncethey decide to attack it is then survival. Ashamethat dog had todie for such a worthless POS guy it was protecting. Such is life. I love dogs had um allmy life and I always felt I would give a dog one freebite and then after thatheis bought and paid for. Gladit has never happened.:amflag: Most alldogs are not bad dogs,but alot of dog owners are bad people..

07-02-2013, 04:33 PM
I guess we don't tase enough folks or maybe its the climate. No people or dogs have died while being tased here. Maybe we're just lucky.

It can happen, but I don't think it happens often.

We tased a guy just a couple weeks ago, one barb into shoulder, other into top of his head. Didn't kill him, but I just bet it smarted a good bit.

07-02-2013, 04:33 PM
Dog dying slowly for being a dog, that's sad.

Now the owner dying slowly on camera, that would be entertaining.

Only cause he's an idiot and lord I apologize and all the starving pigmies wherever they may be.

x2.....but without any apologies to anyone.

07-02-2013, 04:46 PM
Well I can't blame the officer for what he was forced to do after all if you were to tase a 100 lb already mad Rottie what do you do then???... Unless you had some duct tape and some really small paw cuffs you're Forked and when the tase wears off and that 100 lb really pi$$ed off Rottie starts at you then you're really Forked....

So many dumb, stupid dog owners want a Pit Bull or other large breed of dog for no other reason than to look like a BA walking around with one on a chain....Most dogs are better than 90% of the people I know and it's a shame they don't require a license to have one like they do a CCW and when the abused dog does go off and maims or kills a child or other dog then after they put the dog down they need to refuel the needle and bring in the A-Hole owner....

07-02-2013, 05:10 PM
Not cool. The guy is a fawkin idiot!! It's all the owners fault. You don't walk up to a bunch of cops doin a raid recording stuff which u phone. Then expect the dog to stay in a car with the windows open. It's all the dog owners fault.

07-02-2013, 05:10 PM
My department has had several agents injured by dogs over the years. We now have a policy of if the dog gets aggressive, we are to shoot the dog. I have pepper sprayed several over the years, but still carry doggie treats with me [I am a strong believer in bribery]. It works as several of my parolees have complained their dogs like me better than them. I just tell them the dogs have good taste!

07-02-2013, 05:12 PM
I'm surprised the cops didn't immediately shoot the dog. I've seen vids of police doin raids where they shoot every dog in the house, hostile or not.

07-02-2013, 05:13 PM
My department has had several agents injured by dogs over the years. We now have a policy of if the dog gets aggressive, we are to shoot the dog. I have pepper sprayed several over the years, but still carry doggie treats with me [I am a strong believer in bribery]. It works as several of my parolees have complained their dogs like me better than them. I just tell them the dogs have good taste!

My mom was a mail carrier, (can't call em mailmen anymore) for 30 plus years. That was her strategy as well. Said the treats worked far better than the spray.

I note that our UPS drivers always grabs a handful of doggie treats whenever he sees dogs around too.

07-02-2013, 05:20 PM
yup the UPS guy when he comes to my dorr and my man eating damn near tootless 6#yorkie barkes like there is no tomorrow. the first thing that guy gives is a doggie treat. I have had a few nice looking UPS gals come to my door and I bark like there is no tomorrow and they always give me a treat. I personally see nuttin wrong with that scenario either. Just sayin They always comment on my wagging tail to. It is so excited to see them..

Longitude Zero
07-02-2013, 05:24 PM
"In my neck of the woods TASER a dog is fatal in over 75% of the cases so a TASER is 50/50 at best on a good day. "

I never heard of this. We fortunately don't tase dogs very often but I don't recall a single fatality of a dog hit.

The boys tase bad guys frequently. It's a good tool most of the time. 20 years from now or probably even less, it will probably be the only option.
We'll be wearing funny British hats, with sticks and tasers.

Course the bad guys will still have guns.

A veterniary medicine specialist explained it to us that the TASER is calibrated based upo the conduction patterns of human musculature and cardiac conduction. Dogs have a very different cardiac electrical system and the discharge frequency is more dangerous to them. At least that is what a vet told us.

Deacon I used to carry doggie treats for bribery. Worked most of the time. Another oddity is that most animals are not effected by pepper sprays OC but the fact the spray is very cold.

07-02-2013, 07:10 PM
What makes the dog owner an idiot? He didn't seem to be interfering in anyway with the police. He was on public property filming them. We have no idea why, maybe he wanted the footage for his blog or something. Who knows? He should have the right to video police on duty.
Then a couple of officers decide to hassle the guy for filming? What's up with that? I can understand them shooting a dog that was attacking them, but why was the guy being hassled in the first place? He should have secured his dog better, if he'd known he was going to be arrested, maybe he thought they were just coming over to talk to him or something.
I'm sick of cops making up laws as they go along, and hassling people that record them. And shooting pets. This seems to be happening more and more frequently. From large breed dogs, down to small terriers.
When did we turn into a police state, that you can't film police doing their job? I'm tired of the attitude some cops have that they ARE the law. They are not, they ENFORCE the law. Some seem to think they can just make up laws as it suits them.
I realize they have a very difficult job to do, and I respect most cops, but I have a problem with the ones that think the ARE the law or are above the law. I think more cops should be filmed and those that abuse their badge should be reprimanded or fired if they keep it up. If they are doing their job properly, they should have nothing to fear, and maybe even have more evidence to back them up in court.
They all have dash-cams now, to record themselves, so why are we not allowed to film them? Because they can't edit out the parts they don't want the public to see?
I know it's a tough job, and sometimes it seems the criminals have more rights than the police do, but they took the job, and they should abide by the law, not invent it.
It seems like this kind of abuse of power is happening more and more often, You Tube is full of this stuff, but it's probably just the increased number of people with camcorders built into their phone. Then you have the idiots that set out to provoke cops, and get it on tape.
It also seems like the Hawthorne Police have a problem with people videotaping them: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=bILLwOslvbs

07-02-2013, 07:14 PM
Pigs killin dogs. Sad vid but its the owners fault.

07-02-2013, 07:25 PM
I be so tired of folk pickin' on pigs when it ain't no way their fault. Truth be told, I really be so tired of folk pickin' on pigs....period!

Lessen you been there....then you get a vote.

07-02-2013, 07:46 PM
never met a bad dog...bad owners, bad people, yes...bad cops, maybe?...but never a bad dog. Sad a brave animal had to pay. Very sad...

07-02-2013, 07:53 PM
A veterniary medicine specialist explained it to us that the TASER is calibrated based upo the conduction patterns of human musculature and cardiac conduction. Dogs have a very different cardiac electrical system and the discharge frequency is more dangerous to them. At least that is what a vet told us.

Deacon I used to carry doggie treats for bribery. Worked most of the time. Another oddity is that most animals are not effected by pepper sprays OC but the fact the spray is very cold.

Wow the things I am learning on a gun forum. Thanks

07-02-2013, 08:05 PM
What makes the dog owner an idiot? He didn't seem to be interfering in anyway with the police. He was on public property filming them. We have no idea why, maybe he wanted the footage for his blog or something. Who knows? He should have the right to video police on duty.
Then a couple of officers decide to hassle the guy for filming? What's up with that? I can understand them shooting a dog that was attacking them, but why was the guy being hassled in the first place? He should have secured his dog better, if he'd known he was going to be arrested, maybe he thought they were just coming over to talk to him or something.
I'm sick of cops making up laws as they go along, and hassling people that record them. And shooting pets. This seems to be happening more and more frequently. From large breed dogs, down to small terriers.
When did we turn into a police state, that you can't film police doing their job? I'm tired of the attitude some cops have that they ARE the law. They are not, they ENFORCE the law. Some seem to think they can just make up laws as it suits them.
I realize they have a very difficult job to do, and I respect most cops, but I have a problem with the ones that think the ARE the law or are above the law. I think more cops should be filmed and those that abuse their badge should be reprimanded or fired if they keep it up. If they are doing their job properly, they should have nothing to fear, and maybe even have more evidence to back them up in court.
They all have dash-cams now, to record themselves, so why are we not allowed to film them? Because they can't edit out the parts they don't want the public to see?
I know it's a tough job, and sometimes it seems the criminals have more rights than the police do, but they took the job, and they should abide by the law, not invent it.
It seems like this kind of abuse of power is happening more and more often, You Tube is full of this stuff, but it's probably just the increased number of people with camcorders built into their phone. Then you have the idiots that set out to provoke cops, and get it on tape.
It also seems like the Hawthorne Police have a problem with people videotaping them: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=bILLwOslvbs

This scenario is a tough one Tman. First, as LZ said, we don't have ALL the facts.

The way I see it(and I welcome LEOs to put their 2 cents in my post)
1) you can do what he did film ect
2) the LEOs can question you and given that there was some serious **** that went down there, can cuff you for their safety while they talk to you if the scene is in chaos. GULP might have gone too far with this one+++++++++++++++:confused:
3) not sure he was arrested or if he was made some cookies at the station since his dog was killed right in front of him.
4) the guy did have his window part of the way up(looked like it to me). The Rottie had to work a little to wiggle out

So I think it was a perfect storm of bs to make all this happen. it saddens me that the dog was killed and obviously so painfully.

07-02-2013, 08:08 PM
never met a bad dog...bad owners, bad people, yes...bad cops, maybe?...but never a bad dog. Sad a brave animal had to pay. Very sad...

X2....Dogs be inherently good. Unless proven otherwise. I come at people different. People be no damn good. Until proven otherwise. May only take a second or two but it still be my rule.

07-02-2013, 10:59 PM
I generally support the Police, particularly the Sheriff since I live in a rural area, although I was annexed by the small town down the road. Our small town police department is not the most professional bunch. They actually had a convicted felon on the force for over a year, maybe 2 or 3, I don't remember for sure. He was a real ******** to deal with. Anyway, he pissed someone off and they did some digging and found out he had a felony conviction, so he was cut loose. The group we have now - most of them are good guys, but a couple of them are kind of jerks. As with about any job, you have people that will abuse what power they have, and do some "over the top" stuff. Like that hiker down in Texas, that got hassled over taking his AR along on his hike with his son to get the boy one of his boy scout badges. I think that could have been handled a lot better. I have a friend that grew up in Mississippi, and he has some stories that will make you think twice about even driving through that state.
Some cops abuse their power. Some are on the take. They can't all be angels. But I think the majority of them are good people and do the best job they can. I just don't like to see the ones that think that just because they have a badge, they are entitled to do as they please. As with any job, you have some that should be in a different line of work.
I think the TSA screw ups are making people more leery of police in general, hence all the filming of officers on duty. And then you have things like the BATF or SWAT teams raiding the wrong house, and shooting some guy because he thinks it's a home invasion and reaches for a gun and things like that. How would you feel if they got the wrong house and came in and shot all your dogs? (If you lived through the encounter) I don't see how that kind of thing even happens, you'd think they would make damn sure they were at the right address. All that tends to make the public want to keep and eye on them. One oh sh!t erases 100 attaboys.
I don't see why they object to being filmed. If they are doing a proper job, it shouldn't be any big deal. They are out in public view, doing their job anyway. I think I'd rather have my activities taped, so if someone tries to say I didn't follow procedure, or screwed up in some way, it would be on tape that I was doing my job correctly.
It's a tough job to do, and I wouldn't want it. I can also see how after dealing with jerks all day, you might want to slam ones head into the hood of his car when he smarts off.
I treat them all with respect if I get stopped, and have never had a problem with any of them.

07-03-2013, 06:06 AM
My department has had several agents injured by dogs over the years. We now have a policy of if the dog gets aggressive, we are to shoot the dog. I have pepper sprayed several over the years, but still carry doggie treats with me [I am a strong believer in bribery]. It works as several of my parolees have complained their dogs like me better than them. I just tell them the dogs have good taste!

Obama says that dogs taste good. Like everything else, he has it backwards.

07-03-2013, 06:16 AM
What makes the dog owner an idiot? He didn't seem to be interfering in anyway with the police. He was on public property filming them. We have no idea why, maybe he wanted the footage for his blog or something. Who knows? He should have the right to video police on duty.
Then a couple of officers decide to hassle the guy for filming? What's up with that? I can understand them shooting a dog that was attacking them, but why was the guy being hassled in the first place? He should have secured his dog better, if he'd known he was going to be arrested, maybe he thought they were just coming over to talk to him or something.
I'm sick of cops making up laws as they go along, and hassling people that record them. And shooting pets. This seems to be happening more and more frequently. From large breed dogs, down to small terriers.
When did we turn into a police state, that you can't film police doing their job? I'm tired of the attitude some cops have that they ARE the law. They are not, they ENFORCE the law. Some seem to think they can just make up laws as it suits them.
I realize they have a very difficult job to do, and I respect most cops, but I have a problem with the ones that think the ARE the law or are above the law. I think more cops should be filmed and those that abuse their badge should be reprimanded or fired if they keep it up. If they are doing their job properly, they should have nothing to fear, and maybe even have more evidence to back them up in court.
They all have dash-cams now, to record themselves, so why are we not allowed to film them? Because they can't edit out the parts they don't want the public to see?
I know it's a tough job, and sometimes it seems the criminals have more rights than the police do, but they took the job, and they should abide by the law, not invent it.
It seems like this kind of abuse of power is happening more and more often, You Tube is full of this stuff, but it's probably just the increased number of people with camcorders built into their phone. Then you have the idiots that set out to provoke cops, and get it on tape.
It also seems like the Hawthorne Police have a problem with people videotaping them: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=bILLwOslvbs

The next time your in trouble T-man call a neighborhood idiot with a camera. Don't call the police. See if that idiot with a camera will put his life on the line for you. When a cop issues an order you follow it, or you can ignore it at your own risk. The police were conducting a raid. At any moment bullets could have started flying. I have no respect for people who have no respect for the law. That's all that I have to say on this topic.

07-03-2013, 06:18 AM
What makes the dog owner an idiot? He didn't seem to be interfering in anyway with the police.
A news report I read stated that he was blasting loud music from his car stereo with the windows down (that's how the dog got out of the car), after being asked several times by the police to turn that sh*t down because they were interviewing people at a crime scene. He was being an a-hole and obstructing an investigation and he knew it. He's also had previous encounters with police so he should have known better.

Longitude Zero
07-03-2013, 07:32 AM
A news report I read stated that he was blasting loud music from his car stereo with the windows down (that's how the dog got out of the car), after being asked several times by the police to turn that sh*t down because they were interviewing people at a crime scene. He was being an a-hole and obstructing an investigation and he knew it. He's also had previous encounters with police so he should have known better.

I also read that he has had several run ins before and is curently suing an unknown PD for how he claims he was treated. As more and more of the event is being brought to light I am almost 100% convinced he provoked the confrontation intentionally. Mess with the bull get gored by the horns.

07-03-2013, 12:53 PM
Oh, OK, Idiot does apply.

07-03-2013, 01:04 PM
Muggsy, I imagine the only time I'll be calling police is to pick up the dead body of they guy that tried to break in. I live out in county, and they are not going to get here in time to be of much help. Actually I do call police, once in awhile, to report a motorist broke down and things like that.
Haven't you said yourself that when the police come for your guns, you will give them the bullets first? That's following orders.

07-03-2013, 01:25 PM
A news report I read stated that he was blasting loud music from his car stereo with the windows down (that's how the dog got out of the car), after being asked several times by the police to turn that sh*t down because they were interviewing people at a crime scene. He was being an a-hole and obstructing an investigation and he knew it. He's also had previous encounters with police so he should have known better.

he was playing cuntry music and the dog truly loved RAP music and it pissed the dog off. that the story I heard. Just sayin:Amflag2:

Do u all realize that tomorrow a long long long time ago, we were given the right to tell ovomit to stick it where the sun doesn't shine. God bless America and all u guys who gave to. Ur my hero's even though some of u fokkers ride honders. but I still love u all BUT just for tomorrow. Just sayin:amflag::amflag::amflag::amflag::amflag::amfl ag::amflag::amflag:

07-03-2013, 04:39 PM

Do u all realize that tomorrow a long long long time ago, we were given the right to tell ovomit to stick it where the sun doesn't shine. God bless America and all u guys who gave to. Ur my hero's even though some of u fokkers ride honders. but I still love u all BUT just for tomorrow. Just sayin:amflag::amflag::amflag::amflag::amflag::amfl ag::amflag:

And reflect on our blessing that this is our hard fought for country, whatever the flaws, and not Egypt...a place that really brings that point home today.


07-03-2013, 06:49 PM
Muggsy, I imagine the only time I'll be calling police is to pick up the dead body of they guy that tried to break in. I live out in county, and they are not going to get here in time to be of much help. Actually I do call police, once in awhile, to report a motorist broke down and things like that.
Haven't you said yourself that when the police come for your guns, you will give them the bullets first? That's following orders.

When the police come for my guns they are no longer police they are Gestapo. I respect the law as long as the law respects me. Until the day that they come for my guns, I will cooperate with the police fully and without question. I was taught to refer to the police officers as sir, not pig. There are several police officers that I call friends. Some who have been life long friends and one whom we buried.

07-03-2013, 07:30 PM
i would like to start by saying NEVER POINT A GUN AT SOMETHING OR SOMEONE YOU DON'T INTEND TO KILL rule #1 in your CC class....
not all dogs are the same & should not all get the intimidating treatment.
as a previous ROTTWEILER owner i will say that my dog would of taken a bullet for my wife or myself if needed-there is no doubt in my mind!!!
if this dog was such a DEVIL dog that they tend to get the title, it would of been acting loudly & showing signs of being threatned the whole time he was just walking around.
all this dog wanted to do was be by his owners side & find a nice pole to p!ss on, i am not saying the owner did the right thing by bringing such a TITLED animal to a situation like this.
there is also no doubt in my mind that if this was a little ankle bitter, there would of been ZERO bullets fired upon that dog.
ANY dog will feel threatened when there owner is being confronted & they can't be by there side.
i'm going out on a limb by saying this probably was'nt the best neighborhood & that tends to be a deciding factor when it comes to police making fast reactions.
this is where reaching for your gun obviously is the standard opperating procedure when it comes to a dog barking at you.
i'm not taking any sides here just chimming in as a fellow dog lover.
what really p!ssed me off on the whole video, is that the so called peace officer stood there with the gun still aimed at the dog flopping around on the ground knowing dam well it was'nt getting back up....
for god's sake since your so brave as to shoot a dog atleast put it out of it's missory, even old time farmers still know how to do that.

07-03-2013, 07:34 PM
Overzealous and reprimands in order. Rotty's are scary large dogs and very intimidating but generally no mean tempered. Very protective as this one obviously was.

Tase it, take a bite for the team but don't shoot the dog just cause it's owner is an idiot.

Technically the officer was probably justified shooting it but still upsetting.

I think the cop was totally justified, the dog was attacking the cop right at the very end there. I would of shot the mutt too. I can see tasing it but nobody's gonna let one of those types of dogs bite them. Negative ghost rider...

The dumb as@ owner should of rolled up his windows when he put the dog in the car, because he certainly knew the dog was gonna be protective when it saw his owner being cuffed. I put a large part of the blame on the owner. He should of kept his fat mouth shut when the cops told him to leave or what ever the issue was they were having.

07-03-2013, 08:47 PM
Ok Muggsy, then your compliance with police is conditional too, as long as they act in a manner you approve of, then you will cooperate. But when they don't, you say you won't comply. So you have your conditions they must adhere too, or else you feel free to disobey them. That is no different than what I and others have expressed. Circumstances may differ, but we can agree there may be a time when they do not deserve our cooperation.
I don't recall anyone referring to the police as pigs here. I too address them as sir or ma'am as I suspect most of us do. What brought that up?

BTW that incident is really stirring up a lot of attention, petitions are going around calling for an investigation into the incident, for the cop that shot the dog be fired, and all kinds of crazy crap. It has animal rights groups, and other people, all riled up.

07-04-2013, 05:09 AM
BTW that incident is really stirring up a lot of attention, petitions are going around calling for an investigation into the incident, for the cop that shot the dog be fired, and all kinds of crazy crap. It has animal rights groups, and other people, all riled up.
you don't think thats fair or unheard of?
dogs are living breathing creatures just like you & i, lets take the dog out of the equation & say it's just the guy filming & the cops approach him & he follows orders.
there is always somebody watching now a days, especially when it comes to heated circumstances & everybody has cell phones that will record.
he starts yapping at them & showing his teeth, you shoot him 3 or 4 times on the spot?

07-04-2013, 05:59 AM
I feel sorry that the rotty got shot, but he should have been secured better so he wasn't a threat to the cops. They aren't there to get dog bit. I would like to have seen a non lethal approach used to subdue the dog, but I'm not the one that was making the arrest or had to deal with an angry rotty.

07-04-2013, 08:29 AM
That dog did more than yap!! He lunged and bit one of the officers. Shooting the dog was the only mean of self defense.

Would you think he should of waited till the dog really chomped down on him and tore skin?

Do you believe it's not ok to shoot someone if they are pointing a gun at you? Would u rather have them shoot first?

Don't you love it when politics gets into personal defense?!
The cop was being attacked and he defended himself!!!!
It's the owners fault!

07-04-2013, 08:40 AM
life can be ugly

07-04-2013, 03:06 PM
That dog did more than yap!! He lunged and bit one of the officers. Shooting the dog was the only mean of self defense.

Would you think he should of waited till the dog really chomped down on him and tore skin?

Do you believe it's not ok to shoot someone if they are pointing a gun at you? Would u rather have them shoot first?

Don't you love it when politics gets into personal defense?!
The cop was being attacked and he defended himself!!!!
It's the owners fault!

1rst you said the dog lunged & bit 1 of the officers, then you said should he of waited for the dog to chomp down on him & break skin.
which 1 is it?
knowhere in any of the articles i have read stated anything about the dog bitting any of the officers.
that dog did what any other dog would of done in the same situation, come to the aid of it's master.

also reading that the dog owner already has a law suit against the same police dept from last year pertaining to excessive force matter.
so it appears this guy has a grudge against this police dept or just being at the wrong place at the wrong time.
me personally there is know way i'm getting out of my car to walk my dog in such a restricted area, this is where common sence & stupidity come into play.
i think the police could of asked him to atleast put the windows up so the frustated dog could not of gotten out, this could of been handled differently.

07-06-2013, 12:15 AM
Don't interfere with police acting in the line of duty. It could be harmful to your dog's health.

So true, I hate that the officers had to do it.