View Full Version : CM9 IWB under tshirt

07-03-2013, 06:56 AM
I just bought a Don Hume iwb for my CM9 but I don't like the way it feels against bare skin under a tshirt , it allows the gun to rub. It also has no cant. I didn't realize they made a model with sweat guard. I am looking for alternative holsters to consider.

07-03-2013, 08:10 AM
I just bought a Don Hume iwb for my CM9 but I don't like the way it feels against bare skin under a tshirt , it allows the gun to rub. It also has no cant. I didn't realize they made a model with sweat guard. I am looking for alternative holsters to consider.

I use one from PJ Holsters for mine. It has a sweat guard, but then I almost always wear an undershirt. Nice cant to it and it disappears with minimal covering!

07-03-2013, 05:41 PM
Hello skin,
I have seeked out Don Hume's H715 type holster and finally found one for both of the guns I intend to carry. Surprised you're not comfortable with them. I like both of mine so much so I chucked a knockoff look alike I bought which was a full 1/4" thicker. I have one with the body shield and one not. I would prefer the body shield but they are very hard to find and I've been looking for two months I finally did find one and incidentally paid a premium price for it compared to other Hume Holsters. What model do you have. I intend to mostly wear IWB between the belt and pants so shouldn't be a sweat problem.

07-03-2013, 05:45 PM
Is between the belt and the pants IWB?

07-03-2013, 05:45 PM
N82 holster. com Made in USA Guaranteed Extremely comfortable.

mr surveyor
07-03-2013, 06:45 PM
I've been using a Don Hume (I think 715) for many years. Originally used it with my 4 inch Kimber Stainless Compact, then with al KelTec PF9, and finally with a CW9 (and the Kimber). I personally prefer zero cant on a holster as my wrists aren't designed for all that twisting ... but I prefer to carry at the 3 o'clock position as it allows me to inconspicuously "feel" my weapon with my elbow to keep it covered. For me, the vertical draw is smoother to the target as well.

As for chaffing of the skin .... many years ago when I decided I would carry 24/7 I realized I would have to make major changes in my dress style. All of my life I either wore a simple pull over shirt or a button up shirt, but always with tucked shirt tail (except for those "junior high" years in the mid 60's). I never even considered the "undershirt thing" as desirable except for layering in the winter. When I started daily carry I started wearing colored T shirts with unbuttoned/untucked "sportsman type" cover shirts for work and very casual occasions. On occasion of needing to wear a tucked shirt, I "boot carry". Cooler weather when a light jacket or sport coat is appropriate then any shirt will do for IWB or OWB carry of anything I want to carry.

07-03-2013, 08:14 PM
Bruce at Northstar holster has made me a number of I.W.B. tuckable holsters with cant and sweatguard....they are awesome!

www.northstarholsters.com (http://www.northstarholsters.com)

07-03-2013, 08:38 PM
I do have the 715 but without sweatguard which is allowing the slide to rub on occasion. Those slide serrations are sharp! I can carry a M&P 9C IWB with an Old Faithful and no tshirt without a problem. Thought maybe something similar like a minituck might do the trick. In the meantime a slight wardrobe change will be in order.

07-03-2013, 08:47 PM
Remora, StickyHolster (prob a bit more comfortable than Remora against bare skin), N82...all good choices and relatively inexpensive to try.

FWIW, I run a Remora all the time, both against my skin and/or with a t-shirt tucked between it and my waistband. Both work for me, no issues, but I've seen a few folks here and there complain about the Remora against bare skin.

07-03-2013, 11:10 PM
Most of the time when I carry the cm9 it's in the kydex one piece taco style holster. It is a light enough carry piece that a single clip works ok. Although I do find it shifts sometimes if I am wearing it for most of the day and needs an adjustment every now and again.

It is usually the first choice if I anticipate a heavy sweat session as this type of holster does not absorb sweat like leather does. Sweat will go over the edge of the holster if sweating a river, like when doing yard work on a hot summer day. You will need to do some gun cleanup/maintenance if sweat gets on it as you would with any holster you might sweat through, but you won't have to wait hours or sometimes days for this style holster to dry out like leather would need.

I do use the remora & sticky style holsters on occasion for the cm9, too. I find the sticky holster works better for me against the skin. I tend to use this style for quick trips rather than for all day wear.

Sometimes I use a deep carry holster with the cm9, like a smartcarry or thunderwear. I can go with any style shirt with this holster, tucked or untucked or even go without a shirt at all. Although that does not happen much any more, but it is nice to have the option. I find it most handy to use this style when I think I'll be in the 'hugs all around' situations like at weddings, funerals, and the like so I don't to have to think about the contact and being made.

Maybe you will get lucky and find one holster that will do it all for you. It has not worked that way for me. Over time, I'd guess I have at least two or more holsters that I use regularly for each carry piece and then there are several in a box I don't use at all for one reason or another. I do consider it a good thing to have some choices though.

07-04-2013, 06:32 AM
Sorry, correct full address www.n82tactical.com

07-04-2013, 10:10 AM
Is between the belt and the pants IWB?

Welll-l-l-l, almost.... Sorry for loose use of IWB. Is there a defining abbreviation for carrying B/T belt and pants?

07-04-2013, 01:21 PM
Welll-l-l-l, almost.... Sorry for loose use of IWB. Is there a defining abbreviation for carrying B/T belt and pants?

lol, just messin with ya. I believe there is a name for them but I don't know what it is. There's a holster for everything don't you know ;)

07-07-2013, 09:28 AM
Try winthropholsters.com no wait and a fine product.