View Full Version : What would you do?

04-22-2010, 10:38 AM
Some of us were talking and the subject of big brother one day deciding that there would be no more concealed or open carry of fire arms came up. The big question is would you still carry?

04-22-2010, 11:07 AM
I probably would keep that decision just between me , my self and I..

04-22-2010, 11:20 AM
I probably would keep that decision just between me , my self and I..

Once again there's a reason your considered so worldly and wise around here. I agree 100% even if it pains me slightly to always have to agree with you. I feel like a darn copy cat. I guess right is right regardless.

04-22-2010, 11:25 AM
It's hard to give an answer without knowing all the facts....so I abstain..

04-22-2010, 11:53 AM
It's hard to give an answer without knowing all the facts....so I abstain..

What facts do you lack? Make believe (thank god) New rules say you can't carry your gun concealed or otherwise. Legal to still own. Basically no guns outside your house. You gonna be a sheep and follow the sheep herder or carry your means of defense anyhow in direct violation of the law.

Dang that sounded rather biased did'nt it? Especially from a civillian office puke law enforcer.

Not picking on ya or anything just trying to help in a nice way.

04-22-2010, 01:11 PM
I'm wondering if this info will be deleted at a later date. This seemed like an interesting question at first, but I wonder if it can ever be used against me. Is the voting anonymous?

04-22-2010, 01:15 PM
I would never assume that any electronic voting is anonymous.

04-22-2010, 01:24 PM
Yuh think big brother is watching? I would assume our written comments could be used against us if it really mattered. (which it dont) I don't think the actual votes could be traced back the votee but of course I could be wrong.
I'm all for paranoid, it pays to be paraonoid, it's almost a survival instinct. At the same time as I approach the river crossing I find my self caring less and less what others think especially our leaders. While its obvious they are clueless to real world issues I doubt that they will ever be able to put together a street level force to deal with rabble rousers such as myself. Hitler managed it, his clone is attempting it but I think all the ones who would fall for it are already in office or counting on those in office to feed and cloth them. My security blanket is with me and will continue to be so long as I'm drawing air into my lungs.

04-22-2010, 01:41 PM
Once again there's a reason your considered so worldly and wise around here. I agree 100% even if it pains me slightly to always have to agree with you. I feel like a darn copy cat. I guess right is right regardless.

I just watched a report where these copiers that we go in and get copies made etc of personal stuff alot, did you know that all these copiers have a hard drive in them similar to a computer. which means every damn thing those machine copy is stored in there just waiting to ber retrieved. It showed hundreds of these big business and industry used copier sin this ware house all wrapped to be sent over seas for resale, and every one of them had these original hard drives still in them. There was no law broken but the report said that even the owners and business 60% of them did not know that this stuff was stored at all. Can u imagine all the important data that could be floating aroundin these copiers, especially if one knoew like that these 10 used copiers came from Bank of Americaa or these 100 copies came from the IRS. The amount of data in there could run ones life.

Survey are nice but on the internet EVERYTHING has a data base somewhere. I know from now on my little copier will go to my garage and be beaten totally to death, including every damn thing inside of it, along with my computer hard drive sh-t.

04-22-2010, 02:52 PM
That sounds like a plan, but as a former guvmint employee, let me say that by the time they get organized well enough to come after us for these comments and such, there will be many and much larger issues at hand, that will require ours/their attentions first. They just aren't that organized.

04-22-2010, 02:53 PM
There's a grand total of 4 votes. I'm thinking not many people trust big brother. I'm sure the "Unpatriotic Act" is calculating which one of us is most dangerous right now. Here's a question that I like to pose to my non gun toting friends: You don't carry a gun because you feel that this world is a safe enough place not to do so. So why would we need a law preventing it if you already feel plenty safe?

04-22-2010, 02:59 PM
Indeed...I still think that spawn of satan insults either satan or his spawn though.

04-22-2010, 03:08 PM
:) While I am going to abstain from committing myself one way or the other on THIS poll. I will say that on MY previous poll about Nancy Pelosi . It would give me GREAT pleasure if SHE were to read the results of that poll !!!!!

I just wish that MORE people had responded to it !!!! :D

Maybe folks think she's a witch (no offense to witches) and they are afraid she'll jump on her broom and curse them or something.
I have to admit I tried to throw the results and vote extra times but it wouldn't allow it. I mean how can a poll measure how much I hate a person?
It's just not nice to hate people but I have an ever growing list, fortunately for me and not for most of you they for the most part hang out on the east coast. I'm generally not a hating person for the most part although I have to say I never really did like ya much.

OK, I was joking on that last line. Can't stop thinking of the plumber pants on your first avatar, but mostly I think of the bouncing Betty's on Woodmans avatar. OK, I'm obsessed. I'm turning myself in.

04-22-2010, 03:10 PM
I am abstaining form the vote....

Now, let's say for the sake of simplicity and argument that carrying a firearm on your person was made illegal(in the US). You as a gun owner make the decision to carry anyway. While carrying a situation arises where you have to employ your weapon, and you do. Take a guess at what happens next? It won't be pretty.

Of course, if such a thing was to happen and you still thought this was a government for the people, by the people.......well, you were lost anyway.

04-22-2010, 03:37 PM
I am abstaining form the vote....

Now, let's say for the sake of simplicity and argument that carrying a firearm on your person was made illegal(in the US). You as a gun owner make the decision to carry anyway. While carrying a situation arises where you have to employ your weapon, and you do. Take a guess at what happens next? It won't be pretty.

Of course, if such a thing was to happen and you still thought this was a government for the people, by the people.......well, you were lost anyway.

Without hesitation my answer remains the same. The two options you offer are go unarmed and get sloughtered like a farm animal, or carry a gun and stand before other humans and the government (not always the same). I'm not your basic Rambo type and if it were me alone, maybe I'd die the farm animal death but I just can't watch another person, family, friend or stranger get malled, raped, attacked or harmed. Can't watch that so again I'll keep mine, hopefully never deploy but if I do, I'll face the people and the gubment and let the chips fall where they may. If I have to make a shank in prison to protect my ass sets, I'll do that. Am I a bad American?

04-22-2010, 04:20 PM
What facts do you lack? Make believe (thank god) New rules say you can't carry your gun concealed or otherwise. Legal to still own. Basically no guns outside your house. You gonna be a sheep and follow the sheep herder or carry your means of defense anyhow in direct violation of the law.

Dang that sounded rather biased did'nt it? Especially from a civillian office puke law enforcer.

Not picking on ya or anything just trying to help in a nice way.

Ok, now that you clarified it for me ...............I abstain.:der:

04-22-2010, 04:25 PM
Ok, now that you clarified it for me ...............I abstain.:der:

Now you got me nervous......can I change my mind? I want to abstain too.

04-22-2010, 04:33 PM
I ain't admittin to nuttin, no way, no where.

04-22-2010, 04:44 PM
I ain't admittin to nuttin, no way, no where.

I'll just resort to my standard line whenever I'm called into the chiefs office, it couldn't have been me I wasn't even here that day. I know nothin either. I'm like totally abstained. I'm telling them census folks I'm a ghost, not even here no mo.

04-22-2010, 04:50 PM
If I close my eyes I can almost hear the sound of jackboots marching down mainstreet.I feel a real fear for this country and I`ve felt it for quite a while.

04-22-2010, 05:00 PM
If I close my eyes I can almost hear the sound of jackboots marching down mainstreet.I feel a real fear for this country and I`ve felt it for quite a while.

One if by land, two if by sea, I'll meet you at the bridge my good freind! I'll bring ammo, you bring the bread.

04-24-2010, 08:13 AM
Count me there as well, though I prefer more than contact ranges...

04-24-2010, 08:32 AM
That's my problem... no long weapons. The only reason I would need a rifle is to protect my handguns from confiscation... oh, yeah, prezbo's "National Police Force stronger than the military"... his words. Then there's the possible/probable breakdown of our society and defending against "extended looting" or "foraging" by the present welfare class when their redistributed-wealth-checks stop arriving. Dang! I might have to join them because all of my retirement comes from the government!
I hate tying money up in a long gun because I have no where to shoot it... or anything worth shooting, yet. I fear it's a coming, though.
There's a big shortage of essentials... like bullets, so the feeling is not confined to us.

04-24-2010, 08:48 AM
Count me there as well, though I prefer less than contact ranges...

I think you were trying to say distances greater than contact ranges...right?
Less than contact... hmmmm. Sub-dermal??:confused:
I need to take my medication.:D

This poll is missing the obvious choice... I'm afraid the government is watching and can't vote. It ain't like a secret ballot. Anything is traceable electronically... with or without a warrant... Big Brother has the software.:eek::behindsofa:

04-24-2010, 08:52 AM
Actually wynn, the distances I like are over 500 yards... I can do up close and personal too, but prefer long range...

04-24-2010, 11:17 AM
Actually wynn, the distances I like are over 500 yards... I can do up close and personal too, but prefer long range...

Sorry, I was working on an answer and my son called, so I almost have to start over. Saved text to Word so I could refresh and post. Rambling on....

That's what I was trying to say, but with a bit of (too subtle?) humor.
Unless you're out in flat country, it'll be much closer than that, and likely in the middle of the night. That Branch Davidian thing showed overt siege to take too long and be too costly. I can still see those agents trying to sneak in a window on the roof and someone opened up through the walls and you could see the bullets blowing holes outward.
A nice semi-auto .308 with hi-cap mags would be nice. I don't like the .22 to .23 caliber guns... I like penetrators. I can remember the M-16 demos blowing down block walls... after about 20 to 30 rounds, but the bullets were spent after the first layer of concrete.
A few thousand rounds... or tens of thousands... in sealed tins would be nice. I remember thinking those thoughts back in the 70' and 80's when they sold used SKS's by the shipping container... straight from the battlefields... slightly used and covered in cosmoline... for about $70 to $90 apiece at gun shows... stacked like cordwood. All of the guns weren't black then and prices didn't start at about $800.
A good arsenal won't help much if your house isn't defensible. If I get away from the brick facade front, there's nothing worth hiding behind.
I really hope things don't get so dire, but I have to think about the possibilities.
Prezbo and his "comrades" want the government to fail so they can "save us" by picking up the pieces and "reforming" our economic and political system. If the Lame Stream Media would get their noses out of prezbo's butt and look around, maybe they would notice a few things worth reporting... , but I guess it's too much to expect... real reporting without pushing their own agendas and those of our "betters".
And this is NOT just my humble opinion... pretty much preaching to the choir.

04-24-2010, 12:00 PM
Indeed wynn, but keep it coming. I for one think the 308 is about one of the best all purpose loads that can be had. I have an Enfield 2A in such and though a bolt gun with a 12 rd magazine, she is SCARY accurate. I also have a few of the preferred weight in that caliber, and for my Nagant as well (ballistic twin and all). The Mauser I need to make a new front sight for then she'll be sweet too. I know thats' their little plan, it was done in Russia back then too. History is chock full of good stuff to learn.

04-24-2010, 12:57 PM
While I was on the phone with my 37-year-old son in St. Louis, I, of course brought up guns and I may have finally convinced him of the need to actually fire and test his surplus Police carried Glock 22. I told him that there was plenty of ammo in .40 cal at Wally World... lots of choices. I don't know anything about .40 S&W and I've never been remotely interested in that caliber, so I couldn't point him in the right direction with respect to defense ammo, especially in choosing from what's on the shelf. He has never fired the gun and has only one magazine. I told him everything we talk about here. I hope he follows through and gets familiar with the gun and gets more magazines and ammo.
He finally got to a state that has CCW and he's barred forever from doing that because he copped to a domestic violence charge... none involved. One of his live-in girl friends' four children called the cops and reported violence when there was none. He was drunk and argumentative, not violent. He lived in Illinois and then Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where that incident happened. That's scary... losing your gun rights.
When we get together with him, my daughter and my Ex for Thanksgivings, it's in southern Illinois and that state really sucks for CCW, there being none and you need a permit to buy and own a handgun. That's one of the few states I NEED to visit and no CCW. Anyplace else I might want to go, I'm covered for legal CCW.
I had to fly up on short notice after my son was attacked and nearly killed in Milwaukee and I felt really naked and vulnerable without a gun while I was there for 15 days! I hate feeling like that but I don't want to run afoul of the law while there.

04-24-2010, 01:09 PM
Actually wynn, the distances I like are over 500 yards... I can do up close and personal too, but prefer long range...

I'm plumb rusty at distance especially 500 yard mark and beyond but I can play distance if the need arises. Another fell built this rifle, I did the stock and scope and such. 06 03A3, ain't shot it in a long time but I sure hold it alot.

Wyn, don't get hung up in this tactical rifle hype, a good ole thutty thutty winchester will hold the wolfs at bay just fine. My go to rifle to get to the good stuff is a Puma 45LC lever gun, anyone on my property is in reach with that rifle, beyond that we go to better stuff.

04-24-2010, 01:14 PM
While I was on the phone with my 37-year-old son in St. Louis, I, of course brought up guns and I may have finally convinced him of the need to actually fire and test his surplus Police carried Glock 22. I told him that there was plenty of ammo in .40 cal at Wally World... lots of choices. I don't know anything about .40 S&W and I've never been remotely interested in that caliber, so I couldn't point him in the right direction with respect to defense ammo, especially in choosing from what's on the shelf. He has never fired the gun and has only one magazine. I told him everything we talk about here. I hope he follows through and gets familiar with the gun and gets more magazines and ammo.
He finally got to a state that has CCW and he's barred forever from doing that because he copped to a domestic violence charge... none involved. One of his live-in girl friends' four children called the cops and reported violence when there was none. He was drunk and argumentative, not violent. He lived in Illinois and then Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where that incident happened. That's scary... losing your gun rights.
When we get together with him, my daughter and my Ex for Thanksgivings, it's in southern Illinois and that state really sucks for CCW, there being none and you need a permit to buy and own a handgun. That's one of the few states I NEED to visit and no CCW. Anyplace else I might want to go, I'm covered for legal CCW.
I had to fly up on short notice after my son was attacked and nearly killed in Milwaukee and I felt really naked and vulnerable without a gun while I was there for 15 days! I hate feeling like that but I don't want to run afoul of the law while there.

Alot depends on how long ago that DV thing happened but your son can get him a lawyer and apply to get his firearms rights restored. Might have to be in the state that the charge came from but it can and does happen. It can be done without a lawyer but it's tough. I get guys in all the time, long time ago DV thing, all things better now but can't get a gun. In washington if he has a DV conviction he can't even own that Glock. Mum's the word pal, big brother is watching.

04-24-2010, 02:10 PM
That is a fine piece. You also know that if not for the Mauser 1 that rifle would not exist, and neither would the 30-06 round. If that things shoots half as good as it looks you may have to keep that one. I for one can't touch the kind of financial outlay that would be required to ah, relieve you of it.

04-24-2010, 04:27 PM
That is a fine piece. You also know that if not for the Mauser 1 that rifle would not exist, and neither would the 30-06 round. If that things shoots half as good as it looks you may have to keep that one. I for one can't touch the kind of financial outlay that would be required to ah, relieve you of it.

Sho nuff. I love mausers too, had 4, still got 2. I seriously doubt I could but a financial outlay number on that 03A3. I'm a little ashamed at how much time I have into the stock, and everything. I think we're meant to stay together for a long long time. To me it's way better than a 401k by a long shot, that is if I could ever let someone pry it out of my hands. The day may come but it's a long way off.

04-30-2010, 08:58 AM
......To me it's way better than a 401k by a long shot, that is if I could ever let someone pry it out of my hands. The day may come but it's a long way off.

I really hope that day is a long way off! :D

04-30-2010, 10:37 AM
I am surprised nobody has broken out and start singing a corus of "The Bonnie Blue Flag"

04-30-2010, 11:13 AM
I am surprised nobody has broken out and start singing a corus of "The Bonnie Blue Flag"

You haven't heard us sing! When the time comes we'll be singing but why torture ourselves in the mean time. I guess this has to go in the advantages of being deaf column for sure.

04-30-2010, 08:04 PM
I don't even sing in the shower...