07-03-2013, 09:48 PM
For those that can get I think the Outdoor Channel, there is a show on there that is Bushmaster's Life Hunts...This is a hunting show for disabled adults and kids who can't normally get out in deer stands or normally wouldn't be able to hunt because of their disability. On the new shows today, tomorrow and Friday I think they are showing, my "adopted" nephew is on there. He just turned 13 yesterday and has Muscular Dystrophy. He is in a wheelchair full time now. He is my parents best friends grandson, but his mom and aunt and uncle all grew up with me and we consider each other like brothers and sisters. I baby sat him when he was little and is such a sweet kid. He never lets his disability stop him. With us living in TX now and him in NC, it was so good to see him on TV for when they did the hunt. They did it I think back in November if I remember correctly in Alabama...He got an 8 pt buck when he went. If you get a chance to watch do it. He also got an award...Sure do miss that kid...