View Full Version : PM9 with 2 different sights

07-06-2013, 10:59 AM
Hey guys, quick question... I purchased a used PM9 and I was surprised to discover that the front sight is a Meprolight dot night sight and the rear is from a Trijicon XS big dot night sight. Sorta strange the previous owner diddnt just stick to either Meprolight 3 dot night sights or a XS Big dot night sights but rather mix matched them. What do you guys think about this setup? At the range will this setup prove accurate shots considering its 2 different sight systems?



sas PM9
07-06-2013, 11:27 AM

Might work fine.
Fire a few carefully aimed test shots and let us know.


07-06-2013, 12:33 PM
I see nuttin to get concerned about.It should work just fine. SHOOT THE FOKKER.. Just my 21 cent son this but if u think ur gonna line u that back sight and the front sight and the BG in a nite fight, ur DREAMIN or smokin some pwoerful stuff. If u see that front nite sight , that shold suffice, If u go hunting for all three objects. more than likely ur gonna be deadon arrival. Just sayin

I personally think that rear lighted nite site is more PR than actual funtionality.. Just sayin

07-06-2013, 12:45 PM
Shouldn't be a problem and easy to remedy if it is.

07-06-2013, 03:43 PM
Hey guys, quick question... I purchased a used PM9 and I was surprised to discover that the front sight is a Meprolight dot night sight and the rear is from a Trijicon XS big dot night sight. Sorta strange the previous owner diddnt just stick to either Meprolight 3 dot night sights or a XS Big dot night sights but rather mix matched them. What do you guys think about this setup? At the range will this setup prove accurate shots considering its 2 different sight systems?

Shoot it and find out if it works/works for you. Wouldn't for me, but sights are real personal.

MW surveyor
07-07-2013, 07:06 AM
May be he got a good deal on each one separately? :)

07-07-2013, 07:58 AM
Maybe for the past owner, it worked for him in terms of getting appoximate line up on the center of mass of a bg at reasonable range.

If those sights are in proper alignment with each other, that looks like a hell of a battle sight setup

07-07-2013, 08:21 AM
Looks like the XS Standard Dot sights and not the Big Dot front. Should be fine.

07-07-2013, 10:35 AM
I will soon be using my PM9 as my EDC and I am about to have a green Hi-Viz fiber optic front sight installed while keeping the factory white bar rear to see how that sight picture works for me. If I don't like it I'll try a different rear sight, probably a two dot. I'll see what works best. Find whatever set up works best for your own eyes, grip, stance, physique etc.

07-07-2013, 10:39 AM
If it's set right and is accurate I fail to see a problem.

07-07-2013, 02:42 PM
personally, I'm no fan of fiber optic tubules up front on an edc pistol... they just don't hold up for me

07-07-2013, 03:22 PM
personally, I'm no fan of fiber optic tubules up front on an edc pistol... they just don't hold up for me

The also vary too much in brightness/viz in the dark. I've become a real fan of gold bead fronts on handguns.

07-07-2013, 06:33 PM
I got a Redhawk with a gold bead and really liked it... very easy to see, very easy to make out in early morning/late evening outside

For EDC.... I'm probably gonna have to say I'm a fan of the big dot or that setup the OP has... thats pretty slick

07-07-2013, 10:46 PM
I will soon be using my PM9 as my EDC and I am about to have a green Hi-Viz fiber optic front sight

I put a HiViz on my PM9. It's great at the range, but poor indoors and in low-light.

07-08-2013, 08:47 PM
First of all thanks for all your opinions and comments. I decided to go XS big dot in the front. Called XS Sights and front sight, labor, and shipping will be $90. I think the extra size of the front big dot will make target acquisition easier on this sight system. Will post pictures once installed. Again thanks for all your posts.

07-09-2013, 07:32 AM
I think you made a good choice. A lot of people are discouraged by the fact the big dots completely cover the target at longer distances. You need to get on the Big Dot website and learn how to use the sights for more precision shooting.

08-01-2013, 07:54 PM
Well, I sent my slide to XS and for $96 total they installed the front XS Big Dot Sight. Much much better. Looks better and now makes sense. Pictures below... If anyone interested in my meprolight front dot night sight let me know I'll let it go for cheap. Thanks.


08-01-2013, 07:55 PM