View Full Version : Carrying CW9 w/loaded chamber?

04-23-2010, 11:00 AM
How many of you carry your CW with one in the pipe? I carry my XD ready to go but it has all the safety features. Is the trigger pull long enough not to worry? Just curious going to be getting a CW9 next week.

04-23-2010, 11:04 AM
I've never been bothered by carrying a Kahr loaded. The design is the way I prefer a small CCW, no safety on the experior, the fewest bells and whistles, sleek and thin. The trigger pull weight and length are sufficient for safety IMHO provided you don't play with a loaded firearm.

04-23-2010, 11:06 AM
Keep it loaded, it's plenty safe. Next to worthless with an empty chamber in my book.

04-23-2010, 11:30 AM
I have an XD Subcompact 9, I carry with 1 in the chamber. In reality the only safety feature is the trigger. The backstrap safety is disengaged when you are holding the gun, so the only other safety is the trigger.

The kahr has no external safeties, etc. the long DA trigger and the internal design of the striker/striker block are the safety. The trigger pull is pretty long, I know the first time I shot the Kahr and switched to shooting my XD, it surprised me how easy the XD went off.

Basically with either pistol, they wont go off unless you pull the trigger. Carry in a proper holster and you will be fine.

I wont carry a gun without one in the chamber. They make cheaper more ergonomic clubs for that purpose.

04-23-2010, 11:36 AM
Any pistol(for defense) should be carried ready to fire....condition 1 as it is called. The CW will not and can not fire unless the trigger is pulled. Carrying it condition 1 is as safe as any, of course, common sense and the universal rules of gun safety go a long way to help too.

Sometimes people new to carrying feel better in condition 3(full mag, chamber empty) but should always work to get comfortable with the pistol carried in condition 1.

04-23-2010, 11:39 AM
Carrying any concealed carry weapon un-chambered is about stupid. If your not comfortable carrying your KAHR chambered, you should probably look into getting another gun with a manual safety.

Speaking of safeties, the KAHR does have safeties, just not a manual one. You have to physically PULL the trigger which moves the cam inturn pushing the striker back. This action also disables the firing pin block. Thats quite a few safety features actually!

KAHR's won't shoot themselves, you gotta pull the trigger! :D

That said, I obviously carry with a loaded chamber.

04-23-2010, 11:40 AM
I have no problem carrying "condition 1" My XD is ready to go when I carry so is my 380 but that has an external safety. I was just curious about the CW.
I know that an empty chamber makes it a hammer and a plastic one at that. :eek:

As far as gun safety I had my own personal drill instructor from the age of 5...My brother was a Marine...

04-23-2010, 11:46 AM
A person carrying a Kahr or a Glock or anything similar probably will find it a little worrisome at first. While stupid might be a bit on the strong side its definitely a good thing to have a round chambered. If you carry for a few days with an empty chamber just to verify habits make sure your not inadvertantly doing bad things, thats perfectl ok, I've done it myself and don't feel ashamed in anyway, but as Pain said work at getting comfy with a loaded chamber. More often than not an auto pistol will jamb on the first round especially if your in a high stress, get it done fast situation. Of course Kahr recommends loading with the slide release which really compounds all these time consuming things when time is critical. Life comes at you fast and you don't have time to be loading.

04-23-2010, 11:49 AM
I have no problem carrying "condition 1" My XD is ready to go when I carry so is my 380 but that has an external safety. I was just curious about the CW.
I know that an empty chamber makes it a hammer and a plastic one at that. :eek:

As far as gun safety I had my own personal drill instructor from the age of 5...My brother was a Marine...

That was part of my point, no ones questioning your ability although none of us of course know what that is. Even long time shooters gotta get mated up to new guns that they aren't accustomed too. YOu nailed it with the plastic hammer analogy. Right on the mark. I use tupperware in place of plastic but same difference.

04-23-2010, 11:52 AM
+1 What they said...

04-23-2010, 12:41 PM
Didn't mean to come across as a PIA know it all...Safety is just something I take very seriously, that is why I posted the original question. I have not had the chance yet to live fire the CW but look forward to it.

On a different note does anyone have a better source than Kahr to get factory mags?

04-23-2010, 12:49 PM
Didn't mean to come across as a PIA know it all...Safety is just something I take very seriously, that is why I posted the original question. I have not had the chance yet to live fire the CW but look forward to it.

On a different note does anyone have a better source than Kahr to get factory mags?

Nothing I read made you come accross as a PIA in the slightest. Welcome by the way, stick around you'll like it here. Send some pics when you get that CW.
Good thinking to stick with factory mags, they just work the best. Not sure where the best source is right now, we have a guy at our local gunshow that has nothing but magazines, lots of them. Got a couple last month I think 29 bucks, probably not a gift price but not bad.

04-23-2010, 01:13 PM
Not at all QuietMan, Its always good to think about safety when dealing with guns....Welcome to Kahrtalk....Lots of good fun loving folks here and lots of good info about anything Kahr....Good luck on your CW9...You are going to love it for sure....

Little Dragon
04-23-2010, 01:15 PM
I carry my Cw-9 with one in the chamber all the time and had an interesting thing happen to me when I was. I carry mine in a smart carry holster in my pants and I was working one day and slipped off a customers roof and took a fourteen foot fall luckily I landed in a bush. But after that experience and my Kahr not going off I'd say its very safe to carry one in the chamber! (By the way if you are wearing polarized sun glasses sometimes you cannot see frost on a concrete tile roof ;-P)!

04-23-2010, 01:26 PM
...slipped off a customers roof and took a fourteen foot fall...

Wow, that must have been fun.

The only concern I would have about the lack of exterior safety devices is accidentally catching the trigger on a retention strap while holstering (if using one).

04-23-2010, 01:28 PM
I carry my Cw-9 with one in the chamber all the time and had an interesting thing happen to me when I was. I carry mine in a smart carry holster in my pants and I was working one day and slipped off a customers roof and took a fourteen foot fall luckily I landed in a bush. But after that experience and my Kahr not going off I'd say its very safe to carry one in the chamber! (By the way if you are wearing polarized sun glasses sometimes you cannot see frost on a concrete tile roof ;-P)!

Oh man, I can so relate to that. I was thawing out a shake roof on a frosty cold morning with a weed burner, got ahead of myself a bit and caught a sky light on fire, the foam in those things burns like crazy. Had to thaw my way to it, slap the fire out. Murphy was with me though, got the fire out, slid off the roof and the burner landed on top of me. No bushes dang, but only one story so no harm done, little burn on my jacket, injured pride, home owner lady was at the kitchen window, I fell out of the sky right in front of her, scared her worse than me. My gun didn't go off either, it's all good.

04-23-2010, 01:37 PM
I always carry one in the chamber. You never know when you may be in a situation where you can't rack the slide, or don't want to alert a bg. I want to be able to point and shoot period. Recently I was talking to a fella who told me he carried one in the chamber sometimes...bad area, parking lot late at night, but didn't like to do it all the time.....talk about dumb. He's a disaster waiting to happen. Whatever you do, do it the same way all the time, then you won't be fumbling or second guessing yourself when you can't afford to.

04-23-2010, 02:00 PM
Glad to hear everyone is ok after these falls...Maybe a class in roof safety...;)...All good info guys...my XD is always ready if needed so will the Kahr

04-23-2010, 02:24 PM
Glad to hear everyone is ok after these falls...Maybe a class in roof safety...;)...All good info guys...my XD is always ready if needed so will the Kahr

No safe way to work on a shake roof anytime of year (slippery) but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to get the job done. Most of the time it works, sometimes, like when you fall off or in my case it falls on you, not so good. Most of the guys that teach construction safety never held a hammer let alone know how to use it.
Hope you dont work for OSHA!

04-23-2010, 02:25 PM
My my, look what we've done, gone from carrying with a loaded chamber to falling off roofs for fun and entertainment.

I'm relieving myself from the bridge you can have our ship back.

04-23-2010, 02:29 PM
My only point of special care is when holstering the gun in a holster with a body shield and/or thumb break. That is about the only time I can't see what might snag the trigger, mainly that upright part of the holster or getting tangled in a light shirt. Practice a bit with an empty gun and get the feel of doing that blind. Once in the holster, the trigger is secure. Coming out of the holster, the motion is against the trigger pull, so I don't see any hazards there.

I am now carrying cocked and locked 1911's also, which is something I never did before. I was always intimidated by that darned cocked hammer but the DAO Kahr never concerned me. It's all superficial. But a lot has to happen for a 1911 to go off. I am used to it now and just double check the safety on Ole Betsy once in awhile. By the same token, a lot of trigger pull has to happen for a Kahr to go off. Protect that trigger when holstering, and I think you'll be fine.

04-23-2010, 02:51 PM
I have heard both sides and have had a good banter on the subject......I however always land on the on in the tube is how to carry. There are a few reasons but I will just say if you want to hurt me or my family I won't have to rack the slide or even think about a bullet in the chamber when I put an end to what you are attempting to do.

Saftey is serious saftey in handling a weapon and saftey of my loved ones.

04-23-2010, 02:54 PM
No I don't work for OSHA...My brother has been a carpenter for about 40 years and I worked for him during college and after I graduated...I know what it's like to be on a roof, NOT MY FAVORITE PLACE.

Do you guys have any place other than Kahr to get extra mags?

04-23-2010, 03:02 PM
I bought a mag from a fellow member and a couple from this place Kahr (http://www.tacticalgunarmory.com/Kahr_s/624.htm?gclid=CN21xsDbnaECFQzxDAod-GK0zQ)


04-23-2010, 03:03 PM
I have heard both sides and have had a good banter on the subject......I however always land on the on in the tube is how to carry. There are a few reasons but I will just say if you want to hurt me or my family I won't have to rack the slide or even think about a bullet in the chamber when I put an end to what you are attempting to do.

Saftey is serious saftey in handling a weapon and saftey of my loved ones.

and even considering that kahrs IMO are not the easiest gun to hand rack properly, just adds to "someone looking to screw up".

No one can tell you what to do but we can tell you what :"WE DO"

Kahrs are really meant to be carried loaded. They are safe but one needs to have common sense and some knowledge of the gun he is carrying also.

I wold certainly fear a glock in my pocket more even though it has that pissy ass trigger safety, as a glock has such a short trigger pull over a kahr.

Kahr does now make a PM9 with a locking safety, if it bothers you alot. Might not be an easy gun to find right away but they are making it and they tell me it is selling extremely well to. My bet probalby going to see more models with these features, which is fine with me,as long as they keep the models they have now with no safety other than ones bugger finger out of the trigger area..

04-23-2010, 04:09 PM
I carry in Condition 1 all the time.

04-23-2010, 08:30 PM
I always carry with one in the chamber. If you get to know your gear (gun, holster, etc.) by practicing at the range, it shouldn't be a problem.

I have one of the Kahr's with the safety although I never have it on. Always set for red is dead with 1 in the pipe. Wouldn't have a safety except the anti gun establishment in MA thinks I'm not competent enough to take care of myself.

Anyway, if you practice with your gear and know its capabilities, carrying with one in the pipe shouldn't be a problem.

04-23-2010, 09:54 PM
Get a firm fitted holster that covers the trigger & you will be fine with one in the pipe. I don't like straps on holsters for Kahr type guns. If that strap goes in the trigger guard as you are holstering, it will fire.

04-23-2010, 10:55 PM
I found some mags. for my pm45 at a site called H&K. I had put in kahr pm 45 magazines. paid 30.00 each. I'm not positive on what you need but i had to look through several lahr mags. to find mine.

04-23-2010, 11:07 PM
My CW9 is my second Kahr. My first was a E9 bought back when Kahr was a new company.

I have never even thought about carrying either one any way BUT loaded. I am not going to carry a gun that is not instantly ready.

When (if) the time comes it rarely comes with warning. It is a matter of seconds.

04-23-2010, 11:29 PM
My carry is a pm45. Always ready to go . My Dad asked me once if I had a gun, I said yes. He then asked me if it was loaded? I said yes, thinking ,here it comes gonna eat my a-- out for having it loaded. He said , it's not worth carrying around if it's not.

04-24-2010, 07:07 AM
My carry is a pm45. Always ready to go . My Dad asked me once if I had a gun, I said yes. He then asked me if it was loaded? I said yes, thinking ,here it comes gonna eat my a-- out for having it loaded. He said , it's not worth carrying around if it's not.

u have a smart dad.:D

04-25-2010, 10:02 AM
Thanks for the replies guys...Didn't expect such a simple question to go on for 4 pages...Just a curiosity question since the only 3 safeties are your brain, trigger finger and the long CW pull...I was planning to carry locked and loaded.

04-25-2010, 12:46 PM
My two cents look just like everyone else's, put one in the pipe and don't look back.

04-25-2010, 01:09 PM
One in the pipe.

Remember the best safety is between the ears.

04-25-2010, 03:06 PM
Thanks for the replies guys...Didn't expect such a simple question to go on for 4 pages...Just a curiosity question since the only 3 safeties are your brain, trigger finger and the long CW pull...I was planning to carry locked and loaded.

With this group we tend to chew the bone all the way down to nothing. If there's anything left somebody else picks it up and chews it somemore. We leave no subject unchewed so to speak. I'm sure there are many that benefit from these seemingly meaningless chats also so probably not a waste either.

04-25-2010, 04:02 PM
And we have fun too.

04-25-2010, 05:09 PM
:) 2 Things that NO one ever expects........................................... .


AND, ..... TURBO BUCKET MOUTHS !!!!!! :eek:
( some people have the right to remain silent, they just don't have the ABILITY )
Welcome the KAHR TALK !!! :D

Speaking as a new but apparently gifted bucketmouth I think remaining silent equals pretty much boring. Imagine if I only said things that were politically correct or considered rocket science, well I guess I wouldn't have much to say and who would enjoy that. I've really been trying my hand at lurking so the #3 bucket mouth has a chance to regain his rightful place in the food chain but apparently he's napping in his new recliners watching his mega huge tv with mega complicated electronic for sound, surround, color, image and no doubt a little gal with big morraca's to bring him a cool drink, or on the odd days waiting on his lovely wife who works to support his gun habit and probably his tv, etc etc etc. Perhaps its just an online shopping addiction. I'll try to only spoke when spoken to best I can. Maybe I'll try exercise my right to remain silent and see if anyone really notices??????

04-25-2010, 05:46 PM
Trainee Turbo Bucket Mouth?? Over 900 posts in a little over a month and you're in training?? I would hate to see what you could do if you really put in an effort! Would we be able to get a word in edgewise??
Dang, I need to get a few things squared away here, so that when Wifey comes home after a hard evening's work, it looks like I haven't been doing THIS all day! I don't think she'll be fooled, though.

04-25-2010, 06:07 PM
Trainee Turbo Bucket Mouth?? Over 900 posts in a little over a month and you're in training?? I would hate to see what you could do if you really put in an effort! Would we be able to get a word in edgewise??
Dang, I need to get a few things squared away here, so that when Wifey comes home after a hard evening's work, it looks like I haven't been doing THIS all day! I don't think she'll be fooled, though.

I think you tweaked that 900 figure a bit but whatever. I tell everyone you are my mentor and trainer so you can be proud of how well you trained me. All those post and I haven't been kicked out yet, it's a borderline miracle I'm thinking.

04-25-2010, 07:31 PM
Mentor... trainer... I don't remember any of that. I merely pointed out our relative numbers of posts and awakened your competitive talking ability(?) From above average to Warp Speed... Turbo Bucket Mouth!:D

Shoot, it's late and I'm tired... can't do anything but watering the rest of the night. The forecast rain was a fizzle.
Hmmm... I hear the new chair calling.... Another nap, perhaps? I have to squeeze in naps whenever I can... being a night owl and all. That chair is pretty comfy... hard to stay awake ... Wifey, too,... trying to watch recorded TV and catch up.
Hasta luego, amigo.

04-26-2010, 11:12 AM
Funny how a topic can digress fast...even when I am NOT involved...

Re: the OP, 1 in the pipe...always. Do it the same way every time so there is never a question (same for unloading and cleaning/inspecting the gun).

Re: the "excessive" (?) posting and the SO, apparently my "throne room" has been relabeled the forum posting room...:D ...just wash the hands before and after...and some of the recent comments when at home are:

...Are you on those gun forums again? (yes)
...Have you looked at this house (or the bills)? (...uh...no.)

hahaha :rolleyes:

04-26-2010, 11:19 AM
Funny how a topic can digress fast...even when I am NOT involved...

Re: the OP, 1 in the pipe...always. Do it the same way every time so there is never a question (same for unloading and cleaning/inspecting the gun).

Re: the "excessive" (?) posting and the SO, apparently my "throne room" has been relabeled the forum posting room...:D ...just wash the hands before and after...and some of the recent comments when at home are:

...Are you on those gun forums again? (yes)
...Have you looked at this house (or the bills)? (...uh...no.)

hahaha :rolleyes:

And it only gets worse pal. It was pointed out to me by a fellow that I never talk on a phone, never. Email is my phone. MY wife might as well have the phone surgically attached to her head. From 7am on, sometimes during dinner, do stuff around the house with the phone in her ear, I offer to get her one of them deals so she could hang the phone on her someplace and use an earplug so she could work with both hands. If she's ever in an accident (perish the thought) and loses an arm it won't matter a bit, she can work one handed, might require the ear plug though. So I guess the time I spend here with my buds really isn't any worse. My boss might disagree though. If Wyn stayed off the long distance phone calls he might regain his position. I truely don't count, I just blab I guess.
Keep one in the pipe, keep it consistant as you say, it's all good.

04-26-2010, 11:27 AM
It's obvoius that the original question isn't what's keeping this thread at the top...:D

04-26-2010, 11:30 AM
I was nervous at first but now carry in condition #1 position. Locked and loaded...

04-26-2010, 11:43 AM
It's obvoius that the original question isn't what's keeping this thread at the top...:D

Note that one has the option of using the "Thread Tools" drop down menu and selecting "Unsubscribe from this thread". That way, if the thread is considered a done deal, one who participated and is subscribed by default is not a captive audience with unwelcome email notifications for all sorts of digressions and for threads that refuse to die. Once unsubscribed, no one has to care or b!tch about beating a dead horse or hijacking. It's all good for those who care to read it.

04-26-2010, 12:23 PM
Note that one has the option of using the "Thread Tools" drop down menu and selecting "Unsubscribe from this thread". That way, if the thread is considered a done deal, one who participated and is subscribed by default is not a captive audience with unwelcome email notifications for all sorts of digressions and for threads that refuse to die. Once unsubscribed, no one has to care or b!tch about beating a dead horse or hijacking. It's all good for those who care to read it.

I'm perplexed? I don't know if I should go out back and swallow my own sword or just Unsubscribe from myself?
I've always carried with a chambered round but made up my mind long long ago that if I ever pulled my own plug and launched my self accross the river I wouldn't use a gun to give the media any anti gun tools. Scared of heights and don't like water much, no drugs, kind of limits my options.
I guess I'll try the Unsubscribe thingie if it'll let me eliminate myself.
Thanks for the tip.