View Full Version : Anybody? Critical Duty Setback?

07-13-2013, 01:07 AM
Anyone else that's running Critical Duty (not Defense) experiencing any/significant setback in your Kahr or other pistol. Starting to wonder what's going on. So Critical Duty specifically claims none or less w/ regard to setback due to the bullet crimp in the casing or whatever.

Well, that's NOT what's happening w/ my TP9 (can't speak to the P9, haven't shot it in awhile). I know Kahrs are by design gonna be a bit harder w/ regard to setback because of the 'typical' chambering process dropping the slide on the round. I still have to do this w/ my TP9, particularly w/ the Critical Duty. But the setback I'm seeing, or think I'm seeing, is really significant and happens pretty quickly w/ only a few chambering of a round.

I don't typically mind this, or need to worry about it...I look for setback and then shoot 'em or toss 'em before it goes too far. But this is a bit more than I've ever seen w/ other rounds particularly given Hornady's claim that the design of the Duty helps prevent or even eliminates setback.

Just curious what, if anything, others are seeing w/ Critical Duty.

FYI, don't particularly notice this w/ my CZ P-01...but I can drag the slide at a snails pace and it'll still chamber a round w/ no trouble. Different animal than the TP9.


07-13-2013, 07:57 AM
critical duty is my carry round. I never reload any round over 2 times in small carry autos. almost all will start to show setback.

07-13-2013, 10:38 AM
Critical duty works fine in my CM9. It wont chamber in my CW45 though. I just use federal in my .45.

07-13-2013, 11:06 AM
Thanks guys. I guess maybe I'm expecting them to last a bit longer before I pump them downrange. I typically chamber them a few times, maybe a half dozen, then retire them to a box to be checked and either fired or tossed. Just seemed that a couple/three chamberings were setting these back enough that the band on the base of the bullet disappeared into the casing. My PDX1 never seemed to setback this much this quickly. I just started carrying the Duty a couple months back after getting a boatload around Christmas. Took me a few range trips w/ them to be sure they fed/ejected w/ 100% reliability...which they seemed to be. Over the last couple of months, I started noticing this more and more (setback). Noticing my box of crud ammo was growing faster than usual. Dunno, just seemed weird given the 'advertisement' that they were impervious to setback. Had hoped it would go the other direction and start saving me some rounds over the long haul.

07-17-2013, 08:21 PM
Doesn't seem right IMO..I'd blame the ammo..
I did a set back test with my PM9 a while back.
Chambered a 124+p Gold Dot 24 times without any setback at all.

07-17-2013, 08:38 PM
I've not had any issues with it and I re-chamber fairly often in my MK9. Could it possibly be a bad batch? I've been using Hornady exclusively as my carry round for the last 3 years, and recently switched to the Duty line several months back. No issues.

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 521 using Tapatalk

07-17-2013, 09:02 PM
I'll give it a try in my P9 (not carrying it much these days) and see if it does the same thing. Lately, I've only been carrying the TP9. I don't see that there'd be much difference, but I'll try that anyway.

Good idea about the bad batch. I've got some that's from a bulk online order and some purchased locally. I'll run a round of each thru repeatedly and see what happens.
