View Full Version : Need Expert help: P45, CW45, or PM45?

07-13-2013, 02:37 PM
I have a PM9 I carry almost exclusively. Bought a 1911 officers frame last winter and have carried it a couple of times and it's not bad for carry at all but is a little heavy. Was thinking about getting a Kahr .45 since I like the PM9 so much. I don't think I'm overly sensitive to recoil but I want something for carry that I won't hesitate to practice with. For those with 2 or all 3 of the .45 models listed, how do they compare with regards to recoil, handling, etc... to each other and/or to the PM9? Thanks.

07-13-2013, 03:00 PM
When I chose mine, I had a PM9 for about a month and a P380 with night sights on order. I hadn't even seen the Kahr .45's but had been wanting a compact .45. I chose the PM45... DLC... with Night Sights... sight unseen... based purely on deciding to go with the smallest, since that was my aim... CCW.

It's only a bit larger than the PM9 and even fits my PM9 Crossbreed Minitucks, as does the P9 and P40... which is really nice.

I grabbed my shorts with the gun rig still on it from dinner out a few days before. After shopping or whatever all day I went to take the gun and mag holder off the belt and put them away. The gun I thought I was wearing was already there! I had been wearing the PM45 all day and didn't realize it! If you're carrying IWB, any of the .45's can work, but the PM's smaller grip does hide a bit easier. If a metal base plate were available... or you used a compatible 1911 mag that fits flush, you're be able to conceal the CW or P models better. That's why I put metal base plates on my P9 and P40.


07-13-2013, 03:42 PM
I've never found recoil to be a problem with a 45. I had a PM45 and liked it very much, but it was stolen. I could even pocket carry it in a jacket or large pants pocket. If the CM45 ever arrives, I will buy one. In the interim, I've been carrying a CW45 when I can cover a holster and a PM9 when I can't. The CW is very easy to shoot well.

07-13-2013, 05:08 PM
My CW45 is not much different than my full size or officers size 1911. (In my opinion.) I really like it. I cant imagine the PM45 would be much different.

07-13-2013, 06:38 PM
My CW45 is not much different than my full size or officers size 1911. (In my opinion.) I really like it. I cant imagine the PM45 would be much different.

For me the difference is weight. I have three officer's size and one FS 1911's and the CW is a lot lighter. It's also lighter than my compact HK and Smiths 45's or my compact Detronics 1911.

07-13-2013, 06:49 PM
For me the difference is weight. I have three officer's size and one FS 1911's and the CW is a lot lighter. It's also lighter than my compact HK and Smiths 45's or my compact Detronics 1911.

You are correct, I wasn't too clear. Sorry about that.

The recoil isn't much different than my 1911's but the CW45 a whole lot lighter.

07-13-2013, 08:44 PM
My CW45 is considerably lighter than the 1911, and even the SR45. The bigger guns are easier to shoot more rounds:


07-14-2013, 09:23 AM
proud owner of all three models here,first purchased the cw45 at a local gun show. i thought how am i gonna handle such a little gun? to my surprise, it was quite mild. then i saw another member here wanted to sell his pm45, again to my surprise it was quite mild for it`s small size,(shorter grip & barrel than the cw). and just because i wanted it i bought a p45 (virtually identical in size to the cw). I can handle all three with just one hand, either left or right hand. am i kahr crazy yet?
If kahr ever comes out with a cm45 i`ll probably buy one and that would make it official right?:der:

07-14-2013, 09:37 AM
I prefer the P/PM's over the C-models, but I really like the P size, too, and would like a DLC P45 some day. I have a P9 & PM9 and a P40, and I've come to carry the P's most often.

If only Trijicon would make the HD NS for Kahrs! I finally broke down and bought Big Dot NS for my P40 and am just not totally happy or confident with those, so my P40 lost its place as #1 EDC. The PM45 is still my favorite for dining out or being out at night.

My dream Kahr... after a K45 DLC, would be a P45 DLC with the Yellow Front Sighted HD Night Sights... for my old eyes.:D


07-14-2013, 11:32 AM
I have the CW45. I friggin love it!!!!
It's the perfect size, not to small, not to big. I heard a few complaints about it kicking a bit. My first time to the range made me realize there's a lot of little limp wristed girls out there!!!
Super easy to control and shoot. I've got big hands and most all sub compacts are just to small.
CW45 is perfect!!
Also I like the fact it has a longer barrel than other compacts.
Here's something I considered. The handle size is perfect for having fun at the range but may be a little long for conceal carry (I haven't CCed it yet cause I live in IL). But if it is a little long I thought about trimming the handle down to fit the PM45 mag. Then carry a full length mag for a secondary. For the range I would save the section that I trimmed off and use it as a spacer on the longer mag, so it would be more comfortable at the range. The main reason I got the CW is cause its got the longer barrel and can reach out like the full size pistols.

07-14-2013, 11:47 AM
Thanks guys. Appreciate all the input. I really wish I could handle each to get a feel for them. Buzzard, you send me yours and I promise to send them back.

I must be crazy. The PM9 is perfect for me and big enough to work but after I got this 1911, which is a dream to shoot, and put the .45 bullet next to the 9mm, I might have to consider a .45 for carry. If I can't find some to shoot before buying, I'm thinking about going with the P45. In cases where I need something smaller to conceal, I've always got the PM9 which is smaller than the PM45 anyway.

Thanks again gents. If there's anyone around Dayton...

07-14-2013, 09:34 PM
The P45/CW45 isn't too big to carry. You just cant put it in a pocket (unless you have BIG pockets I guess.)

07-15-2013, 05:15 AM
Just in case your`e interested; my pm45 measurements: slide width 1.0" , over all length 5.95" , over all height 4.35" ( not including sights or mag.)
I believe you`ll find this to be about the same as,or reasonably close to, the pm/cm9.
As for sending them out to you, only if i can come along for the ride.:cool:
Dayton oh. eh? wonder if there`s someone about half way between we could meet up with, especially if they happen to have different models/calibers eh?
anyone interested?:confused:

07-15-2013, 02:35 PM
I have both the PM9 and the PM45.

my PM9 recoil could be described as a quick muzzle flip while my PM45 would be more of a quick muzzle twist push if that makes any sense to you.

the PM45 is dimensionally as big as the glock26 but with a slightly longer grip. it is not too big for ccw but in my opinion too big for pocket carry if you are to ever sit down. giddeon's bible look in your pocket and all that.

that said, after 500+ rounds and a little tweeking on my part Ive gotten my PM45 to run 100% however, id trade it for something else because its lost its charm to me.

Longitude Zero
07-15-2013, 04:01 PM
I routinely carry a CW45 in Galco's Yaqui Slide holster.

07-15-2013, 04:27 PM
The P/CW45 is a bit bigger than the PM45 but I too think it would be fine for holster carry after carrying the 4.25 inch barrel 1911 in a holster just fine. I have no interest in pocket carry so that's not an issue for me. Now the next step is to shoot one to confirm. Thanks for the suggestion Buzzard and I'll keep looking in my area.

07-15-2013, 05:19 PM
Also I know the CW45 fits a 1911 holster pretty good.

07-16-2013, 06:31 AM
When I feel the need ...(heading to a large or dangerous metropolis area) I carry my CW45 right in the front pocket of my blue jeans. Tight fit, but at least I have it with me. Can't wait till they debug and release those CM 45's....


07-26-2013, 08:04 AM
I love my CW45 so much.....I bought another one yesterday!

07-26-2013, 04:37 PM
If you don't mind or want the longer grip so you can use a 3 finger grip, the cw45 fits the bill. It certainly behaves well at the range.

If you want the shorter grip height and are ok with a two finger grip or want to do pocket carry, then the pm45 - or eventually the cm45.

I put the cw45 on a scale with a loaded 6rd magazine with 230gr jhps and a qwik grip sleeve and it came in just under 22 ounces. So weight is not an issue with the cw45.

In the long run I will likely end up with the cm45 when it becomes generally available and keep them both.

07-26-2013, 06:21 PM
I've handled both the P45 and PM45 at a LGS; I can grasp the PM45 with with less than half my 5th finger hanging off the grip but still within the mag base plate. Still trying to locate one or both to shoot.

07-26-2013, 08:54 PM
OMG! 5th finger!? http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20081123212757/uncyclopedia/images/8/82/6fingers.jpg

Are you one of those polydactyls!?? http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1c/Polydactyly_01_Lhand_AP.jpg/220px-Polydactyly_01_Lhand_AP.jpg


07-27-2013, 08:41 AM
Got me. Didn't want to say "pinky" 'cause then all the "commie" comments would flow. I'd rather be a freak than a commie. :D right back at ya Wynn.

07-28-2013, 07:09 PM
I have a p45 and love the way it feels. this is a great size gun and with the right holster is just fine to pack


09-09-2013, 05:11 PM
Was finally able to shoot a CW45. We couldn't agree on price so I bought a new one and it should be on it's way. Thanks all for the input.

12-04-2013, 03:02 AM
I have a p45 and love the way it feels. this is a great size gun and with the right holster is just fine to pack


I'm shopping for holsters right now for my P45. What do you use?

12-04-2013, 03:57 PM
David Bullard Dual Carry. Works very well for my PM9. Haven't got one yet for the CW45 since I'm still having some issues worked out but if I get a holster, that will be it.

12-22-2013, 07:43 PM
For me recoil was no big deal. What got me the first few times out was the aggressive checkering on the front and rear straps. Really started to make my right hand sore and red about a 1/2" below the webbing. I've since changed my grip and that is not even a thought anymore.
I love shooting this Little Monster. Very accurate and feels right at home in my hand. I've stuck it in my pockets several times when going into a store or gas station.
I'm going to look into David Bullard Dual Carry since you gave the recommendation