View Full Version : slide locks premature

07-14-2013, 10:48 AM
I have a new P380. To date, I have fired 250 rounds. There have been multiple misfires, but those have gone down the more I use the gun. The biggest problem is the slide locking back prematurely. At first, I thought the cause was due to my thumb hitting the slide release. I soon discovered that isnt the cause. My friend, and experienced shooter, has the same problem with his new Kahr and the problem occurred with my gun when he shot it. Occasionally, I get some really nasty feeding problems, but that is rare and may be due to the ammunition.

Is the problem caused by the slide release interfering with the feeding system? Do you suggest I fire more rounds before sending the gun back to Kahr?

Thanks for your input.

07-14-2013, 11:26 AM
go to the kahr tech section ahd hit on wyns thread called cw45 fixes. It willshow how that little springon the left side should look for proper function. My bbet is that little sprhing is bentor out of adjustmanet. It tells u how to correct this to. Also check to see that none of ur rounds in the magaizine is hittine the inside of that slide lock lever. Thatwill cause premature slide lockingopen. ThePropper prepping of ur kahr thread will tellu how to check this out. simple to check. Ifby chance that slidelocklever is hittingthe rounds, thenaqcall or email to kahr, attn.Jay and state ur issue willgetu a newslide lock lever. It almost has to b e one of thosetwo things,providing it is not the thumb thing. Shoot it left handed tosee if it still locks open.