View Full Version : NPR "am I next daddy?" sickening
NPR ran a piece this afternoon, whereby a black pastor said his 12 year old son, with trembling voice, asked him "am I next daddy?". This was in response to the not guilty verdict in the case against George Zimmerman.
The pastor went on to explain how he dealt with his son's question, and how people in the past had been strong in the face of such flagrant disinfrachise of the civil rights of blacks.
Its rather significant that the pastor did not tell his son a basic of life, which is, if you begin to beat the crap out of somebody, he may just retaliate, and that sometimes you bite off more than you can chew in such an instance.
07-14-2013, 07:47 PM
Either this pastor has a special needs kid or the conversation is completely made up. I couldn't imagine ANY situation where my 11 year old daughter would speak using such childish syntax or even think such an irrational thought. Just another race baiter justifying "love offerings" he receives from his congregation.
I think this will be the beginning of historical change in this country.
07-14-2013, 08:05 PM
I've tried to hold my tongue today. But I can't.
This pastor is a liar. Conversation never happened. Period. He's evil in human form. There, I said it.
OF COURSE its made up... in order to make the case that the pastor wanted to present - all about racial inequality.
Longitude Zero
07-14-2013, 08:36 PM
NPR the source of this tripe tells me all I need to know. NPR along with PBS needs to be defunded forever.
07-14-2013, 08:50 PM
NPR ran a piece this afternoon, whereby a black pastor said his 12 year old son, with trembling voice, asked him "am I next daddy?". This was in response to the not guilty verdict in the case against George Zimmerman.
Sounds just like something our "Pres" would say
07-15-2013, 12:02 AM
NPR the source of this tripe tells me all I need to know. NPR along with PBS needs to be defunded forever.
I second that.
07-15-2013, 05:15 AM
Divide, Divide, Divide! That's the Marxist way. Tell on your neighbor, trust no one but the government.
07-15-2013, 06:13 AM
Either this pastor has a special needs kid or the conversation is completely made up. I couldn't imagine ANY situation where my 11 year old daughter would speak using such childish syntax or even think such an irrational thought. Just another race baiter justifying "love offerings" he receives from his congregation.
I think this will be the beginning of historical change in this country.
there is a explanation for alot of things in Crayons case. His expulsions from school. very easy to explan away.
He was kicked out of school for a period of time on 3 different occassions. Here is the explanation for all his expulsions. #1. He was kicked oput once for having traces of pot in his back pack--The reason for that was he bought the back pack at a good will store and he just didn't know it was in there. #2. He was kiced out for having some tools like a screwdriver and wrenchs ande some loose jewelry i his back back---The jewelery was for his girl friend Jaentel and the tools was well he was gonna work on his buddies car after school and didn't wantt to go back home. #3 He was expelled for tagging (*painting) some school door---Actually he was helping the maintenance people do some outside painting at the school and was not tagging anything but was caught before he could actually finish the painting of thge doors so he was charged with tagging. #4 He had pot in his system the night he was shot---0 gee that is an easy one. Hell the 7-11 store was selling to unknown Black kids popsickles laced with pot and he just didn't know what it was.
So u see he really did nuttin wrong but the system is all screwed up towards him. No one would listen to his explanations either and as far as ol jocko is concerned. I think this young african "child" was as Hair Lip Jesse Jackson said yesterday, he was MURDERED.. Just sayin:amflag:
07-15-2013, 06:15 AM
That says it all.
MW surveyor
07-15-2013, 10:04 AM
07-15-2013, 10:31 AM
Parents and children should be listening to Bill Cosby and not thug life.
07-15-2013, 10:44 AM
I know this video is over a year old, but this minister makes some very important points and asks some very good questions after the president made his statement.
07-15-2013, 11:09 AM
Question. It's been said that this one and that one is racist, spews hate, will riot, can't count, etc. Yet the same type of hatred is being spewed on some posts here as well..What does that make them?? Dang sure doesn't make it right!!
07-15-2013, 11:16 AM
Question. It's been said that this one and that one is racist, spews hate, will riot, can't count, etc. Yet the same type of hatred is being spewed on some posts here as well..What does that make them?? Dang sure doesn't make it right!!
Its crystal clear to me. We hate racist, that spew hate, can't count and basically want to create division.
Does that make sense.
If I was black I would not want Odummy as a poster child for the first black president. Makes me look bad.
Its the one bad apple ruins it for all, and that doesn't apply just to blacks, but all races bar none.
The girl friend that can't read cursive, makes us so proud huh?
07-15-2013, 11:26 AM
Now the DOJ is looking into filing charges, violating Trayvon's civil rights I assume. They are going to get him on SOMETHING. Mr. Holder maybe found a case his boss will let him pursue. Oh, and people are ANGRY. Does a lot of good to be angry about things you have zero control over. People act like this was something they could vote on, glad they couldn't or Z would be executed already.
07-15-2013, 11:28 AM
Its crystal clear to me. We hate racist, that spew hate, can't count and basically want to create division.
Does that make sense.
If I was black I would not want Odummy as a poster child for the first black president. Makes me look bad.
Its the one bad apple ruins it for all, and that doesn't apply just to blacks, but all races bar none.
The girl friend that can't read cursive, makes us so proud huh?
Come on. You've seen the comments I was referring to. They didn't say Al or Jesse would riot, they said BLACK Swould do so and that BLACKS can't count. Do I think they are right in spewing hate also HE DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS NO!! So saying ALL people of a certain race will react the same way as a few knuckleheads is right?? In case you haven't seen, not all of the protestors are black. And again, I am now way condoning any hate from anyone!!
07-15-2013, 11:32 AM
The REALLY sad part about all of this is, they're (the Feds) are simply pandering to the base. The further pursuit of federal charges against Z keeps the base distracted while really bad stuff is going on in other places.
The Feds can say they listen to the people and keep the pot stirred while no one's watching what is happening in other really bad places of the world.
Wait for it. Something is coming.....
07-15-2013, 11:35 AM
I'm on vacation so I don't want to spend the day here but Al and Jesse are stirring up the ones that would riot. They want that.
Your correct that some are saying the whole race which is wrong and I don't think they really mean it that way. Racism is extremely backwards also. Any race can bad mouth white in general without notice but one white about any other race comment and get a judge, there's a crime here somewhere.
Not sure if whites are insensitive to slander or everyone else is over sensitive. Really don't matter to me, I'm gonna go fishing and then maybe sit on the beach and get drunk.
07-15-2013, 12:02 PM
Ok so that's twice you mentioned being oversensitive when I have replied to a post. I asked a question. I'm pretty sure that in no way if I were here making comments with racist overtones, you would not tolerate it. You say maybe whites are insensitive to slander, yet folks are up in arms about the "creepy ass *******" comment. Was it right, NO WAY!! So if I am oversensitive because people think I'm bad or trouble because of the color of my skin, so be it. And it has happened. I don't agree with everything being said here, and people don't agree with what I say. That's life..But don't fault me or try to downplay things when I think something is wrong and I respond to it. My posts here have been quite civil and will remain so. And again not all of us are "up in arms" ready to start something. That;s the last thing I want to see happen!!
07-15-2013, 12:03 PM
I have been around for the whole thing. 40's, 50's, 60's on up. So many people have worked so hard to get this "racial" thing stopped. Haven't even thought about it for many years. Does it make anyone wonder why it is being stirred up again? We are setting ourselves up for such a horrible setback. Why? There must be a reason certain folks want to do this. Seems to me there are as many white people out there marching as black. The trial is over. If he had been found guilty, I would have disagreed but accepted it. The damned news media is stirring it more than anyone.
They are still trying him!!!! The world is coming apart at the seams and they are totally focused on this one thing. When it all comes apart it won't matter what color you are, it's going to be hell.
07-15-2013, 12:07 PM
I have been around for the whole thing. 40's, 50's, 60's on up. So many people have worked so hard to get this "racial" thing stopped. Haven't even thought about it for many years. Does it make anyone wonder why it is being stirred up again? We are setting ourselves up for such a horrible setback. Why? There must be a reason certain folks want to do this. Seems to me there are as many white people out there marching as black. The trial is over. If he had been found guilty, I would have disagreed but accepted it. The damned news media is stirring it more than anyone.
They are still trying him!!!! The world is coming apart at the seams and they are totally focused on this one thing. When it all comes apart it won't matter what color you are, it's going to be hell.
Deadeye, I agree 100%. Media is not helping anything!! Rioting won't help crap. People's livelyhood, lives, property destroyed for what?? Again not everyone agrees with the verdict. Most of the marches SO FAR have been peaceful!!
07-15-2013, 12:12 PM
Come on. You've seen the comments I was referring to. They didn't say Al or Jesse would riot, they said BLACK Swould do so and that BLACKS can't count. Do I think they are right in spewing hate also HE DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS NO!! So saying ALL people of a certain race will react the same way as a few knuckleheads is right?? In case you haven't seen, not all of the protestors are black. And again, I am now way condoning any hate from anyone!!
ur entitled to your opinion, Al and Hair lip are indeed on nATIONAL tvSPEWING RACISTS. THAT IS THE ONLY REASON THEY ARE ON THERE. tHEY ADD NUTTINB TO THE PEACEFUL ness of this trial. Do u think that if this was a trial where crayon killed Z, that the DOJ would be geeting involged in this.??? u can suck up to them, and see how fast they will drop u like a lead balloon. Ur not one of the (??????)
cut the Hockey stick crap to. we are adults, unless u can't say what u mean.This trial was allabout racisism, any damn time u hve white on black, ur gonna get fat ass Al and Hair lip involved. I have yet tos ee them marchingdown in chicago over the deaths of the 7 and 5 year olds that was shot last week. WHY??? Because they know it was probalby done by a Black Person.
I don't care if the protestors are black, white, pink, makes no difference. The trial is now over, They need to accept it, not try to retry the guy undeer some federaltrumped up charge to appease only the BLACKS. That is bull sh!t. The FBI backin the git go investigated this case for civ9il rights violation and found absolutley nuttin pointing to that, now we have that a$$wipe Holder pulling his weight. Thats what pisses people off anymore. The ovomit and Holder and fat ass al and hair lip won't let this alone:blah::blah::blah: I sure don't remember hair lip asking for a DOJ investigationwhen OJ walked out of court.
Chief Joseph
07-15-2013, 12:12 PM
Question. It's been said that this one and that one is racist, spews hate, will riot, can't count, etc. Yet the same type of hatred is being spewed on some posts here as well..What does that make them?? Dang sure doesn't make it right!!
I don't think that cow beeeyonsay will be giving this guy a moment of silence.
Chief Joseph
07-15-2013, 12:23 PM
Deadeye, I agree 100%. Media is not helping anything!! Rioting won't help crap. People's livelyhood, lives, property destroyed for what?? Again not everyone agrees with the verdict. Most of the marches SO FAR have been peaceful!!
Media isn't "helping"? They are the 100 percent instigators in this. Beginning to end it was the media that LIED and hyped this whole thing. Every day I read reports about murders all over the country about young blacks being murdered by young blacks and not ONE demonstration. All you have to do is watch the First 48 Hours show and you'll see plenty of senseless murders for all reasons. None of them seem to care. Yet once the media dubbed Zimmerman a "white Hispanic" the country exploded. Quite frankly the media could only do this if those who still watch them are complete morons and so full of racist hate they were just waiting for something like this to jump on and show how much hate they have for whites.
07-15-2013, 12:25 PM
good one chief. probalby won't even make the back page, and look how fast the police tryt to cover up any signs of racism. Reverse that and wow it would make national news of 4 whites killing a black. Course according to some here on this forum I am a racists.
I am also Italian and I resent being called a wop. dago, hunkie,and a cathlicker to, but I also don't try to beat the dog **** out of anyone who says it either. I have a next door neighbort who is white and I can't stand her what so ever. Not to sure what I would be called in that situation.......
07-15-2013, 12:27 PM
I don't think that cow beeeyonsay will be giving this guy a moment of silence.
sure look like cleancut black YOUTHS. who would notdo such a thing. I wonder if fat ass Al and hair lip will marchfor thatwhite man?///any bets??????:Amflag2:
07-15-2013, 12:33 PM
ur entitled to your opinion, Al and Hair lip are indeed on nATIONAL tvSPEWING RACISTS. THAT IS THE ONLY REASON THEY ARE ON THERE. tHEY ADD NUTTINB TO THE PEACEFUL ness of this trial. Do u think that if this was a trial where crayon killed Z, that the DOJ would be geeting involged in this.??? u can suck up to them, and see how fast they will drop u like a lead balloon. Ur not one of the (??????)
cut the Hockey stick crap to. we are adults, unless u can't say what u mean.This trial was allabout racisism, any damn time u hve white on black, ur gonna get fat ass Al and Hair lip involved. I have yet tos ee them marchingdown in chicago over the deaths of the 7 and 5 year olds that was shot last week. WHY??? Because they know it was probalby done by a Black Person.
I don't care if the protestors are black, white, pink, makes no difference. The trial is now over, They need to accept it, not try to retry the guy undeer some federaltrumped up charge to appease only the BLACKS. That is bull sh!t. The FBI backin the git go investigated this case for civ9il rights violation and found absolutley nuttin pointing to that, now we have that a$$wipe Holder pulling his weight. Thats what pisses people off anymore. The ovomit and Holder and fat ass al and hair lip won't let this alone:blah::blah::blah: I sure don't remember hair lip asking for a DOJ investigationwhen OJ walked out of court.
Well if I couldn't say what I mean I wouldn't be commenting here now would I..
Chief Joseph
07-15-2013, 12:35 PM
sure look like cleancut black YOUTHS. who would notdo such a thing. I wonder if fat ass Al and hair lip will marchfor thatwhite man?///any bets??????:Amflag2:
What's really pathetic, if this guy were armed and shot them. We'd only be seeing these guys pictures from when they were 12 and this guy would be in the same position as Zimmerman. The race baiters of this country are vile scum. The institutional racism against whites right now is the TRUE white privilege.
07-15-2013, 12:39 PM
aw come on chief, ur starting to sound like ol jocko and u know there are somehere who think I am a racists. surely when u mention race baters ur not referring to fat ass Al and Hair lip Jackson and Chris Matthews. tell me I am wrong...
still checking my emails and so far no bets on the Hair lip March for whites. I'm trying to remember even if Rev Fat ass and hair lip have ever marched for the white's. I know they have an exemplinary records of marching against the whites. Hair lip has a room full of awards for that..
07-15-2013, 12:44 PM
aw come on chief, ur starting to sound like ol jocko and u know there are somehere who think I am a racists. surely when u mention race baters ur not referring to fat ass Al and Hair lip Jackson and Chris Matthews. tell me I am wrong...
still checking my emails and so far no bets on the Hair lip March for whites. I'm trying to remember even if Rev Fat ass and hair lip have ever marched for the white's. I know they have an exemplinary records of marching against the whites. Hair lip has a room full of awards for that..
Now you say you don't like being called names, but yet you have no problem doing so..Interesting
07-15-2013, 12:46 PM
Media isn't "helping"? They are the 100 percent instigators in this. Beginning to end it was the media that LIED and hyped this whole thing. Every day I read reports about murders all over the country about young blacks being murdered by young blacks and not ONE demonstration. All you have to do is watch the First 48 Hours show and you'll see plenty of senseless murders for all reasons. None of them seem to care. Yet once the media dubbed Zimmerman a "white Hispanic" the country exploded. Quite frankly the media could only do this if those who still watch them are complete morons and so full of racist hate they were just waiting for something like this to jump on and show how much hate they have for whites.
What, you don't think the neo nazis, etc don't want riots too...I don't see them saying we must all be calm!!
07-15-2013, 12:59 PM
Also I never have called anyone here racist, just trying to understand the method to the madness so to speak!!
Chief Joseph
07-15-2013, 01:09 PM
What, you don't think the neo nazis, etc don't want riots too...I don't see them saying we must all be calm!!
The neo nazis didn't have support from the white house, support from main stream media, support from hollywood morons, support from the ESTABLISHMENT. They didn't have "hoodie" nights for members shot while beating people like the portland timbers had, why I'll never pay to see a timbers game again. I just read the black panthers are influencing the doj into using it's power AGAIN to go after Zimmerman. The neo nazis have been harassed and prosecuted into obscurity. The black panthers, under the protection of "if I had a son" nobama and "his people" holder are making all kinds of terrorist RACIST threats, like they ALWAYS HAVE. In fact it wasn't too long ago one of their leaders publicly wanted to "kill cr@cker babies". And there are far more examples of blacks attacking whites all over the country and NONE of them have been labeled as hate crimes.
Chief Joseph
07-15-2013, 01:10 PM
Also I never have called anyone here racist, just trying to understand the method to the madness so to speak!!
Opening ones eyes will help in understanding.
07-15-2013, 01:11 PM
Opening ones eyes will help in understanding.
My eyes are wide open!! Have been for a long time..
Chief Joseph
07-15-2013, 01:15 PM
My eyes are wide open!! Have been for a long time..
And what do you suppose would happen if neo nazis showed up at polling booths with clubs to intimidate black voters? Arrest possibly? Meanwhile black panthers do it, get caught ON CAMERA and "my people" holder SHUTS DOWN THE PROSECUTION. Ya, sounds like equality to me.
07-15-2013, 01:16 PM
Now you say you don't like being called names, but yet you have no problem doing so..Interesting
only what u wantt o read. I also stated I may not like it but I also don't try to hammer a person over it either. U can call me what everyou wnat but it is when I take i to the next level areu allowed to defend your self. Z did just that. course calling his a white a$$******* to you proably means no racial insult from crayon either:amflag::amflag:.
07-15-2013, 01:17 PM
My eyes are wide open!! Have been for a long time..
blind mans eyes are indeed OPEN.:Amflag2:
07-15-2013, 01:17 PM
Media isn't "helping"? They are the 100 percent instigators in this. Beginning to end it was the media that LIED and hyped this whole thing. Every day I read reports about murders all over the country about young blacks being murdered by young blacks and not ONE demonstration. All you have to do is watch the First 48 Hours show and you'll see plenty of senseless murders for all reasons. None of them seem to care. Yet once the media dubbed Zimmerman a "white Hispanic" the country exploded. Quite frankly the media could only do this if those who still watch them are complete morons and so full of racist hate they were just waiting for something like this to jump on and show how much hate they have for whites.
Well said!
07-15-2013, 01:18 PM
only what u wantt o read. I also stated I may not like it but I also don't try to hammer a person over it either. U can call me what everyou wnat but it is when I take i to the next level areu allowed to defend your self. Z did just that. course calling his a white a$$******* to you proably means no racial insult from crayon either:amflag::amflag:.
Um if you read my post I stated HELL NO it wasn't right either. And I believe the name is Trayvon
07-15-2013, 01:23 PM
[QUOTE=Chief Joseph;252648]And what do you suppose would happen if neo nazis showed up at polling booths with clubs to intimidate black voters? Arrest possibly? Meanwhile black panthers do it, get caught ON CAMERA and "my people" holder SHUTS DOWN THE PROSECUTION. Ya, sounds like equality to me.[/QUOTE
I don't recall saying I agreed with that also. Funny how you complain about people continuing to gripe about the past in history, but yet you continue to gripe as well. Oh wait, neo nazis got hold rallys in towns and spew their hate, but are allowed to do so beacause they got a permit!!
07-15-2013, 01:24 PM
blind mans eyes are indeed OPEN.:Amflag2:
Eyesight is just fine!
07-15-2013, 01:24 PM
chief,if anyone except switcher 7 thnks what holderis asking tyhe DOJ to do now is not racially motivated, then indeed I stand corrected. Why have afokking trial even if your gonna get a$$wipe like holder trying to over rule the court of law. Is he doin this to just appease the blacks fully knowing the DOJ will an can't do nuttin but yet can say I tried guys??? Taking up good investigators time for sumpin that if it was indeed black on white, would not even be discussed today let alone protests all over the cuntry, when more than likely most have no clue what realy went on in the courts even.
Hair lips said yesterday that crayon should have had a jury of his peers, screw Zimmerman, I guess he is entitled to whatis left. Crayons lawyers and he had the best the state could offer and money out the ass to get wha tthey wanted to, had a50-5- say in who goes on the jury. Evidently they felt a black probalby couldn't make a right decision. the judge IMO should have never allowed the prosecution later in the week to ask for lesser charges. Hell they knew their case was in the tank and was grabbing at anything. I think thatin itslef might have pissed thejuryt off to, as it looked like it was just piling on to get any cahrge they could.Ididn't see any lesser charges for OJ or Casey Anthony being offered by the judge.
07-15-2013, 01:26 PM
(In my bawanna voice): I have officially closed this thread. This bone has been chewed enough. Move along there is nothing to see here.
07-15-2013, 01:27 PM
Um if you read my post I stated HELL NO it wasn't right either. And I believe the name is Trayvon
crayon to me, :Amflag2:
07-15-2013, 01:28 PM
(In my bawanna voice): I have officially closed this thread. This bone has been chewed enough. Move along there is nothing to see here.
it will start back on a new thread..:Amflag2:
Chief Joseph
07-15-2013, 01:30 PM
[QUOTE=Chief Joseph;252648]And what do you suppose would happen if neo nazis showed up at polling booths with clubs to intimidate black voters? Arrest possibly? Meanwhile black panthers do it, get caught ON CAMERA and "my people" holder SHUTS DOWN THE PROSECUTION. Ya, sounds like equality to me.[/QUOTE
I don't recall saying I agreed with that also. Funny how you complain about people continuing to gripe about the past in history, but yet you continue to gripe as well. Oh wait, neo nazis got hold rallys in towns and spew their hate, but are allowed to do so beacause they got a permit!!
Um, the CURRENT white house occupant and his head of the doj are the ones who did it, that qualifies as CURRENT, just as current as the treyvon incident. Besides, you're the one who keeps bringing up distant neo nazi activities. And how many of these scum around the country protesting the Zimmerman verdict, blocking highways attacking people got "permits" to do so. Not to mention all the occupiers involved who NEVER get permits yet are allowed to attack people, rape people, destroy property and never get arrested.
07-15-2013, 01:31 PM
chief,if anyone except switcher 7 thnks what holderis asking tyhe DOJ to do now is not racially motivated, then indeed I stand corrected. Why have afokking trial even if your gonna get a$$wipe like holder trying to over rule the court of law. Is he doin this to just appease the blacks fully knowing the DOJ will an can't do nuttin but yet can say I tried guys??? Taking up good investigators time for sumpin that if it was indeed black on white, would not even be discussed today let alone protests all over the cuntry, when more than likely most have no clue what realy went on in the courts even.
Hair lips said yesterday that crayon should have had a jury of his peers, screw Zimmerman, I guess he is entitled to whatis left. Crayons lawyers and he had the best the state could offer and money out the ass to get wha tthey wanted to, had a50-5- say in who goes on the jury. Evidently they felt a black probalby couldn't make a right decision. the judge IMO should have never allowed the prosecution later in the week to ask for lesser charges. Hell they knew their case was in the tank and was grabbing at anything. I think thatin itslef might have pissed thejuryt off to, as it looked like it was just piling on to get any cahrge they could.Ididn't see any lesser charges for OJ or Casey Anthony being offered by the judge.
Excuse me, when did I say anything about Holder and the DOJ. I in no way ever said or implied that I think what is being done isn't racist..Don't put words in my mouth.
07-15-2013, 01:34 PM
Um, the CURRENT white house occupant and his head of the doj are the ones who did it, that qualifies as CURRENT, just as current as the treyvon incident. Besides, you're the one who keeps bringing up distant neo nazi activities. And how many of these scum around the country protesting the Zimmerman verdict, blocking highways attacking people got "permits" to do so. Not to mention all the occupiers involved who NEVER get permits yet are allowed to attack people, rape people, destroy property and never get arrested.
If I recall correctly the Black Panthers were mentioned first, and quite a few times. There are other hate groups out there, and I don't agree with any of them.
07-15-2013, 01:35 PM
shame on u chief,u sure ur no relation to ol jocko. maybe alittle Italian in ya???Were all related over there u know.We started th slogan 200 years ago INCEST IS BEST". Just sayin
07-15-2013, 01:36 PM
Um, the CURRENT white house occupant and his head of the doj are the ones who did it, that qualifies as CURRENT, just as current as the treyvon incident. Besides, you're the one who keeps bringing up distant neo nazi activities. And how many of these scum around the country protesting the Zimmerman verdict, blocking highways attacking people got "permits" to do so. Not to mention all the occupiers involved who NEVER get permits yet are allowed to attack people, rape people, destroy property and never get arrested.
Distant activities?? The crap is still happening every day, you just don't hear about it. Not a top news story I guess..
07-15-2013, 01:38 PM
I think we're done here. It's like Walenda walking the tight rope across the grand canyon.
I see no reason to continue on here. I don't think anyone's perception will be influenced and nothing gained.
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