View Full Version : Here's a thought...

07-15-2013, 04:25 PM
If a thread gets out of hand because people are making personal attacks... maybe give those people a talking to. I've not seen any personal attacks, but I suppose it could happen.

If a thread strays way off topic due to side debates/arguments, by all means, steer it back on path... and if needed, again, give those involved a talking to.

But if a thread is on topic, people are not making personal attacks, and no one is being hurt... why not let the damn conversation continue?

Adults can have heated conversations, adamantly opposing each other's views or opinions, yet still further the conversation... perhaps even attract new participants.

Where would this country be if every time a disagreement arose, someone came along and put an end to it all. No more, the end, move along.

I really just don't get it.

07-15-2013, 04:44 PM
I have to agree with you,. I know the Z and crayon martin thing is a sore spot with many but I never read of any name calling or anything. Granted I myself can't stand Jesse the lip jackson and al sharpton or Holder but they are not participates on this forum and I don't feel I owe them any more respecxt than what they give either. IMO If one asks how to check his magazine to seeif it is put together OK and the threads runs into a political debate, indeed someone should get it back on track. Doesn't mean it was a bad thing, just that a special thread can be opened for that conversation. This forum has since I have been here noted for getting off track alot and Imo i REALY DON'T SEE ALOT WRONG WITH THAT. Sometimes it is easier to squeeze in a different topic on a particular thread than starting a new one. Usually though if a member asks a question about his gun, this fourm addresses it first and then the drifting starts. Again, for me, I am cool with that. the bottom line for me is that if there is debate over this case, which I do think is relavent to this forum to, that if u don't like to read it or agree with it, just pass over it. I can't remember the last time I visited the buy sell or trade section on this fourm. Its of no interest to me so i pass it up. It is of interest to many and that is why it is there,but because I don;'t use it or care for it, is no reason not to have it either.

07-15-2013, 04:59 PM
I have to agree with you,. I know the Z andcrayon martin thing is a sore spot with many but I never read of any name calling or anything. Granted I myself can't stand Jesse the lip jackson and al sharpton or Holder but they are not participates on this forum and I don't feel I owe them any more respecxt than what they give either. IMOIf one asks how to check his magazineto seeif it is put together OK and the threads runs into a politicasl debate, indeed someone should get it back on track. Doesn't mean it was abadthing, just that a special thread cna be opened for that conversation. This forum has sinceI have been here noted for getting off track alot andImo i REALY DON'T SEE ALOT WRONG WITH THAT. Sometimes it is easier to squeeze in a differenttoic on a particularthread than starting a new one. Usually though if a member asks a question about his gun, this fourm addresses it first and then te drifting starts. Again, for me, I amcool with that. the bottom line for me is that if there is debateover this case, which I do think is relaventto this forum to, that if u doh't like to read it or agree with it, just pass over it. I can't remember the last time I visited the buy sell or trade section on this fourm. Its of no interest tome so i pass it up. It is of interestto many and that is why it is there,but because I don;'t use it or carefor it, is no reason not tohave it either.

Hell yeah, remember scoundrel's teary good bye? After the 12th post you never would have known he was dismayed and leaving...

07-15-2013, 05:25 PM
It was after the 11th post, not the 12th. Just sayi. Scoundrel who?????

07-15-2013, 05:44 PM
Sometimes its a matter of heading issues off ahead of time rather than let things get ugly and perhaps create life long enemies and animosity.

There have been a lot of personal attacks of late and there's no need for that especially here.

Far more has been allowed in the last 6 months than I ever remember before and it wasn't me shutting down all the threads back then.

All threads at one time used to have to be gun related. We then were allowed to discuss personal stuff, family doings, new purchases, general chat. Seldom politics. Now it seems everything gun related is political so its tough to talk guns without politics entering the picture.

I saw Scoundrel last week, he needed some 22 magnum so I swapped him some regular 22 for it. He's alive and well and still not visiting gun forums much.

07-15-2013, 06:02 PM
Sometimes its a matter of heading issues off ahead of time rather than let things get ugly and perhaps create life long enemies and animosity.

There have been a lot of personal attacks of late and there's no need for that especially here.

Far more has been allowed in the last 6 months than I ever remember before and it wasn't me shutting down all the threads back then.

All threads at one time used to have to be gun related. We then were allowed to discuss personal stuff, family doings, new purchases, general chat. Seldom politics. Now it seems everything gun related is political so its tough to talk guns without politics entering the picture.

I saw Scoundrel last week, he needed some 22 magnum so I swapped him some regular 22 for it. He's alive and well and still not visiting gun forums much.

You see the thin skinned little bugger again soon, please give him my best regards. :)

07-15-2013, 06:14 PM
the power of the CLOSED button trumps every time.

Maybe we should just do away with the General Discussion thread and the Politics thread. doesn't really say one has to bring guns into either of those threads. BAN UM CEASAR!!:Amflag2:

I guess we all should remember to we are just invited guests here:blah: We can site our constitutional rights here but again it has no real meaning as this is a private forum. I will be the first to admit that some threads go down hill pretty fast to and I will also say I am at some fault in that. But as Paula Deen said. "I IS WHAT I IS"

Its a tuff call for some of our mods to make sometimes and to rehash some of the kahr issues that are brought up for the 1000th time is also quite boring also. and sometimes that even brings out the rath in some of our senior members..
there is just not much of anything that any poster could come forward with as a question or issue that has not been discussed, dissected and fixed by this forum, numerous times, so could the word BORING come into play here alot:blah:

07-15-2013, 06:28 PM
After being a member of a variety of forums, I have come to learn that being an Administrator or a Moderator, is a thankless job. It's impossible to please everyone, and no matter the decision, some will be unhappy. Knowing this, I respect the work they do and accept their actions, even when I disagree.

I understand where Glock23 is coming from. I, too, have seen instances of threads which have been closed, even when the discussions were civil. There seems to be little tolerance for differing views, especially when the opposing views differ from those of certain members.

In the end, we are left with homogeneous conversation. Everyone agrees; PM9 is great, but CM9 is a better value. What we lack in diversity, we make up in harmony.

07-15-2013, 06:31 PM
nice post RRP. u said it very well..

ur quote; In the end, we are left with homogeneous conversation. Everyone agrees; PM9 is great, but CM9 is a better value. What we lack in diversity, we make up in harmony.

would one word for allof the above u stated be "sanitized". Just sayin


07-15-2013, 06:48 PM
would one word for allof the above u stated be "sanitized". Just sayin


Much more succinct than my ramble, Jocko. Thank you. But inquiring minds want to know; where the heck did you get that 50 cent word?!!

To be clear, my post is not a bash to the fine folks who keep this place running smoothly. I appreciate what they do to keep this place humming along.

07-15-2013, 06:51 PM
Does "allof" really count as a word ? ;)

07-15-2013, 06:52 PM
I think I seenit on my bathroom air deodorant. Have no clue what it means.

07-15-2013, 07:38 PM
Closed threads are as easy to reopen as they are to close. If you feel it was closed wrongly and feel it can be saved send a PM to the mod. I won't reopen others mods closures and I doubt they would reopen mine but it can be done.

07-15-2013, 08:11 PM
We are a bunch of similar minded individuals. Makes sense. And there is a lot of preaching to the choir that goes on but I still see value in that. Sometimes it's good to say what's on your mind to your friends who are likely to agree with you. And if someone doesn't...that's good too. Just be respectful. As for diversity of topics, politics, etc. I think they are great. No one has to read all of them. Just pass over what doesn't interest you.

The only thing that makes me uncomfortble is when I read something that could harm the fight to retain our second amendment right. I try to ask myself "what would a gun grabber do with this post if they read it?" Would it help them understand our position? Or would it further alienate them from our cause?

Be safe.

07-15-2013, 08:19 PM
I think I seenit on my bathroom air deodorant. Have no clue what it means.

It meas your butt gonna smell nice no matter whut if you be using it.

07-15-2013, 08:27 PM
Jocko, do you still stuff one of those pine sent things in your shorts to offset sweaty butt on long rides?

07-15-2013, 08:48 PM
Hope not fer his sake. I tried that. Got bad case of ball burn. Also scared off/freaked out even the hard core biker wimmen for about two weeks. Most said it reminded them too much of their adult book store gloryhole years.

07-15-2013, 08:59 PM
I too admit that I've got a little heated at times in some of my posts, but the last thing I'm gonna do is resort to name calling. I think one thing we all can agree on is that we love our KAHR'S!!! The direction that things are going in the world, I see ALOT of these types of conversations in the future. It hasn't been pretty, and we don't always agree, but that's life.

07-15-2013, 09:29 PM
If everybody agrees we never learn anything. This is the best forum I have ever been on. One of the many reasons is because they let people vent. I have disagreed with people on here but name calling never entered the picture. I am not into name calling (except for gun grabbers and people who don't like CM9's and maybe a politician or two) but am very thick skinned. If you call me a name, I can take it. We are all here because we have common interests and goals. Don't mean we always agree.

07-16-2013, 06:44 AM
I personally love a good discussion, but when the thread goes off topic and has become nothing more than a ego driven, contemptuous pissing contest,:32: and really serves no useful purpose, then maybe it's time for the managers to pull the plug on it. I think the Mod's at KahrTalk Forums do a pretty good job at keeping things in balance, without being Micro managers.

Kudos to them.:yo:

07-16-2013, 07:50 AM
KT is the best effing gun forum on the interwebs, thanks to the mods and the participants. We don't wanna be like any of the others -- especially not GT, where I have an account but never post.

One thing that wasn't mentioned as an issue but ought to be is trolling. It isn't name calling, a personal attack or straying off topic. It is, however, just as bad. We all know it when we see it. There's a difference between honest debate and trolling. Trolls suck because they take the life right out of a forum. I'm glad our mods keep this place civilized and are quick to put trolls in their place.

07-16-2013, 08:07 AM
I personally love a good discussion, but when the thread goes off topic and has become nothing more than a ego driven, contemptuous pissing contest,:32: and really serves no useful purpose, then maybe it's time for the managers to pull the plug on it. I think the Mod's at KahrTalk Forums do a pretty good job at keeping things in balance, without being Micro managers.

Kudos to them.:yo:


07-16-2013, 08:12 AM
But as Paula Deen said. "I IS WHAT I IS"

Did anyone ever think they would see Jocko quoting Paula Dean??? :rolleyes:

Now that's funny.

07-16-2013, 11:04 AM
I "belong" to a lot of forums... had to become a member to do anything... even access pictures sometimes. Most have too many rules aimed at making it safe for kindergarten children with respect to language and I've backed out of joining many because the rules were so super nit-picky. We have a bit of leeway here and sometimes the envelope is pushed to the breaking point, but we are MOSTLY adults and can carry on adult conversations... gun-related or not.

It's a great gathering place and more fun than Facebook! I just went to GlockTalk again and though I show up as a registered member online, I still can't do anything there... zip! I've sent several emails to management with no reply. I STILL can't see firearms ads... need to LOGIN as member, though I am, but without any actions other than viewing posts possible.

I want to order some more magazine holders for my Glocks from Mitchell of Tactical Kydex. I finally got to his ad and have his email address again. I saw no way to PM him until that point. It's so frustrating to go to GlockTalk... quite the opposite of KahrTalk!


07-16-2013, 12:08 PM
While most of us like the fact that this is a very loose forum with few rules, we should exercise a modicum of decency and fairness to our discussions or we will lose the freedom here that we like. There are ways to express dissatisfaction without being as brash, boorish or stereotyping as some of the threads here became recently. Understanding that others from different backgrounds also utilize these boards and being aware of such is not a PC matter, but a matter of decency and respect. People that buy Kahr products probably have more in common with each other than differences. I encourage us to find those similarities and explain our differences with tact, and with an open mind. Frankly, I was ashamed of my forum recently. There were pontifications expressed in ways that did not represent the kind of group I would want to align myself with. I am sure there are others that feel similarly but chose not to say anything about it. In fact, I wonder how many members just wandered off and will not be back. I think we can be and do better.

Thank you for listening.

07-16-2013, 12:36 PM

Lots of negativity, lots of disrespect. We live in trying times and can't blame anyone for feeling blue. Lots of bad things happening nationally that are extremely depressing and effect directly many of the things we care so much about, namely our country, our guns, and our health in exactly that order.

Be happy.

07-16-2013, 12:46 PM
but there is a way on this forum to delete reading or seein any posts by any forum member that offends a member.Big cuntry here, different life styles, different everything. I know I have people who tune ol jocko out, and that is fine with me and it must please them as they are still here. When I read the local papers, I Pass right over the funnies and seek out what I want to read. This is an adult forum to. Not to sure I or anyone has to talk in a manner that would not offend a 10 year old either. Our passion for guns and gun ownership is what makes this fourm a good one but the other stuff in this world IMO is debateable and often times argumentable and again I look at that as to who u are, where u were raised etc.. I have two brothers in komifornia who have lived there now for over50 ytears and they are just feed up with the illegals who are mostly hispanic and Mexican, Now I don't have that problem here or consider them a threat,, where I live AS WE DON'T HAVE ANY AROUND HERE. so I am sure not gonna try to preach to them this crap of "darn can't we all get along".
Our mods do a great job, so I will leave it at that.
Because every once in awhile a forum member decides to leave and instead of just leaving they post their doctrine of how bad this forum is and how it has changed yadda yadda . that is just life. we (I) can't please everyone. WhenI decide to move on, u wllnot know it from anything I say. Ur allgood damn people but were internet friends, not next door nieghbors. Maybe after one seen ol jocko with 14 missing teetch and hair down beyond his ass, and one ear, and one eye tha talways points North u might just go home and deleteol jocko. I tend to think of all u guys as handsome white guys built like abrick sh!thouse who all ride Harleys, soplease do not dissappoint me. Just sayin

07-16-2013, 12:56 PM
We all come here to kick back from the RAT RACE.....no one is required to read or post :typing: anything here. I enjoy the good and the bad.....kinda like t.v. if ya don't like what you see turn the channel. I respect everyones opinions, maybe I don't always agree, but so what. Life is 2 short to worry about the small stuff. I like the forum the way it is. Thanks to all that supply the education and entertainment.:popcorn:

07-16-2013, 02:38 PM
I have to admit that I have picked on Jocko unmercifully and on occasion, the wheeled one. I'm going to mend my ways just as soon as Jocko can put one out of seven in the bull. Seriously, if I ever offended anyone, that was not my intention. Regardless of what Justin says. :)

07-16-2013, 02:38 PM

lots of negativity, lots of disrespect. We live in trying times and can't blame anyone for feeling blue. Lots of bad things happening nationally that are extremely depressing and effect directly many of the things we care so much about, namely our country, our guns, and our health in exactly that order.

Be happy.

agree 100%%%%%%

07-16-2013, 02:40 PM
I consider many here more than internet pals and much higher on the food chain than even neighbors. Many have done wonderful things for me and helped me in a lot of ways. I try to in turn do what I can for others best I can.

I'd love to drive around and meet every single member, well most but like Jocko said to meet me in person might spoil the magic.

when our dear departed friend and professional prankster Dietrich was sick, I very nearly broke my no fly rule to go visit. We discussed it and both felt he had enough to deal with. I kind of wish I'd gone only because there won't be another opportunity this side of the river at least.

Hell of a party on the other side though. Something to look forward to I guess.

07-16-2013, 02:50 PM
I consider many here more than internet pals and much higher on the food chain than even neighbors. Many have done wonderful things for me and helped me in a lot of ways. I try to in turn do what I can for others best I can.

I'd love to drive around and meet every single member, well most but like Jocko said to meet me in person might spoil the magic.

when our dear departed friend and professional prankster Dietrich was sick, I very nearly broke my no fly rule to go visit. We discussed it and both felt he had enough to deal with. I kind of wish I'd gone only because there won't be another opportunity this side of the river at least.

Hell of a party on the other side though. Something to look forward to I guess.

Shut up and fish!:D

07-16-2013, 05:37 PM
OK, fishing now.