View Full Version : SOLD 2 Daltech Force Leather Universal Right or Left Handed Holsters

07-21-2013, 12:42 PM

I am selling two Daltech Force leather universal holsters. They are very nice holsters but I simply do not use them.

1. Belt Clip Slide size medium - Black

This holster is in very good condition with only a few minor scuffs. I only used it a handful of times.

$16 - PayPal gift payment or Money Order.

http://www.daltechforce.com/belt-clip-holster/ * The only difference between the one I am selling and the picture on the web site is mine does not have the logo on the front.

2. Belt Slide size large - Black

This holster is in excellent condition and was only used once.

$20 - PayPal gift payment or Money Order.

http://www.daltechforce.com/belt-slide-holster-without-restraining-strap-large/ * The only difference between the one I am selling and the picture on the web site is mine does not have the logo on the front.

I will sell both as a package deal for $30. The prices are firm.

The left two pictures are the Belt clip and the right two are the Belt slide.

07-24-2013, 07:48 PM
Price drop to $30 for both shipped.