View Full Version : John McCain is a Treasonous Dunce
Longitude Zero
07-21-2013, 02:52 PM
MSNBC is reporting that this un-American POS is calling for a review of the SYG laws. He needs to learn the basic civics lesson Barcrack Odumbass is ignorant of also. It is a States Rights issue. The feds have NO SAY and should SHUT UP!!!
07-21-2013, 03:11 PM
Even though SYG had no bearing on the recent court case, everyone is going to use this political opportunity for their own benefit. :(
I hope the Florida people stand up and tell the feds (and everyone else) to get out, and stay out of their business.
McCain....treasonous dunce. Wow. Even if true, if anyone has earned the right to honestly speak his mind/express his opinion.....
Longitude Zero
07-21-2013, 03:30 PM
McCain....treasonous dunce. Wow. Even if true, if anyone has earned the right to honestly speak his mind/express his opinion.....
Yes...he does and SO DO I.
For me the defference train to McCain left the station decades ago when he abandoned conservative principles. He is NOTHING to me but an old codger who has outlasted his usefullness in politics and needs to go home and become anonymous.
07-21-2013, 04:07 PM
McCain....treasonous dunce. Wow. Even if true, if anyone has earned the right to honestly speak his mind/express his opinion.....
I seldom agree with him but he's elected by his state and has earned the right. Treason isn't a word I'd use to label him. Misguided perhaps.
07-21-2013, 04:31 PM
Glad that most are starting see what I've been saying for well over a decade. He's dangerous. He's an idiot. He's a democrat. He's never been worth a plug nickel and Arizona should be embarrassed by him and Republicans should be embarrassed they chose him to run for President.
All because you spend some time in a prison camp, doesn't make you intelligent enough or patriotic enough to be selected to serve in the US Senate which is suppose to be the 'wisest' among us according to the founders.
Direct election of the Senate is one of the worst moves EVER and this moron would have never made it had Arizona been allowed to select intelligent, wise individuals as our founders originally intended.
John McCain has and always will be, an incompetent buffoon. Where are term limits when we need them!?
07-21-2013, 04:46 PM
Many, if not most times, I do not agree with John McCain. But I hope I will always fall short of saying disparaging things about him personally. My father was a career soldier who served in WWII and Korea, and I'm retired ARNG and served in Vietnam. There should always be some room in all of us for maintaining a certain level of deference for those who have experienced more of the horrors of war than we have. If we have to maintain perfection our entire lives, and are never allowed to wander off-track a little as we age, then we're all in a whole lot more trouble than we realize.
07-21-2013, 05:21 PM
Too many beatings, too much $, too long in the Senate, pasture time!
Switch sides to democrat you vote like one!
Many, if not most times, I do not agree with John McCain. But I hope I will always fall short of saying disparaging things about him personally. My father was a career soldier who served in WWII and Korea, and I'm retired ARNG and served in Vietnam. There should always be some room in all of us for maintaining a certain level of deference for those who have experienced more of the horrors of war than we have. If we have to maintain perfection our entire lives, and are never allowed to wander off-track a little as we age, then we're all in a whole lot more trouble than we realize.
x2...well put...thank you
07-21-2013, 06:13 PM
If all he had done was wonder a little of track, I would give him the benefit of the doubt. But he's been a fool since he entered office for the most part. The last 10+ years he's just gone totally doddering idiot nuts.
Do I appreciate his service? Yes. Would I thank him for it should I meet him face to face? Yes. Do I feel he should be set apart for it, just like any other person who has served our country? Yes.
But that was 40 years ago.
Do I think he should be in the Senate now or ever? Nope. And I'd tell him that (and have via email even though he's not from my state). If a service member wanted to work on your car or perform surgery on your kid but were qualified for neither, you would not let them do it. John McCain has NEVER had the wisdom (or character) to serve in the U.S. Senate. If he did, we would not be having this discussion. That may well be the case for all of them. But again, I refer you to the Direct Election of the U.S. Senate amendment.
This isn't a discussion of ideas, principles, etc...the stuff he's done and backed has never been Constitutional. He has lied, played the game, etc. He's against pork, but he's for it. Nothing honorable about the man or left in the man. Military service or not.
Longitude Zero
07-21-2013, 06:39 PM
Once you enter the political arena all deffernce has be given up when you take the oath of office.
Even though SYG had no bearing on the recent court case, everyone is going to use this political opportunity for their own benefit.
So true.
And, the anti-gun crowd really believes that George Zimmerman was acquitted because of SYG laws. They are convinced that SYG tied the hands of the jury. Yet, as you say, SYG was not used in the Zimmerman defense.
I suppose we can't expect people who think guns are evil to take interest/time in learning gun-related laws. It's much more convenient to use emotions surrounding current events to promote their agenda.
NRA is gonna be busy.
07-21-2013, 08:34 PM
I hope the Florida people stand up and tell the feds (and everyone else) to get out, and stay out of their business.
Gov Rick Scott already said he will not be reviewing or making any changes to syg so yay for us!
07-21-2013, 08:56 PM
If all he had done was wonder a little of track, I would give him the benefit of the doubt. But he's been a fool since he entered office for the most part. The last 10+ years he's just gone totally doddering idiot nuts.
Do I appreciate his service? Yes. Would I thank him for it should I meet him face to face? Yes. Do I feel he should be set apart for it, just like any other person who has served our country? Yes.
But that was 40 years ago.
Do I think he should be in the Senate now or ever? Nope. And I'd tell him that (and have via email even though he's not from my state). If a service member wanted to work on your car or perform surgery on your kid but were qualified for neither, you would not let them do it. John McCain has NEVER had the wisdom (or character) to serve in the U.S. Senate. If he did, we would not be having this discussion. That may well be the case for all of them. But again, I refer you to the Direct Election of the U.S. Senate amendment.
This isn't a discussion of ideas, principles, etc...the stuff he's done and backed has never been Constitutional. He has lied, played the game, etc. He's against pork, but he's for it. Nothing honorable about the man or left in the man. Military service or not.
x2...well put...thank you :Amflag2:
Gov Rick Scott already said he will not be reviewing or making any changes to syg so yay for us!
Yes he has but until this attack on SYG is passed, I don't trust Scott.
07-22-2013, 11:53 AM
John McCain was a RINO republican from the start. He didn't abandon his conservative roots he never had conservative roots to abandon. He's a liberal jackass in a conservative elephant's clothing. A lot of men served their country. His military service counts for nothing with me. What's important is who he sides with and what he supports. He's joined at the hip with Lindsey Graham. Nuff said.
Chief Joseph
07-22-2013, 01:09 PM
McCain....treasonous dunce. Wow. Even if true, if anyone has earned the right to honestly speak his mind/express his opinion.....
Honestly speaking your mind and being in a position to ENFORCE your opinion are 2 different things. If he would just officially change his party affiliation to dbagger and stop pretending to be a Conservative I wouldn't care. It's time for scumbag rino's like him to leave the party.
07-22-2013, 01:44 PM
Perhaps John McCain and John "Lurch" Kerry should shuffle on off to the old soldiers checkers game in the Park and be done with active politics...John McCain like Jimmy Carter are good decent men and honorable Vererans that should have just retired and never given a thought to the idea that politics was their game....
John McCain cost the Republicans a shot at keeping Obama out of the WH in 2008 and to this day I really can't believe the Republican party thought McCain/Palin was the right choice to take on Obama aka "The Lord and Saviour" and his Democratic political dirty tricks Mafia election machine....
Guess my focus was on calling him treasonous. I agree McCain is way past his prime. but I could/would never call him treasonous. I'll go with Ripley16 on "misguided" on the issue.
07-22-2013, 05:53 PM
I think its borderline treasonous. Plenty of folk that 'served' that are treasonous. From the beginning to current day. I have no problem w/ calling it like I see it. The man just went and hung out w/ some folks that'd just as soon kill us as deal arms with us.
Still can't get there from here. Not after what he went through and how he handled it. Nope. Never.
07-22-2013, 08:04 PM
Still can't get there from here. Not after what he went through and how he handled it. Nope. Never.
I'd feel the same, but I had friends who sacrificed their lives and limbs in Vietnam. Those that survived didn't turn to socialism when they returned home. Sorry, but to me John McCain is no hero.
Me too. Still can't get to treason. That be a very, very big bad word.
07-22-2013, 09:03 PM
Here is another one using this for political gain.
From California, the land of fruits and nuts. :(
This was in the Sacramento Bee newspaper this morning....
In the wake of a Florida jury acquitting George Zimmerman in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, California Assemblyman Chris Holden, D-Pasadena, will call for a boycott on traveling to the Sunshine State or doing business there.
Read more here:
Now I'm thinking of what family vacation to plan in Florida!
07-22-2013, 10:01 PM
The more I think about it, I can't believe I am paying these guys to meddle in Florida's business (trying to fix a problem that doesn't exist) instead of working on our own state's problems.
I bet if you count up the hours these guys actually work it would be less than a half time job.
07-22-2013, 10:51 PM
If you really want to get down to brass tacks, McCain has some serious issues w/ his war service (after being captured) and the medals he received after the fact. I'm not gonna go so far as to compare him to Kerry since he really suffered, really got injured/captured/tortured. But they are highly suspect and his behavior, in his own book, in his own words are also suspect. Just sayin'.
Couple that with how he has behaved since he took office in the Senate.
He's as flawed as they come when you measure him against the Constitution or, in my opinion, a real war hero.
07-22-2013, 11:24 PM
Me too. Still can't get to treason. That be a very, very big bad word.
I have to side with Itxi. I know it was meant to be more of a derogatory term in this discussion, and that is how I read it. In that he has been "treasonous" to conservatives and the Republican party (he too often sides with the left). But it is way overboard when you consider the seriousness of the literal meaning.
Longitude Zero
07-23-2013, 10:26 AM
That be a very, very big bad word.
And I do not use the term lightly. He has taken so many positions that are the anathame of conservative thought. His desire to intrude where the feds have no say is IMHO a gross overreach that exemplifies his complete turn to the dark side. He is perilously close to being considered by many to be just another sycophant pole puffer cheering section of Odummer and the administration. He is a disgrace at least as big as Jimmy Carter. But at least with Carter being a "D" you knew at the start what you were getting.
When you turn your back on the Constituion as he has done, and actively worked against the best interests of the USA what do YOU call it???
07-23-2013, 11:28 AM
And I do not use the term lightly. He has taken so many positions that are the anathame of conservative thought. His desire to intrude where the feds have no say is IMHO a gross overreach that exemplifies his complete turn to the dark side. He is perilously close to being considered by many to be just another sycophant pole puffer cheering section of Odummer and the administration. He is a disgrace at least as big as Jimmy Carter. But at least with Carter being a "D" you knew at the start what you were getting.
When you turn your back on the Constituion as he has done, and actively worked against the best interests of the USA what do YOU call it???
Agree. I am having some trouble understanding some of these posts. It is obvious what McCain is up to. What puzzles me is if someone was a great Cub Scout when he was young, helped little old ladies across the street, does that forgive him for being a liar and two faced now? He deserves credit for what he did and what happened to him - then. I'm afraid now is now.
07-23-2013, 02:40 PM
Here's your war hero, ltxi.
07-23-2013, 03:05 PM
Me too. Still can't get to treason. That be a very, very big bad word.
I can't believe I am agreeing with ltxi. The word treason is now officially the most abused word in the English language. Surely you can articulate your argument with intelligence.
Chief Joseph
07-23-2013, 03:38 PM
Me too. Still can't get to treason. That be a very, very big bad word.
When you consider what he was fighting against was the spread of oppressive communism, only to come home to spend his entire professional career pushing FOR the same oppressive government structure, YA, I'll call him a traitor.
07-23-2013, 05:27 PM
Bradley Manning served in the military too! Granted, he wasn't captured and tortured. But, everybody is making the same valid point here. John McCain did some stuff while captive (his own words) that could be considered treasonous. He is doing things now and for the last couple-three decades that are counter to the very Constitution he swore to uphold.
Like I said in an earlier post. Thanks for your service. Sorry you were tortured. But now that the laws of this country and the rules of the military have all given you a pass for the last 40 years...shut your pie hole and go home.
Longitude Zero
07-24-2013, 11:08 AM
ltxi and codegeek you are entitled to your opinion as are we all. However when considered on the basis of facts you are on the short end of the stick. Also codegeek I did articulate my position very well thank you very little.
Glock Holiday
07-24-2013, 03:37 PM
I lived in Arizona when he was a senator there in the 80's and I respect his service but he's no friend of the gun owners and has always been a bat-sheet crazy RINO. I agree with my fellow Oklahoman LZ He is a disgrace and he can blow me.
07-26-2013, 09:32 AM
"..... sycophant pole puffer"
Can I use that? That is just a beautifully constructed slam.
Longitude Zero
07-26-2013, 10:32 AM
Can I use that? That is just a beautifully constructed slam.
You betcha. Spread it far and wide.
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