View Full Version : CW9 slide release will not release and load a round...

07-21-2013, 06:21 PM
Hi all,

I have finally come back to a Kahr CW9! I've been out of the kahr game for a few years but having tried many other things i have come full circle..

However, having stripped the CW9 down and lubed it up nicely in all the right places with Frog Lube (after being cleaned with CRC Brake Cleaner) I am having an issue with loading a round.

When loading a magazine it clicks solidly in place but i cannot release the slide by using the slide release. It is stuck solid. I have 3 magazines here, 1 7 rounder and 2 8 rounders and they are all the same regardless if they are loaded or not. When removing the magazine the slide release works as you would expect... however, when using the OEM Kahr mags it simply will not release into battery.

Anyone got any suggestions? I know racking the slide has its issues loading a round, but it won't do that or the slide release.... any ideas?!

07-21-2013, 06:27 PM
that is odd, but how about taking a 100 fmj rounds and just goin out and shootin it to see what gives. U can lock the slide open insert a oaded round and rack the slide, I would think.

i WOULD also suggest u checkthe position of that slide lock lever to see if by chance u have that little springhy thing below that slide lock lever nub..

question: prior to stripping the gun down, did it work Ok???

07-21-2013, 06:42 PM
see if by chance u hve that little springhy thing below that slide lock lever nub..

That would be my guess, unless the mags are unloaded, then the slide release is hard to operate, (almost impossible). The "springhy thing" has to be on top of the "nub"

07-21-2013, 06:45 PM
Thanks for the reply....

I checked the spring and its sat nicely on the slide release nub as required... the slide releases with no magazine in it.. after further inspection it looks like the actual magazine follower is preventing the slide release from sliding down and releasing the side....

This happens whether the magazine is empty or loaded. I took all my mags apart, cleaned them then lightly lubed them to see if that would help the follower depress slightly, and it helped ever so slightly, but it took two hands really hammering it down to budge... and that can't be right, and is nothing like my last one.

I did think that just shooting it would help, however, i cannot get it to chamber a round without dropping the magazine slightly, letting it chamber then reinserting the magazine.. which again cannot be right...

Any ideas? All mags are genuine Kahr mags....

07-21-2013, 06:50 PM
with a loaded magazine insterted the follower is no longer being touched by the slide lock lever. So with a loaded mag,can u rack the slide back to load that round?? My point is that whenu now pull back the slide that is already locked open that slide lock lever should push downward, with no help... DOES IT??

07-21-2013, 06:54 PM
with a loaded magazine insterted the follower is no longer being touched by the slide lock lever. So with a loaded mag,can u rack the slide back to load that round??

That's a good point.... no the slide cannot be manipulated to go into battery with a round in the chamber unless the magazine is dropped slightly... its like the magazine is preventing the slide release. I would possibly accuse after market mags to be to blame, but i have 3 kahr mags and they are all the same.

A little frustrated and disappointed to be honest! It works great without any mags in... but its about as much use as a paper weight in that state lol

I think its the mags, or at least the the magazine and release system:

The cleaned and lubed 8 rounder will present the round sticking up and chamber, it is a little hit or miss then when manually racking the slide to simulate the ejection and reloading, but it works.... The mag that came with it in the box won't pop up the round and so i think it jams. I remember reading something about a follower mod on the forum? perhaps thats the issue?

07-21-2013, 07:07 PM
have u shot the gun at all??? the thing u need to now see if once u crop the mag atad to load a round and then einsert fully the magazine, the gun should go bang and it should feed that next round. If it will not do that, then IMO u need to callkahr or email kahr and attn Jay and state what u havetold us here. I am not saying shooting the gun is gonna do anythinng posisive either for ur issue but it would be nice to know what happens after that first bang thing. fron what ur saying it should more than likely eject the spent case but lock the slide back unable to feed a round. 3 magaazines IMO ain't the issue IMO,. I realize it is hard to see also but with a enpby mag in the gun and the slide locked back, on the underside of the slide is that long bar that pickups upthe next round to be chambered. Could that long bar actually be hitting on the back of the =magazine tube, there for letting nuttin happen but when u drop the slide a tad (In Indiana (we call that a **** hair) it gives enough clearanc eto the slide pickup bar to now pick up that round. If that is the case,then the gun is not right and needsto go back on kahrs dime, or if u bought it locally return it to the dealer and see if an exchangeis possable. I can tell you to not get dishearted but I know better. It is annoying to say the least but sh1t happens. If shooting it doesnt do jack sh!t, then let kahr take care of it and do it right..

WHAT u can also do is to clean the end of that pickup bar realy good and then with the slide locked back, take ur empty magazine and with a agic marker mark all over theback of that magazine tube at the very top. Now instert it fully and see if u canrackthe slide with using the slide rleesse lever, which we know probably will be a NO. then pull the mag and now check that picup bar to see if there is any magic marker ink on that end of the pickup bar. If there is then HOUSTON we have a problem...

07-21-2013, 07:25 PM
Thanks for all the replies....

I think we are getting somewhere, its defo the mags.... When i load up a magazine with a round or 2 with the 1st one popped up and orientated properly it feeds off the slide release. It then will allow me to manually rack the slide to eject the rounds. I then tried it with full mags... it let me do the first round but the 2nd round was a bit fussy and jerky but went in, the others then loaded and ejected easily.

Is it possible the springs are just a little too tight when the mag is fully loaded? Suggest a trim of the springs?

07-21-2013, 07:36 PM
ok, now were getting some were, I THINK how abouot goin to the kahr tech section an dhitting on the propper prepping thread and scrollong on down until u come to the part of checking to see if the magrelease button is grabbing on that follower at around round 2. This is when the followeris in that window on that mag tube and the follower could be grabbing that follower at that position and causing the round to kinda go haywire and not properly orient itself correctly. A cure for that is stated to. Handrack a new kahr is really for some a trial for the recoil springs are very stout a su well know. Rounds down range seemsto smooth things out real fast.

I would not trim any springs. That isnot the issue. I still feel u now nee dto just go out and shoot the fokker andsee what transpires. For darnsure tha tis the first question akrh is gonna ask of u. HAVE U SHOT THE GUN 200 rounds....IMO u need not shoot thatmany rounds if it actsup time and timeand time again, but again many here will attestthat shootin the seems to do wonders for some little quirks...

07-21-2013, 07:44 PM
Thanks again, i'll pop to the range tomorrow and report back ;o)

07-21-2013, 07:46 PM
check therecoil spring to make sure it is on correctly....open end towards the front of the slide. I think ur gonna be OK.

07-21-2013, 08:30 PM
Jackpot!.. I did the 'strip the mag and place it empty into the frame and then insert the follower and spring... it does indeed bind up where the magazine release catch / lever is and as such would fit the MO of the 2nd round or so being stuck and not feeding properly.

I am searching for the mod to fix it as we speak.

07-22-2013, 05:49 AM
Jackpot!.. I did the 'strip the mag and place it empty into the frame and then insert the follower and spring... it does indeed bind up where the magazine release catch / lever is and as such would fit the MO of the 2nd round or so being stuck and not feeding properly.

I am searching for the mod to fix it as we speak.

PM sent

08-04-2013, 08:19 PM
Just a little update, with some savy advice from Jocko I sanded the followers on my mags and now works much better... I will be going to the range soon to see if it works itself out during real fire, but it appears we are moving in the right direction!