View Full Version : May be of interest to PM9 owners...

04-25-2010, 03:05 AM
I'm also a lurker on the Defensive Carry forum. I came across this thread from a guy who makes holsters. I'm fairly new to that forum, and dont know this guy at all. It sounds like he's a college kid with some talent. Either way, he's made up some holsters for the PM9, and they look pretty sweet. I sent him a PM for more details regarding availability/price etc... I'll keep everyone posted. Here is the link (new here, sorry if i'm doing it wrong)
Holster #7 & #8 completed!!! (pics) - DefensiveCarry Concealed Carry Forum (http://www.defensivecarry.com/vbulletin/defensive-carry-holsters-carry-options/103143-holster-7-8-completed-pics.html)

04-25-2010, 06:58 AM
It's always nice to see some hand work. I can only imagine how much time went into something like this. Keep us posted on the availability and price thanks.

04-25-2010, 08:19 AM
Very nice. I didn't see a price mentioned anywhere though.

04-25-2010, 10:38 AM
I'm working on the price. I sent him a message, just waiting to hear back.

04-25-2010, 10:42 AM
OK he got back to me. He says he's a full time student who does this sort of work on the side. Quoted the price for the PM9 holster as $35, + $5 for shipping. I told him i'd take one off his hands, so i'll let everyone know how it looks/feels/works. :)

04-25-2010, 10:55 AM
OK he got back to me. He says he's a full time student who does this sort of work on the side. Quoted the price for the PM9 holster as $35, + $5 for shipping. I told him i'd take one off his hands, so i'll let everyone know how it looks/feels/works. :)

looks like a lot of quality and leather and workmanship for $35. That is a real bargain indeed...:)

05-23-2011, 01:38 AM
Oops. I totally forgot that I made this thread. I've been using his holster for quite a while now. It's perfect!! It conceals incredibly well, and is comfortable. The workmanship is way more impressive than his price would lead you to believe. It's been so long since i've gotten the holster that I should double check he is even still making them. I'll try to get a picture up here in the near future.