View Full Version : Bill O'Reilly

07-23-2013, 02:08 PM
I don't always agree with O'Reilly but he is spot on with this piece.


07-23-2013, 02:25 PM
Bill O'Reilly is a pompous ass who's full of himself. He's often on the wrong side of the gun control issue. He wouldn't make a pimple on a true conservatives ass. I stopped watching his program on Fox long ago.

07-23-2013, 02:27 PM
Did you watch the video?

07-23-2013, 02:27 PM
I disagree..

07-23-2013, 06:12 PM
O'Reilly was spot on. Applies to all people, not just blacks. It's true that O'Reilly is ignorant of gun issue truths, but he is teachable. His books are quite good.

07-23-2013, 07:45 PM
'BillO was totally... and I mean totally off the mark on gun control.

Pompous and self engrandizing I can take - IF - he were correct on thigns. But he's not.

The whole thing with Fox new is a shoutfest at night. Two to four folks shout each other down and you cannot hear what any of them is really saying. Poor moderation... its really a mess, but it sells!

07-23-2013, 08:04 PM
OK, u have to pick. BillOrally or chris matthews.

07-23-2013, 08:38 PM
Neither one...I'll take Hannity.

07-23-2013, 08:49 PM
I'll take "De Judge" any day. She says it like it is whether anybody likes it or not. She's a looker too. Doesn't hurt anything.

07-23-2013, 10:12 PM
I'll take "De Judge" any day. She says it like it is whether anybody likes it or not. She's a looker too. Doesn't hurt anything.

fukk'n A

07-23-2013, 10:21 PM
this is the first time i have seen him get this pissed during his goofy talking points. i'm not his biggest fan but i am glad SOMEBODY, ANYBODY with national exposure said this. us creepy a** crackas have always been too cowardly to say these things. the black community is being allowed to self-destruct by their own "leaders". these "leaders" are going to keep pushing and pushing and force racial confrontations across the country. white folk will eventually get tired of being called evil racists and the mob mentality of the black folk will encourage the confrontation.

i was listening to alex jones today and he had quanell x as a guest. he is the "leader" of the new black panther party. i actually have more respect for him than jackson or sharpton because he acknowledges that the destruction of the black family and community is a graver issue than some gun wielding white mexican (or evil jew, or just white guy; whatever the media was calling Zimm) hunting down black kids.

07-23-2013, 10:24 PM
OK, u have to pick. BillOrally or chris matthews.

chris "tingle up my leg" matthews is good entertainment. thank goodness they come on at different times. :D

07-24-2013, 06:01 AM
OK, u have to pick. BillOrally or chris matthews.

How about neither!

O'Reilly is an arrogant, self centered condescending outspoken pompous a*****e.

Chris Matthews...I won't go there.

07-24-2013, 06:04 AM
if one watchs one over the other, then yo have a reason to why ur watch that particular show. If u watch neither , no reason needed to be given... Chris Matthews should have been born black:Amflag2: He fits right in with them . Little does he know they would shove him off a cliff if need be.

07-24-2013, 06:40 AM
Did you watch the video?

I watched the piece. The Zimmerman case had nothing to do with race until the black community made it about race. The Zimmerman case had nothing to do with stand your ground until Eric Holder made it about stand your ground. Bill O'Reilly doesn't know how to stand his ground and he's not even sure where he stands on the issues.

07-24-2013, 06:57 AM
I watched the piece. The Zimmerman case had nothing to do with race until the black community made it about race. The Zimmerman case had nothing to do with stand your ground until Eric Holder made it about stand your ground. Bill O'Reilly doesn't know how to stand his ground and he's not even sure where he stands on the issues.

Your exactly right.
It never was about SYG, the media and Holder tried to make it so and will continue to do so.
While I don't agree on the outcome of the Z trial, it is what it is.
Bob Beckel on "The Five" on FOX keeps talking about SYG and how it should be repealed. He does this no matter how many times he is told it was not about SYG. :mad:
In case you don't know Beckel or watch FOX News, he's the one and only fat liberal POS that is on the program. He's anti-gun, anti-NRA and anti-CCW and anti-conservative!!!
My wife watches O'Reilly everyday...when she does, I leave the room.
I can't stand the way he always refers to people by their last name in a condescending manner.

07-24-2013, 09:21 AM
It's entertainment folks...designed to foment the masses. It's not news. News is the reporting of facts...which none of these doofuses do. Every one of these idiots is spewing opinion, invective, and speculation...not news. The great political divide in this country started when people started to take Limbaugh seriously. He's the biggest doofus of all and people just don't get (or are too stupid to realize) that it's entertainment.

07-24-2013, 10:35 AM
the cronkite days are gone. proaBLY SKILYDIVE IS MORE RIGHT ON target. Each news station interprets their facts that they want to put out. a good example is what the nbc or was it cnbc that doctored the 911 phone call of zimmerman. In cronkites day that would never have happened...

Bob Bekel is a good example of entertainment. He hasn't a clue what stand ur ground means even, but he is there to argue against anythig the utter 4 members bring forward...

Longitude Zero
07-24-2013, 10:42 AM
I don't always agree with O'Reilly but he hit this one outta the park. Illegitimate births/absent fathers/poor choices by individuals...etc. These are part and parcel of the problem.

07-24-2013, 10:53 AM
ovomit isn't listening though, Jesse the hair lip Jackson could care less and Al fat ass sharpton could also care less. They get no news coverage going after black on black crime..

07-24-2013, 11:46 AM
ovomit isn't listening though, Jesse the hair lip Jackson could care less and Al fat ass sharpton could also care less. They get no MONEY going after black on black crime..

There, fixed it for ya

07-24-2013, 01:08 PM
yes indeed much better. When I read of the lip dieing, I will go out and celebrate. When I readof "his' rainbow coalition. I think of the symbol the gays and lesbo's wear to let straight people know, that THEY ARE DIFFERENT AND PROUD OF IT..

07-26-2013, 03:02 PM
I don't always agree with O'Reilly but he hit this one outta the park. Illegitimate births/absent fathers/poor choices by individuals...etc. These are part and parcel of the problem.

O'Reilly wasn't the first to bring these issues to the forefront. Credit for that goes to Dr Heathcliff Huxtable. Bill Cosby has been saying the same things for years and he has better street cred than O'Reilly. Cosby has been telling Blacks to clean up their act for years. For that he's called an Uncle Tom.

07-26-2013, 03:43 PM
Have to agree that the leprechaun nailed it this time. Too bad he is inconsistent as a conservative, libertarian, or even independent. But he has an absolutely huge audience and so he has to think of that as well. What I enjoyed more than what he said was the passion in which he said it. Don't see that very often on TV. He started out calm and controlled, and actually fed off of his own feelings, and revved it up a notch. I don't think he is a good enough actor to be disingenuous in this instance.

07-26-2013, 11:29 PM
O'Reilly wasn't the first to bring these issues to the forefront. Credit for that goes to Dr Heathcliff Huxtable. Bill Cosby has been saying the same things for years and he has better street cred than O'Reilly. Cosby has been telling Blacks to clean up their act for years. For that he's called an Uncle Tom.

^^^ Agreed!