View Full Version : It happened again...broken follower

07-24-2013, 02:05 PM
Last week I broke one follower on my CM9. Called Kahr and they said they would get one right out to me. (still hasn't arrived though) Went to the range again today to put another 50 rounds through the pistol with my second mag. It broke the follower too! Another call to Kahr and they are sending another one. They said if it happens again they will have me send it back. I know they will make it right, but it is frustrating and as of today I have NO unbroken magazines for the pistol :mad:

I am thinking that this will have to become a back-up / occasional use carry gun. It has about 500 rounds through it as of today.

07-24-2013, 02:11 PM
Hi bassgunner, Sorry to hear you got one of the follower eating guns....Call Kahr back and have them send you a prepaid FedEx mailer and send it back and let them do a rampectomy job and fix it for good....It won't mater how many new followers they send you it will keep happening....I know it's frustrating with a new gun causing problems but if it makes you feel better you're not the only one that has had this same thing happen to....

Send it back on their dime and in a couple weeks you will have a sweet shooting little pistol thats reliable...Jocko will be along in a minute and will tell you the same thing, listen to ole Jocko cause he knows his stuff....Good luck and welcome to Kahrtalk....

07-24-2013, 03:39 PM
I went through the same problem with my CM9 and after the second follower broke, and the end cap of my recoil spring guide flew off Kahr sent me a prepaid FedEx slip. Got my gun back in 8 days and have put 200 rounds through with no problems whatsoever.

I would call and try to get them to take it back. They need to rework the barrel because the feed ramp is what's hitting the mag follower and will keep happening until they shape it properly.

07-24-2013, 04:53 PM
Very odd. Have had my PM9 since April and the followers show no sign of feed ramp contact/damage after 400+ rounds. Sorry to hear. Kahr will make it right.

07-24-2013, 10:31 PM
I went through the same problem with my CM9 and after the second follower broke, and the end cap of my recoil spring guide flew off Kahr sent me a prepaid FedEx slip. Got my gun back in 8 days and have put 200 rounds through with no problems whatsoever.

I would call and try to get them to take it back. They need to rework the barrel because the feed ramp is what's hitting the mag follower and will keep happening until they shape it properly.
Now you know why Kahr has an "iffy" reputation in the gun world.
Follower eating guns. tis tis tis shame. Should only be ammo eating guns. Anyway, I'm lucky I've got a 100% CM9 bought in June 2011.

07-30-2013, 04:26 PM
now i'm getting frustrated. two weeks since the first call to kahr and still no mag follower. 1 week since the second call, when the second one broke. i called today and they claim the first was was sent 2 weeks ago and will not resend it. the second one they claim will ship tomorrow, that there was some sort of back order on the followers. go figure!

so here i sit with two useless magazines and a pistol i can't carry.

07-30-2013, 04:30 PM
now i'm getting frustrated. two weeks since the first call to kahr and still no mag follower. 1 week since the second call, when the second one broke. i called today and they claim the first was was sent 2 weeks ago and will not resend it. the second one they claim will ship tomorrow, that there was some sort of back order on the followers. go figure!
C'mon Kahr, get it together. you've got this humiliating embarrassing issue and now you don't even treat the customer in a respectable way? Better look around at your competition and see how they treat their customers as 100% priority. They're gonna eat your lunch. (Hint: S&W)

07-31-2013, 06:09 AM
I had a older 2009 PM9 and I really can't say enough good things about that pistol. I recommended one to a friend about 6 months back while he was sitting on a never ending list to buy a Shield. He ended up buying a CM9 and thank God his so far seems to be one of the good ones with no problems. He has about a 1000 rounds through it.
I would have been very pissed if his pistol was one of the ones busting followers after I recommended it to him. Now I wouldn't recommend a PM/CM9 to anyone until they get there act together. It pains me to say that, it really does, because I think they build a nice product but as we all know the quality of the pistol means nothing if the feed ramp is not cut right, and the mag is crap.:(

07-31-2013, 10:15 AM
I'm one who had to send my PM9 in for busting followers and I can honestly say I'd buy it again. Of course I'd rather not have had to send it in and I think Kahr should address the problem before it leaves the factory but... Kahr handled the problem quickly and with little effort on my end.

Someone mentioned S&W service as if it were the industry standard let me share my recent experience and compare it with Kahr.

Emailed S&W with a service request 8 days ago, 3 weekdays later I received an email instructing me to go online and fill out a request to send it in. Three more days and I get the shipping label emailed to me and it says expect a 6 to 8 week turn-around. So 6 days to get a shipping label and 6 to 8 weeks to get it back.

Emailed Kahr late on a Friday explaining my problem and asked whether I should try more followers or send it in. Over the weekend Jay responds and explains that since it is occurring with more than 1 magazine it will likely need service but it is up to me which way to go. I chose to send it in and I get a shipping label by the following Monday morning, it is picked up that afternoon. I got a phone call from the actual person doing the repair to verify some things before it is returned 9 days from the day it left.

I'll take Kahr service over S&W any day.

07-31-2013, 11:54 AM
I would recommend a kahr to anyone who wants a nice gun. I have no fears of the feed ramp thing, if it happens which realy is rare anyhow. kahr will fix it. Same thing Ruger did with the little lcp when they recalled 50,000 of them. I would recommend a lcp to anyone,knowing Ruger will stand behind it. We seem to think kahr is the only one that gives issues.

07-31-2013, 01:56 PM
to be fair, the first follower did finally arrive today. i will have to get to the range in the near future and see if it holds up. i do fear that this will eventually have to be returned to kahr for service but it is frustrating that they are making me go through breaking followers to prove a point rather than taking it in for service.

07-31-2013, 02:00 PM
I'm also one who has had to send their PM9 into Kahr service for breaking followers, three to be exact in a 300 rd. period. IMO, one is too many for a personal SD weapon.

No names used here but I was disappointed that I got no response from one Kahr CS rep by email and had to forward the same e-mail to a second one to get a response in regard to my issue. :mad:

Kahr required my pistol and my five magazines.

No contact while the pistol was there.

It came back with the "stock" action taken notes:


When it returned, I ran 180 rds. thru it w/o an issue.

I've had the opportunity to recommend a Kahr pistol to others. I have but, with a warning in regard to the all too frequent issues that they have and have referred a couple to this forum to read about issues that others have had.

07-31-2013, 03:28 PM
to be fair, the first follower did finally arrive today. i will have to get to the range in the near future and see if it holds up. i do fear that this will eventually have to be returned to kahr for service but it is frustrating that they are making me go through breaking followers to prove a point rather than taking it in for service.

indeed it might have to go back. but in all fairness. I broke one follower in my pMJ9 a few years back and replaced it and have never had that issue again. now over 32K rounds through it.If u break two followers it seems kahrs wants the gun back.:Amflag2:

07-31-2013, 03:35 PM
I would recommend a kahr to anyone who wants a nice gun. I have no fears of the feed ramp thing, if it happens which realy is rare anyhow. kahr will fix it. Same thing Ruger did with the little lcp when they recalled 50,000 of them. I would recommend a lcp to anyone,knowing Ruger will stand behind it. We seem to think kahr is the only one that gives issues.

+1 Jocko.

There are almost 6600 members of this forum representing at least 10,000 Kahr pistols -- perhaps many many more. Yes we hear about gun issues as their owners turn here for comfort and advice. But I won't hesitate to recommend them with the caveat: if you have a problem, you will find good advice here on the forum and Kahr will make it right.

Hang in there bassgunner. Kahr will make it right. Sorry about your troubles.

pocket rocket .22
08-06-2013, 04:29 PM
I'm a new PM9 owner. I just experienced the same issue with the mag follower . Found the broken part inside the mag upon disassembly. Realized the follower broke when the gun jammed. Was a bit surprised... Going to send it in and get it fixed so this will not keep happening. Thanks for the info...

Hi bassgunner, Sorry to hear you got one of the follower eating guns....Call Kahr back and have them send you a prepaid FedEx mailer and send it back and let them do a rampectomy job and fix it for good....It won't mater how many new followers they send you it will keep happening....I know it's frustrating with a new gun causing problems but if it makes you feel better you're not the only one that has had this same thing happen to....

Send it back on their dime and in a couple weeks you will have a sweet shooting little pistol thats reliable...Jocko will be along in a minute and will tell you the same thing, listen to ole Jocko cause he knows his stuff....Good luck and welcome to Kahrtalk....[/QUOTE]

08-06-2013, 05:07 PM
My suggestion: isif ur setonsendingit back due to onefollower being broke, then I wuld not tell kahrthis is the first follower They tendto wantto be sure sumpin is definitely wrong.

I would eamil kahr attn; jay, state ur case, hav ethem send u a prepair pick up, orif they insist on sending u a new follower to try before sending it back, Accept it and test it out. Breaking once might be just it and no more. It has happened that way many times. Why I cannot tellyou either but the characteristics of thesepolymer kahrs sometimes change just enough to provide the clearance. I know my PMJ9 broke one follower and never again did it happen.

So IMO what ever kahr tells u, go with it. U have two magazines with your PM9, so take the follower out of ur 7 round and put it in the 6 round flush and continue shooting, while waiting on the new follower.

One thing is for certain: KAHR WILL MAKEIT RIGHT. they are not trying to put u off by asking u to try anutter follower IMO, but again that willbe between u and kahr to discuss. We here can only advise u.

U got the best of the best with the PM9,

08-06-2013, 10:47 PM
I wish a high quality flush fit aftermarket mag would be introduced. Something like Tripp 1911 mag quality but for a kahr.

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