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07-25-2013, 04:19 PM
I hope they get the journalists too!


5:15 PM EDT, Thursday July 25, 2013

Media Reality Check: “In Three Days, Network Morning Shows Devote More Airtime to Royal Baby Than All of IRS Scandal”

Below is the text of a Media Reality Check, researched and written by Scott Whitlock, senior news analyst for the Media Research Center, which was posted earlier today.

To read the full Media Reality Check online, posted with a table:

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The text of the July 25 Media Reality Check:

In Three Days, Network Morning Shows Devote More Airtime to Royal Baby Than All of IRS Scandal

In a mere three days, the Big Three network morning shows have devoted more coverage to the birth of the British royal baby then they gave to news of the IRS scandal since that story broke 74 days ago.

Since Monday morning, ABC's Good Morning America, NBC's Today show and CBS This Morning deluged American viewers with 187 minutes worth of hype about another country's monarchy. In contrast, the same programs provided only 157 minutes, over ten and a half weeks, for a serious political scandal.

NBC, ABC and CBS began reporting on the IRS harassment of Tea Party groups back on May 11 and have averaged two minutes and six seconds of coverage per day (two hours and 36 minutes total). Since the Duchess went into labor Monday morning, those same shows cranked out about three hours, eight minutes of coverage, or an average of 62 minutes, 35 seconds per day (for all three networks).. That translates to a rate of coverage 34 times more intensive for the royal baby than for the royal mess in Obama's IRS.

Just this week, ABC committed more than twice as much airtime (62 minutes) to the royal baby than it has to the IRS scandal since May 11 (just under 24 minutes). NBC's baby coverage (just under 100 minutes) nearly doubled the 52 minutes they have devoted to the IRS.

For its part, CBS has given more overall coverage to the IRS scandal (one hour, 20 minutes), compared to just under 26 minutes for the royal baby. But even then, CBS's daily coverage of the IRS amounts to just 65 seconds a day -- better than ABC (19 seconds per day) or NBC (42 seconds per day), but a far cry from their coverage of the new prince this week (an average of six minutes, 16 seconds per day).

In fact, none of the broadcast network morning shows has even mentioned the IRS scandal since June 28. New developments, such as the IRS snooping into 2010 Tea Party candidate Christine O'Donnell's tax records (and the mysterious destruction of the related computer records) have gone unnoticed, as have revelation that IRS employees were ordered by superiors to send data on the Tea Party to then-chief counsel (and Obama appointee) William Wilkins (although CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley raised that with Treasury Secretary Jack Lew in an interview Wednesday night).

No one is suggesting that the networks shouldn't devote time to a ratings-friendly subject such as the birth of the royal baby. After all, GMA, Today and CBS This Morning have a largely female audience who are very interested in Prince William, his wife and new son.

However, the supposedly serious evening newscasts, Nightly News, World News and the CBS Evening News, led their programs Tuesday night with the royal birth.

The point is clear: When the networks want to devote energy, manpower and resources to a topic (such as this new baby), they can. The IRS scandal – and its possible danger to Barack Obama – isn't a subject these programs care about. :crazy:

07-25-2013, 05:03 PM

07-25-2013, 05:08 PM
I can't believe our braindead public is even interested in the Royal Soap Opera. Of course the news tells them to be, so they are.

07-26-2013, 05:50 AM
I am totally not surprised! For some reason nothing seems to stick to the current administration! If it was Bush in office CNN, MSNBC and numerous other liberal stations would be airing Bengahzi, the IRS and many other scandals non stop while screaming bloody murder at the top of there lungs! However with our lovely president they just look then other way and tell the American populace to do the same.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

07-26-2013, 07:19 AM
the liberalmedia in time will relaizze that all this liberal give away sh!t will fall like domino's. Look at Detroit, they just keep giving more andmore to those who didn't deserve it thinkin no end in sight and preserving their political asses. We can't do this forever. Were headed that way. I have no doube ovomit would like tot bail out Detroit, as those people helped put him in office but he also knows this is just not gonna pass muster with NYONE TODAY, and then when one reds where Detroit is gonna go ahead with thier 650 million dollar new hockey stadium that is 40% being pain for my the taxpayers of detroit, It just makesit kinda hard to ffeel to fokking sorry for them. Hard to believe the bond holders are going through with this venture even with detroit goin down the tubes. their tax base is shot to hell, no new industry settling their. MO-TOWN is now ghost town, never to be the same again.. robably gonna start fiding wrenches hidden in our new detroit cars ..

07-26-2013, 02:39 PM
It's the Damn republicans fault!

MSNBC Pundit: Detroit Bankrupt From Too Little Government

July 22, 2013 by Sam Rolley
Last week, Detroit became the largest city in American history to declare bankruptcy after struggling for decades to remain financially solvent.
Much of Detroit’s economic trouble came from big–government policy initiatives championed by the Democratic politicians who have controlled the city since the 60’s.
As representatives from the Heritage Foundation contend, ““For decades, Detroit sustained itself through the usual suspects of bad fiscal management: unaffordable borrowing, state grant schemes, raising taxes, and deferring public pension contributions rather than cutting city spending. But Detroit’s tragic downward cycle has reached its end.”
But American liberals refuse to believe that any of Detroit’s problems could be related to Democ5rat policy. MSNBC pundit Melissa Harris Perry said that Detroit’s bankruptcy was actually a result of too little government during a recent appearance.
“But this lack of tax base is also exactly the thing that many Republicans would impose on us even when our cities have sufficient populations, even when our communities have sufficient populations,” she said.
“This is what it looks like when government is small enough to drown in your bathtub and it is not a pretty picture,” she concluded.
Sounds sort of like a chicken and egg problem, doesn’t it?

07-26-2013, 03:27 PM
Works with boats too...Say you got way too many people in a row boat and it's taking on water and sinking fast....The Democrats would say the answer is to add more people so they can bail water faster....The Republican answer would be to lighten the load and get rid of the lazy dead wood people not willing to bail and give the oars to the strongest most capable person who knows how to row a boat and get it where it needs to go......Seems so simple doesn't it?

07-26-2013, 03:30 PM
Sure just another phony scandal that repubs made up. Wait; Detroit really is broke?


07-26-2013, 03:42 PM
I am pretty sure it was Bush.