View Full Version : Sitting poolside reading Feb issue of Concealed carry magazine

07-28-2013, 06:06 PM
Thought this article to be rather Prophetic!
Hope you enjoy it!

Mr. Conley referred to my article as “typical
of this extreme right-wing propaganda
BS that seems to permeate through the
gun community.” He then went on to feed
readers one of those Obama crap sandwiches
that the Kool-Aid-drinking left
continues to swallow. He claimed, “The
Obama administration has done nothing
to infringe on our rights and if he started
to do so after winning a second term, the
democrats would pay the price in the midterms.
As far as this being ‘Crunch Time’
and ‘DO or DIE’, that’s just pure BS.”
I’ll tell you what pure bullshit is, Mr.
Conley. You sir, pretending to give two
cents about “gun rights” while at the
same time pulling the lever for the single
most dangerous threat to America’s
right to bear arms ever to occupy the
White House. What’s next from you? Are
you one of those who think the current
massive attack against our freedoms is
an instant knee-jerk political reaction to
the shooting in Newtown, CT? I’ll happily
pro t from you on the oceanfront property
I sell you in Nebraska. 
Here’s the deal Cam, and anyone else
who’s swilling the leftist Kool-Aid. Let me
let you in on a little secret. Anyone with
half of a working brain cell knows damn
good and well that the current well-funded,
coordinated, and systematic attacks we
are experiencing have been pre-planned
for years. That’s right Cam, the last election
was “do or die” and you as a Kool-Aid drinker
missed the boat. In fact, that ship sailed
a long time ago and you were apparently
unaware of the departure.
Think about that. We’ve been telling
you for four years that this was coming.
You missed it, not us. Obama made
references to it in a discussion with the
Brady’s in a meeting at the White House
when he said, “we are working on it.” Of
course the “it” referred to more gun control.
 He then proceeded to famously
mention that they were doing it “under
the radar.” Guess what Cam? The submarine
has surfaced, bro. The agenda is now
clearly on the radar and thanks to voters
like you the battle lines have been drawn
by this freedom-hating, anti-gun administration.
That’s right. Voters like you
who had the Obama T-shirt pulled so far
over your head you couldn’t see the sidewalk.
Don’t trip!
Now the cat is out of the bag and
Obama’s team is exploiting tragedy to
further an agenda (“never let a crisis go
to waste”) that those of us with our eyes
open knew was coming well before the
Newtown shooting gave him the excuse
he was looking for. And that begs another
question. What else did Cam and those
other Kool-aid sippers miss? You see Cam,
we were right. You were wrong. What else
were you wrong about? Could it be that
you have also had the wool pulled over
your eyes in other areas? Do you do everything
your Democrat party tells you to? 
The word “sucker” comes to mind.
There really is one born every minute.
Quite frankly Cam, and the rest of those
Obama supporters who claim to be gun
rights supporters, disgusts me.  They’re
not welcome in my home. I wouldn’t
grill them a burger and I most definitely
wouldn’t sit down to share a drink. If they
couldn’t see this one coming they are
certainly capable of missing that gigantic
tractor-trailer rig, the one with the “Gun
Control” sign on the side, barreling down
the highway ready to crush anything in
front of it.
How’s that Obama crap sandwich taste
about right now? Enjoy it. Meanwhile the
rest of us will continue to  ght this battle,
even on behalf of you suckers. 
Cam, are you willing to re-write that letter
to the editor now? Tell me again how
Obama won’t be pushing an agenda of
draconian gun control measures.:Amflag2:

07-29-2013, 12:12 PM
A little wordy, but I kinda liked it.