View Full Version : Tucker Silent Thunder for KAHR pistols

04-25-2010, 03:01 PM
Anyone tried the Tucker Silent Thunders on a KAHR pistol? I have a couple for my various 1911's but I'm thinking about picking one up for my KAHR P9 for light summer carry IWB.

Would love some pictures and feedback! :)

04-25-2010, 03:20 PM
Me too me too!!! How do you like those for your 1911? I usually don't carry mine during summer, which here in TX is a LONG time.

04-26-2010, 12:21 PM
See this post:


I like it...and will likely get one in a while as it looks very nice. I just need to wait for my TT Gunleather pancake with mag to see what I like best. BTW, why does this place seem to have the exact same "Silent Thunder" holsters and the leather to kydex lining as Tucker?

Garrett Industries Custom Kydex and Hybrid Holsters and Tactical Gear (http://www.gimagclip.com/)

I am also thinking about either a PCS (Pocket Concealment Systems) or RGrizzle pocket holster for "those times".

Pocket Concealment Systems, Inc.: Pocket Holsters (http://pcsholsters.com/pocket_holsters.html)

Holsters by RGrizzle (http://www.rgrizzleleather.com/morephotos.html)

Scroll down a bit on the last link to see a MK specific set. Very nice IMHO.

There is also this thread on GT:


04-26-2010, 02:48 PM
Let me add my nickle here. After exhaustive research I bought the Tucker Silent Thunder for my PM9. This is my first 'real' holster and I was apprehensive about spending $100 for something I hadn't tried. I could not be happier with the holster and the personal service from Rob at Tucker. He has been very patient with my newbe questions.

The holster itself is more comfortable than I thought was possible. I had to experiment with the position and cant to find the sweet spot but once there I don't notice I'm carrying. It helps that I also wear Perry Suspender to take the load off.

I was concerned about wearing the holster without an undershirt as it gets hot here, but the Kydex backing does not 'worry' the skin and if anything is cool to the touch.

I was cautious and now very pleased as are most Silent Thunder customers. You can be confident in the product and the service.

PS: Here are the best pics I've seen of the Silent Thunder:http://kahrtalk.com/holsters-gear/663-got-silent-thunder-my-mk9-pic-heavy.html#post5137

04-26-2010, 05:28 PM
Me too me too!!! How do you like those for your 1911? I usually don't carry mine during summer, which here in TX is a LONG time.

Omg, simply the best holster I've ever used for a 1911 and this is coming from a hard core Milt Spark's fanboy.

I love these Tucker Silent Thunders!

04-26-2010, 09:30 PM
Good scoop these. I may have to save my shekels and get some for all of pieces, and maybe the ole' lady's. Any thoughts on the mini tucks?

07-13-2010, 01:53 AM
Looks like you may have to save a few less shekels, jlottmc. Word on the street is that Tucker Gunleather is having a 10% off sale on any Silent Thunder holster beginning July 10th and ending July 31st. This in addition to a sale on two of their other holsters (The Answer and Texas Heritage IWBs). Check them out at Tucker Gunleather (http://www.tuckergunleather.com). Now watch the wait times triple!! :eek::eek::eek:

Good scoop these. I may have to save my shekels and get some for all of pieces, and maybe the ole' lady's. Any thoughts on the mini tucks?