View Full Version : Update on "CW45 Trigger Issue"

chuck pullen
07-29-2013, 04:42 PM
Yesterday I posted about a trigger issue on my new to me CW45. In a nutshell, it had a noticeable delay at the end of the trigger stroke before the striker released.

Well, I followed advice on here and other boards and lubed it really good and put 50 rounds of hardball through it. (That stuff's expensive at $25). Well, it made a big difference. The trigger is crisper and the striker releases sooner and without any perceptible delay.

Also, all 50 rounds fed flawlessly.

I can't explain the improvement-too technical for me. I am happy about it and appreciate the good advice. I suspect after the remaining 150 rounds of the break-in period I'll have nothing but praise for this pistol.

Thanks again.

07-29-2013, 05:45 PM
If uhave not taken the slide all the way down to see if crude is in the striker channel. it would be advised. there is a nice slide tutorial on the kahr tech section OR that little hole on the bottom of the slide up by the breech face feeds directly into that striker channel, stick ur spray cleaner nozzle in there and just spray away, and as ur doin that pull back on the striker itself and tha topens that front area up even more, spray to your hearts content. u are huntign nuttin. Most recommend no lube in the striker channel DRY IS GOOD..

In the kahr tech section is a nice thread on propper prepping of ur kahr, it gives some more info on the striker channel etc..:Amflag2:

07-29-2013, 07:58 PM
Glad it's working well for you. Do like Jocko said and check the striker channel for good luck.

At the price they want some places for 9mm I'll shoot the .45.

07-29-2013, 10:25 PM
yay...glad its working