View Full Version : Serbu Super Shorty ... on the list

07-29-2013, 07:03 PM
Well folks... I got on the list for a Serbu Super Shorty. Basically it left the Remington factory as a below legal length "LE/MIL ONLY" Model 870 smooth bore pistol, and Serbu refines them further by shortening the magazine tube, reconfiguring the barrel to 6-1/2 inches, and adding a nice foldable forestock.

The result is a 6-1/2 inch Remington 870 , three shot 3" mag.

I asked a while ago about Class II transfer, and my wording (and knowledge ) was not correct. This is Class III, Title II, Any Other Weapon. Next week I see the papers to get the firearms trust established - which basically gets around the photo ID, the fingerprinting (again) and the individual sign off by local LE head. It also allows transfer to other trusts, and perpetual assignment.... and other legal factors. Nobody can tell me the downside to a trust... and its a one shot expense of $200 for as many Class III as are the trusts whim to own.

I keep saying... this is the last gun.... I keep being disingenuous to myself!~:D

07-29-2013, 07:25 PM
mst class III owners can transfer that weapon to their siblings.. without the additiona $200 transfer.

I bet aht little bastard is gonna give u a kick.

07-29-2013, 08:24 PM
they can do that because of the trust. the gun always belongs to the trust. new members can be added and deleted from the trust. that's how the transfers take place without actually transferring ownership.

I've had 18 inch barrel 870s before.... they were pussycats

07-29-2013, 09:02 PM
Can you adopt me into your trust? Then maybe I could get a short barrel for my Thompson.

You love me right? I love you. Win/win?

07-29-2013, 09:54 PM
aw bawanna...i didnt know you cared.....

the thing with a trust too.... is they cant take your guns for bs reasons. ie, you fup and make some bs mistake...they cannot come and demand forfieture... since the trust owns 'em, not you.

on second thought bawanna...... as my adoptive son, you have about 37 years of grass mowing, garage cleaning, trash emptying and leaf raking chores to catch up on. You can start Saturday at 8ish am. Thanks son!!~

07-29-2013, 10:54 PM
I'd love to fire one just to feel it, see if it would be worth all the hurdles to go through.

07-29-2013, 11:04 PM
aw bawanna...i didnt know you cared.....

the thing with a trust too.... is they cant take your guns for bs reasons. ie, you fup and make some bs mistake...they cannot come and demand forfieture... since the trust owns 'em, not you.

on second thought bawanna...... as my adoptive son, you have about 37 years of grass mowing, garage cleaning, trash emptying and leaf raking chores to catch up on. You can start Saturday at 8ish am. Thanks son!!~

I'm there for ya. Love you daddy.

07-29-2013, 11:47 PM
Love you too great uncle CJB. If something happens to uncle Colonel, have no fear, it will be in good hands.

07-30-2013, 07:19 AM
true love my last forever

In Bawannas case it only seems like forever......

07-30-2013, 07:29 AM
they can do that (come & take your gun) because of the trust. the gun always belongs to the trust. new members can be added and deleted from the trust. that's how the transfers take place without actually transferring ownership.

You need to be more precise with your language ... you mean they can't legally, technically, come take your gun because of the trust. This administration has for a long time now shown us they're not overly bothered by legal technicalities. If you show up on their radar and they decide they want your gun ...

07-30-2013, 07:55 AM
You need to be more precise with your language ... you mean they can't legally, technically, come take your gun because of the trust. This administration has for a long time now shown us they're not overly bothered by legal technicalities. If you show up on their radar and they decide they want your gun ...

There's always a party p*o*o*p*e*r. ;)

07-30-2013, 08:02 AM
Thanks,CJB for the concise write up on the trust aspect.

07-31-2013, 05:49 PM
Got my sales order today. They state 6-8 weeks until they assign a serial number for my AOW application, then another 6-8 weeks to complete in their shop. They also said the title II AOW's are going much faster than true class III's - which have been running 6 months. They say about 2 months on title II. So.... might just have a Christmas shotgun...sorta warms my heart just thinking of 12 gauge hulls layin empty around the tree.

More as it comes!~

Hey ...BTW... Serbu is GREAT to deal with, very pleasant on the phone, answered all my questions and went thru the entire title II process in detail. Kudos to them for their patience!~

07-31-2013, 08:52 PM
Keep us updated CJB so we (I) can live vicariously through you.

07-31-2013, 09:03 PM
before Kel got stupid with the KSG i had fully paid for one....didnt get it, but didnt lose a dime either. I really hate lawyers....but ya gotta love legalities the provide....its a burden that must be carried to get a reallo cool little scattergun.

09-16-2013, 10:18 PM
Just an update, regarding the trust issues (or lack thereof).

There is pending rulings to still require fingerprints, photo and background check for the purchase of any title II item... some say with no local chief leo signoff... some say its gonna institute that. Remains to be seen if it even passes, as its been up before for proposal, but... after the 90 day period has been dropped before enacting as a ruling.

The trust is still the way to go.

I used J.Patrick Buckley in Florida, for his good rep and really great service. He is perhaps the top dog of firearms lawyers in Florida.

You basically get the trust paperwork, and have it witnessed and notarized. Thats it.

Infor you need to give the lawyer are some basicas on your ID, and just names of beneficiaries of the trust. You'll be the grantor and the trustee both (a bit of legal loophole, but .. its legal). You can add trustees and take them off the trust, at will, later with a simple form and notarization. You can add any property to the trust, and take it off at any time, by ammending whats called schedule A.

Thats pretty much it. For title II items (mg's, silencers, short rifles and shotguns, any other weapons, destructive devices...etc) you just send a copy of the trust papers and current schedule A to BATF with your form 4 for the taxation of the transfer of the title II item.

Waiting time... 90 days to 200 days depending on backload and such. Trusts generally take a little less time.

Lawye Buckley took about 10 days total to get my trust in order and in my hands.

Serbu should have a serial number for me any day..... and life is golden~