View Full Version : New member, New CM9.... big change for me

07-29-2013, 06:47 PM
I'd been looking for a "pocket" 9mm for a long time. I've gotten REALLY tired of carrying my other pistols (a Beretta and two S&W 3rd gens..... each roughly 32 oz. loaded). I couldn't decide - couldn't sell myself on anything. Finally, I made (almost) a snap decision, after looking at several possibilities at the gun shop....for about the 50th time. I chose a CM9.

I hand load 9mm Para and I like to keep things simple and consistent, so the "pocket" gun needed to be a 9mm also.

It fits my hand, especially with the Pierce magazine grip extensions, the price wasn't too bad (given the price spikes of late) and seemed well built and tight. I must mention that I am NOT a "Glock trigger" kind of guy. I swore that I'd never buy a "pre-cocked" striker-fired pistol with no manual safety. I am a TDA guy (DA/SA, with safety/ decocker on the slide). That is what I like and am accustomed to.

Anyway, whatever.... I bought the CM9 anyway. I do like it, though it will take a bit of getting used to. Frankly, I've never had much trust for pistols with no external safety, but.....I'll just have to get past that.

The CM9 is so light and compact ! What a pleasure to carry. I took it to the range and put 80 rounds through it (after a tear-down, familiarization and thorough cleaning, of course). The first round (in both mags that I have) consistently nose-dived upon releasing the slide. I never got a clean feed with 6 in the mags. But, with only 5 in the mags, all was perfection. The little pistol functioned flawlessly, was accurate and not at all unpleasant to shoot. I imagine that the magazine/ feed issue will sort itself out with the full break-in regimen, but I can't say that I mind (only 5 rounds in the mags) too much. I added a grip sleeve to the CM9, which improves the feel and grip for me....I may well consider the adhesive grip pads. The grip is definitely a bit small for me, but that is easily remedied.

The gun shot very well, aiming was easy and natural and the trigger is nice and consistent. I just have to get over the feeling of possibly shooting myself in the foot with no external safety....before I will carry this pistol. (Of course, it isn't broken in yet, so it's not ready to trust for carry, anyway.) I have a good pocket holster for it and I found that the little Kahr will fit nicely in a Gould & Goodrich Yaqui belt slide that I have - it barely protrudes from the bottom and fits snugly with the trigger area completely covered. So, I have two means of carrying it, without spending an extra dime (lucky for me).

I plan on getting back to the range sometime this week (or on the upcoming weekend), to give the CM9 a good workout. I may well push on past the 200 round mark and I intend to give the pistol a try at a bit of distance, say 25 yards....just for grins.

I think I may just like this new-fangled plastic pocket pistol, even if it does have no hammer and no safety ! Kinda glad I finally made a decision.

Sorry for the long post.

07-29-2013, 06:50 PM
PM sent

07-29-2013, 08:29 PM
It took me a while to get used to carrying with a round chambered, but once I did it once I was fine. The more you fire it the more you realize how long that trigger pull really is.

07-29-2013, 08:47 PM
cant say enuf good about the pm or cm 9s.....congrats....welcome

07-30-2013, 04:05 PM
Welcome to the club....
I have a CW45 a CM9 and probably buy a CW9
They are great guns....and a joy to fire....


07-30-2013, 07:15 PM
First of all, thanks to all for the warm welcome....and the helpful suggestions.

I read through the advice regarding initial prep of the pistol. I had already done most of these things (SOP for any new pistol, for me). I also read over (and acted on) the advice regarding the follower and magazine body, to fix the issue with mis-feeds after fully loading the magazine.

Only, that didn't work. My CM9 still tends to feed jamb every time, due to the top round nose diving, if 6 are loaded into the mag. (To recap, this never seems to occur with only 5 in the mag - feeding is perfect.) The feed jambs occur a bit less than 100 % of the time if I use the slide release (instead of "sling shoting" the slide), but still almost every time.

However, while working with the pistol, I noticed something. With the slide locked open, the magazine is slightly loose in the mag well and can be pushed up just a bit further into the pistol. This is very common with many pistols and in and of itself, is not indicative of a problem. However, in this case, interestingly, when I wrap my little finger under the mag, thus holding it up as far as it will go, the mis-feed problem disappears. EVERY time. Thus, I think that the real problem here (at least with MY CM9) is that the mag sits just a bit low to ensure 100 % reliable feeding - with 6 in the mag. Since the mis-feeds don't seem to occur with less than 6 in the mag, it seems clear that the pressure with which the top round is held against the mag lips (with the mag spring fully compressed) contributes to this.

So, to eliminate the mis-feed on the first round of a full mag, I simply will hold the mag UP with my little finger wrapped under. After that, the pistol seems to work as normal. Hurray ! A very simple solution - the best kind !

Perhaps this issue will solve itself with further break-in - we shall see. I just thought I'd pass this on, in case it might be of help to anyone else.

07-30-2013, 09:00 PM
Kahr does recommend that you use the slide release to load the first round.

07-30-2013, 09:13 PM
Welcome! I've been carrying around a PM9 for 4 years now. I also like decocker pistols too. But, I don't see how they are really any different from a Kahr safety wise.

With the decocker, if you pull the trigger it will go bang. It may be DA, or could be SA, but it will go bang. The Kahr is closest to the DA in a decocker pistol, so I am confused as to the difference.

I did have a Ruger that had a sort of combination decocker safety. The decocker brought the hammer down, and unless lifted, acted as a safety locking up the mechanism. If you lifted the decocker/safety, then the pistol was in DA mode.

But, I thought that was the exception. All my other decocker type of pistols, the decocker springs right back up and the pistol is in DA mode.

Anyway, have fun with the CM9. I am clearly a fan of the little Kahrs.

07-31-2013, 10:38 AM
The CM9 is a great gun. I am like you. It took me a year and a half to decide on a "pocket pistol" I too wanted to keep my ammo common and stay 9mm/.45 ACP. I didnt want to go .380 but would if I found the perfect gun.
It took me soooo long to pick the Kahr. I had it narrowed down between the Kahr CM9 and SCCY CPX2. I LOVE my car.
So far I have about 300 rounds threw it. Not on malfunction. I can load a round without using the slide lock and do it by hand 90% of the time. I can already see the most I break it in (range time, dry fire, racking the slide over and over). It will be probably 100% with hand racking a round.
Also what most dont relaize the damn gun it compeition accurate. I **** you not. Almost like it has a match grade barrel in it. It shoots better than any of my other pistol even with the long be sweet trigger pull.
The trigger is long with no reset but its smooth and its not heavy at all.
Best of all gun fits in my pocket. I have been wearing it all summer in my cargo shorts pocket in a pocket holster.

I added a crimson trace to it and the sand paper verison of the talon grips. Get those grips the gun feels like it is stapled to your hand. It enhances the grip tha much. I'd add talon grips to all my guns in a heart beat if I thought they needed it. They are that good.
Probably the last thing I will do it change the front site to a fiber onr from Dawson and change the rear sites to 2 dot night sites but that is down the road.

I am so happy with my purchase. I really am. The CM9 has been my main carry gun since May hit. All my other pistols have been collecting dust.

Oh lastly the looks. Man The gujn is a looker I tell you. The stainless and black look VERY nice, very well done. As you can see I love this pistol.

Next gun of choice if I can find one on gun broker for layaway is a T9. IMO the T9 is the best looking pistol I have ever seen. If I had to wear a nice suit and pair with a pistol or dress clothes it would be a T9. gun is a work of art. Only thing imo that comes close looks wise are some of the better stainless or nickel 1911's out there.

07-31-2013, 04:31 PM

I was referring to decocker pistols WITH the safety feature also. That is, the decocker lever, when used, drops the hammer (and blocks the hammer from contacting the firing pin) - but ALSO can be left in the engaged position, thus acting as a safety. That is not at all unusual. In fact, most decocker type pistols have a safety, or at least, most all that I've come across. Certainly, there are some that are decocker only, such as the Beretta "G" models, for example, but I think they might be in the minority.

In any case, I use the safety feature religiously myself. I have trained myself to flick the safety lever up (to the "off" position) with my thumb, as I draw the pistol from the holster. So, this sort of system is no hindrance to me. I have to laugh when those who argue that a pistol with no external safety is faster into action, than the type I have (and favor). Nonsense. I've beaten quite a few of these people, even with the safety to disengage. It is all about training.

Nevertheless, I find myself softening my opinion towards pistols with no external safety (heck, I HAVE to do so.....as I now own one !) After all, the PRIMARY safety with ANY gun is safe handling procedures - which includes keeping one's finger OFF the trigger until ready to fire. I am a big believer in proper training and proper gun handling - so this is just another opportunity to improve my skills.

I am very much looking forward to getting back to the range and giving this little CM9 a thorough work out !

Thanks everyone for the support and interest.

07-31-2013, 07:33 PM
Welcome aboard. I love my CM9.

07-31-2013, 07:40 PM
Kahr does recommend that you use the slide release to load the first round.

This. I had your precise problem when I got my PM9. But I always chamber the first round with the slide release and I never have a jam. :Amflag2: