View Full Version : MK9 or MK40 Mag problems?

08-01-2013, 05:19 AM
I'm curious, given the fact that the MK line of pistols utilize the same magazines as the CM and PM pistols, have any owners of either the MK9 or MK40 pistols experienced magazine problems or failures such as the bodies splitting or breaking followers like the CM and PM pistols do?

I don't seem to find any posts in this forum to indicate such.

I'm wondering if the SS frame of the MK pistols which should flex way less than the polymer frame of the CM and PM pistols has any influence on how the barrel feed ramp may contact the mag followers. :confused:

08-01-2013, 05:28 AM
I have both the mk9 & mk40 & have never experienced problems with broken followers or splitting. The mags also drop free and with the slide closed come out shoot out (so to speak).

08-01-2013, 06:00 AM
Thanks for the quick response.
I would really like to hear from more MK owners on this. ;)

08-01-2013, 02:02 PM
Amazing, 21 views and no reported problems with the mags in the MK series of pistols.
It must be a CM or PM thing I guess.

08-03-2013, 08:53 AM
You won't see too many issues with Kahr steel framed pistols. Check the old threads. Perfect pistol for those who want Kahr quality but better than polymer reliability. IMHO.

08-03-2013, 08:56 AM
Amazing, 21 views and no reported problems with the mags in the MK series of pistols.
It must be a CM or PM thing I guess.

I can't explain it. Same mag, same barrel, no problems (?). At least I think its the same barrel (for the pm's)

08-03-2013, 01:21 PM
I have a PM9 and a MK9. I use the mags interchangeably. I have never had any problem with broken followers or split mags in either firearm.

However, I have also never had a FTF or nosedive with the MK9 using both the 6 and 7 round mags. I have had numerous FTF and nosedives with the 7 round mags and an occasional nosedive with the newer 6 round mags in the PM9. By newer, I mean the mags that came with my 1 year old PM9 or the extra 6 round mags I purchased new. As I have posted elsewhere, My 15 year old MK9 has stainless followers in it's mags. Those mags have been 100% faultless when used in both firearms.

One other thing....a post above stated that the barrels are the same for the PM9 and the mk9. While they are both match grade polygonal rifling, the external shape is noticeably different. At least on my two pistols.

Photos: http://i1277.photobucket.com/albums/y483/OzKahr/KahrTalk%20Public/capture_02_zps326b98ba.png (http://s1277.photobucket.com/user/OzKahr/media/KahrTalk%20Public/capture_02_zps326b98ba.png.html)

08-03-2013, 02:46 PM
in the early 2000s I owned a K9 and MK9. the P guns weren't made yet then, maybe the P9 was but it was not well established.... anyway, I never had a magazine split at the feed lips like I have had with my PM45 and I never heard of s mag follower breaking against the feed ramp until I joined this board......

08-04-2013, 11:55 AM
My 6 round mags function flawlessly. I have a 1-2% failure rate with the 7 round magazines though, mainly nose dives. I am going to grind down the followers so they don't hit the magazine catch and see if that fixes the problem.


08-05-2013, 09:32 PM
I have a PM9 and MK40 and used to have a PM45, and none have ever had a mag problem. However I NEVER use extended mags in any pistol, and gave away the 7 rounder that came with the PM9.

08-16-2013, 03:36 PM
I have an MK9......no problems, ever..........

08-16-2013, 03:54 PM
the all steel guns barrels do not interchange with the polymer gun..

08-17-2013, 09:17 AM
My MK9 has had no problems. I have had problems with the extended mags and will not use them. I carry them to the range, but will not use them day to day. I have owned and had problems with the PM series pistols, but none with the K/MK. I will tell you that I got a new T40 when they first came out and not only did the mag fail, on the first range trip, the grips, slide release, and trigger all came apart on me while shooting. It was a nightmare. Sorry I couldn't input regarding mags. :amflag:

09-05-2013, 08:58 PM
My MK9 has had no problems in the years I have owned it. I am now thinking about getting an MK40 and was cruising the forums since I remember magazines problems with my old PM40.

09-06-2013, 10:24 AM
I have an MK40 and had repeated problems with broken followers. I had to send my MK40 back to Kahr for repair. They repaired it an have never had problems since.

09-06-2013, 12:42 PM
My son-in-law recently had a broken follower on an MK40 Elite! I told him to call the factory and they did send him another. Hope this is not a reoccurrence!

09-06-2013, 02:13 PM
Thanks for the replies.
Hearing of broken followers in the MK40 pistols sort of shoots the hell out of my theory that the poly frame of the PM and CM pistols is partially at fault.

10-05-2013, 09:21 PM
No problems with my MK9 mags.

10-11-2013, 07:53 AM
I'm curious, given the fact that the MK line of pistols utilize the same magazines as the CM and PM pistols, have any owners of either the MK9 or MK40 pistols experienced magazine problems or failures such as the bodies splitting or breaking followers like the CM and PM pistols do?

I don't seem to find any posts in this forum to indicate such.

I'm wondering if the SS frame of the MK pistols which should flex way less than the polymer frame of the CM and PM pistols has any influence on how the barrel feed ramp may contact the mag followers. :confused:

My MK40 Elite five and six round stainless steel mags have been flawless.