View Full Version : I don't understand the media...

08-01-2013, 01:45 PM
On last night's local news where I live, they reported that Zimmerman was stopped for speeding in Texas. It was a routine stop, the dash cam showed the officer and nothing unusual. They reported that Zimmerman volunteered that he had a firearm in the glove box. NOTHING HAPPENED. The cop let him go with a warning. NOTHING HAPPENED. WTF was this even on the news for? :confused:

Prepare for footage the next time a camera is around and Zimmerman uses a public restroom.

08-01-2013, 01:53 PM
On last night's local news where I live, they reported that Zimmerman was stopped for speeding in Texas. It was a routine stop, the dash cam showed the officer and nothing unusual. They reported that Zimmerman volunteered that he had a firearm in the glove box. NOTHING HAPPENED. The cop let him go with a warning. NOTHING HAPPENED. WTF was this even on the news for? :confused:

Prepare for footage the next time a camera is around and Zimmerman uses a public restroom.

Just now saw that on TV here in Washington. The media is a pot stirrer plain and simple, nothing more. They don't care about facts.
As you stated who gives a rats backside.
They will never give the guy a break. Mr Zimmerman, were you armed with a deadly weapon when you used the restroom.

Who cares!

08-01-2013, 01:56 PM
they want to make sure his life is ruined.

08-01-2013, 02:34 PM
Wondering how the news media even found out about the traffic stop since no citation was issued? Did the Police Officer call the Newspaper?...The story I saw on Google News even had a google map showing the exact location of the stop and made a big deal out of the fact that Zimmerman was armed....What a joke!!!!

08-01-2013, 02:44 PM
Would the news media share some culpability if Z were stalked and attacked on his cross-country trek since the media decided to report the progress of his journey? It's almost as if they are inciting violence against the man.

08-01-2013, 03:43 PM
well at least he is packin again, so he has bought himself a gun or had one given to him...kudos to him on that.

08-01-2013, 03:58 PM
This diverts attention away from the phony scandals like Benghazi, IRS Gate and Obamacare, just to name a few.

08-01-2013, 04:02 PM
This diverts attention away from the phony scandals like Benghazi, IRS Gate and Obamacare, just to name a few.


This is the correct answer.

Plus I'd like to hear an answer to what getsome posted.

How did this even become a news report?

MW surveyor
08-01-2013, 05:08 PM
This diverts attention away from the phony scandals like Benghazi, IRS Gate and Obamacare, just to name a few.

Whoa there muggsy. Those are real scandals (unless you are just being facetious) :eek:

08-01-2013, 05:13 PM
Whoa there muggsy. Those are real scandals (unless you are just being facetious) :eek:

I think you need to check your sarcasm meter.... just sayin'. ;)

MW surveyor
08-01-2013, 05:20 PM
I think you need to check your sarcasm meter.... just sayin'. ;)

You never know about muggsy. Sometimes he really likes to play the troll. :yo:

08-01-2013, 06:34 PM
Wondering how the news media even found out about the traffic stop since no citation was issued? Did the Police Officer call the Newspaper?...The story I saw on Google News even had a google map showing the exact location of the stop and made a big deal out of the fact that Zimmerman was armed....What a joke!!!!

I watched the video this morning and when the officer returned to the car to run his checks, I heard his iphone taking a picture, him typing on his iphone keyboard, and then him send the message.

Zimmerman didn't even get his license back before the officer had let someone know about it. :( At least the cop was respectful.

08-01-2013, 07:22 PM
On last night's local news where I live, they reported that Zimmerman was stopped for speeding in Texas. It was a routine stop, the dash cam showed the officer and nothing unusual. They reported that Zimmerman volunteered that he had a firearm in the glove box. NOTHING HAPPENED. The cop let him go with a warning. NOTHING HAPPENED. WTF was this even on the news for? :confused:

Prepare for footage the next time a camera is around and Zimmerman uses a public restroom.

YAAA and they also showed his license plate number and type of vehicle on the t.v. news......real nice:32:

08-01-2013, 07:23 PM
They probably have a drone overhead 24/7 to keep track of him.

08-02-2013, 08:27 AM
I'm not sure where Zimmerman stands mentally, but anyone in his situation would do well to accept that this IS his new life. He can't change what happened or the media's reaction
so trying to restart his former life is pointless.
I'm not saying that's what Zimmerman's trying to do, I'm just saying that a shooting incident (especially one with this much publicity) will change a persons life forever and the sooner you accept that and move forward the better......your old life is over.

08-02-2013, 09:24 AM
They are trying to let the bounty hunters know where he is at.

08-02-2013, 10:06 AM
They probably have a drone overhead 24/7 to keep track of him.

know there could be more truth to that than u might think even. or some GPS type plants on his vehicles etc. I haveno doubt the government and ovomit and holder are trying to pin sumpin on this hispanic person. Heis not white u know:Amflag2:

08-02-2013, 10:15 AM
I'm not sure where Zimmerman stands mentally, but anyone in his situation would do well to accept that this IS his new life. He can't change what happened or the media's reaction
so trying to restart his former life is pointless.
I'm not saying that's what Zimmerman's trying to do, I'm just saying that a shooting incident (especially one with this much publicity) will change a persons life forever and the sooner you accept that and move forward the better......your old life is over.

Seems to me that is what he is trying to do. What do you suggest he try to get the media hounds off his backside.

I think they should put him on the Good Guy Protection Plan, a new identity, 6 months with Ann Jillian on Biggest Loser with no camera's. Maybe a hair cut.
Leave the poor guy alone and move on to important stuff like Bengahzi, and impeaching the entire Federal Government and starting over.

08-02-2013, 10:21 AM
What do you suggest he try to get the media hounds off his backside.
He should change his name to Ben Gazie, they will never mention him again.

08-02-2013, 10:24 AM
He should change his name to Ben Gazie, they will never mention him again.

Sweet Mary and Joseph, that's the greatest idea right there I ever heard of.

That would work perfectly.

08-02-2013, 11:02 AM
He should change his name to Ben Gazie, they will never mention him again.


Maybe we could have another OJ trial.

Maybe Zimmerman should study Obama closely.....Ovamit seems to misdirect the media.

Maybe Zimmerman should become a mountain man.

Poor guy.....seriously, I've been praying for him.

At this point he should sue the media for the misinformation they publicized, and sue them for STALKING him. They have caused tremendous mental anguish!

08-02-2013, 02:25 PM
He should change his name to Ben Gazie, they will never mention him again.

A sure winner for the best post on the thread. Way to go, Jaguar.

08-02-2013, 04:39 PM
They probably have a drone overhead 24/7 to keep track of him.

know there could be more truth to that than u might think even. or some GPS type plants on his vehicles etc. I haveno doubt the government and ovomit and holder are trying to pin sumpin on this hispanic person. Heis not white u know:Amflag2:

No worries. He's being tracked closely. Or at least he was as of cob two days ago when I retired.

Cop wasn't supposed to stop him. Dumb ass wasn't paying attention to local sa reports.

08-02-2013, 05:50 PM
He should change his name to Ben Gazie, they will never mention him again.

You made me guffaw all over my keyboard!

That's one of the funniest replies I've ever read after being on the Internet for 14 years and ringing up something like 120,000 posts on various message boards. :yo:

08-02-2013, 07:59 PM
I watched the video this morning and when the officer returned to the car to run his checks, I heard his iphone taking a picture, him typing on his iphone keyboard, and then him send the message.

Zimmerman didn't even get his license back before the officer had let someone know about it. :( At least the cop was respectful.

You heard it and evidently someone else did here in DFW too because the next night they talked about the officer taking a pic. The chief is saying the officer did not do anything wrong at this point and is still on duty (actually comes back on shift tomorrow - Saturday), but he will be questioned about it.

Jlottmc said that was just plain being a DumbA** officer. Don't take a picture of the guys license plate, although a resident attorney who is also still a peace officer said that in this instance, he may have been taking a pic, sending it to his supervisor to give him a heads up. What my Director of Operations and I were talking about yesterday because she lives in this town Zimmerman was stopped in was that the cockiness of Zimmerman when he asked the officer, "Do you know who I am"?

I also want to know how the H**L did the media get the copy of the dashcam. WHY did we need to know he was 1) in town and 2) stopped. He was carrying LEGALLY, he has a valid CHL from FL and it is repriocity with TX. Leave the man alone.

08-02-2013, 10:05 PM
The dash cam footage was posted up by the Local PD.

" ...Dashcam video released by Forney, Texas, police shows him and a police officer talking briefly before the officer tells him to shut his glove compartment."

Someone thinking Forney need its 15min of fame? In every case of viewer response I have found with the local DFW television stations (who all aired the clip) the majority of Texans said "why is this news??"
Good for Texans.

08-03-2013, 04:43 AM
The WHITE media, hates white-Hispanics.....racist pigs!
They are ok with Hispanics but the white-Hispanics are NFG!

08-03-2013, 11:00 AM
Jlottmc said that was just plain being a DumbA** officer. Don't take a picture of the guys license plate,

I'm betting it was a picture of his Drivers license. A trophy of sorts for the guy and I wouldn't be surprised if it shows up on the internet somewhere.

In general, MOST people are stupid (no common sense when it comes to thinking beyond their own little world.)

08-03-2013, 11:19 AM
the price of fame!! he is gonna have this "dog" him for many many years. Heh their gonna build a museum for crayons "hoodie", so WTF, fame comesin many ways. Helllook at OJ we still ar egiving that stupid POS idiot fame and tv coverage and he murdered two people....