View Full Version : Fng

08-04-2013, 01:56 PM
I recently purchased a brand new Kahr PM9. I didn't bother to read the owners manual and I'm shooting the cheapest bulk ammo that I can find. Can anyone one tell me why I'm having so much trouble with this gun malfunctioning? I'm thinking of going back to my old KelTec.

08-04-2013, 02:06 PM
As a stand-alone post ... I was scratching my head. But seen in the light of another one of your recent posts ... light bulb!

08-04-2013, 04:10 PM
Muggsy...Now that is funny! Almost fell off my chair laughing!
maybe it will smooth out if you don't clean it and shoot it dirty with a limp wrist lol.

08-04-2013, 05:46 PM
I'm glad you got a kick out of my post. I've read so many similar posts that I couldn't resist adding my own to the mix. You took it in the spirit in which it was written. Excellent! :)

08-04-2013, 06:03 PM
sh!t stirrur. Just sayin

08-04-2013, 06:14 PM
At least no ghost popped up shrieking at the top of it's dead voice! You just wait TinMan.......

08-04-2013, 06:21 PM
Have the palpitations stopped yet?

08-04-2013, 06:40 PM
Lol! That was a pretty funny post...... i have to admit it took just a split second as I started reading the post before I figured out where you were going. Bravo

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

08-04-2013, 10:07 PM
I recently purchased a brand new Kahr PM9. I didn't bother to read the owners manual and I'm shooting the cheapest bulk ammo that I can find. Can anyone one tell me why I'm having so much trouble with this gun malfunctioning? I'm thinking of going back to my old KelTec.

Muggs ol' bean, here's what you must do.

Begin by assailing any counter issue or questioning by folks trying to help you. Be assertive in your total knowledge of the issues at hand, and also stand firm in your belief that you will, by the power of your own mental aptitude, solve Kahr's problem for all time. Be sure to take matters unto yourself and modify your pistol without regard to any advice given on the forum.

After that, be sure to follow up on other's responses, when they continue to try to help you with the problem you've not solved, or made worse, but be sure to do so with increasing vigilance and self affirmation.

After that, announce that you'll live with the problem and tweak your modifications for a while. Then call Kahr, explain the problem, tell them all you've found, what you did to their obvious design and manufaring problem by way of modification, and listen as they tell you the warranty is void. After that, get mad. You gotta get mad dog mean online. Follow that up with some good old Kahr bashing on other forums, sell the pistol, buy a new problem pistol, and you've pretty much let the problem run its course!~

08-05-2013, 07:41 AM
Sounds like the way to go to me, CJB. You've hit the nail on the proverbial head. Let this be a lesson to all FNGs. :)

08-05-2013, 09:26 AM
My old KelTec is flawless too...:cool:

08-05-2013, 09:51 AM
Muggs ol' bean, here's what you must do.

Begin by assailing any counter issue or questioning by folks trying to help you. Be assertive in your total knowledge of the issues at hand, and also stand firm in your belief that you will, by the power of your own mental aptitude, solve Kahr's problem for all time. Be sure to take matters unto yourself and modify your pistol without regard to any advice given on the forum.

After that, be sure to follow up on other's responses, when they continue to try to help you with the problem you've not solved, or made worse, but be sure to do so with increasing vigilance and self affirmation.

After that, announce that you'll live with the problem and tweak your modifications for a while. Then call Kahr, explain the problem, tell them all you've found, what you did to their obvious design and manufaring problem by way of modification, and listen as they tell you the warranty is void. After that, get mad. You gotta get mad dog mean online. Follow that up with some good old Kahr bashing on other forums, sell the pistol, buy a new problem pistol, and you've pretty much let the problem run its course!~


08-05-2013, 06:20 PM
Love it. But wasted on those who need it most.

08-05-2013, 06:49 PM
i HVE BEENON HERE SINCE DAY 1, (probably to damnlong) and I have seen somefixes that work on some owners guns that I wuld never recommend but when they come forward and post their fix, it is defiitely sumpin to keep in mind. 99.5% of all kahrs work perfect, no mags need modded, no feed ramps need cut, Just clean it and shoot the fokker. Many seemto come here after just getting their kahr and giving kahr hell for poor design etc yadda yadda. Kinda hard to help a fella who already knows it all and them comes forth with an issue fully knowing we are all full of sh!t but he wants to kinda let us know that to. I have found that personal PM's sent to an owner do good for many, that way ur not making an ass ouot of urself to all the members.there are some fixes that I have read that actualy work that althogh I would not recommend, I would pass on to a owner with similar issues by a PM. Then it is his choosing to do or not to do, and if not ,,, no harm no foul. I have stated that one can sometimes fix an issue by circumventing it with anutter ttype of fix that masks that issue. It works for some. Grooving followers has for many worked but for some it has produced no results, so not all suggestions are perfect and the owner must determine if that is the avenue he wants to choose. Most of the times if u fokk with a follower or springs, the worst u can do is ruin a follower or spring and u just start all over again. When u go grinding on a feed ramp,u can't replace what u did,,, then ur entering kahr warranty territory .

We who have been here for ages, maybe need to give some new owners who do think they know it all alittle slack, let him vent his thoughts, then give him ur positive thoughts not criticism and then and only then IF HE persists in being Mr. Know it all, then fokk him and the white horse he road in on.

08-05-2013, 06:52 PM
I think someone has stolen Jocko's identity! Give new owners some slack, what the heck kind of talk is that from Jocko? I ain't buying it.

I'm gonna investigate, I think we been hacked.

08-05-2013, 07:29 PM
but take those 5 words out of my text and it is truly ol jocko "preachin"to the masses..
It sthe new meds I am on, the doctor told me \I might have some personality changes at times, Just sayin

I know it is the meds to, for i actrually waved today at a fokking Honder Goldwiner. When I realized what I had done, I immediately pulled over and barfed. As my buddy Paula Dean says. "I is what I is"

08-05-2013, 07:44 PM
I dunno, the spellin fits the MO.

Mental meanderings make me consider part of the root of problems of any sort.

Its the "ME Generation", which overlaps the "Blameless Generation".

Its all about me. Hurray for me, and screw you. I earned my money, from my boss at my job, doing my thing. I spent my money on my pistol and my expectaions are perfection in all things since, after all, I deserve it, simply because I'm me. You, on the other hand, can go take a long stoke off a short d!ldo. You, if laying in the mud, must be doing so to sheld me from walking on it.

This is the generation that will piss down your back, and not even call it rain.

And, why is that? Because they are blamless. Pure crystaline ego. They are beyond fault, beyond contradiction and beyond most anything that is imperfect. Its simply not their fault. Nothing is, nothing can be, and nothing ever will be. They exist, and therefore are perfect. Othere exist, to take the blame for imperfection.

And so it is in those melded generations.

Thats how the new, new school thinks.

And then there are the greybeards. They serve. They take pride in the accompishments of others who share their ideals. They are resourceful enough to seek out others who are better than them in order to get'er done. The generation that gets a little speck in their eye that might need wipin' when the The Star Spangled Banner is struck by the band. The generation that still knows how to begin, or end, a relationship face to face. The generation that knows the value of things that others take for granted - because they think their ass holes don't stink.

This is why some folks get all out of shape when they don't have instant gratification, and others just ask a few questions, take some advice, roll up their sleeves and dial up the mothership. Some know that sh!t happens, and others think their sh!t don't stink.

08-05-2013, 08:15 PM
I was about to say that I'm glad I don't know anything, because all there is for me to do is learn. But after what CJB just wrote, I won't say it because then it would be bragging.

08-05-2013, 08:33 PM
I'm crying my eyes out! That's, that's, that's so profound.

I wonder which I am a gray beard or a new fangled stay out of the mud I can't screw up types.

08-05-2013, 08:55 PM
If you were smarter than Dad at age 14 and have gotten nothing but dumber since...chances are you're a gray beard...

08-05-2013, 09:04 PM

08-05-2013, 09:16 PM
Is a snark a good thing or a bad thing? What the heck is a snark?

Color me googling.

08-05-2013, 09:19 PM
Snark or Snarky is not a good thing but I don't get it anyhow.

I think I'd rather be a gray beard, actually I am, I didn't see a mirror for 10 days on vacation and ended up a gray beard which I don't grow too good, but I left it for awhile.
Maybe when I reach puberty I can grow facial hair. I do well on a mustache but not so much beard.


08-05-2013, 09:23 PM
snark is the sound made in response to a snarky comment or action.....or can be the comment or action itself

snarky: A witty mannerism, personality, or behavior that is a combination of sarcasm and cynicism. Usually accepted as a complimentary term. Snark is sometimes mistaken for a snotty or arrogant attitude.'
"Her snarky remarks had half the room on the floor laughing and the other half ready to walk out."

08-05-2013, 09:27 PM
This is my 500th post ... so I'm going to wait and use it for something special ... just saying.

08-05-2013, 09:29 PM
Well it only gets worse, now I gotta call Jocko and find out what cynicism means but maybe I are a snark, all that talk about leaving and such and I'm on the floor laughing a lot which can be a challenge sometimes.

08-05-2013, 09:29 PM
I, for one, will state for all to see that my @sshole DOES NOT STINK!!!

That is, when I get out of the shower. Shortly there after, following my morning constitiounal it will stink!

I will also proudly say at the ripe old age of 14 I did not consider myself smarter than my father. However, by age 17, I was the smartest person this experiment called mankind has ever known.

No one knew more than me. Period. Experience meant nothing as I already figured everything thing out. Then a funny thing happened.

I got dumber. I mean REALLY dumb! The older I got the worse it got. The longer I was on this earth I discovered there were things out there I didn't have a clue about. I'm about to crack the half century mark on this planet and I've never felt dumber.

Smartest thing I ever did was to realize this, so I guess I'm one of the grey beards!

08-05-2013, 09:31 PM
This is my 500th post ... so I'm going to wait and use it for something special ... just saying.

500th post! This belongs over in the Be happy positive thread.

Do you think that was a snarky comment? Just testing.

08-05-2013, 09:35 PM
its been said "the older I got, the smarter dad got"

There came a time, and for me it was at least a decade after my dad's passing, that I realized he was neither smart nor a dumb ass. I saw his failings clearly. It was easy, since they are my own.... I saw his greatest attribute. And that attribute is that he seldom gave up. He got through somehow. Everything else just don't really matter in the long run.

08-05-2013, 09:36 PM
I, for one, will state for all to see that my @sshole DOES NOT STINK!!!

That is, when I get out of the shower. Shortly there after, following my morning constitiounal it will stink!

I will also proudly say at the ripe old age of 14 I did not consider myself smarter than my father. However, by age 17, I was the smartest person this experiment called mankind has ever known.

No one knew more than me. Period. Experience meant nothing as I already figured everything thing out. Then a funny thing happened.

I got dumber. I mean REALLY dumb! The older I got the worse it got. The longer I was on this earth I discovered there were things out there I didn't have a clue about. I'm about to crack the half century mark on this planet and I've never felt dumber.

Smartest thing I ever did was to realize this, so I guess I'm one of the grey beards!

There's parts of this post that I really didn't need to know, really.
I have a couple sons who are well on their way to being gray beards, they surely do fit the profile.
Since they hit their teens I feel like the dumbest person that ever fell off a turnip truck and I haven't done nothing right in years.

Well I did launch the boat and drive around on vacation correctly this year, course they weren't there for most of the time so maybe I didn't do it right after all.

08-05-2013, 09:38 PM
Bawanna, any time you can land a boat and walk away from it, its been a really good duck hunt. Just sayin....

08-05-2013, 11:07 PM
I recently purchased a brand new Kahr PM9. I didn't bother to read the owners manual and I'm shooting the cheapest bulk ammo that I can find. Can anyone one tell me why I'm having so much trouble with this gun malfunctioning? I'm thinking of going back to my old KelTec.

The key is to respond negatively to any of jocko's response, make him mad, he sends you a horse head, you tell him he works for kahr and rides a honder, and that you think keltec's are superior to any other firearm.

That should about fix it :rolleyes:

Good luck

Serious note, has anyone else noted that jocko is more laid back lately (if that's possible.) I'm happy for you.

08-06-2013, 12:23 AM
The best thing about this thread is, much in the same vain it was started, (good satire based in truth) it has now been carjacked and has nothin to do with nothin.....

Great post!

Now let ME TELL YOU ALL WHAT KAHR can do better. It all starts with the water they use at the plant, it is just tooooo darn wet.....

08-06-2013, 09:01 AM
The key is to respond negatively to any of jocko's response, make him mad, he sends you a horse head, you tell him he works for kahr and rides a honder, and that you think keltec's are superior to any other firearm.

That should about fix it :rolleyes:

Good luck

Serious note, has anyone else noted that jocko is more laid back lately (if that's possible.) I'm happy for you.

ther meds:Amflag2:

I actually seen a honder that I like yesterday:: It was on teh back of a wrecker!!!!! God Bless America

I started a new business last week and have my first client today. I started a Pall bearers service for people with no friends or who are to old to have any living friends. Today I am excorting a 97 year old lady to her resting place. I am providing 6 well dress college kids in suits the way she directed me to. I can do all kinds of services. My speciality is old Harley Riders, I have a special trailor casket for these fine fella. Painted gold and black with the Bar and Shield. I cvan provde full Harley escort service to and for an additional $250, all the riders will piss on ur grave after the ceremony is over. PS I don't do honder riders ....

My menu has some restriftions. : I don't do black/brown, muzzy's. lesbo's, queens,, towel heads. Some changes can be made for the right amount of money. I siad I have rules but I did not say I was stupid.
This could turn into sumpin bigger than maybe I want even,so I am thinkin of franchising. Lookfor us on the webb site under: JOCKO'S CATERING SERVICE

The pissin on ur grave part is under sub section 9 called We aim to please:

I have francise packets reqady to ail if anyone is interested----at a cost though..:D

08-07-2013, 10:35 PM
where do I send my money? pm sent ----- NOT!

Can't believe you'd pass up the opportunity to piss on a dead honder rider. Just sayin'

08-08-2013, 12:04 AM
Bawanna, any time you can land a boat and walk away from it, its been a really good duck hunt. Just sayin....

Anytime I can walk away from anything it'll be a honest to by gosh miracle.

A good duck hunt will have to do though.