08-06-2013, 01:33 PM
Yes, this has probably been posted elsewhere on these forums but...
Any interested parties in Pennsylvania?
Kahr Firearms Group, a pistol and rifle maker based less than an hour’s drive north of Manhattan in Rockland County, N.Y., is moving across the border to Pennsylvania.
“We don’t feel welcome,” said Frank Harris, vice president for sales and marketing at Kahr. In Pennsylvania, he said: “All the people we were dealing with on the town level were hunters and comfortable with firearms. We were received with open arms.”
Kahr® Firearms Group Plans Major Expansion in Pennsylvania
July 1, 2013
Pearl River, NY – Kahr Firearms Group is engaged in discussions with a development group representing Blooming Grove Township of Pike County Pennsylvania, to open a new manufacturing site and relocate the Kahr corporate office from New York to Pennsylvania. Kahr’s corporate offices are currently located in Rockland County in Pearl River, New York.
Map unty,+Pennsylvania&fb=1&gl=us&hq=Blooming+Grove+Township+is+a+township&hnear=0x89c4a2843833035d:0x6c6f6ad16c966936,Pike,+ PA&cid=0,0,14011956681354691839&ei=7fkAUveMHZLF4APEkYFA&ved=0CJwBEPwSMAs
Any interested parties in Pennsylvania?
Kahr Firearms Group, a pistol and rifle maker based less than an hour’s drive north of Manhattan in Rockland County, N.Y., is moving across the border to Pennsylvania.
“We don’t feel welcome,” said Frank Harris, vice president for sales and marketing at Kahr. In Pennsylvania, he said: “All the people we were dealing with on the town level were hunters and comfortable with firearms. We were received with open arms.”
Kahr® Firearms Group Plans Major Expansion in Pennsylvania
July 1, 2013
Pearl River, NY – Kahr Firearms Group is engaged in discussions with a development group representing Blooming Grove Township of Pike County Pennsylvania, to open a new manufacturing site and relocate the Kahr corporate office from New York to Pennsylvania. Kahr’s corporate offices are currently located in Rockland County in Pearl River, New York.
Map unty,+Pennsylvania&fb=1&gl=us&hq=Blooming+Grove+Township+is+a+township&hnear=0x89c4a2843833035d:0x6c6f6ad16c966936,Pike,+ PA&cid=0,0,14011956681354691839&ei=7fkAUveMHZLF4APEkYFA&ved=0CJwBEPwSMAs