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08-07-2013, 05:31 AM
Gun Owners of America
Whether We Win or Lose on Anti-gun
ObamaCare is Our Choice
“Go to GunOwners.org and sign up and become a member of GOA. It’s cheap and it’s an excellent way to stay informed on the issues with the no-compromise gun group [in] in Washington DC.” -- Talk radio host Steve Deace, June 4, 2013

Cowards can find a thousand reasons for not doing what they’re afraid to do.

After staging 38 votes to repeal the anti-gun ObamaCare law -- and having Harry Reid throw their bills in the wastebasket 38 times -- House and Senate Republicans now have a chance to force ObamaCare repeal right down Harry Reid’s throat.

The only question is whether or not they have the courage.

Gun owners have opposed ObamaCare since its inception, given that a national health database could be used by federal bureaucrats to disarm millions of law-abiding Americans. The use of medical data has already been used to disarm gun owners in New York -- and has led to more than 150,000 military veterans losing their gun rights for ailments such as PTSD.

This law must be defunded prior to October 1, when two things happen:

* The first is that the “health care exchanges” are supposed to come on line. People -- and particularly young people -- will find out how much money they’re going to have to flush down the toilet for inflated politically correct premiums, under penalty of law.

* The second thing that happens on October 1 is that much of the federal government will “slow down” -- not shut down as has been erroneously reported -- unless a funding bill called a “Continuing Resolution,” or CR for short, is approved. For better or worse, most of the federal government will continue to operate as usual, and all “essential” discretionary functions will continue as well.

But there’s one thing that’s definitely “not essential,” and that’s ObamaCare.

In the Senate, Republican Mike Lee of Utah sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on behalf of almost a dozen colleagues, stating that they will not support a Continuing Resolution that funds the implementation of the anti-gun ObamaCare law.

In the House, Rep. Steve Stockman introduced H.Res. 333 on Friday -- a resolution that, if passed, would forbid the House of Representatives from passing a CR that funds ObamaCare.

So to recap the bidding: On the very day that the American people flip their lids over this wildly unpopular ObamaCare mandate, Republicans have the opportunity to stage a showdown. And if they win, ObamaCare goes down the tubes, along with the rest of Barack Obama’s agenda.

So, given that option, why would the GOP not want to pursue it? Just listen to what a few Republican senators have said recently:

* Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) said that using the CR to defund ObamaCare is the “dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.”

* Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) said that, “I think it’s a silly effort.”

* Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) said this was the “dumbest idea” he had ever heard.

* And Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said the effort was “a bridge too far for me.”

Despite these acts of cowardice, the American people are firmly behind Congress doing something to defang this anti-gun law.

According to a CNN poll, 73% of the American people favor repealing ObamaCare, either fully or partially (March 2012). So given the widespread opposition to this anti-gun law, why are many GOP legislators balking at this opportunity to drive a stake through its ugly heart?

There are at least five misrepresentations that some Republicans are using to justify their cowardice on ObamaCare. Click here to see what these misstatements are and how they can be easily answered.

ACTION: Contact your Senators and Representatives. Tell them to insist that NO Continuing Resolution to fund the government contain money for the ObamaCare individual mandate. Take these three actions right away:

1. Click here to contact your Senators and Representatives. Urge your Senators to sign onto the Lee letter and your Representative to sign onto the Stockman resolution (H.Res. 333). You can also call your legislators using the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121.

2. Distribute this alert to all your family, friends and co-workers and encourage them all to take action.

3. Be sure to visit your legislators in person at any Town Hall meetings they schedule this month during their August break. You can contact their offices (at 202-224-3121) to find out when they’ll be hosting a Town Hall meeting in your area.
Please do not reply directly to this message, as your reply will bounce back as undeliverable.
Please forward this e-mail to friends and family
Gun Owners of America
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102
Springfield, VA 22151 703-321-8585


08-07-2013, 04:57 PM
I'm in support of defunding Obama-care as a form of public statement even though I don't think it would work. Obama would just veto the bill and that would cause a government shutdown for which Obama would blame the republicans. I believe that Obama-care will fall ultimately of its own weight.

08-07-2013, 08:25 PM
Only bad part about it failing on it's own weight is that the government will take it over like they wanted to in the 1st place. Call it a "Single Payer Plan". Socialized medicine.

08-08-2013, 10:35 AM
+1...Agree with deadeye and mugsey...ObamaCare is unworkable and unsustainable and will ultimately fail which I believe is the real "final solution" plan the Socialcrats had in mind from the get go....When ObamaCare does fail and it will, our current system will be so damaged that the only way to continue healthcare will be Government takeover and Socialized Medicine which is what the left really wants in the first place and that is to have every citizen left with no other choice but to be dependents of the state for every aspect of their lives...

The sad news is how many business owners will be forced to throw in the towel, give up and go out of business rather than try and deal with all the red tape, fines and cost of trying to continue operation with the ball and chain of ObamaCare attached to their bottom line which means unemployment or under employment for their workers if the business can limp along with part time hours to avoid ObamaCare fines...Ultimately America will face substandard health care, high unemployment, recession and possible irreparable damage to the economy and our way of life...

Nancy spoke the truth....We have to pass it before we can know whats in it........Ain't Socialism Grand?

08-08-2013, 06:18 PM
I don't see anything really wrong with the new health care legislation/plan. Sure there will be a few wrinkles to iron out but it does appear to be a much needed step forward. I just wish we had real socialized medicine, like our military and most modern first world countries.

08-08-2013, 06:27 PM
ObamaCare will fail miserably. Actuaries have already said as much. The system cannot handle it. It was the intended purpose to begin with. That's not a conspiracy theory, just the way it is. Nobody with half a brain can think that the funding as its designed can support the weight of the costs. Its impossible. Might as well be trying to flap your arms and fly. Once it collapses, full blown socialized medicine will be what the moochers and masses want, and they may get it. If they do, the quality of healthcare in this country will be COOKED.

The countries that have socialized medicine do not have the issues, demographics, size, cost of living, or some combination thereof that we have in this country and our politicians do not have the stones to deal with those FIRST before attempting socialized medicine.

As to 'modern first world countries'. For every one person you find that claims how great it is...I can find more that do not.

There have been plenty of comparisons of how it works in those places and how those solutions cannot make it or work here because of one factor or another. Google it.

08-08-2013, 06:58 PM
I don't see anything really wrong with the new health care legislation/plan. Sure there will be a few wrinkles to iron out but it does appear to be a much needed step forward. I just wish we had real socialized medicine, like our military and most modern first world countries.

The day the sheeple allowed the government to tax you for something you didn't do is the beginning of downward spiral of tyranny.

08-08-2013, 07:27 PM
I don't see anything really wrong with the new health care legislation/plan. Sure there will be a few wrinkles to iron out but it does appear to be a much needed step forward. I just wish we had real socialized medicine, like our military and most modern first world countries.

One way to Sweden enjoy the healthcare.... leave your guns here, not allowed there

mr surveyor
08-08-2013, 07:28 PM
what the hell happened to personal responsibility in this country

08-08-2013, 08:39 PM
The day the sheeple allowed the government to tax you for something you didn't do is the beginning of downward spiral of tyranny.

It's gonna take me bit to unravel that. I'll be ta gettin' back to you with somethin' tomorrow.

08-08-2013, 08:50 PM
ObamaCare will fail miserably. Actuaries have already said as much. The system cannot handle it. It was the intended purpose to begin with. That's not a conspiracy theory, just the way it is. Nobody with half a brain can think that the funding as its designed can support the weight of the costs. Its impossible. Might as well be trying to flap your arms and fly. Once it collapses, full blown socialized medicine will be what the moochers and masses want, and they may get it. If they do, the quality of healthcare in this country will be COOKED.

The countries that have socialized medicine do not have the issues, demographics, size, cost of living, or some combination thereof that we have in this country and our politicians do not have the stones to deal with those FIRST before attempting socialized medicine.

As to 'modern first world countries'. For every one person you find that claims how great it is...I can find more that do not.

There have been plenty of comparisons of how it works in those places and how those solutions cannot make it or work here because of one factor or another. Google it.

I just think it worked really well for me for all the years I spent in the military. What I've seen since is a grossly inefficient system that almost spends more just on inane EOB statements and postage and arguing with doctors than it does on actual health care. I mean, I'm pretty much immune due to my high end PPO plan but in the end it's all sadly inefficiently funny....and pathetic.

08-08-2013, 09:49 PM
I just think it worked really well for me for all the years I spent in the military. What I've seen since is a grossly inefficient system that almost spends more just on inane EOB statements and postage and arguing with doctors than it does on actual health care. I mean, I'm pretty much immune due to my high end PPO plan but in the end it's all sadly inefficiently funny....and pathetic.

Maybe, but think about it. What percentage of the population (compared to the overall population) in the military have cancer, are overweight, smoke, well strike that one :-), have a heart condition, have babies...I could go on all night. The answer is nowhere near the same level as the general population. Overall, the military is an extremely YOUNG crowd compared to the rest of the country.

I'm totally serious, and not trying to be argumentative or condescending...do some digging. It's just not gonna work, then, when we go full socialized medicine, it's not gonna be ANYTHING like what you had in the military. And from what I read (just read), what the military folks get ain't anywhere near the level of the private sector. I've visited family friends, church members, etc in the VA. No thanks. I'm glad there is a fall back for those folks, because of their service. But they deserve better, and better is NOT gonna be letting the government run it all. Then we'll all have VA quality care.

I understand there could be a PILE of people here that either work for or highly respect the VA facilities in this country. I'm sure by and large they are fine institutions, but they are not on par with a modern private hospital (on average).

08-08-2013, 09:56 PM
The bigger issue here people are loosing sight of, particularly people who are backing ObamaCare and ultimately a socialized single-payer healthcare system. The real point and question to be answered is 'so what'. Is the current system inefficient, somewhat, yes. Is it expensive, yes, quality frequently is. Are there screw up doctors, inequality, unfairness, yep...it's life, get used to it. Is there fraud, yes, put 'em in jail for a change. Are insurance companies evil and profiteering, nope, that part is a MYTH, again, talk to an actuary for awhile.

But, and here are the big BUTTs. Why should I be forced into it? Why can I not CHOOSE who I want to be collectively priced with? Why should the government have control of it, they do NOTHING else well, why will this be different? Where do they get off forcing me to do anything? Answer, because we have let them do it, and now we have to reverse it somehow, starting in 2014 and then 2016.

08-09-2013, 03:25 AM
Here's the answer: Power and Control
1/6th of the U.S. economy will be in there control.
Tobacco, firearms and Pharmaceuticals all under that umbrella.
Overseen by the SS aka IRS
no thank you....

08-09-2013, 05:23 AM
I just think it worked really well for me for all the years I spent in the military. What I've seen since is a grossly inefficient system that almost spends more just on inane EOB statements and postage and arguing with doctors than it does on actual health care. I mean, I'm pretty much immune due to my high end PPO plan but in the end it's all sadly inefficiently funny....and pathetic.

Just exactly how much MORE taxation are you willing to put up with to pay for this? 6%? 10%? 15%? on top of what you already pay. Imagine the cscreams when those who do not currently pay any federal income taxes are suddenly hit with a 5% or 10% or 15% healthcare tax that EVERYONE must pay in order for the system to work.

See that military healthcare you think you liked was spread out amongst a whole heck of alot more taxpayers than just the military personel. Kinda like how that Massachusetts healthcare "Romneycare" was partially funded by a fed govt grant. Now that that grant is gone the taxes had to go up to pay for it and they going to have to go up again and now the people of Mass aint so happy with it. They want a fed plan now only thing is there aint no govt above our fed govt to get a grant from to pay for some of it. maybe now you can see how that fed govt got some $16 trillion in debt...

Ask the democrats why they did not offer a system much like the Canadian system. I asked serveral democrat supporters and to the letter they wanted such a system but didn't want to pay for it the same way. Go find out how that system is paid for and then remember that they had a big meet in Saskatoon recently to figure out how to get a handle on the exploding increase in cost. I believe they decided more taxes and less service was the answer.

Those who supported the idea either believe it is intended to fail and a single payer system will be the result or believed that it could be funded on the backs of those who make over $200/250k per year. While it may be so that it was intended to fail even the vaunted UK govt is privatizing it's system as hard as they can because it dont work as currently designed.

The honest truth is when it is someone elses money or perceived as such you spend more than you would if it were your own. My daughter complains about her co pay when she takes my grandson to see the doctor for a sniffle but the next sniffle he has she is right back there again. IF she paid for it out of her pocket she would wait until he was actually sick with something a bit more serious but since her insurance catches 75% or so...

08-09-2013, 08:35 AM
Active duty health care isn't a fair comparison to socialized medicine from other countries.

The Veterans Administration's health care system for our veterans... Now THAT is a fair comparison -- and it shows just how badly a socialized system of medicine works. Too many bureaucrats, too much paperwork, too few doctors, too many patients waiting for checkups and procedures and referrals -- and you can't see a specialist WITHOUT a referral.

08-09-2013, 04:57 PM
Maybe, but think about it. What percentage of the population (compared to the overall population) in the military have cancer, are overweight, smoke, well strike that one :-), have a heart condition, have babies...I could go on all night. The answer is nowhere near the same level as the general population. Overall, the military is an extremely YOUNG crowd compared to the rest of the country.

I'm totally serious, and not trying to be argumentative or condescending...do some digging. It's just not gonna work, then, when we go full socialized medicine, it's not gonna be ANYTHING like what you had in the military. And from what I read (just read), what the military folks get ain't anywhere near the level of the private sector. I've visited family friends, church members, etc in the VA. No thanks. I'm glad there is a fall back for those folks, because of their service. But they deserve better, and better is NOT gonna be letting the government run it all. Then we'll all have VA quality care.

I understand there could be a PILE of people here that either work for or highly respect the VA facilities in this country. I'm sure by and large they are fine institutions, but they are not on par with a modern private hospital (on average).

That be a very good point!

My original post in this thread was facetious, btw. I think Obama care is pretty wrong headed.