View Full Version : Would you get the new PM9 for the better trigger?

08-08-2013, 08:28 PM
Would you get the new PM9 for the better trigger?

Has anyone thought that they might want to trade your CM9 in on the new PM9 with the shorter trigger pull? In a self-defense situation, every advantage counts and after all these are self defense pistols, nothing else.

Any thoughts?

I have been pondering this for a while. I have sold some other guns so money doesn't enter the question.



08-08-2013, 08:38 PM
no. I like what I've got, for sevaral reasons.

The original has a longer pull, and it has no safety. That long pull makes the pistol as safe to carry in the pocket as a double action revolver. The new trigger also has a safety. Makes me go hmmm. Why? Could be the new trigger needs to have a safety.

08-08-2013, 09:10 PM
Not me, but please yourself.

08-08-2013, 09:55 PM

08-09-2013, 12:15 AM
Nope. I like the original design without the external safety for what its purpose is. I like that the long deliberate trigger pull is the safety.

I do agree with you that "every advantage counts". The advantage is when you are in a high stress situation, you can just draw your weapon and pull the trigger. Nothing else to fumble with.

08-09-2013, 05:11 AM
Yes. It confuses me why people are so concerned about the safety. It doesn't have to be used and doesn't protrude....it's a non-issue.

08-09-2013, 06:41 AM
I will keep my CM9.

The only way I would trade if is I could get one that would take a set of Bawanna Grips :)

08-09-2013, 06:44 AM
Yes. It confuses me why people are so concerned about the safety. It doesn't have to be used and doesn't protrude....it's a non-issue.

Not concerned about the safety at all. Just prefer the original design. I CAN use the original safety and don't have to bother switching it on or off. Perfect.

But if OP wants to try the new trigger then I say go for it. Reminds me of my LDA and I recommend those too.

08-09-2013, 08:03 AM
Yes. It confuses me why people are so concerned about the safety. It doesn't have to be used and doesn't protrude....it's a non-issue.

I called Kahr about a year ago and someone there told me that the trigger is much lighter and that you would not want to carry it with a round in the chamber and the safety off.

Icer, do you have one? Maybe someone here that has one can educate us on this topic.

08-09-2013, 08:39 AM
I do have one. Some people may think that this "enhanced trigger" takes away the "long trigger pull safety" and that's simply not true. It's only about 1/8" shorter pull. It's still a very safe gun to carry with the safety off. As far as a lighter trigger, I did buy a new lighter striker spring but when I installed it, I didn't notice a difference. I guess it may come with a lighter one from the factory....not sure.

08-09-2013, 08:55 AM
I like my PM9 just as it is. I would be happy if all of my handguns had the Kahr trigger.

08-09-2013, 09:03 AM
I like my PM9 just as it is. I would be happy if all of my handguns had the Kahr trigger.


And to comment on what Kahr said about not carrying with one in the chamber and the safety off...

It doesn't matter if the trigger travel is an inch or 1/16 of an inch.... doesn't matter if the pull weight is 6lbs or 2lbs....

If you keep your finger OFF the trigger until you are READY to shoot, the gun WILL NOT fire until you want it to.

Bullshit like this is why so many politicians, prosecutors, and the uninformed public think it's completely absurd that a civilian would want to carry with one in the chamber.

08-09-2013, 09:19 AM

And to comment on what Kahr said about not carrying with one in the chamber and the safety off...

It doesn't matter if the trigger travel is an inch or 1/16 of an inch.... doesn't matter if the pull weight is 6lbs or 2lbs....

If you keep your finger OFF the trigger until you are READY to shoot, the gun WILL NOT fire until you want it to.

Bullshit like this is why so many politicians, prosecutors, and the uninformed public think it's completely absurd that a civilian would want to carry with one in the chamber.

Agreed. What Kahr said is probably CYA. but...

The shorter the pull and lighter the trigger, the greater the odds of an accidental trigger pull. It's naive to think they cannot happen. So at some point a manual safety makes sense. But that's a personal decision (not for government BS artists). I'm just real comfortable with the original design but encourage anyone who likes the new style. Options are good.

08-09-2013, 09:24 AM
b4uqzme: u hit 500 posts today, the colonel willbe sending u a nice gift. He does that with people who hit the 500 mark, so I hear, as he seems to delete my posts when I hit 498 but the colonel picks who gets the gift to. Just sayin

08-09-2013, 09:34 AM
How much time is the shorter trigger pull really going to save you? a 10th of a second? Doesn't seem like much of an advantage to me. And if I have multiple Kahrs, I want the trigger to be about the same on all of them.

08-09-2013, 09:42 AM
b4uqzme: u hit 500 posts today, the colonel willbe sending u a nice gift. He does that with people who hit the 500 mark, so I hear, as he seems to delete my posts when I hit 498 but the colonel picks who gets the gift to. Just sayin

just ask for "BLUE BOY" I'll be holding my breath.

Thanks for noticing

08-09-2013, 10:01 AM
Options are good.

This may be blasphemy but...

This could be an example of when those goofball politicians in Mass. ACCIDENTALLY did some good. Thanks to them, we now have the option to buy Kahrs with manual safeties. Check the internet and you will find plenty of posts stating; "I would buy a Kahr but I prefer manual safeties".

Every squirrel finds a nut sometimes.

08-09-2013, 10:43 AM
Would you get the new PM9 for the better trigger?

I'm happy with my PM9 just the way it is thank you. ;)

08-09-2013, 02:50 PM
I might have missed something on Kahr's factory website, but I understood Kahr stating that while the length of trigger pull is reduced, the weight is 7-1/2# for both designs?

Also, the thumb safety moves UP to move it into the fire position...which is opposite to every other pistol I own that has a manual safety (Shield, SR40c, Taurus MilPro), so even if I choose to not use the Kahr's safety, the "feel" of the safety in the "fire" position could induce me to move it downwards to ready the pistol to fire.

Somebody please correct me if I've got this wrong...I don't see any advantage of the new trio of features (LCI, Manual safety, trigger travel), but one really serious (to me) problem with the safety's activation/de-activation positions.

08-09-2013, 03:11 PM
mY 21 CENTS. the new enhanced trigger that comes on the kahrs with the external safety has the same trigger poundage as all kahrs, U can yourself reduce tht buy going to wolffs gunsprings and buying the 5# striker spring. that bein said the new enhanced trigger TRAVEL is now gonna be a 1/4" travel instead of what all kahrs today have with no external safety of 3/8" travel. Now some might say the enhanced seems like less poundage and lets face it a 1/4" travel is not gonna put alot of pressure on that finger for u to figure out if it is more or less. Its gonna go boom real fast. Tghat is also why kahr WILL NOT put the enhanced trigger in the kahrs withut a external safety. It would be as hairy as a glock only no safety what so ever. IMO the enhance is probably way over rated for IMO it would take a hell of a good shooter to notice the difference in 1/8" less trigger travel and that is what u are getting with the 3/8" down to 1/4". but again when I looke din my kitchen drawer where we keep 8 knives allthe time , we are now one knife short in that drawer, so I could be off on some of thisw sh!t to. Just sayin

08-09-2013, 03:35 PM
mY 21 CENTS. the new enhanced trigger that comes on the kahrs with the external safety has the same trigger poundage as all kahrs, U can yourself reduce tht buy going to wolffs gunsprings and buying the 5# striker spring. that bein said the new enhanced trigger TRAVEL is now gonna be a 1/4" travel instead of what all kahrs today have with no external safety of 3/8" travel. Now some might say the enhanced seems like less poundage and lets face it a 1/4" travel is not gonna put alot of pressure on that finger for u to figure out if it is more or less. Its gonna go boom real fast. Tghat is also why kahr WILL NOT put the enhanced trigger in the kahrs withut a external safety. It would be as hairy as a glock only no safety what so ever. IMO the enhance is probably way over rated for IMO it would take a hell of a good shooter to notice the difference in 1/8" less trigger travel and that is what u are getting with the 3/8" down to 1/4". but again when I looke din my kitchen drawer where we keep 8 knives allthe time , we are now one knife short in that drawer, so I could be off on some of thisw sh!t to. Just sayin

Until you try one you have no right to say it's hairy or over rated. Let's face it, anyone that has a PM9 w/o "enhanced trigger" will hate it and say they like what they have. Why? Because what they have kicks ass! The standard Kahr trigger is awesome.....I had one and still have a P380 w/o "ET". BUT...IMO, anyone looking to get a new Kahr should consider the "Enhanced Trigger". Don't cut it down unless you actually tried one.:cool:

08-09-2013, 06:02 PM
Until you try one you have no right to say it's hairy or over rated. Let's face it, anyone that has a PM9 w/o "enhanced trigger" will hate it and say they like what they have. Why? Because what they have kicks ass! The standard Kahr trigger is awesome.....I had one and still have a P380 w/o "ET". BUT...IMO, anyone looking to get a new Kahr should consider the "Enhanced Trigger". Don't cut it down unless you actually tried one.:cool:

I might love the new trigger. I haven't tried one. But, I don't want a safety and the trigger I have is fine. That's just me. So, back to the point of the thread, I might get one for the new trigger, if it didn't have a safety.

I am glad there are choices as I know many folks like safeties and I see folks asking about "improving" the Kahr trigger at times. Choice is a wonderful thing and I am just fine that many folks may choose differently than I.

08-09-2013, 06:44 PM
Until you try one you have no right to say it's hairy or over rated. Let's face it, anyone that has a PM9 w/o "enhanced trigger" will hate it and say they like what they have. Why? Because what they have kicks ass! The standard Kahr trigger is awesome.....I had one and still have a P380 w/o "ET". BUT...IMO, anyone looking to get a new Kahr should consider the "Enhanced Trigger". Don't cut it down unless you actually tried one.:cool:

u didnt read it very well. I diidn't knock it, I just stated some facts of the trigger difference. Evidenlly u are good enough to tell that difference in 1/8" less travel. Most cannot. Would I have one, would not bother me in thge slightest to own one but I am not a fan of external safety, so more than likely I will pass on owning one.

380 do not come with ET by the way.:Amflag2: It isI MO overrated in the sense that some think this ET which most don't even know the actual difference from the kahr elite triggers, think they have now died and went to heaven. Just sayin

08-09-2013, 08:36 PM
I can draw and fire seven rounds from my CM9 in under three seconds. Where's the problem?

08-09-2013, 11:42 PM
After thinking about this some more, I can see the draw of the enhanced trigger. They called it "enhanced". People like "enhanced". I like "enhanced". I know I like guns with tuned triggers better than stock triggers (generally). Better triggers are better, right? That is why many of us put in aftermarket striker springs and do a little polish work on the trigger bar. But that is as far as I need to go (on the Kahrs) because (for me) the external safety is a BIG TURN OFF for me (for the purpose of these guns). For me.

That being said, I won't turn it down if Icer wants to give me his. ;)

08-10-2013, 12:52 AM
I have a MUCH easier way to decide. Whatever on the trigger, makes no nevermind to me. Safeties on handguns are stupid. I won't own a handgun with one. Ever.

08-10-2013, 07:25 AM
Would you get the new PM9 for the better trigger?

NO............ and I'll leave it at that.

08-10-2013, 08:15 AM
I bought kahrs partly because of the trigger and having NO safety. Much more like the revolver I CC'd for many years. I will not CC a pistol with a safety on it. But for those that want a safety its a good thang as so many newbes out there want that feature. Now no matter if the safety flips up or down to a new be it may not matter. Time will tell if it stays around. No big deal other wise just another option to bring some new shooters to the kahr line of pistols.

Wonder whats next?? Maybe grip panels like ruger did to the 22/45 on kahrs poly frames !! UHMMMM

08-10-2013, 08:27 AM
Would you get the new PM9 for the better trigger?

NO............ and I'll leave it at that.

makes sense that those of us who already own Kahrs would prefer the old style --- that's why we bought them. So most of our responses are pretty predictable. But there are others out there who may prefer the ET/safety/LCI and now they have that option. Go for it!

08-10-2013, 09:44 AM
I don't even consider a gun that has a safety that isn't left handed shooter friendly. It's awkward enough, for a southpaw, to use a stiff slide release.

08-10-2013, 10:00 AM
makes sense that those of us who already own Kahrs would prefer the old style --- that's why we bought them. So most of our responses are pretty predictable. But there are others out there who may prefer the ET/safety/LCI and now they have that option. Go for it!

Bingo...couldn't of summed it up any better

Gringo Pistolero
08-10-2013, 10:12 AM
makes sense that those of us who already own Kahrs would prefer the old style --- that's why we bought them. So most of our responses are pretty predictable. But there are others out there who may prefer the ET/safety/LCI and now they have that option. Go for it!

I agree completely. I also assumed that the manual safety/LCI version was primarily designed for sale in states that require those features. Thankfully, I don't live in one of those!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-10-2013, 10:55 AM
I don't even consider a gun that has a safety that isn't left handed shooter friendly. It's awkward enough, for a southpaw, to use a stiff slide release.

but I bein a lefty have found thatIhave worked around right hand guns with ease. Ihave zero issues with any safety on any gun due to me bein a lefty. Probably today if they made a complete gun friendlyt left hand gun I would have to re adapt to it.that safety on the kahrs would prove jo issue to me if that is what is u had. I certainly have no issues with some people wanting an external safety either. I always felt kahr made um that way to get into some of the states that mandate an external safety. Maybe not... The LCI is sumpin that i feel is not needed.

08-11-2013, 05:54 AM
I would never not buy a pistol because it had an external safety on it. There is no law that says I have to use it, so it's really a non issue. If it makes some folks happy ,then I'm happy for them. If Kahr and some other gun manufactures need to but them on some pistols to get them past certain states safety requirements so they can be sold in that state ,then I'm happy for them as well, as it all about business and making a profit, and the more product you sell the more you make. Having choices that appeal to some folks is never a bad business move. $$$ Cha Ching.
I'm also a lefty and I've adapted very well to living in a right hand world. Most tools I've used in my life were designed for right handed people there was no ambi tools back then. As a matter of fact I feel quite lucky to be left handed as it has made me more ambidextrous than most folks. No complaints here.

08-11-2013, 09:58 AM
I'm not complaining. All lefty's have to adapt and we're better for it. I work in construction, trust me, I had to adapt to a right hand world. I use all my tools ambidextrously. However, why buy a gun with a safety that's so awkward (for me) that it will never get used? It would just add mechanical parts that could fail. I guess I'm kind of a minimalist when it comes to mechanical things. Less moving parts = less prone to failure. That was is my main draw to Kahrs and Glocks. On a side note, I personally find AK and AR rifles left hand friendly. We don't need no stinkin' bad lever. As far as Kahrs business decision goes, good for them. More options means a larger market. Cheers!

Didn't mean to lead op astray, sorry, tangents happen.

08-11-2013, 10:11 AM
no doubt more parts "theoraticaly" more possabilities of issues. I can't saya though that I have ever read of a safety malfunctioning. I would be willing to bet though: that is a new gun owner who has never bought a gun before, be it man or woman and who knew not alot about guns would choose a gun with a saFETY ANY DAYT OF THE WEEK, so kahr is filling that void IMO for thouse who want a safety... We do adapt. Most maybe cannot remember back 30-40 years ago where deamn near every semi had a safety. Times and peoples thoughts have certainly changed since then but my point is that at one time most all guns had safetys of some sort. glock calls that SAS a safety, which to me is a pisss poor excuse for a safety buy it is what it is. I would call your fokking trigger out of the trigger guard a safety. Hammer blocks in semi's todayt are a safety...

odd that the 1911 boys don't seem to consider it a design flaw or sumpin that could go wrong..