View Full Version : Good LEO

08-09-2013, 07:07 PM
Driving around a detour in an unfamiliar area with the wife this evening. Came up on a right turn with a police car in the oncoming lane waiting to turn left. Lots of orange detour signs and a temporary stop sign on the other side of a ditch. I never saw the sign but my wife did. And of course she let me know about it. Sure enough I get pulled by the officer. First time in 7 or 8 years. Had my license, registration and carry permit out the window as he approached and let him know I was legally armed. He asked where it was and I told him my back pocket. I also told him my wife informed me that I missed a stop sign. Officer says okay he's just going to run my license. Never says another word about the pistol. Comes back and says 'it (the sign) hasn't been up long' and my record is spotless so he's giving me a verbal warning. We always read stories about LEO's acting poorly. Just wanted to acknowledge one who did just the opposite. And I would have felt the same even if he'd have given me a ticket because I did miss the sign.

08-09-2013, 07:21 PM
also to u showed good will in what u did to. works both ways, bein nice most of the time gets nice back, bein an ass usually always gets the worst case scenario. Just sayin

08-09-2013, 07:41 PM
I've never had a bad experience with a LEO. The few tickets that I got early in life were well deserved. I had a lead foot. In each instance I showed respect for the law and the law showed respect for me. Respect is generally a two way street.

08-09-2013, 08:05 PM
I got 3 motorcycle tickets in one day in 3 differ3ent locations by anIllinois state cop, and Indiana state cop and a fokking barney fiffe town marshall. Of all 3 I was ableto talk my wayout of two of them and the other I wasable to have him write me a burned out headlight which was $75 fine but no points aganst me.the other two I just l8ied like a mother-fokker and my age helped alot to..

08-09-2013, 08:36 PM
Word to the wise, never EVER refer to a LEO as "Barny Fife" to his face. It will always end in a ticket.

I found this out early on and learned my lesson!

Still don't quite understand the animosity to one being compared to ol' Barny. He's my favorite LEO of all time???

08-09-2013, 09:07 PM
also to u showed good will in what u did to. works both ways, bein nice most of the time gets nice back, bein an ass usually always gets the worst case scenario. Just sayin

Life's a mirror. Be an a$$ and you'll meet an a$$. Be nice and you'll be treated nice.

This is a timely post. I was just thinking about this today. I used to be one of those Christmas Eve shoppers. Got a kick watching stressed-out shoppers getting grief from overworked store clerks. I'd give the clerks sweetness and honey. And they'd reach under the counter and give me coupons and discounts and stuff. Just agreein'.

08-10-2013, 06:30 AM
The "attitude" test is good to remember. Remember the old Indian saying; "never judge a man, until you've walked a mile in his moccasins. "

Longitude Zero
08-10-2013, 07:25 AM
Life's a mirror. Be an a$$ and you'll meet an a$$. Be nice and you'll be treated nice.

Absolute truth here and words to the wise.

08-10-2013, 08:14 AM

We kinda hi-jacked your post here. Just our way of giving you some of the credit for that good LEO you met.


08-11-2013, 06:10 PM
As a 15 year LEO, I can't stress enough that being friendly goes a long way. It is hard for me to write a ticket to a nice person, but extremely easy to write one to an a$$.

When I stop someone with a CCW permit, they usually show me their CCW and inform me they're armed. I appreciate it, but I never ask where their firearm is at. Out of curiosity, I will often ask what they carry. They've informed me, they're legally licensed, and I have absolutely no reason to fear them being armed. I actually thank them for carrying when I give them their warning.

08-11-2013, 07:48 PM
When I stop someone with a CCW permit, they usually show me their CCW and inform me they're armed. I appreciate it, but I never ask where their firearm is at. Out of curiosity, I will often ask what they carry.

In my experience, most LEO's are "gun folks" and I've never had a problem with being asked what I have. I do the same in my job every day, though not LEO related. Most folks are happy to talk about their firearms. Flags tend to be raised when I ask what I think is an innocent question and get the cold shoulder.

08-11-2013, 08:38 PM
The real question is, what was in your back pocket?

08-12-2013, 03:10 PM
A cw-45.