View Full Version : Can you pass an 8th grade exam?

08-13-2013, 04:02 PM
I couldn't... :(


08-13-2013, 06:02 PM
You can Blame this on the liberal professors, teaching the student(soon to be a teacher) who teaches our children.
I knew 88% of these but I know my college educated kids would get 50% or less!
Truly there is an intentional brainwashing/dumbing down scene going on for the past 40 years!
Kids have no clue about wwII VietNam or Reagan....

08-13-2013, 06:34 PM
when I was in my late teens and early 20's I never kept an eye on politics or that stuff. I just didn't. I was to interested in to many utter things that I thoght back then was more important. I guess I statedto get more informeedin politics when I could see our government taking from mme and giivin it to the certainly worthless POS people whe have standiung in line for a handout when they didn't need it. Hell most ofg us here have probably raised our kids and enjoying the sun with a cool beer and wetend to want what is better for our kids than what we had and we seehow our government is taking us down the wrong path. It iswhen ur kids get ajob and see his paycheck top line with his pay and then 15 lines down he willseewhat he actually cantake home, and when he readsin between the lines, then maybe he will start reading the papers better, and for that matter reading the correct papers to....

08-14-2013, 01:43 AM
I can tell you that if you gave this test to a senior class today with a 70% required to pass and graduate that we would have a 2% graduation rate. These kids have tunnel vision. They don't open up their eyes to the world and information that surrounds them and soak it in. It passes through them like the advertisements on television.

08-14-2013, 02:33 PM
I disagree, today the teachers would teach the test, and nothing else. That's what Florida teachers do with the FCAT tests, they say - and they complain about doing that. So they'd spend all year long on memorizing 57 answers and nothing else. And still have an embarrassing failure rate.

08-14-2013, 04:12 PM
I could pass the 8th grade test when I was in the 8th grade, but I've forgotten a lot over the years. Comes with age.

08-14-2013, 06:38 PM
Back then, kids went to school to learn. Education was still pretty rare back then, in some areas. School wasn't an all day babysitter, as it is now. And many kids were done at 8th grade. I'm think my father had to quit at 6th grade, yet he was pretty good with figures, he was a carpenter, when he wasn't farming, both of which require a fair amount of math. It's the same with many of the foreign kids here. They don't have the educational opportunities we have in their home land, so they take advantage of it. My friend's wife is Korean, and she there was hell to pay if their kids brought home a report card with that wasn't all A's. Today many spoiled kids, use school as a place to hang out, meet chicks, score some dope, and could care less if they got an education, somebody will take care of them. Plus they've lowered the standards, so that they don't have to hold kids back, and hurt their little self esteem.
I think it's time for segregated schools again. Not by race, but by desire to learn. For those that want to be street hustlers and scrape by on the system, go to one set of schools where they have to learn enough to "get by", and have those that really want to learn things and go to college, go to a different set of schools. That would probably be safer for the "nerds" anyway, separate them from the hustlers and jr. thugs. Maybe have some Vo-Tech classes for the kids that want to do well, but aren't smart enough for college, where they could learn skills that are in demand in the area, or general things, live plumbing, or HVAC, and construction and stuff.