View Full Version : Why do you own a Kahr?

08-14-2013, 07:27 PM
I read so many issues on these boards and bs on various other Internet black holes. So the question is, why do you love your Kahr/s when according to the interneters the odds are against the Kahr. Why do you carry it, why when there is the mystical heaven sent glock around? We all know they have had their slide stop and magazine issues, why didn't you back down?

Also maybe throw in a picture of your Kahr in with your answer.

We need some positive reviews on our beloved Kahr, try to stop all this ignorant hate.

08-14-2013, 07:35 PM
So ill start, I originally bought a LCR for cc and do love the gun. I wanted a semi auto for carry and had a hard time deciding. I have shot several glocks and just don't like the grip, plus I do prefer American made firearms. I looked into the Rugers, Keltecs, H&K and many others. The Kahr caught my eye as a sexy thin cc weapon. I did hours of research before I ever bought mine. Nothing had what I really wanted no safety, 9mm, thin and look good, the kahr met that chriteria.

So I bought my CW9 and have loved it since. Have had zero and I mean zero issues with it. Only issue I have had was a few of the spare mags I bought had the springs installed backwards. The cw9 fits my hand perfect for a thin gun and the recoil vs weight is above average in my opinion.

I have since done some upgrades and love it that much more. I think most of the issues are mainly people talking out of their rearends. I do believe some come with issues, and I know Kahr handles them all very professionally and quickly. I trust their work and more important I trust their product. I do trust my Kahr to be there when I need it and to achieve the job I need done. Plus the trigger is better than my LCR and the LCR has a great trigger. Great gun and a great shooter.

My only issue with the Kahr handguns is I want more. I really want a elite 03 and a black pm9.


http://i800.photobucket.com/albums/yy290/ThroopA/9F3B700E-D1D7-4C53-A6E7-C1A5776A27EA-3055-000001A0574F3173_zps3c4a2b2a.jpg (http://s800.photobucket.com/user/ThroopA/media/9F3B700E-D1D7-4C53-A6E7-C1A5776A27EA-3055-000001A0574F3173_zps3c4a2b2a.jpg.html)

http://i800.photobucket.com/albums/yy290/ThroopA/2BAD8B5A-9796-45C9-A05D-D53B44FEBDA3-3055-0000019C9F60E4D2_zps48331d0f.jpg (http://s800.photobucket.com/user/ThroopA/media/2BAD8B5A-9796-45C9-A05D-D53B44FEBDA3-3055-0000019C9F60E4D2_zps48331d0f.jpg.html)

08-14-2013, 08:13 PM
CM9 fit in my pocket better than Kel-Tec or Ruger LC9. Diamondback was too new to be trusted. Info on internet ranked Kahr highly. Did not find these pages until a little later, but in time to do the pre-shooting prep . Never disappointed. Never seriously looked at the tiny 380's. All seemed to have reliability problems and too difficult to control for fast double-taps.

08-14-2013, 08:18 PM
I did a good bit of research since my CW9 was my first handgun. I read good feedback as well as finding it "fit the bill" after I developed a spreadsheet for the various 9mm's that I was considering. Weight, size, cost, built in the USA... just some of the items that helped me decide.

I have about 1000 trouble-free rounds thru my CW9. I now also have Ruger's, S&W's and Taurus's in other calibers but my CW9 is my favorite.

08-14-2013, 08:22 PM
I'll sum it up in two words. Concealability and reliability.

08-14-2013, 08:40 PM
From my military days a long time ago, I was never a fan of big handguns that weighed a ton. So about six months ago when a friend was showing me his collection of handguns, from the moment he handed me his MK9 I knew that my first gun was going to be a Kahr. It felt like it was an extension of my hand ... not something I had to take steriods in order to be able to lift it. But then ... I'm a wimpy pastor anyway ... right?

08-14-2013, 08:58 PM
For me... its a mental illness. I carry a small pistol to compensate for having a large member.....

But seriously foks, I carry the Kahr for three reasons.

1. Small, yet fast to deploy and safe to carry. Its the trigger setup that does it for me. A true DA feel.

2. The design is quite elegant, in the engineering sense. That is, the offset ramp, the cocking cam arraingment, the two piece striker...are all very nice ways of getting the job done.

3. Its available in .45ACP and its the smallest and lightest .45 out there.

08-14-2013, 09:08 PM
Shopped around for a CCW for weeks. Didn't really care for anything I found. Ran into a Kahr CM9, tried it and was sold immediately. Purchased a new in January and after a little over 1000 rounds and not 1 malfunction I'm more sold now than ever. My son has a Glock and I like it. Couldn't conceal it at all. I carry my CM9 everywhere I go. Invisible.

08-14-2013, 09:12 PM
I read so many issues on these boards and bs on various other Internet black holes. So the question is, why do you love your Kahr/s when according to the interneters the odds are against the Kahr. Why do you carry it, why when there is the mystical heaven sent glock around? We all know they have had their slide stop and magazine issues, why didn't you back down?

Also maybe throw in a picture of your Kahr in with your answer.

We need some positive reviews on our beloved Kahr, try to stop all this ignorant hate.


08-14-2013, 09:19 PM
Some would say I don't own a Kahr, they own me. Along with a few others.

Either way I'm happy. I like em, they run for me, and I don't see a day in the future where I don't have at least a couple to choose from in the wardrobe closet.

08-14-2013, 09:22 PM
My turn... I remember looking for a firearm, noticing the Kahr's and saying "damn, those are pricy." So I go my CC permit and bought a Springfield, few Sigs and Glocks, and even a Kimber (waste of $$$) - but kept looking the Kahrs for some reason. About a month ago I stumbled onto my K9 and though "Wow a stainless steel 9mm" and the grip was great too. It is Summer and I was carrying a Glock 30SF at the time so the Kahr looked that much better! The quality was just there too... This is the first firearm since the military that I have completely disassembled (for the most part), refurbished and made mine... My EDC and I shoot it very well... Yeah they are pricy but IMHO worth it.

08-14-2013, 09:59 PM

What the problem is?

08-14-2013, 11:02 PM
Cause I don't like Glocks? :o

08-14-2013, 11:27 PM
When buying my first CCW handgun, my choice came down to XD9SC and Kahr CW9. The Kahr obviously LOOKS cheaper and not as tacticool as the XD, so I bought the XD. After carrying that brick around for a while I realized that in the Texas summers I need something easier to conceal. Purchased the CW9 and love it. The DA trigger is perfect for CCW and it is very light. I even feel more confident with the Kahr than my XD.

I still think the Kahr is not the prettiest girl at the prom, but when it comes 2am she is built for the job.

08-15-2013, 06:50 AM

It is a lamentable fact that there is as much negative talk as positive talk concerning Kahr's reliability reputation on the many gun boards, this one included.

I own Kahrs because it is one of the very few dedicated concealed carry lines, designed for and intended for this one use. Other than some small pocket gun makers, nobody else caters to the CC market in the same way.

I don't carry a Kahr, but if I did, I'd carry my K9 with Crimson Trace laser, elite trigger and Mepro night sights. Almost the perfect CCW.

http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i186/ripley16/Pistols/Kahr/LouPatKahr018.jpg (http://s72.photobucket.com/user/ripley16/media/Pistols/Kahr/LouPatKahr018.jpg.html)

08-15-2013, 07:16 AM
Some would say I don't own a Kahr, they own me. Along with a few others.

Either way I'm happy. I like em, they run for me, and I don't see a day in the future where I don't have at least a couple to choose from in the wardrobe closet.

And your a natty dresser, Bawanna. :)

08-15-2013, 07:50 AM
CJB pretty much said it for me.
I like double action for carry. I like double action for weapons that my wife may handle (as does she, for complexity reasons).

I started with trying may different revolvers. Coming from a revolver, Kahr has the best DA trigger out there.

But the addiction/dedication kicked in when I truly 'learned' the pistol. The quality of parts, elegant, straightforward, design is beautiful in it's simplicity and reliability.

I have several Micro Sigs that are SA now that I carry allot .... but everywhere else is stashed with Kahrs. It's even therapeutic to just take them out and play/appreciate them.

08-15-2013, 07:58 AM
I love my K9 because it's a great combination of size, capacity, shootability, and caliber. Great trigger (if hard to master for precision shots), and the heft makes recoil totally forgettable.

I just don't like the taste of plastic kool aid. It's like aspertame, and steel (or alloy) is pure cane sugar. :)

Oh, and the picture...

08-15-2013, 08:15 AM
First let me state that I am rapidly getting older and luckily I have the funds that permit me to own what I want. I have long ago purged myself of any gun that I did not feel is near perfect in it's design and function. So the question rephrased from my standpoint should be, "If you have the ability to own any gun, why is a Kahr in your arsenal?

I believe that any small gun will be more likely to have issues than a larger one. From personal experience as an instructor, I believe that the bulk of these are operator error. Smaller carry guns are just minature versions of larger guns and the tighter tolerances required to make them function, require one to give up much of the benefits of their larger brothers. That said, tweaking to suit ones needs may become a necessity with any small firearm. With most, it is the requirement to use specific ammo. Big pain in the a** in my book. I have done little to my Kahr PM9 other than a couple of minutes of follower modification.

Why do I carry a PM9? I shoot all my revolvers DA. I own a couple of snubbies that have very nice trigger jobs. My PM9's trigger is a perfect compliment to my revolvers.

My PM9 is totally reliable with ANY ammo, including my reloads with a wide variety of powders, and any bullet shape.

I have said this many times before, if you are a DA trigger fan, try a Kahr.

08-15-2013, 08:28 AM
I made a move after 20 years from a revolver for pocket cc to a pf-9. wanted to stay with the same basic trigger type. Not much invested and it worked well just was not enjoyable to shot. Then I met a kahr cw9 owner at a range that was having a time with his and was ready to dump it. Price was to low to pass on and knowing nothing about any kahr troubles I bought it. I just assumed if it was troubled I could always send it in for some TLC if I could not figure it out.

It ran great for the next 500 rounds and I went to my general store and bought a CM9 as my pocket pistol. Proofed it and sold the pf-9. Both have been completely trouble free for a few years soo I bought a TP40. I had given my old 40 call house gun to a son-in-law and daughter and that was reason enough to buy a tp40 as I had a pile of 40cal ammo.

The kahrs serve well as my defense pistols for me.

http://i331.photobucket.com/albums/l444/hardluk1/th_107_4210_zps6a72ffe9.jpg (http://s331.photobucket.com/user/hardluk1/media/107_4210_zps6a72ffe9.jpg.html)

08-15-2013, 09:47 AM
It is sexy, elegant, and satisfies my requirements for a CCW piece. 7 round mags suck for some reason, but all the 6 rounders I have tried are great. There is a special pull for me towards metal guns, wood grips, and a leather holster. Combine that with a compact size and easy carry, I was sold.

08-15-2013, 10:59 AM
Over my 64 years I have owned dozens of Sigs, Rugers, Colts, S&W, Glocks and a few others. I have owned wheel guns and autos. I started CCW full time about 5 years ago and for the first few years I carried mostly mid sized autos (Sig P239 or Glock 19). A few years ago I read an article about the Kahr PM9 and it kind of stuck in my mind. About a year and a half ago I decided I wanted something a little smaller to carry full time so I went to my LGS with the idea of getting a Glock 26. While at the counter and the clerks busy with other customers the display of Kahrs caught my eye. When the clerk came over to me I asked to see the PM9. I thought, man this is really tight but the trigger felt awesome and after about a minute I heard myself say "write me up".

The next day (after doing all of the prep I read about on this forum) I went to the range with 250 rounds of American Eagle 124gr and 147gr ammo. I had no failures and was amazed at the feel and accuracy of this small gun. I ordered a Mitch Rosen OWB holster and the PM9 has never left my side. If I walk out the door It is on my belt. It is easily concealed with just shorts and a tee shirt.

The best thing is that after extended use and range sessions the Kahr has "loosened up" and the feel is something that only a Kahr fan understands. I will likely never sell or trade this gun.

Maybe some day a young man will tell his friends "this was my great grand daddy's favorite gun".

08-15-2013, 11:47 AM
I have several requirements for a carry gun. It has to have no external safety to worry about. It has to have a safety record for no accidental discharges of any kind. It has to be light on recoil and comfortable to shoot.It has to have a smooth trigger. It has to be small enough to conceal without extra weight. It has to be reliable. My CM9 had all these features so I added some beauty and bought another MK9. I wouldn't part with either of them.

08-15-2013, 01:19 PM
A friend let me shoot his CW45, and I liked the way it shot, so I decided to get one. I ended up with a CW40, as they were on sale that week. I like the concealability of the CW40, I love the trigger, as I sometimes have muscle spasms, that cause my fingers to twitch, which might set off a light weight SA trigger such as can be found on some 1911 type weapon, or some SA/DA pistols when shooting in SA mode. I thought that would be an advantage, in case I had to hold someone at gun point until the cops arrived. I could keep my finger close to the trigger, ready to shoot, yet not have it go off is a muscle spasm hit. I find it's a great weapon for those of us that are getting a little older, and are maybe a little shaky, or have problems like mine.

08-15-2013, 02:13 PM
I am pretty sure that I am going to end up with a PM9 in addition to my MK9. I would like the option of a lighter, thinner gun when the mood strikes me.

08-15-2013, 02:49 PM
I am also considering a PM9...

08-15-2013, 04:34 PM
Bought my PM9 when they first came out (VA serial #, IIRC). What year was that?
Gave that one to my oldest son several years ago.

Bought a CW45, which I like better because it makes bigger holes. :)

The reason why? Because Kahr makes a fine product and they suit my needs better than other brands.

08-15-2013, 05:04 PM
I love the size for concealment for a .45 , I love the lack of safety, I love how it feels in my hand, and I love how it shoots. I've had multiple ftfs, but It may be the ammo that I was shooting. I will figure it out. I've heard they are reliable guns as well. I just love my cw45

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

08-15-2013, 05:17 PM
Why? Because they are Awesome!!!! Bought a PM9 in April after doing a ton of research. Have 500+ rds thru it with no issues. Best concealed carry gun on the market. Also have a M&P 9C that can be carried as well but not disappear like the PM9. Pocket carry during summer and 4 o'clock IWB in the cold months.
S&W customer service can't hold a match to Kahr customer service. Contacted Jay @ Kahr for a mag swap (swapped 7 rd for another 6rd) and I had the mag in my hands within a week. Both Massachusetts companies where I live and S&W should take some lessons from Kahr on how to respond in a timely fashion. Fortunately my 9C has been flawless too.

08-15-2013, 05:29 PM
I actually own 3 Glocks, 26 x 2 & 17, and love them all. I'm not a certified fanboy but I liked them, I bought them, they work, simple. I wanted a single stack 9 mm that I could pocket carry & wear on the hip if I so desired. I also did much research on the subject. The review that hicock45 did on YouTube pretty much sold me. After my first trip to the range, I was sold. I love my little CM9. I have been pocket carrying it but just ordered a new OWB Kydex holster with built in pancake wings from Armed Civilian 556 on YouTube. I can't wait to try out that thin single stack on my hip. I'll bet it will be very comfortable. So, originally I was seeking a summer carry option in the pocket in light clothes. I love the Kahr so much I have made it my EDC due to comfort, shootability, and reliability. No knock on my Glocks, just love my Kahr that much. I'll post some pics when I get the new holster. It should be here by the end of next week.

08-15-2013, 05:45 PM
For me it was the design & feature set of a small CCW. I don't often get to CC living here in a foreign country called Maryland, but when I do visit the USA, my CW9 has the size, weight, and operational design I want exactly.

In addition I can't overemphasize that any gun I own must feel right in my hand. For large frame guns that's the Beretta 92FS. In a small package it is my Kahr CW9. I know it is subjective for every individual, but that fit is a very important selection criteria for me.

08-15-2013, 07:23 PM
I bought my PM9 after shooting a friend's new pistol. Not being used to a very small pistol like the Kahr PM9, he was experiencing some difficulties. Perhaps some of the problems also might have been due to lack of break-in they advise. All I know is that when I shot it, the ease of accuracy virtually amazed me! Five minutes later I was back in the showroom buying the only one in the showcase, the same one I'd seen there for months previously. It had only seemed interesting, but a little expensive, for a small used gun, until I shot one. With mine, there was no break-in necessary. I've had NO problems with it. I've switched out the stock sights to a set of Xs Big Dot nightsights. In the matter of point or instinctive shooting, I think I've gained some speed at very little cost in accuracy. If worst came to worst, as they say, I want this gun in my hand when it happens. Extremely concealable, very reliable, dependable, and remarkably accurate.

08-15-2013, 08:41 PM
For years, I carried revolvers, usually a S/W model 60. I decided that I wanted somethin' flatter & faster reloadin'. I bought a PM9. It has been on my belt for the last several years now every day. I have Glocks & a Beretta Nano, they are nice dependable guns, but the PM is always with me. Incidentally, it will shoot silver dollar size groups @ 7 yards, if I do my part!:D

08-15-2013, 11:29 PM
the first pistol I bought was a S&W MP9C. loved it, shot it better than my friends shot their full size guns. sold it because I needed something thinner for daily carry. bought a bersa .380 & used the extra cash to buy ammo. carried the Bersa for 4 years, then got married & the wife wanted to start carrying. she liked the bersa & shot it just as well, if not better than I did. So I did a bunch of research. The Kahr CW-9 was well within my budget, was slimmer than the Bersa (lighter too), was in 9mm (or more) and still had enough grip for me to hang onto it.
Rented the CW40 at the range, shot it nearly as well as I shot the mp9c, so I was convinced.
Went with the CW9 for controlability if the wife shoots it. took the new CW9 to the range and was shortly able to put all 8 shots into a 4" circle quite quickly. the only issues I've had were with chinese steel cased ammo that a friend's glock had problems with too. Also had some failures to lock back after the last shot, but traced that to an improper grip on my part. turns out, if you rest your thumb on the slide stop while firing, you can prevent it from engaging the slide after the last shot. never had any problems that were not my own fault. I never leave home without it. I'll be missing it when I send it in for some Trijicon night sights :(

08-15-2013, 11:34 PM
S&W 642
NAA 22Mag Mini

The two revolvers are the wifes....
I bought the CW45 first because of how it feels in my hand and wow how smooth
she shoots....
The CM9 came later after seeing every gun smith at a gun show except the glock smith all carrying PM9's....
I carry the CM9 everywhere under all conditions.....
Basically it is the perfect gun for my style of carrying front pocket holster....


08-18-2013, 11:04 PM
Started out carrying a Bodyguard semi...........great for carry, but shooting is another story. Wanted to up my firepower, and did some reading about Kahr's. Got an MK9 birdsong. A bit heavy, but accurate as h3!!, butter smooth trigger, simple, but looks good, feels good..........everything I was looking for in a carry firearm. Will never part with it. Looking at the PM now. He's hooked, reel em in....................

08-20-2013, 08:22 PM
Wish I had a higher post count so I could take pics of the twins! I bought two PM9s for the wife and I cuz they were cheap :eek: A year or so ago I paid $649.00 each and thought that was bad. 2 months ago the same gun at the same shop was $829.00. Have close to 1000 rds through mine without one hiccup, my wife had alot of FTF issues but the shop took care of that at no charge :) The twins are ten serial #s apart which is kinda cool. The PM9 is my EDC choice when the weather is warm but gotta admit I like my 1911 when winter comes and it's easy to hide. My wife has her PM9 every day all year.

08-20-2013, 09:47 PM
Started out carrying a Bodyguard semi...........great for carry, but shooting is another story. Wanted to up my firepower, and did some reading about Kahr's. Got an MK9 birdsong. A bit heavy, but accurate as h3!!, butter smooth trigger, simple, but looks good, feels good..........everything I was looking for in a carry firearm. Will never part with it. Looking at the PM now. He's hooked, reel em in....................

This is probably as good a price as you'll find for a black PM9.


08-20-2013, 09:51 PM
Why do I own a Kahr? Because it's too far to walk. :)

08-20-2013, 09:53 PM
I own a CW45 cause I was on a tight budget and wanted the best I could get for my $ and have a .45.
The CW45 filled that requirement perfectly and I'm completely satisfied.

08-21-2013, 10:17 AM
This is probably as good a price as you'll find for a black PM9.

Too bad I don't live anywhere near there.............................