View Full Version : CW45 stovepipe issues

08-15-2013, 10:42 AM
I posted this in another forum and they suggested i mosey on over here and ask also. Here goes! I bought this pistol brand new about 6 months ago. ive run several different types of self defense loads through it, 185grn mostly with no issues. a few months ago i took it out to let a friend of mine shoot it because he is looking for a concealed pistol and he liked my little CW45. of course im not going to blow through 25$ worth of ammo just to "see if he likes it" so i just grabbed a box of my handloads. 99% of my reloads are 230 grn plated bullets over 5.4 grains of Win 231 is my plinking load that works great in my 1911.

the problem was about once every mag it would stovepipe and crush the spent case. but only with my reloads. ive run about 100 rnds of the 185 grain personal defence loads without a hiccup

Are the springs so stiff in the Kahr pistols that they wont shoot light/medium 45 loads? or is something wrong with my pistol?

08-15-2013, 11:16 AM
Yes the springs in a Kahr are a lot stiffer than a typical 1911.

08-15-2013, 11:58 AM
I had the same problem wih my well broken in PM40 trying to shoot very mild hand loads that feed and shoot fine in my M&P 40...Kahrs, especially new ones are very tight and the recoil springs need no less than full power loads to feed properly...

This is normal and not a problem with your gun...Try loading some max loads in whatever powder/bullet combination your book calls for and see if it will cycle the pistol....Modern reloading manuals are very conservative on their load data so what they call a "max" load is perfectly safe in any modern firearm....NEVER exceed what the book shows as a max charge and check your brass for signs of over pressure but that shouldn't be a problem....Be sure and check your reloaded rounds over all length and be sure they aren't too long...These little pistols don't have much of a tolerance for bullets not seated deep enough so keep an eye on that....

Good luck and welcome to KahrTalk let us know if you continue having any problems...Many good friendly folks here always willing to help out....