View Full Version : PSA-25 Baby Browning clone

08-15-2013, 01:28 PM
Just got home with my new PSA-25. These are clones of the Baby Browning that are made here in the U.S. I'm used to small, I carry a Seecamp, but this thing is microscopic. :eek: I currently have no .25acp ammo so I'll have to wait to test it out. Very tight, finely machined little pistol. This one has a brushed nickel finish.

http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i186/ripley16/Pistols/Current%20Pistols/PSA-25001_zpsad81dd82.jpg (http://s72.photobucket.com/user/ripley16/media/Pistols/Current%20Pistols/PSA-25001_zpsad81dd82.jpg.html)

08-15-2013, 01:35 PM
Nice find! The ones I've seen did seem well made:)

08-15-2013, 01:43 PM
If you can't find any 25 around let me know. I think I have a couple boxes for my Vest Pocket Colt. I'll send ya some.

Man shouldn't have a gun with no bullets, just ain't right.

I've not laid eyes on one those in person but looks nice in the picture.

08-15-2013, 06:16 PM
I daily casual dress carried a Baby clone...a Bauer...way, way back in the day when such was considered perfectly normal.

08-15-2013, 07:56 PM
I had a Bauer and a Frasier. Both cracked their slides at the ejection port.

08-28-2013, 11:28 PM
Did you get it at their website? Or did you fint it locally? I have been looking for one of those for a while now. I have an interest in the little 25's. Currently have a colt vest pocket, FN belgium baby, and two beretta jetfires...

mr surveyor
08-28-2013, 11:41 PM
I've lusted for a Belgium Baby (for a good price) for many years. I figure I still have another good 15-20 years to make a score :D

08-29-2013, 07:08 AM
Did you get it at their website? Or did you fint it locally? I have been looking for one of those for a while now. I have an interest in the little 25's. Currently have a colt vest pocket, FN belgium baby, and two beretta jetfires...

I found it on Gunbroker. It was a nice, smooth easy deal.