View Full Version : New Kahr P9 owner

08-17-2013, 11:01 PM
Just picked up my first Kahr. Been a Sig guy for quite sometime, I have 24 of them! Figured I'd try something new so I picked up a P9 used. Great pistol so far! I plan on switching out the sights but has a couple questions.
Front and rear, which way to push them??? Sigs go left to right if you are staring at the back, just not sure about Kahrs! Any help would be appreciated!

St. Clair Shores MI

08-18-2013, 06:45 AM
Welcome to the forum. The P9 is a really fun Kahr; big enough to shoot well and enjoy at the ramge, small enough to hide on your person almost anywhere.

Sights are pushed left to right. They are very tight. Local gunsmiths refuse to work on them they are so tight. You also have to know whether your P9 takes old Vs. new style sights. Look for a dimple machined into the underside of the slide near the striker for new style. No dimple equals old style. Your used P9 may be either, so check before buying sights.


08-18-2013, 10:43 AM
Thanks for the reply!
The slide does have the dimple so it's the new style.
I should have my pusher delivered tomorrow, thanks for the help!

08-18-2013, 01:34 PM
I did my PM40's sights with the sight pusher. The front broke free without too much worry, but the rear required some oomph and continuous checking that the pusher wasn't catching on anything and stayed low on the base of the rear sight. It finally "popped" free.

Remove from left to right and install right to left. I used the paperboard dividers from a wine case to prevent damage to the slide and to build up the necessary height for the pusher to just clear the base of the dovetails. Check often for proper alignment to preclude scratching or dinging the slide/dovetails.

With my Glocks, I used a LASER boresighter to check POA vs POI from the slide resting on the kitchen bar/counter and a vertical line as the door jamb. I wound up with the rear sight slightly to the right, which proved to be correct at the range.

For ease in cranking the pusher, I used a 1/2"-drive ratchet set and a large boxed-end wrench.
