08-18-2013, 10:25 AM
I had a jam problem with my CM40. I read on this forum that the slide spring was probably loose. Sure enough, it was. tightened it up, no more jams. Now, problem is, the slide won't stay open on the last round. Not a huge problem but would be nice if the gun functioned has designed. I bought this for a carry gun, but now questioning its reliabulity. So far, not too impressed.
I had a jam problem with my CM40. I read on this forum that the slide spring was probably loose. Sure enough, it was. tightened it up, no more jams. Now, problem is, the slide won't stay open on the last round. Not a huge problem but would be nice if the gun functioned has designed. I bought this for a carry gun, but now questioning its reliabulity. So far, not too impressed.